>Finally decide to give this show a shot after weeks of Yea Forums hyping it up
>enjoying it so far
> less than 10 minutes in, an interracial sex scene with an ugly black guy and a hot white girl
What are media outlets gaining from pushing this narrative that there are interracial couples where the white woman is not a ham planet?
Finally decide to give this show a shot after weeks of Yea Forums hyping it up
Other urls found in this thread:
She is a stupid slut, well they all are. But still...
is that mary jane
Who cares, white women are disgusting
I’m a phone poster. Your webms have no power here.
that club scene was epic. something so hot about romance between a cis guy and cute transgirl
show name?
I would sooner believe that an attractive girl would go anywhere near a transgender girl than I would believe an interracial romance where the white girl doesn’t look like the hunchback of Notre Dame
>Jewish writers
that deep bass synth as nate comes out of nowhere at 2:15
fucking kino
>ugly black guy
Imagine being this gay and beta.
At this point you may as well become a trap user and make sure those "ugly black men" never take any more white women away if you know what I mean ;)
Take one (or ten) for the team. ;^)
>smacks lips
Maybe to reprobates like you. Degeneracy must be eradicated.
did anyone else laugh out loud when jules put her fingers in his mouth while calling him a pussy and bitch?
anyone who lives in a major city can see that black/brown people only get 3/10 or lower girls 99% of the time
REMINDER: This is not a "trend" or a passing moment, it is ***THE NEW WORLD PARADIGM*** and interracial black man white woman sex is going to be force-fucked into the brain of every single person on the planet.
The (((ruling elite))) want a one-world brown mongrel slave race to rule over using (((their))) Satanic worldly magic (or control tactics).
It's literally a ritual to destroy the "ego" or sense-of-self or self-esteem of white men. What could be more humiliating than your goddess betraying you for the orgasms of a savage black negro animal?
what the fuck is up with these /pol/tards coming to euphoria threads?
IMAGINE being this pathetic
it's not because you're a phoneposter, you're just an iOS retard with a shitty overpriced piece of shit phone
Agreed. Pic related would be swimming in pussy if it wasn't for those fucking jews
art imitates life
Interesting assertion.
I personally believe photography is also art.
i have a windows phone. nothing is supported i cant even facebook or snapchat
so jews have magic powers, but they only work on brown skin people? how come they havent used their voodoo on the palestinians to have them just leave?
There’s only two white people in the first episode, the tranny, the chad and the drug head
None had sex scene with black guy, what are you watching exactly
>JIDF hasn't gotten new images in years
Budget problems or what?
No. Never was, never will be. Same as how a retard is not the quarterback even if the whole team pretends they are for positivity.
can we all just admire how cute rue looked in that cop uniform showing off her belly button?
i love tall skinny girls
Oh you'll have a really fun time when deepfake is perfected.
Why do all black people look so average. 90% of them are exact 5/10 then the rest are below.
>that face
That mulatto mutt literally looks like a fucking goblin.
Cope tranny
have it
thats not cop, thats die hard jon
Cause there's no color. For them diversity is black and brown and frizzy hair. It's ridiculous.
>janny keeps JIDF posts ups but deletes post calling them out
I have had enough
good. now go back to /pol/
Make me shitheel
They are trying to make white women hate their own race.
>pushing this narrative
It's not a "narrative" you racist moron, it's literally something that happens all the time in places where black people exist.
Which one is you?
seriously, are you a shill? it's always some iPhone faggot making these threads
I’m on ios and can watch webms you jealous poorfag
>if I post my reddit pictures I can continue to deny reality in the face of facts
Cute. Me on the left ;^)
>porn is reality
Your brain has rotted my guy
holy shit, how the fuck did a euphoria thread turn into an interracial porn debate
all /pol/tards should be banned from Yea Forums
Just cut your dick off and consume goy.
Virtually every other forum on the internet is a lefty echo chamber. Why don't you just fuck off to one of them?
kill yourself redditor
White guy gets cucked?
Is this Zendaya? How come she looks cute in this pic and in Spider-Man but she looks fucking atrocious IRL?
>holy shit, how the fuck did a euphoria thread turn into an interracial porn debate
Gee who could have possibly for seen that /pol/bait:the tv show would attract /pol/ posts.
mckay is an objectively attractive man. sorry to break it to you.
Make up hides her LA ABOMINACION status.
For me it’s Lexi
Guess what, model looks don't translate to sexual success as much as the internet seems to think it does.
