for action roles? no one is expecting female arnold, just someone who looks like they can do the stunts the character is doing. not some 100lb girl taking out 200lb guys in swat gear
How come women aren't required to be muscular
Other urls found in this thread:
Mary Sues don't need muscles.
Takes too long to get an actress to beef up, also not many women in Hollywood want to because yellow press will insult them and they limit other roles they can get.
Most fitness women can't act.
Random fitness instagram whores can absolutely act on the same level as 99% of hollywood actresses.
>Takes too long to get an actress to beef up
It literally takes 8 weeks on 10mg Anavar.
Because according to liberals and neo liberals muscles are a masculine trait.
Doesn't anvar screw up your voice?
>Because according to straight men muscles are a masculine trait.
Normies don't find it attractive and actresses think it will hurt their brand/image.
10-20mg is completely safe. It's literally magic muscle growth pills for girls.
Why does var work better for girls?
Since girls don't produce hardly any Test on their own their anabolic receptors respond bigly to amounts that would produce a comparatively negligible effect on dudes.
Guys can use anavar basically to cut and they have to take literally 5-10x as much and at those levels you will run into liver issues.
Anavar also has the lowest ratio of androgenic to anabolic effects, i.e. it stimulates muscle growth with minimal manface, clitdick, manvoice, etc. like you would see on female body builders from a couple decades ago before they really had their shit together.
It's also a pretty serious fat burner and literally every fitness instathot shilling protein powder is on at least a little bit.
Vasquez had delicious tits and pits.
So much of this is wrong.
t. /fraud/
She looks like a bald chimp why do you wanna fuck that?
Reminder that's John Connor's adoptive mom in Terminator 2
It's part of the female fantasy. They want to see incredibly feminine, thin, stupidly dressed (for combat) mary sues take down scores of hulking men so they can pretend they could aswell.
Where am I wrong. It's why they use it now.
More fun to dominate
>posting shoops
Same grill
that but also women don't really like seeing highly attractive, or generally exceptional women in their media, they're too insecure about it. You have highly exceptional women and men in men's movies, exceptional men in women's movies, but women in women's movies tend to be more conservative in appearance.
>posting a shoop to prove your shoop isn't a shoop
fine faggot
this thot is Katy Trewartha
I honestly hadn't made the connection until now.
That means both of his moms were buff qts.
Holy shit how is this even possible? I've been lifting for almost a year and my delts don't even look half as good as hers. I'm jelly af ngl.
inb4 2500 posts of
>k-kek women with muscles amirite bois? t-that could never happen
it's anavar
also do more lateral raises
Stupid nigger she’s using PEDs did you even read the thread?
I don't know what's more revolting, the horrible man body, man hands or those disgusting nails.
>for action roles?
>no one is expecting female arnold
>just someone who looks like they can do the stunts the character is doing
>not some 100lb girl taking out 200lb guys in swat gear
Because jacked females make shitty actors, generally. Women "want it all" and Hollywood is trying to give it to them. So, the actor can't be a female Arnold. She has to be able to hit all the right feminine emotional buttons *as well* as do everything a man can do, but better. If she can't do that, you're just gaining one thing, but losing another. Fine if you just want to break white fanboy's toys in front of their faces and drink their tears, but it's not good enough if you're seriously trying to get women to watch and accept it as their own while being respected by most men. Most of Hollywood is currently trying to do the former, not the latter
the nails are to indicate she's straight
For the same reason men aren't allowed to make their own version of Showgirls: too much plot, not enough "action".
Var gives grills pumpkin delts because shoulders are full of androgen receptors and it makes them blow up like crazy
That's more than var.
>we will never have nataliya amazonka star in a 90s macho action movie
No, it's because poor form on standing curls makes the delts overcompensate + chick lean.
that's a bit too far really
The only people who want gross bulky muscle women are closet fags and women haters who just use it as excuse #31946 to justify themselves
>no one is expecting female arnold, just someone who looks like they can do the stunts the character is doing
Agreed. I think the farthest I've ever liked was Rachel McLish and Corey Everson.
I like a muscular girl, but huge arms and shoulders looks wrong on a woman. They're misguided in their training if they're going for sex appeal. If they're just dykes or trying to appeal to gay men, or if they just like getting huge want to be stronger fair enough.
these look good, thighs are a tad big on the asian one
narrow waist wide hips, strong core, strong legs/thighs, and strong back all look good on a woman.
Katee Sackhoff in Another Life.
She's so fucking ugly though.
Muscles are a masculine trait, beta.
The myth of DEX.
See Anna (2019).
>steve buscemi with tits
Women can't do 6 months of intensive gym training without breaking down and crying and complaining about sexism.
That's what I want Yea Forums, a girl with a male body....
I think you might be homossexual closets
unironically this
These are gross. That's why you don't see it in movies.
That's a woman?
because Hollywood says they're not hot. Not everyone is /fit/ and wants a Valkyrie to crush his head between her thighs.
Best scene in this movie
It seems like Disney has been listening what we said about their unrealistic strong female character that are small teeange girls by hiring Gina Carano Ktaee Sakhoff for Star Wars. Instead of realistic female characters they're making female characters who look like men
Requiring anything from women is sexist
Chloe does it even if it's not a requirement for the role.
Looks like a 10-year-old could have bent that piece of shit "metal" bar.
>she will never kill you again and again and again
Friendly reminder that she only dates blacks.
it takes hard work to get muscle
women dont like hard work
How do I get my gf to use var?
Samantha Wright
I wanted to smash till I heard her steroid voice.
change the bottle and tell her it's vitamins or put it in her food
This is Shay Massey not Samantha Wright.
watch that clit grow +adam's apple
winning like it's not even real
I like no 1 with extra dipping sauce
if you like 4,5, nigga u gay
more beef than me
her pelvic floor will crush your dick like a vise
so hoowwwt,
Post the webm where she lifts 25 kg with her cervix
classic, classic
>any day anywhere any time any...
They want equal rights but not equal responsibility.
>beef too tick to get the dick in
atleast blubber is soft
Why do they lower their head when beefy?
are you saying the average skinnyfat woman cant take on a military trained muscular 6'5 guy
fucking misogynistic shitlord
Hey Mira, who's Snow White?
Based and pitpilled.
Prefer Sleeping Beauty
I'm guessing she's just and office employee though. Notice how he's fitted with all sorts of patrolling gear whilst she's got nothing. Don't really need to be that fit or big if you're just gonna do accounting in an office anyway.
My local news lady is jacked.
That's a Jewish woman in blackface pretending to be hispanic
>lifting for almost a year
>almost a year
lift harder stupid low-t little boy. lift for years. multiple years. then maybe you can have the same results.
muscly women arent attractive
Someone post the dio edit
I'm sure Biel did it for Blade movie