ITT: Great Documentaries

Post the best docos you've seen.

Starting with:

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Other urls found in this thread:

mostly anything by frederick wiseman, especially pic related and welfare

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oh and i just remembered this is the actual greatest documentary i've ever seen

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Do americans really deny climate change? In the entire rest of the world there's literally nobody who denies it

You can either watch the doco or remain a useful idiot for the rest of your life. It's not american either.

The documentary is british not american. You ought to check it out or like says, remain a useful idiot

>Do Americans really deny climate change?
>Produced in Britan
Could've just clicked the video and checked the description you fucking retard

The scariest shit

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>twin peaks music starts playing

wtf gotta check this out.

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If you haven't seen it don't watch

>I'm not going to be a useful idiot!
>Except to the fossil fuels industry!

>canadian legal system
Don't even need to watch, this is one of the stupidest countries on the planet, hands down.

Sherman should have finished the job.

Best doc posted so far

But you're not even watching the OP's documentary. It's pretty obvious you're one of those retards with too much pride, to the point you're afraid of having your long held views challenged.

The Great Happiness Space is my absolute favorite, it's about host clubs
It might still be on youtube

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That Great Books series from TLC.

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>have your views and intelligence challenged
>respond with brainlet wojak
Such is the nature of a complete idiot.

Wealth and easy life breeds stupidity. It's why no nation can stay on top forever, the very act of being on top guarantees that you can't stay there.

At least it's not pride in ignorance

If OPs doco challenged your intelligence you might not have been too smart to begin with

>intelligence challenged
>by fucking "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

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Not a retort

Indeed, you're an idiot in the face of a well constructed series of arguments.

Actually in your case, it is. You just can't admit it.

Based. Global Warming is a liberal shill.

Burn that gas bitches.

>Global warming is real because scientist say so
>Global warming is fake because scientist say so
And I'm here to say your both idiots

>>Except to the fossil fuels industry!
There's literally NOTHING wrong with using fossil fuels

You're actually a bigger idiot than both sides. You're not even weighing anything into the debate, just a worthless moron who's brain is too defective to understand any arguments.

Love the soundtrack of this doc. Is there any way to get it?

What debate? All you're doing is calling anyone who disagrees with you retards. I understand the arguments, I just don't need to engage with dumb faggots like you who believes anything he's told

Except the pollution

Oh this is that shit last podcast on the left talked about

Nothing wrong with pollution either.

What next, you're gonna bitch about chopping down the rain forest?

climate change is just a big scam to improve the air quality and environment we live in for no reason

Not even him but all i read was lalalalallalalalala im better no u lalalallala.

And The doc didnt even touched cfc gasses, other intersting subject.

And on the first minutes or trailer there's an old man that adresses people like you quite beautifully.

This, now give me 50% of your income through so i can, err, improve the world's climate or we'll all drown!!


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>I understand the arguments
No you don't.

noice, i was watching a few of these people just the other day while perusing skeptic videos.


improve it how, and for how much loss of other opportunities.

lel wtf
where does this happen?

Rest of the world has more experience kissing noblemen ass

Who Took Johnny (2014)
>WHO TOOK JOHNNY is an examination into an infamous thirty-year-old cold case: the disappearance of Iowa paperboy Johnny Gosch, the first missing child to appear on a milk carton.
Has some pretty creepy shit in it.

Crumb (1994)
>This movie chronicles the life and times of R. Crumb. Robert Crumb is the cartoonist/artist who drew Keep On Truckin', Fritz the Cat, and played a major pioneering role in the genesis of underground comix.
The guy is a freaky fetishist, only his family is more nuts.

In the Realms of the Unreal (2004)
>Henry Darger worked all his life in menial jobs in Chicago. Living alone and in poverty, he had no friends or close family. Spending all his off hours alone, he whiled away the hours working on a 15,000 page illustrated novel called The Realms of the Unreal.
Pretty much just a very lonely guy.

Grey Gardens (1975)
>An old mother and her middle-aged daughter, the aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy, live their eccentric lives in a filthy, decaying mansion in East Hampton.
Pepe and Wojak living together, basically. All in all great work.

Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs (2005)
>David Serada, a UFO enthusiast, interviews the comedian Dan Aykroyd who claims he has had experiences with alien beings. Aykroyd expounds on UFO lore and his own beliefs on matters related to extraterrestrials.
Dan Aykroyd sitting there smoking for 80 minutes and talking about aliens'n'shit.