Sexual success often means looking threatening over classic "good looks". All you guys are complaining about how that bald construction worker can get some petite blonde need to rethink their world view. Chad's don't necessarily look like Chad.
>nordcucks think their ancestors were roman generals
I just wanna wash the dirt off her but I know its just her color
Can some translate this?
I don’t speak Virgin. Lmao
He wants to fuck crossdressing men because he's a fag
>no punctuation
>no capitalization
>reddit spacing
>pol pol pol pol pol
You and your fellow chapo raiders.
kys and make the world a better place
>l sex scene with an ugly black guy
If we selected 100 hot white women and asked them to choose between sucking off the actor that plays mckay or the white posters that frequent /pol/ and here, I would bet my entire bank account mckay would win out 95% of the time. Like it would be the easiest money I've ever earned.
seething virgins mad that black men are taking "their" women. you ugly fucks never had a chance.
This show honestly sucks
>the main character is just a spoiled tweaker
>all the white male characters are written as fags, fairies or incels
>the only real Chad is a nigger and his character is as deep as football player is
> all the girls are just sluts and whores who just get hysterical and consume dick
Why are you obsessed with nigger dick my guy?
>all the white male characters are written as fags, fairies or incels
just like in real life.
The French gave up their white cards long ago
he's right "my guy"
>what are media outlets gaining from helping to create a brown patchwork race with no unique identity, foundation or cultural coherence and thus making them much more docile?
Can't think of a single reason, bro.
Why are you replying to your own post?
Blacks always look disgusting, they hide their dry flaky skin under tons and tons of makeup, even more so than any other race.
Blacks are more likely to be fags and trannies in real life than whites, you can google this
So the truth comes out - Euphoria threads were just a means for more blacked propaganda.
I don't even fucking get it, why can't ONE network just make a show about teenagers with at least an ounce of authenticity to it. Why show a bunch of guys swinging their dicks around patting the back of the local chad who is sexually confused and has a gay pedophile dad who fucks trannies? What the fuck is up with that? There is just as much drama to be had with male teenage body insecurity and overexaggerated masculinity in high school... but they skip all that and just go "lmao they're just teenage dudebros". Did we seriously need to go off the deep end and get the black guy to be anally raped with a strap on as part of his hazing? National cases and entire frats have been dismantled just from alcohol poisoning, much less ass rape.
We have some epic incel monologue about a girl who leads a guy on but that speech never happens IRL. Everyone is the most conflicted, most spoken, most deviant, most sexual version of themselves and it loses any nuance. It misses why so many teenagers are quiet about their problems and speak with no one, not even their friends about it. Why they are so emotionally ill-equipped to deal with it. But every person is "woke" as fuck and we get trannies tripping on mdma after telling off her gay chad love interest that he's a faggot just like his daddy she fucked.
ya i read it. and it was only by like what? 0.8? that still makes majority of faggots in america white (like 75%+)
That's because whites are the majority you smooth brained shitskin
Per capita niggers are still the biggest fags
i dont really get the point of this show
it's like a car crash in slow motion - am i supposed to just cringe at how degenerate everyone is and conclude teenagers are horrible or something
satanist cope. over 10 million faggots and trannies are white. blacks don't even break 1 million. m-m-muh per capita.
no wonder your race is dying and all your women are running over to black men. it's because you guys are fucking KEKS.
um...so...like...can we discuss the show and maybe you guys can take your debate somewhere else?
Have you ever seen the craigslist t4m section in ant city in America?
It is ALL nigger trannies
>reality is like muh cuck porn
I love you browncels so much you are endless comedy
cope. never seen a black faggot or tranny in my city. everyone here is a WHITE homosexual. in fact, when most people think of a tranny or a faggot the first thing that comes up is a white guy, you can even google it. ALL WHITE.
Most trannies I see around here are latino, I dont think you're actually American
>anecdotal evidence
cope. you say they're latino because you can't accept it into your heart that they're white. just like how you guys say all brown skinned people are the same but classify all whites into a million different catogories. MUH ONIONS, JEW, LEFTY, TRANNY, KEK, lel.
na he's right. most of the trannies and homosexuals i see are white
they always trying to suck my dick too.
based asians, lowest tranny rate
just telling you what i see in my day to day life. the pride parade in my city is full of lanky white guys.
How is that possible when they all look the same, male or female
what show?
I haven't watched this show, but all the ads for it seem like it's the perfect justification for the final full of Hollywood, the perfect grounds for all the producers and directors in Los Angeles to be ruthlessly exterminated. Am I overreacting, or is the show worth a watch?
