good god this movie was fucking bad
Good god this movie was fucking bad
It was worse than bad. It was bland.
This Spider-man feels like a watered down Batman Beyond.
Fuck off /pol/ racist
Peter and MJ's relationship was one of the very few things I liked, so go fuck yourself.
It was ok for being capeshit
it was pretty fucking awful. i miss the raimi movies bros
It was definitely rushed and the twists were stupid as fuck. Spider-Man hardly did anything and there were a hundred Fucking plot holes.
Having said that, the after credits scene was the best out of all the marvel movies so far.
Ikr? Spider-man was barely present in this movie at all. They made this Peter insufferable too. Never explained why he all of a sudden has a crush on diversity MJ either. MJ is twice as insufferable too. Who would like a potato with aspergers
>who would like a potato with aspergers
Their relationship was the only bad part of the movie. It was for horny teenage nerds to project themselves onto the nerdy Peter Parker so they get to bang the hot chick
Mysterio is a shitty villain with a gay backstory.
The relationship portion of the movie sucked.
MJ shouldn't be a mutt. And the rest of Peter class friends sucks too. And the protagonist resembles only the retard version of the 2012 cartoon.
But the hot chick was dating a fat gook
Why did they make MJ a mutt anyways and change her name? She isn't likeable in any way
It exists solely to steep eurofags in capeshit cancer. We have to broaden our horizons after all.
Mysterio is one of the few good things in this movie
It was objectively the greatest Spider-man, kill yourselves pleb faggots
T. 15 year old
>objectively the greatest
>shitty forced """romance""" w/ ugly-ass "MJ"
>completely forgettable soundtrack
>completely pointless and cringe-worthy scenes with pointless and cringe-worthy support characters
>The Spider-Boy from Homecoming now turns into Iron-Boy in Far From Home
>shitty post credit scenes (inb4: b-but muh J. Jonah Jameson)
>"with great power, give it to a random nigger you met like 3 fucking days ago"
>Another "butthurt because of Tony Stark" villain
For some reason, Yea Forums will defend this trash and some other shit-taste faggots will call it "the best Spider-Man movie". Sad
kys tranny subhumans
No other Spiderman film could ever even hope to possess half the soul of the Raimi movies.
>resorts to shitposting when he can't even defend the movie
absolutely pathetic
>Too dumb for fucking capeshit
Stop watching movies
That may be, but he's still a shitty villain.
Not him but what are you even talking about you retard? It's the most braindead fucking movie and even a 10 year old could understand it
>Too smart for fucking capeshit
Stop watching MCU movies
So what was the justification in the movie to go on an international field trip despite ~50% of the classmates being absent for 5 years? Wouldn't Europe still be struggling and rebuilding along with everyone else?
>Insight project is bad!!! Hydra wants to control the world!!! they have an armed Hellicarrier and they can kill everyone!
>Tony has 1 fucking billion of mortal drones who can kill everyone, just "EDITH KILL HIM I DONT LIKE HIM"
this movie is the peak of a bad plot, bad acting, and bad script, fucking shitfest Mysterio was the only god part and he appears like 15 min in the whole movie
>he expects lasting consequences in the MCU
That shitty "conflict" between Iron Man and Captain America in Endgame is so fucking forced.
>hurr you weren't there to fight Thanos and I'm mad because I turned you into a runaway criminal
Nigga what, Cap literally held Thanos' fist in the place the last stone was and where Thanos actually did the snap
Mysterio shouldn't be as serious a threat as he was here.
this, Tony having a mortal army of drones (also not using them against Thanos) 0 fucking sense
Homecoming having no menace outside of that one scene was one of the most disappointing things about it.
There wasn't a scene in Far From Home half as good as that car scene from Homecoming.
And Homecoming wasn't even very good
>You know what people love most about Spider-Man? When he behaves like a complete fucking immoral retard.
And that's how this movie was made.
the car scene was the only good scene in the movie
basically every interaction between true mysterio and spiderman was as tense IMO, the final illusion was great.
You are cringe
This shouldn't even be considered a spidey movie.
It pretty much isn't. Spider-Man was barely fucking in it.
seething mysteriofag
Not him but you're right. The mysterio in this movie was fucking garbage
I agree. He's one of my favorite Spider-Man villlains but this really wasn't Mysterio.