I Am Divine (2013)
>How Divine, aka Harris Glenn Milstead, became John Waters' cinematic muse and an international drag icon.
Rather interesting, seemed to be a pretty decent person apart from the degeneracy shit.

Didn't fit:

Andre the Giant (2018)
>A look at the life and career of professional wrestler André Roussimoff, who gained notoriety in the 1980s as Andre the Giant.
Great docu, even if you don't care about wrestling.

Give me some good conspiracy documentary kinos lads

>Do americans really deny climate change?
The majority do not.

>climate change is just a big scam to improve the air quality and environment
How is this a bad thing?

Imagine being this indoctrinated by Jewish tricks. The climate has been changing for millions of years kiddo

>make a movie about a pretend "swindle" to actually swindle anti-science mouthbreathers

An hour and 13 minutes of clips of people saying single sentences.

>not understanding how greenhouse gases work
>the climate's always changed so it's fine that it's currently hotter than any other time in recorded history, unprecedented levels of greenhouse gases are totally unrelated

How does it feel to be a complete idiot? You can't swallow your pride and listen to other arguments so you just mindlessly shit on those challenging your weak views.

Why do you lie? Is Co2 a polluted gas to you?

>that it's currently hotter than any other time in recorded history
Which is literally a microscopic speck in the planet's lifespan, and geologists have concluded from rock studies that the temperatures have been far more extreme numerous times over the last 10,000 years.

Alas, continue being the useful idiot you are. Keep trying to shut down the opposing side of the argument, because that's how the scam sustains itself.

One of the first few things the doc mentioned was the the cult-like mentality of the climate change side which is easily demonstrated as soon as you even question it. The documentary doesn't even deny that the climate is changing just questions the idea of it being man-made and the financial gains from the industry that sprouted out of it, and had the data to back it...but you still can't convince the dogmatic

This is precisely why it's more often called "climate change" today, rather than "global warming". Back when Al Gore's movie came out, skepticism was still a thing (like the documentary in the OP), and "global warming" became a subject of much parody and ridicule. Meanwhile, if you deny "climate change", it sounds more like you're denying the climate is changing, which sounds stupid.

They have executed just about every trick in the book to engineer this level of brainwashing.


Watched pic related recently and it was great, heard he was making another episode soon so I'm looking forward to that. I was also watching the Story of Film and it was pretty good save for a few movies that were left out and deserved some coverage. Didn't finish it since I lost interest by the last like 3 episodes.

Forgot pic

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It Felt Like A Kiss is probably unadulterated kino
Also I really like Wiseman, Wang Bing, and some meme ones like Tickled etc

And now it's changing faster it ever did. It's really hilarious watching humanity destroy itself.

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solid bait, user

>global warming
Stopped being a phrase when global warming specialists realized we were on a cooling off period, hence why it was renamed climate change
At least get your story straight

>its really hilarious watching humanity destroy itself
In a few thousand years? Maybe
Why should I give a shit about that?

Look at ice core samples you retarded cunt, it's been far far hotter in the past. Also learn basic science, correlation is not causation.

I believe climate change is real. I *do* question how much of it is anthropogenic and how much of it is just cyclic. I also believe that our role in it is being exaggerated and exploited as a means of fearmongering people into yet another means of wealth distribution.

Michael Crichton wrote a not-so-great book about that very thing called “State of Fear,” where he talks about the growing desire to use mass media as a means to constantly reinforce the powerlessness of the common man and keep him in a perpetual state of anxiety. While the book itself isn’t great, the list of sourced material and pictures illustrating precisely in what ways data is manipulated and graphs are re-drawn over time, not to more accurately reflect trends, but to push a narrative.

Exactly. Things are always a big deal if there is money to be made from tricking gullible idiots. Remember y2k lol?

Of course climate change is real, the climate is constantly changing and has been since the earth began. There is no actual evidence to suggest that humans are causing the climate to change more than it would have anyway

Global warming is real you are literally being controlled by the completely out in the open money men and blaming a shadow realm boogie man for sound scientific consensus because "I like burning coal to own da libs and da Jews"

>denying global warming

lel brainlet

Have fun being a shill for the fossil fuel industry

>t. Controlled by a competitive industry instead

Make it few centuries with the current growth rate.

