Not remotely comic accurate

>Not remotely comic accurate
>Disrespectful to the source material
>More goofy, funny, light-hearted
>Family friendly
>Heavy CGI
>Character cast more on his popularity than by his talent

Just like your average Marvel movie

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The only dc movie marvelcucks would like if it came up today

A very valid comparison, it's pretty much exactly like a Marvel film. And an eternal "B" character to boot.

>A very valid comparison, it's pretty much exactly like a Marvel film.
Like Shazam.
But I'm mad that today Reynolds Green Lantern would make a billion at the box office

>>Not remotely comic accurate
>>Disrespectful to the source material
No one cares about this. But yeah, that flick sucked.

>complaining about Green Lantern being goofy
t. Someone who's only ever read Geoff Johns' Green Lantern. The movie sucked but not necessarily for this reason

It also ended the career of Martin Campbell, who directed No Escape, Goldeneye, Mask of Zorro and Casino Royale.

Deservedly so.

>not adapting the best GL storyline
Serves them right.

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How did the guy that made Casino Royale and Goldeneye make this atrocity?

The difference between Green Lantern and MCU films is that GL never gives the audience a single reason to give a shit about Hal.
He's just this cunt who flies planes, who gets chosen for "willpower" he never displays in the slightest, blows off training because again, he's a bit of a cunt, then is miraculously the "Best There Ever Was" out of a corp of experience green magic ring wielders.
Hammon was a more sympathetic character than the main hero.
The cloud of shit that was the Final Boss might just be the worst villain in comic movie history, giving surpassing Steppenwolf easily and only really being challenged by Doomachev. Even ASM2 had better villainry.
The romance, if you can call it that, is awful shit. And the scenes on Oa are ridiculously obvious CGI, it's like the worst shots of RDjr's head stuck on CGI armor x100.
Somehow the bacon suit is worse than DCEU Flash.

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Like Flopzam, this movie is an ego-prop for Geoff Johns.
At SOME point WB is going to stop making lackluster, low-performing adaptations of Geoff Johns storylines.

Ryan renolds is a shitty actor. Same fucking character in every role. bla bla character roles, yeah whatever. Would be fine if his characters weren't so fucking awful and cringe

>Somehow the bacon suit is worse than DCEU Flash.
Uhm no. The dceu Flash suit is overdesigned but actually creative.
The Green Lantern movie suit was crappy just because was an hybrid of animate motion capture.
If they did something like dceu Cyborg suit it would have been kino

WB suits most likely pulled the same kind of shit they did with BvS / JL.

He's not terrible, he just seems kind of underachieving. Found the heart of the niche persona type he kept getting hired as & ran with it.
Maybe that's more pragmatism. GL also came more or less right after that godawful, hated first run as Deadpool, which didn't help this already shitty attempt.

Geoff John's Hal was goofy in a sardonic way, it wasn't half bad.
But here he just seems a generic hero that goes around making jokes and signing autographs.
I like comic funny Hal, but there he is stupidly funny Hal

>Uhm no. The dceu Flash suit is overdesigned but actually creative.
The Flash costume is the wreckage of an Iron Man suit strung together with piano wire.
Even the burgundy upholstery TV version is superior.

Attached: Flash Justice League.jpg (768x988, 74K)

It doesn't look like concrete though

Who’s that green guy?

The worst thing is that the original movie script was even......great!
It had Alan Scott as a government operative and former Green Lantern who assists Hal Jordan
Featured Legion as the main villain, a monster born from experiments conducted by the Guardians of the Universe with the Yellow Light of Fear. Sinestro, Tomar-Re and Kilowog arriving to help Jordan battle Parallax in the third act.
It had Alan Scott was in it in place of Waller, Clark Kent and Guy Gardner had cameos, there was foreshadowing for Star Sapphire, the Corps actually got to DO something. And more importantly it was well written, tight, and the characters felt real and earnest and were a joy to read about.

Cyborg suit looks like fucking shit as well though

So what the fuck went wrong? Why'd they fuck the script up?

>The Flash costume is the wreckage of an Iron Man suit strung together with piano wire.
Yeah, I think that is the point. You see in the original JL Zack Snyder's script Flash created the suit himself, and with his superspeed he keeps adding new things to it because he thinks it looks cool.
But yeah, that fake wires are trying to hard to be original

No, it's just the final Josh Whedon reshots that are bad, if you look at Snyder's concept it looks cool.
But I mean that the green lantern cgi suit should be an armor like thing. Think at Dc Legends video game Green Lanterns

Long Answer: Well, first of all Greg Berlanti wrote the original script and was slated to direct the movie, but WB didn't believe he was competent enough to handle a big-budget blockbuster and replaced him for Martin Campbell.
But even then the movie went severely overbudget, requiring emergency rewrites to scale down the scope and several CGI-heavy scenes to be deleted as it would be impossible to complete them, notably an extensive training sequence on planet Oa and Sinestro, Tomar-Re and Kilowog arriving to help Jordan battle Parallax in the third act.

