We will be watching regardless as we not only support MCU kino, but also genderqueen legends and that’s on Periodt!

We will be watching regardless as we not only support MCU kino, but also genderqueen legends and that’s on Periodt! twitter.com/mcu_direct/status/1156015396849213441?s=21

Attached: A25C36D3-D8C8-4C3D-B63F-E8CF46D0CD9F.jpg (750x968, 518K)

>not propaganda
>not propaganda
>not propaganda
>not propaganda
>not propaganda

Attached: redditor shit.png (890x768, 241K)

No, I will not.

Ugh, I really hope they don't do this. We're reaching woke levels that normies don't even like

>Kids movies

Sure thing Disney.

Almost at peak degeneracy...

I was pro gay marriage, and I thought the slippery slope arguments were absolutely ridiculous, but here we are.

We're all going to see a major media company advocating for pedo-normalcy in this century, bet your life on it. From advocating transgender hormonal alterations to children, it doesn't even seem that far away, does it?

What’s her super power?

shape shifting

God damn reading twitter is like reading newspeak or something. A frankenstein between english and nigglish

If Sera is a new character this is fantastic. I would much rather Marvel make a trans character instead of retconning an existing character into being trans. That way when the new character fails (because 99% of new comic book characters fail) they'll learn that the only reason people give a shit about any of their characters is because they liked them from before.

slippery slope is bullshit for everything except clickbait.

Pissing standing up

And yet, here we are, with "trans" children.

>slippery slope is bullshit for everything except clickbait.
>t. pic related

Attached: 1564436665978.png (1250x700, 982K)

if it was common/accepted/tolerated/uncontroversial, it wouldn't be clickbait

And with enough clicks, one day it will become common/accepted/tolerated/uncontroversial. The earliest stages of this can already be observed - seeking to "transition" a child of 10 would have seen you in jail, a decade past. Now, you're praised on Vice. Tomorrow, you'll be common, and something else will be the new frontier to be normalized.

They don’t even have fags yet.

I'll take that bet

>with enough clickbait it'll become accepted!
>my proof is this news story I only heard about because of a clickbait article!

... you really need to stop thinking you're remotely intelligent. Its only going to cause you pain.

My proof is several decades of observed history. When you graduate middle school and enter the real world, after some time, you'll have the same proof.

Your "proof" is cherrypicked nonsense. You've confused what you see often (clickbait) for representative of reality as a whole. For every one "trans kid" there's thousands of kids who wouldn't even consider transitioning and parents who aren't abusive.

The internet has given people access to all of the information gathered in human history. This is far more for any one person to hold in their mind. But there's enough information to validate literally any belief while leaving room for little else. The challenge of our times is realizing that no matter how much you think you know, there's infinitely more you don't.