>posts that same fake alt-right racially biased "poll" with no hard evidence
>s-s-see i told you we weren't all faggots and trannies!!!
meanwhile in reality every gay guy on the street is white. oh i'm laughing.
This makes me soooo angry. White women are for white men, why do nignogs cant understand it?
my black friend married a white woman and dipped when he got her pregnant. we still laughing to this day.
You're the only one implying that with your BLACKED spam retard.
worst part of the show. pure nepotism.
>dry flaky skin
>white women age like fucking milk when the term "black don't crack" is commonly heard
>post about /pol/bait show that everyone has fun hatewatching
>try to discuss it like an actual show
>on Yea Forums
I fucking hate /pol/cels almost as much as leftist faggots, and still it's brutally obvious that this show would have gotten the same response out of Yea Forums 10 years ago because its nature is to be hatewatched or watched to laugh at what zoomers do, like a circus freak show
>alt right
It was a huffpo poll fucking lmao
cope. racially biased "poll" (dumb cumskin thinks that's hard evidence) written by an angry obese whiteoid (much like yourself) that's still in the closet.
>dipped when he got her pregnant
dipped? What the fuck does this even mean?
>Implying he's brown
>Implying he's serious
>Implying you haven't got baited like the 20iq brainlet you are
I think your constant seething is starting to overheat your little brain lmao
seriously why is everyone on this site a nazi noided schizo??
>I was just pretending to be retarded
the baiter here.
i'm not brown. i'm BLACK
i'm serious in that almost all faggots and trannies on this earth are white
and yes i CAN confirm that he is a brainlet
because their strategy is to weaken the only people on earth who can oppose them or ruin their plans, namely the white people, the gatekeepers of western society.
of course they want whites to go extinct so that a cultureless, traditionless, historyless new race would have nothing else to grasp to besides whatever theyre being fed by the jews world order. and thats why they dont want whites to breed whites. hell, they dont even want each race to breed itself because they want a colorless brown empty mixture of everything with no roots to anything.
>whites having history
you are so fucking retarded. you honestly believe all the shit you just said.
>m-m-muh jews
crybaby faggot.
>being such a contrarian or cheap troll
that was not a good bait, lad
>telling some tinfoil hat wearing lardass that he's retarded is bait
kek. mentally ill.
>why is everyone on this site a Nazi minded(?) schizo
Because the stormfags ran the libertarian bros out of the site by lowering the average discussion IQ by ~15 points and keeping at it
People actually believe this which is funny I guess
based. reality is the whites were on the right and instead of actually helping and educating the other people. massacred and enslaved them and deleted all the atrocities from their history.
Thats the point yeah
Wait up I have an edit
>eurocentrist brainlet is implying europe wasn't a shithole while the middle east was thriving.
literal summary of this guy
>Middle East
Fucking lol
just say the magic word and they start visibly seething
HOLY FUCKING BASED. NORDKEKS BLOWN THE FUCK OUT. on a serious note, imagine being a nordcuck and thinking the meds were "muh ancestors" KEK.
not minded, noided as in paranoid schizophrenic
I honestly couldnt care less, I just find the entire cycle of history comedic to no end
TIL, thanks user
holy shit this board has been infested with brainlets from /pol/ and /int/
they werent but they took over everything the meds built and made it theirs.
i cant stop laughing at this. it's like how these guys mockingly say "we wuz" but also say that because they're white that there ancestors were roman and greek despite being from ireland. GOD...MY SIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH
stop derailing euphoria threads
implying theres anything to derail
It's just a tranny porn show what is there to talk about
the real question is why are you watching shitty bait show for teenager girls?
Talk about fez and what the fuck gonna happen. He just flushed that whole supply. Mouse gonna be pissed as hell. Snitch bitch Nate fucked everything
If you're white and not a white nationalist by now, you should be institutionalized.
Hunters preferred pronouns are she/them douchebag
My preferred pronouns are sneed/feed
>my black friend married a white woman and dipped when he got her pregnant. we still laughing to this day.
A bunch of niggers find nigger antics funny??? Whoa.
Like woah dude check out those strobe lights. Totally kino
Why are niggers and spics so gay?
Have you seen their average woman?