Short Answer: WB is shitty because they didn't have the balls to give it more badget (it's not that WB owned by the richest company in the world can't afford it) and they changed the director that loved the comic because they thought he couldn't make it, so they used a director that knew nothing about the comic and thus the movie was....this

>No one cares about this. But yeah, that flick sucked.
Uhm.....we comic book fans that go to see movie about comic books care about this

But this ruined the careers of all involved because it wasn't funny, goofy or light hearted.

It's bland, empty, devoid of character and painfully obvious everyone involved were just cashing a paycheck.

>>Not remotely comic accurate
>>Disrespectful to the source material
>>More goofy, funny, light-hearted
>>Family friendly
>>Heavy CGI
>>Character cast more on his popularity than by his talent
>Just like your average Marvel movie

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How does it feels have Marvel's dick permanently stuck in your mouth?

>It's bland, empty, devoid of character and painfully obvious everyone involved were just cashing a paycheck.
Just like your average Marvel movie

Guardians 1 was great. Mostly because it came out alongside jjtrek

No, they completelly destroyed Starlord's comic character in favor of a generic Han Solo wannabe.
Since his first appearence he was supposed to be the serius bad space cop. With Gamora being the serius good space cop.
Plus Drax whole life should be being an artificial being created to kill Thanos, not a generic familyless bounty hunter.
And the fact that it wasn't neither serious or taken itself seriously is what I hate more

How will marvel ever recover?

Oh right they're a multi billion dollar franchise with no end in sight

Was a decent movie with minor fixable issues and an leads of potential for the sequel it set up.
Walking away from Strong as the main villain and Reynolds as the hero was second in retarded things the DC movie universe has done only to everything Snyder touched.

And so? We're just trying to boycott them with constructive criticism

>Walking away from Strong as the main villain and Reynolds as the hero was second in retarded things the DC movie universe has done only to everything Snyder touched.
Zack Snyder is the only good directors that actually went and made superheroes movies good and epic, no cash grabber movies as Patti Jenkins, James Wan, David Sandberg and every mcu movie did.
Snyder is the man! He did what every other directors doesn't have the balls to do, making superheroes realistic and precisely how the world would see them and makes you think at the real world.
And the proof is that Patti jenkins, James wan, David Sanberg destroyed this concept in favor of lighthearted movies that leave you nothing.
It was WB that destroyed Snyder's vision and destroyed the only thing in the universe that would have made people care about superheroes and how the world really is. Now thanks to WB we have cash grabber and infantilized lighthearted superhero family movies forever.
There was a time above...a time before Patty Jenkins, James Wans and David Sandberg ...there were perfect things Zack Snyder did...diamond absolutes. But things fall...Patty Jenkins, James Wans and David Sandberg happened on earth. And what fallen. In the dream, it took me to the light. A beautiful lie is dreaming that Patty Jenkins, James Wans and David Sandberg didn't ruined the DCEU.

Is this bait or a serious bait?

Snyder is a low level numpty that had to be highly restrained to make 300 even watchable. Watchmen was all over the place and so off the mark with the main characters it was heinous. His work for DC is an abomination. He will be known as the clown who made superman a coward moron. Batman was a joke. He couldn't have fucked Millers vision any harder with his jesus boner.
Snyder single handedly did more to take down DC than marvel ever did.

Campbells Green Lantern is basic, simple and formulaic.

It is also uncluttered, clear and creates a platform a series could be built on. All things Snyder is incapable of because he thinks he is deep and spends his time on imagery that does not support and further the storyline.
Snyder sucks.

The thinking man's Captain Marvel

>Clark Kent and Guy Gardner had cameos
sounds like the decision to make the snyder cinematic shitverse affected this
they wanted to start the cinematic universe with Green Lantern but then decided it had to be like the Nolan movies

Pretty sure you turn your brain off for capeshit. If you can even turn it on to begin with

Bitch please
>Comic book accurate
Is a way of saying "In a medium where strong traits are reused, the adaption kept that usage of traits so more stuff could be produced"

The core reason why GL(2011) sucked, is because it lacked ANYTHING to draw in the audience.
Comics has a lot of stuff that could do that, even a better script could have stumbled upon something. Instead its just some shitty CGI-fest that isn't attached to a strong brand name.
So far MCU have had weaker movies like Thor 1-3, which works because they are attached to the MCU brand name.

