Kinos about opening your chakras?

Kinos about opening your chakras?

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I've been doing Yoga with Adrienne for the last 32 days. (I'm on day 23 of the 30 day series)

The Fountain

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Just listen to Andy with Headspace™. He'll make aaallll your problems go away.


Avatar the Last Airbender


Doctor Strange




nice pepe

Pray to god and go to church, chakras are a false doctrine

There is no real doctrinal difference between reaching enlightenment in Buddhism and earthly sainthood in some branches of Christianity

You can open my chakra if you know what i mean

Don't kill yourself. Kill your self.

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Imagine being this stupid. Imagine not realizing religion is just secularized metaphysics (no I don’t mean newage metaphysics, ancient greek, indian, and egyptian metaphysics). Imagine not knowing about Subjective Synthesis via Objective Negation (theurgy). Imagine not knowing about Apophaticism.

>buddhism and their thinly veiled nihilism

Do you ass shoes even read doctrine? Let me guess you guys think Buddhism ans Hinduism are religions? NOWHERE in the ORIGINAL doctrine does it ever negate the soul. It negates things that aren’t the soul (Apophaticism), but NEVER denies the soul outright.

Can you knuckle dragging secularists and religious nuts please learn about proper methodoloy and Ancient Monistic Metaphysics?

The schizo posters are crossing boards


based crazed rambler yelling at anyone who will listen

>demonstrably achieves the same effects
>but you're a better person by being an uptight holier-than-thou snob about people's personal beliefs
Yeah, nah, fuck you, fuck church, and fuck your imaginary friend.

literally ATLA

I, too, am an enlightened atheist

dat lil nigga radiant

Saying Buddhism is not a religion is western-cuck-who-knows-nothing-about-Buddhism their
Great job outing yourself.
It has afterlife people who choose to stay around to teach after being enlightened, spirts, and magic. And while there is no "old father" figure for a god, there is karma, which acts to judge and balance your evil acts in every relife you have had. So there is still a force that acts the same way. As a judge and higher power over you.
Calling it not a religion is an insult to Buddhists.

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What size you wear?

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>talks about shit he has no idea about
Lmao at your life bro. I have been translating ancient prakrit for almost 20 years. This also includes some short hand metaphysics like Plotinus. Karma means “Action” and IS NOT a “judge” and “balance”. You are 100000% wrong. Buddhism is not a religion. It is a neo-vedantic movement. Debate me on this and YOU WILL LOSE SIR. You clearly have zero knowledge of ORIGINAL buddhist doctrine.

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring
it's an amazing movie

cute Apu

ALSO any commentary by any intellectual inferior that came after, DOES NOT COUNT.
>well my guru says this
>or the saffron robes monks in thailand say
they are both retarded. If you cannot have a debate with proper doctrinal citation, you cannot properly debate. Doctrinal citation is the ONLY method for debate.

>bhuddism isnt a religion
i always cringe a little when someone says this
pretty sure its considered one of the biggest religions

It is a neo-vedantic movement. You ass shoes don’t even know what a religion is holy shit.

>neo-vedantic movements arent religions
wew lad

Explain what the Buddha is. Explain what a busshiva is
>Karma means “Action” and IS NOT a “judge” and “balance”.
You are just hiding behind translations and shifting the meanings of words, explain how karma isnt a judge when wrong action less to karma debt?
You have just chosen to frame it that way in your mind.
And sure, it is different and varies in important ways from a Christian religion of course but to say it isn’t a religion is using a retarded definition of religion.
It is much more that just a medicine practice, it has a whole belief system, and it *is* belief not facts

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Less=leads to