Again, I'll be long dead
Why should I give a shit

Lake Mungo

>There is no actual evidence to suggest that humans are causing the climate to change more than it would have anyway

You mean other than the fact that temperature is growing faster it ever did in Earth's history.

Yes temperatures changed a lot in the past and current warming is mostly natural but human part is already significant and growing insanely fast. If we don't stop this we will have another great dying.

Name that industry, please.

You want to hear a crazy thing a friend of mine came up with?

He said, “It’s crazy with all this talk about greenhouse gases, literally nobody is talking about how much more raw *heat* modern civilization produces than earlier eras of history.” When I asked him what he meant, he pointed out the ubiquity of digital technology, all of which produces heat. As we were having this conversation, we were driving past the main headquarters of a fairly large clothing manufacturer and he said, “Take that place as an example. Fifty years ago, all the heat it produced would have been in the manufacturing and transportation of their product. Now they still produce all that same heat *and* they have a whole other HVAC system devoted to nothing but keeping their server room cool.” Then he pointed out that that’s true of not only virtually every business in the First World, but also every household. Areas of the country that used to have no need of AC now how have it, not because it’s that much warmer outside, but because of how much warmer their houses are from all the heat being produced by their electronics.

People don’t tend to think of AC as producing heat, but that’s all it really is - a heat exchange, with all the heat it removes being dumped directly into the atmosphere. It’s not a lot of heat all at once, but it’s tons and tons of heat over time, and heat doesn’t just go away.

it just poitical bullshit.
climate change is bullshit

Not everybody is a fucking retard who only thinks about his own ass.

i mean political

>pretend to give a shit about genetic legacy
>lol, why does it matter how my legacy does, I'll be dead XD
Does it hurt?


Do you also believe "documentaries" about cigarettes being good for you?

Basically anything green energy, factories producing electric batteries and cars, solar panels, any factory producing products that stand to gain from ie banning plastic etc etc etc
It's an endless list

When did I give a shit about my genetic legacy? I won't have kids
I wasnt the guy going off about the jews you originally replied to if thats what you think

>And now it's changing faster it ever did
No it hasn't, idiot. You are completely and utterly incapable of proving that.

And all of that heat is trapped in the atmosphere instead of dissipating into space because of...?
Anyone? Class?

Did you watch the doc? Temperatures decreased considerably at the height of the post-war boom for decades. The surface is warmer than the atmosphere which debunks the greem house gas theory, and the CO2 is a result of the warming not the cause of it.

Well as long as you fully embrace your nihilism, feel free to die already. Some of us would like to continue propagating the species instead of turning the planet into a void, uninhabitable wasteland.

>rhetorical question
Notice how so many of you morons don't actually address a single point made in the documentary. You see the title, you immediately realize it conflicts with your agenda (and your brainwashing) which triggers your feeble, thoughtless brain into writing a worthless response.

The best doc ever made

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Woops, meant for

For the same reason heat hangs around in the first place. If nothing changed with the atmosphere *at all*, there would still be more heat being generated.

I'll die when I die, how's the species propagation going forward on your end?
I know I'm a shameless egotistical asshole that cant maintain a single relationship but at least I get laid

That documentary has definitely aged well.
Is it the one with the warming pause? lol

Imagine being so stupid that you would cheer your own house burning down around you just do you could "btfo the libtards".

Now show me which of those has the biggest stranglehold on actual government policy, makes the most money, and stands to lose the most by converting to renewable energy. I'll give you a hint, it's definitely not one you would list in that post.
>but big solar panel is lying about fossil fuels!
Stop being so retarded.

First it was 'the ice age is coming!'

Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'
But this was debunked spectacularly.

It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.

The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too

And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too

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Recently finished a doco series on the Ramonovs, pretty good.

CO2 In perspective

And now it's 'devastating man-made climate change!'

And here are some of the environmental signs they say prove the earth is warming and the climate is changing.

Sea levels are rising...

Temperatures are rising...
During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C

And glaciers are disappearing...

So if it's not an ice age, and its not global warming, and its not anthropogenic climate change, what is it?


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>stop having kids it creates global warming
>we need to import Africans because of our low birth rates

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What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?

In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:
· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally
· Weaker jet streams
· Increased volcanic activity
· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes
· More erratic and unpredictable weather
· Substantially increased precipitation and drought
· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods
· Massive crop loss and food shortages
· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

Even NASA admits it's a big deal

The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles

So here's what's happening now

The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.