The black power movement mixed in with the 70s counterculture a bit TOO much
lesbians are less offensive to the senses so thats why they get pushed in media more often. as for WHY they have to push it in the first place, thats a good question.
cope. over 80% of gays in america are white.
surprised Asians are so low with Thailand being a thing and those K-pop boys
Based latin ladies are the only good thing about spics dominating for 2050.
Why do cuckservatives only object to interracial and not other forms of fornication?
the usual incel ideology of "they're stealing MY women!"
Well, by white I assume you also include Latinos and Asians, at which case the US is 87% white
Yeah, so great...
>reading comprehension
what im saying is that although that poll (which isn't ACTUAL hard evidence) shows that blacks are slightly more likely to identify as faggots that 80% of gays in america are WHITE. and it's only black AMERICANS, you won't find 1% of the amount of faggots in africa that you would in european and majority white countries.
the reality is WHITES are more prone to being gays and trannies, is it biological? YES. cultural perhaps...as shown by the black americans.
Of course, but surely if a white guy is fucking some white bitch he’s also “stealing”?
How do "the jews" keep you a virgin exactly? Instead of crying about Jews on a malaysian sewing board all day, why not try diet/exercise/getting a job/becoming less socially awkward? I think the latter would see you more successful with woman desu
Cuckservatives don't care about interracial. That's why they're cuckservatives.
The left can’t meme
It's not a meme man, it's a real life quote.
>incel gets butthurt and calls anyone who insults his pathetic way of "life" a lefty
Except the real life quote is about jews
>hehe the left can't meme! SHADILAY!!!
Concession accepted.
>20th century racial propaganda with no basis in science
sick quote bro!! i'd upvote you if i could!!!
That's an interesting quote, especially when you consider Jesse Owens had to fight off Hitler's advances at the Olympics
ehhhh, I think it's about incels man
Original quote is Goebbels talking about Jews.
Well, if you count Latinos and Asians as white, then that plies that the US is 87% white, since blacks are 13% of the US
Of course, if 80% of the gays in America are white, that means that the blacks are already overwhelmingly gay since if it were 1:1, that number would be near 87%
Also you can't account for black gay people finding a random poll as easily as white people, for obvious reasons
In Africa, if you're gay you get stoned I'd assume, which is certain to both drive the gay population down and also put the rest in hiding
he was right
even the most racist and homophobic whites are closet faggots and trannies.
>In Africa, if you're gay you get stoned I'd assume
god bless american education
Original quote is from Churchill talking about Incels. Goebbels probably stole it tho.
Educate yourself.
Post the one about him only having one testicle and a shrunken penis.
>Out of the 54 states recognised by theUnited NationsorAfrican Unionor both, theInternational Gay and Lesbian Associationstated in 2015 thathomosexualityis outlawed in 34 African countries.
>InSudan,Somalia,Somaliland,Mauritaniaand northernNigeria, homosexuality is punishable by death
Honestly try harder
It's amazing how Goebbels turned his life around and became the most notorious propagandist in history.
I assume the weaker race are the Germans considering how badly they got BTFO'd by the Russians?
cope. i've never seen a westernized person from any these countries consider themselves homosexuals. who knows, maybe some are. but no where near the amount of white homosexuals there are. best part is white people, especially white europeans flaunt their homosexuality like it's a badge of honor. KEK.
Mate I know it's bait, it was painfully obvious for the start, I'm just using it as an excuse to post a few interesting links here and there
You forget that the Germans were fighting a war on two fronts. Had the full German might fallen on the Russians, they would have been destroyed easily. They almost were anyway.
He looked like a rodent and killed himself
And? There's no source here. I could post a pic of churchill and post the quote with incel inserted
>using nazi rhetoric
That's a new low
>i-i-it's bait even though it's been proven!!
sigh...most homosexuals are white. you know it, i know it.maybe if you went outside you wouldn't be so blind to reality.
>He looked like a rodent and killed himself
You wouldn't have the balls to do it.
>And? There's no source here. I could post a pic of churchill and post the quote with incel inserted
From his diaries.
Given most nazis were trans, it's actually very progressive to use their rhetoric
All statistics say otherwise.
>it's brave to kill yourself
lol trannys are the bravest people on earth then I guess.
Different reasons.
>t-the jews are trying to wipe us out!!
>black men are stealing our women!!!!
the fact is you guys are just faggots and trannies. i rest my case.
same reason. Emo shit full of drugs vs. emo shit full of drugs
Holy shit, I knew niggers and spics were stupid...
Given most nazis were trannys, it's really the same reason
Yes, trannies are constantly threatened with sham war tribunals.
