I just realise that i may have told to William Shatner to kill himself

i just realise that i may have told to William Shatner to kill himself

Attached: shatner.jpg (600x315, 23K)

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It's okay, he actually has a thick enough skin to deal with it and not cry to the news about the "death threats" he's been getting.

Kill yourself Will

No because you're a fucking newfag and Shatner stopped visiting this site at least a year ago.

>you told him 2 years ago

William Shatner might have told me to have sex

He's that Trek "sexual organs" poster.

he is a liberal piece of shit
you are right

He's more likely to have called you a nigger or faggot.

>there's actually a chance that shatner invented sneedposting

Attached: JUST (2).jpg (500x399, 29K)