Snyder has a lot of things that works out fine for making a movie. Such as set pieces, sets, symbolism, and extreme action scenes.
> making superheroes realistic
The only realistic thing about MOS is that we get a lot of Superman fight moments that is of a higher quality than what we got in most other series or movies. Which means a movie thats painful to watch between symbolism and action scenes.
Snyder is good for the superhero medium because there is enough comic source stuff that you can use to fill in the gap between symbolism and action. On top of that, Snyder has enough vision to make superhero fights over the top and cinematic: Something the medium badly needs

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>Yea Forums is so contrarian that they defend the absolute shite that is the GL movie


I read on this board that whole reason of this movie existing, is because of some WB suit was thinking that cause behind Iron Man successes is that it featured fighter jets, that scenes with planes was the only thing producers really cared during Green Lantern production.

>Snyder is good for the superhero medium because there is enough comic source stuff that you can use to fill in the gap between symbolism and action. On top of that, Snyder has enough vision to make superhero fights over the top and cinematic: Something the medium badly needs
What? We need it. Why the fuck do you think that anime fights and comic book deathbattles are popoular? Because we want it!

>sounds like the decision to make the snyder cinematic shitverse affected this
>they wanted to start the cinematic universe with Green Lantern but then decided it had to be like the Nolan movies
Honestly it's better that they started with Superman and Batman.
If you want to start a DC movie universe with a Green Lantern then must be Alan Scott or Jon Li

>Snyder is a low level numpty that had to be highly restrained to make 300 even watchable. Watchmen was all over the place and so off the mark with the main characters it was heinous. His work for DC is an abomination. He will be known as the clown who made superman a coward moron. Batman was a joke. He couldn't have fucked Millers vision any harder with his jesus boner. Snyder single handedly did more to take down DC than marvel ever did.
NO! DCEU Snyder was the kino of kinest. The best marvel movie is still shit compared to the worst Zack Snyder one.
He made Superheroes epic and unforgettable, we still think at BvS about how epic it was, and if you can't grasp then I'm sorry you can't

We laugh at you.


I thought this movie was completely fine, and that most people are such faggots that they just bandwagon other peoples ideas.

>Disrespectful to the source material
Name one capeshit movie that isn't

The MCU started with Iron Man, who at the time was less prominent in the comics for Marvel than Green Lantern was for DC.

yeah, I actually liked it. Paced pretty good, got some emo story line over Hal's uncertainty and fear and past. Pretty cool an unique hero power, also symbolic and connected to the ring wearers will and imagination. Bad guy was pretty awesome, and the space monster wasn't bad either.
I found it more memorable and coherent than Justice league. The movie was fine, its just cool for people to hate it.

I took a girl to this movie and was embarrassed as fuck to be watching it

>Anime fights
Most of that is still leeching of the fact most of the Jap population have done some form of martial arts of fencing during education, meaning it carries over to their artist careers.
On top of thtat, the medium is still awestruck by Dragonballs extreme panel quality and 3D movement.
Meanwhile in the western format there is only entry level wrestling and haymakers. Snyder is far above that, and it makes is amazing to watch. Even more so because a lot of the more extreme Superhero scenes doesn't involve the screen drowning in particles

Instead, they will make high-performing adaptations of Geoff Johns storylines. Like Aquaman

Wonder Woman and Shazam (the comic is shit but it's faithful to that shitty comic)

>in less than 10 years standards have dropped so much that if this film were released today with an MCU logo it would unironically make a billion dollars

>Instead, they will make high-performing adaptations of Geoff Johns storylines. Like Aquaman
That Aquaman had many elements from the Golden and Silver Age.
The trident and the whole sub-world and the monarchy problems much did Martin Campbell pay you?

Based and cape-pilled

compared to the arsenal of 40 super hero films, it was fucking absolutely fine.
You guys are acting like it was The Last Jedi

>compared to the arsenal of 40 super hero films, it was fucking absolutely fine. You guys are acting like it was The Last Jedi
Wow, he really paid you everything you need in a life time and much more.
I mean, there is no way someone would think that GL was better than TLJ! At least TLJ was honest in being a Star Wars movie and everything happened in space and differents planets. While the multiplanetary corp known as Green Lanterns happened just on earth with 5 minutes in space

oh, I get it, you're retarded.

The Green lantern's fair score should be a 65/100 to an 85/100
anything outside of those lines is extreme.

the Last Jedi's fair score range would be a 7/100 to a 34/100
its at its most basic a spit in the face and an insult to the viewers