You realize you just make yourself look ridiculous when you post stuff like this, right?
If they started a war they would be. Hitler was the first openly trans leader in history.
concession accepted.
We’d never look at you anyway Subhuman, don’t worry about it.
how is history ridiculous? History is written by the winners. The Allies needed Germany as an ally for the Cold War so suppressed the truth regarding the fact most were trans
That’s why I’m not bothering with it, in my college people self segregated and the black guys were always dumb and aggressive, the Muslims even worse. We never mixed. Why does the media force this unrealistic shit so hard?
how does he look ridiculous? it's been shown that lots of nazi's dressed in drag and were in homosexual relationships.
is this the usual /pol/ cope i hear so much about? posting a gif of someone laughing and acting sarcastic and superior isn't helping you much.
People who notice reality and shitty forced agendas in the media are /pol/?
based and factpilled.
cringe and ignorantiplled.
>They actually believe it.
Proof that there is no limit to what NPCs will fall for.
>after weeks of Yea Forums hyping it up
??? Its literally two trannies making """""""""""""general"""""""""""" then spaming photos of trannies, you fucking retard.
He didn’t say he couldn’t get laid, he pointed out the most common occurrence that Jewish writers are mostly behind race mixing bullshit.
After you Yaniv
read between the lines
>not believing widely accepted facts because it doesn't fit my /pol/ narrative of "da jewz n blakz bad!!"
>respond with the usual npc sarcastic and ironic gifs
ya bro, everyone but you and the guys over at /pol/ are npcs!! SO BASED!
I suspicious of these stats data gathering method but I can't be fuck to look it up.
just do what everyone here does. ONLY look at facts regarding minorities but ignore facts regarding WHITE people. you'll make it if you just close your eyes.
it's embarrassing how hard you try
Who is paying you?
the jews and liberals.
WTF is this thread? ShariaBlue is invading Yea Forums with their bullshit it what? Nobody is buying it anyway, retards.
>inb4 le/pol/ boogeyman
just stop
Why are all the clips I've seen of this show just softcore transsexual porn
meant for
>widely accepted facts
I don't think you understand what that means.
>implying there's any effort required in shitposting
now that's embarrassing
Funny thing is paint all niggers White and they'd look like a 3/10 white dude
Why the fuck are they wearing socks and soes in the pool?
still better looking than everyone on Yea Forums.
iphones are mediocre in relation to the price, you're paying a lot for the apple logo
you've never been near another person in your life, faggot, let alone said a word to them.
This show turned me into a tranny lover. I barely find cis women attractive now
Wait, does this mean we can't say all nazis were evil from our position of privilege?
Kek, have you seen his shoulders?
Was this a hallucination or dream sequence, oe a partial halucination, or was Rue actually dressed like this?
It was sort of hard to tell, because the episode clearly indicates Rue was talking to people, but the outfit and handcuffs seem like something out of a dream sequence.
>Is this Zendaya? How come she looks cute in this pic and in Spider-Man but she looks fucking atrocious IRL?
In this pic Zendaya looks like Victoria Justice.
Not exactly, but close.
Also libs:
clown world.
Not really. Your libertarianism just led to total domination by an outside populace. As it always will.
I dont get where mutts get this from.. No nord wants to be a pizza manlet, we eat those for breakfast and throw their bones in piles around the altars of our gods.
this is peak boomer trash, mobile posting was a fucking mistake
the person who typed this is 5'2
6.0 and im short for a nord
>mutts made it up
nah. "pizza manlets" were founding the worlds greatest empires and literally paving the entire way for western civilizisation while nordfags were living in strawhuts and fucking sheep. the joke is that all white supremacists see themselves as one group just because they're "white" and so take credit for others achievements. it's even more absurd than a guy from myanmar saying his ancestors were japanese samurai.
>mutts made it up
nah. "pizza manlets" were founding the worlds greatest empires and literally paving the entire way for western civilizisation while nordfags were living in strawhuts and fucking sheep. the joke is that all white supremacists see themselves as one group just because they're "white" and so take credit for others achievements. it's even more absurd than a guy from myanmar saying his ancestors were japanese samurai.
Whites below scandinavia maybe but ask anyone here and they rather be barbarians than a roman
speaking of mutts, aren't all modern europeans mongrel mixes of multiple ethnic groups?
cope incel
you guys cant be serious with this shit
>some fucking virgin on Yea Forums calling zendaytta ugly
>i'm white and therefore more attractive than brown models and actresses
>tranny show
Why the fuck where you even watching that?
