"it's a Syd episode" edition
/leg/ - LEGION general
no takers? does this show have no fanbase or are you all busy sneed- and capeshit-posting
it was a based oliver episode.
>its a "Yea Forums lets threads about good shows die" episode
This wasn't a very noteworthy episode. Not really much to talk about.
who was the wolf? just some guy who got lost in the astral plane or a representation of something?
The most blatantly antisemitic TV series episode ever.
>I'm the new norm, like stepmother porn.
Oh man. Too real.
that caricature JErome nose
Last episodes, they are cancelled so nothing to lose.
It's not us or "them".
It's us and "them".
These filler episodes are so shit. Nobody cares about Syd. Probably the least interesting character on this show. At least we got more based Oliver though.
Are the time demons Jews? Based arab btfo-ing them.
The state of Yea Forums when no one has picked up on the most redpilled tv episode ever. Grade school tier reading comprehension and there is nothing to read into, it's plain as day
Has there been a more antisemitic American network TV series episode?
south park?
South Park is at least pretend satire, Legion was not satire.
Legion was doing a woke redpilled thing.
Okay, OP, we get it, you can stop bumping your thread now. You are absolutely right that Yea Forums is in a sorry state when such a fantastic show goes undiscussed. But look at the state of yourself going to such desperate measures trying to contrive conversation.
So David is Jesus?
It's irrelevant, too convoluted to follow. This was a bit of a stand-alone episode.
David's mother is a crazy gypsy. So
Not quite.