The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.

Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.
Like the 'year without a summer'

But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones

More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures

Grand Solar Minimum Channel

Ice Age Farmer Channel

Adapt 2030 Channel

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Imagine being so stupid that you would give away your car, pay more tax, end your genetic line and live in a mud hut because Al Gore said the North Pole will disappear by 2010

>for the same reason heat hangs around in the first place
OK, that's because of the atmosphere. Do you know what the atmosphere is composed of? That's right! Gasses! You're so smart user :3
Now, did you know that certain gasses are better at trapping heat than other gasses? These are what are commonly referred to as "greenhouse gases". Do you know what the most common greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is? CO2, a regular byproduct of fossil fuels. Now, we've reached a point in human history where there's more CO2 in the atmosphere than ever before, but if we found a way to reduce emissions and help sequester all that CO2, heat would once again more easily pass from the atmosphere.
OK, that's it for your science lesson, enjoy the rest of your day kids. And remember: engage your fucking brain sometimes ^_^

Idk man for instance the guy (Lukas) who is the son of the person that owns Walmart, San Walton is the owner of First Solar, one of if not the biggest PV manufacturers
Sounds like he would have a lot of influence with whoever party he were affiliated with due to family ties alone
Or of course Motech, also owned by multibillionaire Taiwanese
Or vestas wind systems, in Europe, known for getting many lobbyists to change various EU regulations for their needs
When will you get it through your head that corporations are there to make profit for their shareholders, and couldnt care less about their "cause"?
It's not a bad thing, it's just how it is

>Do you know what the most common greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is? CO2,
No actually its water vapour which is also not just more prevalent but much more effective at density than co2.

Maybe do some actual science and look at the data instead of parroting what you read on reddit.

What's interesting is look at satellite data for warming, continually 'adjusted' to conform to land based measurements. Not very scientific!!!

Great reading comprehension, brainlet. I already said that even with no change at all to the atmospheric composition, modern civilization would still be introducing an unprecedented amount of heat into the atmosphere every year.

Sorry you missed that. It must have came in beyond your 280-character limit.

Currently trying to get married before I put a bastard in my girlfriend, we both agreed that would be best. Thanks for your concern though, that's very nice of you egotistical asshole.

It's no wonder there are skeptics when alarmists like yourself are so obviously mentally ill, judging by your manner of writing.

>Do you know what the most common greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is? CO2

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Fake news.

This was really good. I also recommend Monarchy by David Starkey which goes over England's history.

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>still fail at greenhouse gases after being spoon-fed
>cry about reading comprehension
Looks like someone's going to be retained :(

Not an argument. Refusal to even look at the arguments and facts presented to you paints a very bad image of your intellectual capacity.

Let's face it, you don't know anything about the planet's climate, but you've been conned into believing all the bullshit through all the propaganda. To admit your understanding was incorrect is too bitter of a pill for you to swallow.

I'm sorry, I should've said "largest human precipitated greenhouse gas".
I mean, you do know the real answer don't you? Or are you just being an obnoxious asshole?

It would be nice if you had any of those instead of conspiracy theories and fringe analises from debunked """skeptics"""

Your trolling is weaker than your argument. That’s sort of impressive in an astoundingly pathetic sort of way.

> Literally every scientist with any repute on the planet agrees climate change is real

The fucking state of Yea Forums since 2014

Because climate change is obviously real and has been for literally millions upon millions of years, the question is to what degree humans speed up the process, and I'd honestly be curious to see how many of the world's renowned scientists weigh in on that
With citations, of course
I'd be amazed if you found more than 25 actually reputable people

>It would be nice if you had any of those
You wouldn't know, you chose to ignore them and remain ignorant. True to the nature of a useful idiot that listens to his masters.

Scientific consensus and basic physics are not an "argument". They are facts.
Sorry sweaty.

>he said, continually gargling the cum of big oil "scientists" and /pol/ based "researchers"

>Because climate change is obviously real and has been for literally millions upon millions of years, the question is to what degree humans speed up the process, and I'd honestly be curious to see how many of the world's renowned scientists weigh in on that
Really now

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>climate change real!
>race not real

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>Literally every scientist with any repute on the planet agrees climate change is real
You don't even know what you're saying here, idiot.