Seek medical treatment.
Talking seriously about this actual television show I wish a character like Nate could actually seriously portray confused male sexuality, and maybe even mental illness, without having to back into always needing to show [[toxic masculinity]]
Like an actual good man struggling with something that apparently doesn't fucking exist according to TV and film
>Jewish producers
>Jewish showrunner
Euphoria is literally based on an Israeli series except the original isn't miscenegration and degeneracy.
>Being this insecure.
Get cucked whyte boi. Fuck off back to /pol/
Remember "multiculturalism" actually means less diversity. Corporations want a uniform global consumer base of serfs. In the end you won't pay money, you're currency will be energy and travel credits.
It's not that multiculturalism is inherently negative it's that we live on a planet where a 1% is ruthlessly determined to rule the 99% forever, and by making everyone the same, everyone is more easily survieled and controlled. Disney movies are a great example at how deft their execution is.
Euphoria's Tumblr color xanax aesthetic is tired and forced. At least Sam Esmail lurked on Yea Forums and /r/conspiracy.
>When you notice the hard nips under the tanktop
It was Rue in her mind palace again. The phone call to Lexi clarifies that. She calls Lexi at 2AM while Lexi is sleeping with full detective bit happening. When it cuts to Lexi she's in bed and none of the shit involving the detective bit are going on. It naturally transitions in to a Lexi/Cassie scene..
It's not Yea Forums, it's HBO.
>worst part of the show. pure nepotism.
She barely shows up. Explain.
wow, congratulations, your phone can do exactly what mine can for 3 times the price.
Why is 'My So-Called Life' never brought up in 'Euphoria' reviews of threads? Series are pretty similar, however, Euphoria is pure cringe tryhard shock content whereas 'MSCL' has a crossdresser and sad storylines but also didn't make Jared Leto's character a tranny or rapist.
>stop noticing patterns
Maude Apatow is basically a side character in ‘Euphoria’ so far.
Maybe later she’ll get her own episode with her back story, but so far she may not have had as many lines and as much screen time as Storm Reed who plays Zendaya’s sister on the show.
As far as Maude Apatow and Nepotism goes, she only has 10 acting credits listed on imdb.
>-1 credit is still in production, so it’s not really a credit yet.
>-3 of the credits are for movies directed by her father, and Hollywood directors putting their children in films is not uncommon.
>-1 of the credits, and the first credit after her father’s films, is for 3 episodes of ‘Girls’ which was basically nepotism central, and also on HBO.
>-1 credit is for a movie directed by the producer of ‘Euphoria.
>-1 credit is for a short film she codirected and cowrote.
Maude is at most a year younger than Chloe Moretz, and Chloe Moretz has 68 imdb credits.
Chloe probably had 40 credits by the time Maude did anything that wasn’t directed by her father.
That’s not really nepotism on a grand scale, since her father could have pulled more strings.
Also, Maude isn’t a bad actress, dome of her scenes were great.
>Why is 'My So-Called Life' never brought up in 'Euphoria' reviews of threads? Series are pretty similar, however, Euphoria is pure cringe tryhard shock content whereas 'MSCL' has a crossdresser and sad storylines but also didn't make Jared Leto's character a tranny or rapist.
My So Called Life was trying to play things straight, and make a somewhat “family” oriented program, even if it did have a gay character.
‘Euphoria’ is Grimm’s Fairytale version of an extreme American drugged up high school expierence.
The show is not trying to be ultra-realistic.
It also has moral messages in every episode.
Saying MSCL didn’t make Jared Leto’s character a tranny is funny, since Leto wound up playing one in a high profile later film, ‘Dallas Buyers Club’
Point being 'MSCL' presented the same themes and even a similar ennui in a mature fashion, and it was on ABC, but 'Euphoria' is such a circle jerk that its showmakers present it plot and attitude as edgy and modern. It's not.
I'm not against hyper realism or neo-exploitation, 'Natural Born Killers,' Reese Witherspoon's 'Freeway,' 'Gone Girl,' Larry Clark's 'Kids,' and 'Bully,' YouTube's 'Wayne' these are fine films. 'Euphoria' is just so disconnected from modern American teen life that it's sort of gross. It's a perverse wish fulfillment, a conjuring of what it claims to be concerned about. It's basically like a person drawing a swastika or "kill the tranny" on a school wall and then calling every media outlet in the nation.
Sub-saharan Africa never "thrived"