>871 days until Avatar 2
871 days until Avatar 2
Based and sustainable.
Didn't we already have this exact same thread before?
Cringe zoombrellas.
Can't wait
Maybe I'm imagining things, but I think those numbers go up everytime I see this thread
>As head of security it is my job to keep you alive. I will not succeed. Not with all of you. If you wish to survive 871 days, you have to cultivate a strong mental attitude. You have to obey the rules. Pandora rules.
blue Zoe best Zoe!
Big milestone day
With James Cameron taking longer in post-production and if Alita is anything to go by, A.M.P.'s must be looking awesome. It's still a complete blank whether he can pull of the mixture of live action and CGI as seamlessly in the Na'vi vs Humans in Avatar. Starship Troopers have helped in the practical FX with the bugs. Na'vi's being a blend of blue and green colors is one threshold that needs to be reach for VFX artist. Fury Road, Thanos, Ceasar, and Alita are great reference points for Avatar 2: Electric Boogaloo in terms of how it will used technology. Everyone seems to forget that James Cameron is an SFX artist first before he became a director. Never underestimate The Roger Corman Film School Alumni.
will they rerelease the first one?
I never saw it in 3D
what about green Zoe?
not best Zoe obviously
but brown Zoe though
they better show blue indian spacecat butthole or it wont be any good
not best Zoe. I can spell it out:
blue Zoe > green Zoe = brown Zoe
Jimbo's world building is unparalleled.
what about a hypothetical orange Zoe?
Okay, I'm not going to see it.
Avatar was interesting on a visual level but its story boils down to "nature good, humans bad". It was shit and anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it.
No. Zoe needs to play a red skinned Sith Twi'lek. Hands down best idea.
You should realize where A2 is going at this point. Humans are coming back for their space rocks and A2 will end with the Na'vi getting their shit pushed in.
Op why are you excited for this movie?
no, the humans in 2 will be the crew of a marine hunting/research vessel
I can't wait. Gonna watch it with the bf.