Alex: "[Lion King] looks a bit flat."

>Alex: "[Lion King] looks a bit flat."
>Adam: "Well, it might have just been your TV."

Attached: dograpist.jpg (900x900, 71K)

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who is this guy? he looks like he fucks dogs

Voice is so annoying

oh nice, a eceleb reddithread

>the movie featured virtually no footage of lion genitalia but I still masturbated and came so I’m giving this one a 6/10

cunnyfags are just as cancer as furfags

Is this Adam from


Attached: golden-retriever-puppy.jpg (1100x734, 44K)

Who the fuck cares about this dogfucker and takes him seriously? These threads are shit and you should kill yourself.

It is fun to shit on him though and its a nice change of pace cause every where else on the internet, people likes to suck his cock like he did with that dog, cause for some reason everyone thinks he's a good critic.

so does that mean there talking about the cartoon? how did he watch it on a tv if not? are they talking about the trailer?

>muh sex and pleasure bad
>muh pain and murder good
really convinced me

What if he is a good critic and Yea Forums is wrong? Like always...

You've clearly never listened to this fucker of dogs.

And how's that any different from Yea Forums's contrarianism, constant bitching and moaning, and pretentious nature.

Whats this meme about him fucking dogs?

Just because a lot of people on Yea Forums are annoying doesn't make dogfucker a smart person

He correctly states that it's hypocritical to make bestiality illegal when farming practices such as artificial insemination, scientific experiments, and slaughter are all legal.

You're either too dumb to see his is correct or too stupid not to hear the word 'dick' without imagining the speaker engaging with one.

t. dogfucker


compared to who though? who do you like man so we can see how shit he is compared to them? are you a reviewer or something?

Canine fornicator.

>dude don't even question me about fucking dogs if you wat meat ok

of course the furfag would defend lion king remake. he was probably jerking off as he was watching it

the orginal

No, it's more like 'meat eaters and dogfuckers are on the same level [to the vegan] as they both deny animals bodily autonomy'.

and that's why every fucking hates and memes on vegans. You must be pretty flexible cause its hard to get your head that far up your own ass.

Yeah, I agree. Also, the tax rates are too high so I should be able to rob a bank! People are getting locked up in prison for false reasons so I should be able to lock up women in my basement!

Fuck off, because officials do something bad doesn't mean you should be able to do it too. I agree farming practises are terrible, but you should seek to improve them, not let everyone do them.

why is everyone hating on adam? is it because he criticized your pixar movies?

It's because he is a retarded zoophile with no knowledge of the medium whatsoever. Not whatever meme reason Adam told you

canine raper

you just mad because he said toy story 3 is a copypaste of 2 which is true

Implying you have any knowledge whatsoever lmao
Meanwhile he's a successful YouTuber and you are nothing

stop raping dogs

Is that the YourMuttSucksMyCock guy?
I didn't know he reviewed things other than dogs assholes.


>has no understanding of cinenatic history
>doesn't comprehend that a film can be just a audio visual experience and have equal worth as something where every part has a definitive "meaning"
>thinks that movies can "age" and that it just isn't a different style from a different time with the limitations and pros of that time

A shit movie from 70 years ago is a shit movie from 70 years ago and a good movie from 70 years ago is a good movie today

ate horse today delicious

MMmmm, burger good.
Bacon good.
Dog cock not good.

Is he the guy who said he couldn't review Army Dog because he couldn't stop jacking off to the fuckhut scene?

Attached: family approved army dog.jpg (329x445, 40K)

>acking off to the fuckhut scene?

He likes to imagine himself as the little Vietnamese boy.

im gonna need more context

Is he wrong here... at all?

>stop pleasuring things
stop torturing things

did he really fuck a dog? i understand he’s a furry but i’m gonna need a quick rundown on this one.

Let's just say that Army Dog shows the horrors of war that 99.99% of war reporters won't talk about.

>raping dogs
maybe for you not for the dog

Oh yeah I'm sure the bitch that wags her booty begging for it or the dude dog that tries to mount his owner really doesn't want it either
sex is painful and not pleasuring right?

His film "criticism" always boils down to a list of plot holes, followed by aspects of the film being "good" or "bad" or "amazing" or "beautiful" or something else like that. He rarely talks about why those aspects are the way they are, which is pretty important when it comes to film criticism. This is a problem the majority of film reviewers on Youtube suffer from. As for not knowing older films very well, I think it is possible for someone who hasn't seen many old films to review newer films and for that reviewer to make good criticism. However, as I said earlier, dogfucker doesn't make good criticisms.

When are we getting /incel/ - Internet Celebrities?

reminder that if you're allowed to eat meat he should be allowed to dick a dog

i hope you get some sick dog aids Adam

like raping boys?

abuser of man's best friend

an abuser of a man's best friend is my enemy

He has no knowledge of film history and he knows nothing about what it takes to make a film. All of his reviews reflect this

YMS > IHE > Ralph

Ralph >> YMS > IHE

i like mauLer

mauLer has a voice so smooth is relaxing, at first i didn't like rags nor dishonored wolf but having them together it makes them enjoyable

Okay Reddit.

he is, way better than RLM

Imagine being this new

3:10 "If everyone hunted hunter-gather would it still be OK to have sex with animals? Still yeah."

Okay Adam is a dogfucker.

Can you tell us what makes him a good critic?

not actually a bad idea, but I'd rather get /capeshit/ and /spaciz/ (Star Wars, short for space wizards, rhymes with basic) before that.


Post full picture

>what makes him a good critic
hating most things, nitpicking and throwing technical terms around that impress people that never heard them.

Attached: 1E1DE727-E9EE-4CF9-9878-5DECA4511F4C.jpg (480x270, 68K)

it will ether contain eceleb shilling or make it 10x worse and attract truckloads of ecelebs and their shill core (like itt)

the only fault i can see in adam is that he doesn´t watch old movies

Consuming animals via farming =/= dogfucking

The weird thing is he watches all sorts of weird, sleep-inducing euroshit about listless couples living with depression in the city or some shit so it's not like he's some kind of megapleb who can only be aroused by marvel quipshit, so what's his prblem with old films?

because he doesn't like treating film like a dick measuring contest as he proceeds to jerk himself off at how many foreign films he watches
23 minutes in

Adam shouldn’t you be fucking dogs right now or something

He also doesn't know anything about filmmaking

Based and redpilled

Adam didn't even say that though. He said it was OK to fuck animals.

RLM doesn't talk about subjects way out of their league and pretend to understand them.

I pity you

Dats a qt dog

kys adam

This is one of dogfucker's biggest problems. He runs his mouth on shit he knows nothing about. That's where the whole Citizen Kane thing comes from. He also shouldn't talk about the technical side of filmmaking because he knows nothing about that either.

>the only fault i can see in adam is that he doesn´t watch old movies

Attached: helmet.png (403x448, 53K)

im convinced adam googles himself constantly. He has commented on this guys videos every time.

They were asked how they knew so much about filmmaking progress, and Adam said he got it all from watching behind-the-scenes.
That's just embarrassing, so Adam really hasn't read "How to Read a Film", which Yea Forums keeps recommending for some reason.

Well that's a really low bar