Climate changes all the time, no one ever denies this. The real debate is whether or not C02 emissions are causing the planet to heat up, potentially to apocalyptic levels. This is something disputed by several scientists, many of which appear in the OP's documentary. The problem is, dead set morons like you exist, swallow the propaganda, and make utterly worthless statements like "everyone says climate change is real!".

If you weren't a complete moron, you's open that tiny brain of yours up to the opposing arguments, to let your beliefs be challenged. Evidently, the mere prospect of enlightenment is a very difficult pill for you to swallow.

Wow nice excel graph
I believe in anthropogenic global waming now

By all means, keep your head buried in the sand, ignoring any and all arguments to your beliefs. Dumb people like yourself will always exist, that's an indisputable reality. It's a bit like the Catholics for the last 1000 years when you think about it.

>its a Canadian speak for rest of the world episode

Your “argument” in our conversation, which began with my first post , is essentially “Ignore heat. It’s not even worth consideration in a discussion on human contributions to climate change. Focus any and all attention on greenhouse gases,” which is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard - ignore heat while we’re talking about heat.

What's with the arrow on the graph?
Actually what's with that graph Jesus christ
You'd trust a paper like that to be scientifically accurate?

How the FUCK is scientific expertise measured in a low to high scale Jesus christ

You do know how to read, right? Probably not
>Oreske 2004
>Doran 2009
>Anderegg 2009
>Cook 2013
>Verheggen 2014
>Stenhouse 2014
>Clarton 2015

>Global study by Cook et al.

If you knew how to actually research sources and claims you wouldn't need to ask that question.

You want to know an even stronger correlation? The more government funding that comes in for "climate science", the more you see "scientists" you see propagating the idea. It's at a point we see fruit fly researchers writing reports on how flies affect the climate, and they get included among all the "scientists" who claim man made global warming is factually real.

Naturally, the feeble minded like yourself, too lazy to do your own research, would be ignorant of the fact that there are also many scientists in these surveys who demanded their names be removed from the reports, only to be refused.

It's not :(

>too lazy to do your own research
I do more research that you ever did.
>would be ignorant of the fact that there are also many scientists in these surveys
What's your source on that

Who took Johnny is great. I've watched it about 5 times I think. Always cry a bit at the end :(

That's too bad. I recommend finding a torrent then since it's truly fantastic.

>I do more research that you ever did.
No you didn't, evidenced by your sheer refusal to address the opposing side of the argument.

>What's your source on that
Watch the documentary. Literal award winning climatologists and geologists explicitly telling you exactly that.

What's wrong? You don't want to consider the prospect you were swindled?

I'll try and find one. Thanks for the recommendation.
If you want one in return, secrets of the tribe is the best documentary I've ever watched. It's about corrupt anthropologists in the Amazon. It's on YouTube

>Watch the 1 hour long documentary and then we'll have a discussion
No, give me a paper to read or at least a time where they highlight the research they did.

>Literal award winning climatologists and geologists explicitly telling you exactly that.
How many?
Enough to swing the study made on 2412 authors of papers?

Climate change isn't real. I used to believe in it, but all the infographics on here and redpilled videos on youtube made me think for myself and conclude it's not real.

No, my """argument""" is that heat would be less of a factor if we weren't swaddling the planet in heat trapping gases. Enough to negate the unprecedented levels of heat being put out by modern society? How could we even tell because, once more and for full effect, WE ARE SWADDLING THE PLANET IN HEAT TRAPPING GASSES. IF WE STOPPED ALL SECONDARY HEAT PRODUCTION TOMORROW THE HEAT OF THE SUN WOULD STILL BE BEING GATHERED AROUND THE EARTH AT LEVELS NEVER EXPERIENCED BY HUMANITY BEFORE TO NOT DISSIPATE INTO SPACE AND CONTINUE TO RAISE GLOBAL TEMPERATURES.

You're right, it's a conspiracy by Big Research to keep skimming money from other research like flat earth and bigfoot so they can just keep unnecessarily killing trees.

Diabetes isn't real either. They get so much funding to do "research" by "scientist" and write a bunch of bullshit just to get more funding. Also they work with Big Pharma to sell drugs.


See? If you don’t know how much heat we’re contributing, it’s impossible to know how much is due to greenhouse gases, and how much is due to unprecedented levels of waste heat.

>Enough to swing the study made on 2412 authors of papers?
What? Which you read? But you're not willing to watch one simple documentary that challenges your view?