Seriously though, how do you surpass the soul and sincerity of the Raimi trilogy?
Hire writers and a director that give a shit, film things practically within reason, get rid of the heavy dependence on the larger MCU, don't let Avi Arad bully you. So long as you end up adapting a Spider-Man story with a villain you really connect with, it should end up pretty fucking great with that equation.
I'd love to see a take on Kraven's Last Hunt, or a better take on the symbiote suit storyline. I liked the recent Venom movie pretty well but that story really hasn't been done justice on film and I think it deserves a second chance.
t. Jeremy Conrad
west cucks gonna west cuck
capeshitters eat shit on a daily basis
I can’t remember a single memorable shot from this piece of shit. It’s just like a blur of cgi and unfunny jokes every 5 mins
This is probably why people thought well of Shazam and why it was compared to Raimis trilogy.Its a movie about our main characters life that just happens to become a super hero at some point.The MCU cape shit is just the same formula over and over again and it never takes it self serious enough to be an actual movie.
It was actually good... as a family-friendly comedy. As a capeshit movie it was pretty terrible. Endgame is in the exact same boat. It's pretty enjoyable as a comedy, but don't you dare take it seriously because it falls apart pretty fast.
You can blame Thor Ragnarok for this.
So many Marvel characters have this problem, especially villains. They resemble the comic counterparts in name and appearance only.
>It was actually good... as a family-friendly comedy.
I agree to some extent. Some of the jokes weren't terrible. I saw it in a theater with like 4 other people and some of the jokes actually hit. It's my least favorite Spider-Man movie by a long shot though. Even the fucking train wreck that was TASM2 with its clusterfuck story had enough sense to have lots of scenes of Spider-Man doing Spider-Man things and the CGI in that movie is objectively amazing. The CGI in this never once looked believable and it was obsessed with giving Spider-Man a new costume every 15 minutes.
Fuck off SJW
This is essentially what he is. The problem is that the idea is not bad but it just does not work. Spider-Man is and always will be his own hero so making Tony his mentor doesnt feel right
This. At least I remembered the shot in Homecoming where Peter is trying to hold the steamboat together because of how shitty and fake it looked. This was one was even more forgettable than the last one which is saying a lot.
>shitty post credit scene
Why is everyone creaming themselves over this? It’s not like JJ says more than a couple lines, plus it feels WAY too early to reveal Spider-Mans identity, he hasnt even had a chance to really become Spiderman yet
Hated the movie but those illusion scenes were more creative than anything marvel has put out in years. Think about how starved capeshit enthusiasts are of good scenes, mysterios illusions must be god like to them
How did Peter afford the trip, isnt he poor? Didnt aunt May snap so surely she lost all her money. What happened to all the snapped individuals bank accounts, were banks expecting half the world to return at some point and want their money? That doesnt matter lets what the blond cutie kiss the fat boy lol
I thought the idea was that he built them after iw since they failed against Thanos and he was depressed, otherwise that makes him seem retarded because he was supposed to have changed after creating ultron. What were those gay drones going to do to Thanos they are only good for killing humans
The most disappointing thing about homecoming was the lack of fight scenes. I need to rewatch the movie but I dont remember spider man throwing a single punch in the 2 fight scenes that were there
Can you believe a decent amount of people were going as far as to call that the best Spiderman film ahaha its like they have no criteria beyond how entertained they are at the moment
Are you telling me a movie that so obviously pandered to the lowest common denominator, depended on CGI like it's the cure for cancer and hinged on brand recognition didn't live up to the hype? If only there were warning signs that pointed to this movie being a disappointment. Ah well, no love lost, right, Yea Forums? How about you guys forget about this movie and spend your time speculating about the next big thing to which you'll come back here after watching it just to complain how it didn't live up to your expectations? Wait, it's almost like there's a pattern here. Bah, who cares?! Consume, consume, consume!!
>Can you believe a decent amount of people were going as far as to call that the best Spiderman film ahaha its like they have no criteria beyond how entertained they are at the moment
And they repeated the same thing about Far From Home. Of course it has also died down.
The only good thing, honestly