Bros im not ready for him to commit suicide with two shots to the back of his head :^(

bros im not ready for him to commit suicide with two shots to the back of his head :^(

Attached: micknullen.jpg (770x770, 91K)

most handsome autistic guy

It will be unfortunate when he stabs himself in the back 54 times.

why doesn't stavros want to kill himself. clownworld.

too many pork shoulders left uneaten

Don't worry, nature will take its course soon enough. No way he makes it to 50

am I the only one who thinks its weird that people have gotten more attractive? Like the average celebrity from 50 years ago probably isn't this good-looking but now its just common to see people with chiseled jaws and cheeks on social media. Where are all the hot people coming from?

maybe you're just gay lol

Honestly don't get why he isn't some Chad normie. He's smart, handsome and weirdly charming. Why the fuck is he doing a podcast about cum.


Attached: BlankCheck-TBT_UCB_closet.jpg (640x640, 64K)

>smart, handsome, and a weirdly charming sense of humor

He looks like Frank Zappa in this pic

He is stutter and weird o stage. He has neurotic breakdowns every 6 months. He's also about 5'5“.

Adam is ironically actually the most mentally-healthy and well adjusted of the gang.

Have you listened to the podcast? He's ridiculously mentally ill.

What kind?

Take a look at Nick before he hit the gym, almost unfuckable. Coke and a gym routine do wonders.

he's slightly eccentric, but he's not fucking insane you normie faggots

nick is prescribed lithium lmao

stav has the most successful career, has the most sex, and is arguably the most popular of the three. nature has failed us

Listen to the last 10 minutes of the Bam Margera Precap part 2. Nick shows that he lacks social empathy beyond just being a dick.

yeah, unnecessarily so, docs are freewheeling with the script-pads these days if you hadn't noticed

He literally had a bipolar meltdown last year where he thought restaurant signs were sending him hidden messages and got put on lithium and antipsychotics.

Is it weird how Adam is somehow the worst part of Cum Town, yet if he left he'd somehow be even worse on his own and the show itself would suffer without him?

Who on earth is this poor man's Henry Cavill?

Attached: henry cavill and plane.jpg (1080x810, 69K)

wait, gimmie a rundown on the hidden message stuff lol


>literally all of your income relies upon just being witty or at least passingly funny for two hours a week

>get a fucking lithium prescription

God I love flinging the borders wide open so that white people get their wages decreased, and their women get raped/murdered; right, my fellow comrades?

Attached: Antifa policies same as Google kek comic.jpg (1000x1446, 170K)

because it's easy and lets him live how he wants? Yeah he might be on lithium and shorter than most girls but I'd trade places with him in an instant. Also annoying laugh aside (which she's getting better at) his gf is better than the traitor Dasha and the retard stav is dating

He's a manlet gamer with a disgusting accent

Politics are cringe, this is a comedy podcast.

I can't remember the episode but it was not long after he first he went deep into pedogate. He sounded frazzled, Stav had also just broke his foot. He didn't elaborate much other than mentioning that he was seeing messages in signs and talked about suicide and Adam awkwardly chuckled. The next week he posted his pill bottles on Instagram.

until he says white genocide doesn't exist


man that's some god-tier hair
lucky bastard

Schizo Nick sounds like a good character

I've tried listening to their podcast a couple times but the fat guy phones in laughs too much. The fat fuck laughs at literally anything the main dude says. Even as he begins letting out an idea he starts his chuckling. I can't take it. It's all I end up focusing on.