With enough funding, it's not difficult to produce thousands of pages worth of propaganda.

You know trees emit C02, right?
I get it, swallowing your pride and admitting you were swindled is a difficult pill to swallow. By all means, keep your pawn mindset.

>Diabetes isn't real either
explain then why I got type 1 diabetes and why my bloodsugar skyrockets to 400mg/dL 6 hours after stopping insulin shots

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REE can we stop talking about climate change and focus on documentary recommendations I need stuff to watch at the gym

I offer Bobby Fischer Vs the World
Not a perfect link above, but it's not usually around for long and can be tricky to torrent. I have it on DVD.

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>Which you read?
?Yeah, it's right in the post there, the study by Cook. Surely you've read it, for someone that said that you should "refuse to address the opposing side of the argument."

>you're not willing to watch one simple documentary
I asked you to point me to the parts relevant to the argument we are having right now

well done OP climate cultists are seething

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>not understanding how greenhouse gases work

Do you >imply you do?

Big Pharma creates the machines measuring blood sugar. They fake it so they can sell more drugs!

But why is climate change fake but not diabetes and AIDS?

Type 1 is real, sorry bro.

Yeah they emit CO2, when you burn them

Obviously faggot. Do you have a relevant rebuttal or are you going to do your part cutting emissions by huffing your own farts?

>I believe it because it says the opposite of what people believe
Typical of the nu-right

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)
Senna (2010)
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
Icarus (2017)
Apollo 11 (2019)
Touching the Void (2003)
Anvil: The Story of Anvil (2008)

If you think trees burning is the only way they emit CO2, then I'm afraid you're not well informed.

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why your face looks like that? and why the helmet? were you in an accident?

Do trees emit isotope 14 CO2?

Has anyone else watched Monarchy?

Powerful jewish Americans who own massive amounts of coastal property sell it to their retarded diversity pets who go fucking nuts over it as they don’t seem to notice the obvious contradiction, but most White people aren’t dumb enough to buy this obvious hoax and sell their very sovereignty to foreign retards like yourself who seem to have no clue that China and India are going to pollute the shit out of the earth no matter what we do.

Man-made climate change is the harsh reality. You can deny it all you want, but 99% of the scientists agree that it's artificial greenhouse gasses that are destroying our planet.

Brainlet americans will never understand that they are single-handedly responsible for turning this planet into an unlivable Venus-like shithole.

>muh jews
Sounds like you are pretty low-IQ

>Western society produced more pollution thn 3rd world societies.
>Yet global warming propagandist also want massive third world immigration into the west.

Or, you know, you can be against immigration and against global warming, uhm???

>Man-made climate change is the harsh reality. You can deny it all you want, but 99% of the scientists agree that it's artificial greenhouse gasses that are destroying our planet.
It's almost like you're a robot, programmed to repeat the exact same things without addressing any arguments, like the ones presented in the OP's documentary, which is British.

I guess that's all you will ever be: a useful idiot, a pawn.

I love the soundtrack of this doco. It's like you're in a 1930s illegal casino den.

>he says, repeating the same stuff conspiracy theorists say (e.g. useful idiot, etc.) without posting actual arguments.
Oooook, lmao.

Imagine falling for such obvious bait.

Why cant you point me to the parts rhat relate to this discussion? Anything to say on the paper by Cook?

one can only wonder why you chose to reply to me and not all the others.
He mad

I can't be bothered scanning/watching the entire documentary again just to appease you. If you genuinely cared about enlightening yourself and understanding the opposing side of the argument, you'd watch it instead of arguing on Yea Forums for over an hour, all while claiming you don't have the time to watch it.

Let's face it, it doesn't matter how much conflicting information there is to your agenda, you're never changing your mind, ever.

>he says, repeating the same stuff conspiracy theorists say
Actually the term was coined by Yuri Besmenov, an ex-KGB agent of the Soviet Union who specialized in brainwashing. It turns out his insight bears a very strong resemblance to global warming alarmist morons like yourself.

>actual arguments
There are plenty of them for you provided in the OP. Need to see the link again?

But you just posted the old recycled line without addressing anyone specifically:
>Man-made climate change is the harsh reality. You can deny it all you want, but 99% of the scientists agree

>Let's face it, it doesn't matter how much conflicting information there is to your agenda, you're never changing your mind, ever.
How ironic. Anything on the Cook paper?

