>its a high school movie
>the geek gets pantsed early on
Its a high school movie
This literally never happened at my school.
I had a 5/10 ginger girl pants me in like 8th grade and I reflexively whipped around and kneed her in the nose and broke it.
She was picking on you because she liked you
>in gym class 5th grade
>friend puts me on his shoulders so I can hang from the basketball rim
>leaves me hanging too far to let go
>school bully comes up and pants me completely with underwear
>stuck hanging naked waist down with whole 100 person class laughing at me
>finally let go and drop to the ground and break my ankle
I never returned to that school and ended up moving out of state
Based bully
I know she did, she asked me out that year and I friendzoned her and we still flirted a bunch all throughout high school.
tfw virgin at 26
What does she look like now ? Was she an ugly duckling that turned hot ?
But wedgies are more funny
>Be gay
>deliberately provoke hot jocks into beating me up
>fap to it later
Wrestlers were best, they didn't even punch or etc would use their homoerotic moves on you
>its a high school movie
>mc has to give chad and all the rest of the football players blowjobs in the locker room after a big win
If she was 5/10 then it's aight my nizzle kachizzle
it's literally a jewish persecution fantasy it probably happened to one person eighty generations ago and they're still weeping about the inherited shame
BAsed. You sound like a wimpy insufferable cunt. Glad you broke you’re ankle, you probably still cry about it, lmao.
still got 4 years to turn it around
obsessed incel
i had the same thing happened to me, not in school but in a park where everyone used to hang out. i started chasing the bigger kid and forced his face in the dirt. great times
>virgin at 26
Don’t care. No one’s fault you’re a loser. I bet I’m uglier than you and I’m 5’6. I got laid before 30, and no it wasn’t a hooker. Be a fucking man, you pussy.
Voluminous if verified, but I believe you.
this is just female fan service now isn't it?
cuz fan service for women is totally cool and progressive but doing the same for men is evil and literally rape #metoo
I've seen it happen in middle school a couple of times but that was it.
I would literally drop on the floor and blow that kid (I'm in my early thirties btw)
You would? He’s kinda cute but I don’t really know what self-respecting man still wears tighty whities in 2019.
there was a kid in my hs that'd pants kids in PE, but since the shorts are so flowy he'd get their boxers too
somebody choked him out and ko'd him for it
She was a short, pudgy scene/emo girl. And pudgy in the bad way too, not of her fat went to her tits or ass. She slimmed down by the time we were like juniors, but still was pretty meh tier. Only reason she was even a 5/10 is because she was a ginger.
it only happens in western movies. in Asian movies, the geek is just left alone but the pretty girl is splashed with water when she goes to the toilet
>Brad attempts to pants a geek
>geek has a Batman belt so the pantsing fails
"Heh looks like geeks win again!"
Why didn't you shoot the place up? That would've been kino.
Didn't you read the story ? He was to much of a pussy and changed schools because he couldn't handle the bants.
It's true. 90% of nerd and jock tropes are cooked up by vindictive, submale heeb writers who hold a grudge to this day.
Yeah, but it was his chance to man up.
No dude. That was rape.
You raped that girl
You sly dog, you.
>wearing tighty whities
one time some kid at lunch in high school got fully pansted, im talking boxers and pants on the floor around his ankles
the weirdest part was that there wasnt a dick or ass, he looked like a kendoll down there, completely smooth
>just make up shit
you're just pretending to be retarded right?
In 7th or 8th grade, I think 8th, some girl started slapping my butt in gym class. One of the female coaches saw and asked if I knew her, I said I did not, and I believe she was reprimanded.
I think she was just bullying me though because nobody ever seriously wanted anything to do with my fat, awkward ass. When I was quite a bit younger, some girl demanded I get in bed naked with her, but i refused. Guess i missed my chances.
t. 31 year old virgin
>it’s a high school movie
>everyone is fucking
it actually did happen at mine
another jewish trope
It happened once at mine.
Black kid in high school was stealing people's shit so another black kid did it to him in the cafeteria, tripped over himself and everyone laughed. Tried to attack the other guy and couldn't stand up
Guy transferred after that, Completely embarrassed and broken.
Never seen a more effective revenge take place.
>everyone but you
>(I'm in my early thirties btw)
Should have just fucked her you gaylord
Need to see one of these scenes where the jock pantsed the geek and it turns out the geek has a twelve inch dick
The dick is my shotgun and you just triggered the school shooting trap card
>get pantsed in front of a group of girls back in highschool
>stand there for a moment while they all laugh at me
>pull my underwear down and flash my asshole at them
>they scream and run away
>become school legend
>I never returned to that school and ended up moving out of state
damn your parents sent you away because they were so ashamed of you?
>its a high school movie
>jocks beat up the faggot kid
I think that happened in RJ Burger?
>get pansed in PE and everyone sees my 9 inch cock
>girls wanted my cock afterwards but I was too autistic and retarded to take advantage of it instead played video games all day and was antisocial. random girls even sexually harassed me every now and then (grabbed my ass or cock)
only regret in life is that I missed out on fucking girls aged 14-17. don't be me if you're a zoomer reading this
You had an erection when you got pansed? I too have a big fat cock but I'm a grower not a shower.
why would you wanna see a big dick faggot
i always had a chubby because there was this fat brapper in front of me during the stretches/exercises
>its a high school movie
>school shooter is distracted by coordinated dance routine
based imbecile
Why do movies push the notion that Chads and Stacies are evil when in reality the most vicious ones to betas are middle tier?
was hoping this was going to end in rape
Has it ever actually happened like this? In every fight that has ever happened at my high school (2015 grad), every nigger in sight ran towards it and they would form mosh pits.
This caused a lot of people, including me, to miss out on seeing fights happen.
>be in middle school
>rainy day
>entire class is sheltering from rain in classroom
>walk in at one end of the room with jew
>from behind i pants him and unknowingly get his white fruit of the looms too
>entire class turns to see what the commotion is and sees
In the moment I didn't know I grabbed everything, because I immediately turned around and burst into laughter when I saw the entire class was watching.
We were on very good terms before, but after that day he never spoke to me again and held a grudge.
>that video
the same thing happened in real life, only instead of that gay kid it was Emma, and instead of getting beat up by bullies she got violently fucked by Harvey
"That gay kid" is named Ezra and he was a better actor than everyone else in that movie, including Emma "Harvey'd" Watson
shut up Ezra, go take your AZT break.
t. Emma Watson
>*takes your DVD*
>*shoves you into locker*
>"Yeah take that, movie nerd!"
He wasn't what I pictured the character should look like.
In fact, nobody was, least of all Logan as Charlie. Too old, too lean.
based Thad
He definitely embodied that character better than any of the others though. As a fag who was bullied in HS I empathized a lot with Patrick/that movie's portrayal.
stupid faggot, dicks are for chicks