>There are plenty of them for you provided in the OP.
A documentary isnt science. I want scientific proof that debunk the moutain off evidence scientific papers found on the effects of CO2, the rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the source of this concentration of CO2

Act of Killing
Into the Abyss
American Movie
F for Fake

And most of the already mentioned.

>Do Americans deny climate change
Yes. Even when their daughters and granddaughters are getting spitroasted, pissed and shit on whilst enjoying it by climate refugees they still will. Its hilarious, by denying it they are securing a glorious interracial sexual future for their progeny. Beautiful

>A documentary isnt science
Well, that's an idiotic thing to say. Sure, a doco isn't science, but it SHOWS you science. In other words, it shows you exactly what you're asking for in the following sentence.
Jesus christ though, you're as thick as a brick. You won't change your mind no matter how much evidence you're provided.

>muh is it real lmao

Bravo. Does every thread has to be /pol/ here?

Attached: 3CA4BE18-531E-4BBD-9094-3563776AF44F.jpg (600x300, 142K)

> it SHOWS you science
It showed me literally who expressing their opinions, which isnt science. Science isnt bloggers doing math and publishing it on the internet or pay-to-publish journals, its peer-rewieved studies published in a serious academic journal.

>you wont change your mind
I did change my mind. Just 4 years ago I was a "sceptic" and thought the AGW was greatly exagerated. And then I made my own researchs in the scientific litterature instead of believing bloggers and I changed my mind

fossil fuels are based and boomer
hippy shit
>stop smoking tobacco start smoking marijuana!

This doc is bullshit. There are no sources on any of those claims they make.
For example the 800 years lag between CO2 and temperature rise is an absolute amateur take on the understanding of the climate change in the past. Yes CO2 was not the primary cause of deglacation as it was the Milankovitch cycles that cause a slight increase in temperature, but 90% of the rise in temperature happened once the deglaciation cause CO2 levels in the atmosphere to spike.

Even though I knew the outcome, this shit was intense. Sweaty palms the whole way through.

Attached: hKRfEojWr1ipeLZtqG7XmiXrixG-2.jpg (2000x3000, 1M)

>It showed me literally who expressing their opinions, which isnt science
You mean award winning scientists who actually did the research are infinitely more qualified to make assessments on this matter than an idiot like yourself?

You're an anonymous on Yea Forums. You're the literal who. Worthless.

see You cannot dispute any of that.

>argument from authority
Eh, funny from someone that refuses to acknowledge the consensus. You are worthless so why aren't you listening? Oh, because that doesn't fit your agenda.

>who actually did the research
They didn't do it, they are quoting papers other made like the Caillon paper. And they are quoting it incorrectly.

I already said fanatics like you aren't worth the time. If you spent an hour of your time watching the documentary instead of arguing in this thread, you'd have gotten yourself a more meaningful discussion. As things are, you're exactly the kind of zealot who refuses to accept he's wrong.

what are you going to recommend next, the greatest story never told?

I can, I just don't have the time. Let's go over it gradually.

>First it was 'the ice age is coming!'
False, at NO time was the global chilling considered by the majority of scientists

Attached: global cooling.png (684x380, 73K)

> If you spent an hour of your time watching the documentary
I did watch the doc, see Adress this

>I can, I just don't have the time
In other words, you can't.

>Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'
At no point did any scientific paper said that the Earth was cooking, and glaciers are globally indeed melting

Attached: glaciers.png (670x840, 123K)

Whats the point of doing anything to help better the world anyways? Fucking niggers and their jew masters are taking over the world. i' say let it all go to shit.

From supergsminfo (your source)
>My background and education are also irrelevant
>While talking to my wife's friend about the Revelation 12 sign, she introduced me to David DuByne's YouTube channel called "ADAPT2030" and his Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast. I listened with an open mind and soon heard many of the same science facts, theories, and known cataclysmic events that I recently studied
What a waste of time.

with posts like this what has ever given you the idea you are intelligent enough to understand climate

OP created the thread to start shit anyways. You can't blame pol for continuing it

>continuing it

good one bruh

>ZOMG the world is ending
whats your solution then? tax the rich? lmao

not an argument

>But this was debunked spectacularly.
This paper was not peer-rewieved and was rifed with errors, including taking fake graphs without looking for its source or flat out lying about supposed "exagerations" made by NOAA

Attached: noaa.png (1146x658, 452K)

>It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.
"Climate-gate" was proven to be a whole lot of nothing. This picture is nonsense.

>Actually Klotzbach et al. (2009) found that when the satellites were first launched, their temperature readings were in relatively good agreement with the surface station data. There has been increasing divergence over time (exceeding 0.4C now), but the divergence does not arise from satellite errors.
But there was indeed errors in the satellite data, as the people in charge of it now recognize

>models are wrong
All the "models are wrong" graph are using the satellite's data, that are now void of any scientific accuracy.
All the others ways of mesuring temperature (and now the satellite data too) always agreed that there was indeed a warming, and that it was coherent with the models.

>CO2 is a small part of the atmosphere so it can't have any effect
Ozone is an even smaller part of the atmosphere yet it had and has a significant impact on it and on the planet Earth, as everyone with a high-school understanding of science knows.
I suggest you ingest a small dose of ricin and see the effect it has on you. Surely nothing since it doesn't even come close to compare with your body mass, right?

>humans are a small part of CO2 emissions
Yes but the problem is accumulation of CO2 year after year. The carbon cycle (again, high school) takes a certain amount of CO2 out of the atmosphere, which has maintained CO2 levels stables for a couple thousands of years, until the start of industrialisation. If you have a bucket of 1L of water that adds 0.2L and leaks 0.2L, nothing happens. If you add on top of that 0.05L, it will eventually flood, even if 0.05L isn't a lot compared to 1L

You're not persuading anyone posting your own propaganda.

>nooooooooooo stop debunking my poorly thought-out copu pasta
It's not "propaganda". Why do you refuse to engage with opposing viewpoint? How is the people in charge of the satellite recording recognizing there was a mistake propaganda?

Attached: bestboi4.png (785x1000, 254K)

>It's almost like you're a robot, programmed to repeat the exact same things without addressing any arguments
>I guess that's all you will ever be: a useful idiot, a pawn.
>Jesus christ though, you're as thick as a brick. You won't change your mind no matter how much evidence you're provided.
>As things are, you're exactly the kind of zealot who refuses to accept he's wrong.
Do you ever Wonder if that can't be applied to you? How can you lack so much self-awareness?

You sound upset.

>only my graphs are accurate! not yours! please give your money to the government to prevent climate change!

Attached: 1563647495466.png (886x898, 719K)

>he still hasn't addressed any of

>only my graphs are accurate!
Yes, I explained you why.

>please give your money to the government to prevent climate change!
Why don't you come up with a solution instead of saying there's isn't a problem

>Yes, I explained you why.
Mindlessly contradicted*

>Mindlessly contradicted*
I showed you here that the satellite data was wrong.

Conveniently altered facts to suit your agenda. Nothing new.

It's called science. You're the one ignoring it to suit your agenda.

>It's called science

and you'll keep eating it up because politicians and idiots like DiCaprio keep feeding it to you and you don't know any better.

Every credible scientist understands the planet's climate is still very much an unclear science. Those saying it's an absolute fact that "global warming is happening" or "we're walking the path to extinction", like yourself, will always be dumb and never learn.

Great recs guys. I rec Perlov's diaries.

>Every credible scientist understands the planet's climate is still very much an unclear science.
No, they don't. You're an idiot.

>global warming is happening
How can you even deny it's happening at this point when you have NO DATA that refutes it's happening. Surface, satellite, oceanic measurement are all showing an increase in temperature. Glaciers and land ice sheets are all losing surface.

Attached: temperature.gif (500x322, 212K)

Attached: temperature year by year.gif (360x360, 3.55M)

Attached: icevol_2017.gif (1242x1323, 873K)

How does climate deniers explain this?

user, I found a link. Thank you for the rec, I am looking forward to watching this and sipping a hot chocolate.

>global warming is basically turning the entire planet into a gas chamber
one way or another these oven dodgers will meet their fate.

Attached: 1543065350403.jpg (630x961, 55K)

That's awesome, I hope you enjoy it.

100% of climate scientists agree that climate science is not fake and more $$ should be invested in climate science.

>No, they don't
You are beyond retarded. By all means, keep thinking everything related to global temperature is figured out like the braindead moron you are.

But that's exactly what it is.

You are beyond retarded. By all means, keep thinking everything related to global temperature is figured out like the braindead moron you are.