Cast him

Cast him.

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I love how Rockstar was able to shill the shit out of this mundane game. All style and no substance. And then the shills are all like, wooooaaahh brooo so deep and sad he died of tuberculosis, whoopty fuckin' doo. All they did was slap a fresh paint of WOKE to an old IP and make a shitty attempt at grabbing loads of money without raising any brows. Give me a fuckin break.

Terence Hill from about 50 years ago

Brad Pitt
Karl Urban as John Marston

Brendan Fraser

oh that’s just superstition

Opinions like these are useless unless you say what actually is a good game to you.

Josh Brolin

Timothee Chalamet

>I can’t refute your argument so I need you refute your taste

Would have to be Chris Pine

Armie Hammer as Arthur
Miles Teller as Dutch
Paul Dano as Hosea
Lucas Hedges as John Marston

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the bitch kid as an old man? how would that work with the story?

Paul Dano is 35.
Retard Yea Forumsedditors don’t understand that the only movie adaption that would be worth anything is doing another prequel where they are young and first meet John.
I had to age them all up because there aren’t any good 18-26 year old male actors that are attractive white men

Tom Hardy

Hell do all the grunting of Arthur perfectly

Cast Dutch tho

100%. Cliff Booth is 70s Arthur Morgan

Damn, Hosea was such a fuckin Chad

That Walking Dead/Death Stranding guy for Marston

Yeah I wanted him to be Armie Hammer but I’m dead set on Miles Teller as Dutch, and then the ages don’t work out as well.
Maybe Chris Pratt (yikes) as Arthur and Armie Hammer as Hosea?

what a loathsome guy u are, consider changing

Yeah Yea Forumsirgins are retarded.


Brad Pitt


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Paul Dano as Micah makes more sense

Attached: dano.jpg (1920x800, 166K)

Yea Forumseddit incarnate

Would Micah even be in a prequel?
I just want a Arthur/Dutch/Hosea movie without any of the shitty cliche side characters.
And Ben Foster for Micah duh


>oh that’s just superstition
People who defend this are living in a sad pathetic parody of reality.

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Hosea looks like either Neil Patrick Harris ornlikr that guy from that garbage monster truck/x men movie


Cheetos-covered Yea Forumseddit fingers wrote these posts btw

How does Rockstar's cock taste like? It must be real good since you refuse to take it out of your mouth.

Any cares, dweeb?

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>NPH as a straight laced father figure to two violent psychopaths
Could be career defining

Looks like someone can't move past the 90's...

nice facebook image frogposter

Roger clark

Based and retardpilled


if you really think 5 is above 3 go fuck yourself

Writers in that game can barely go 20 minutes without some unfunny forced snarky joke about Millennial Things Am I rit Guys?? god fuck you retarded nigger,that shits already dated and its barely been a decade.


Thomas Haden Church as Arthur
Daniel Day Lewis as Dutch
Walter Coggins as Micah
Josh Brolin as John Marston

>RDR over GTA4 and RDR2
Your nostalgia is clear.

RDR2 is the best video game of in the past 15 years. I hate this word but you’re either a fucking zoomer or weeb if you disagree.

RDR2 is a blatant downgrade in every way.

I'm sorry your tastes in vidya are so vapid, user.

Shut the fuck up. Please, name a better game from recent years and I swear to god if you say Nier Automata or Dark Souls...

from the past 15 years? new vegas



Based, NV and Bioshock are unironically my other two favorite games along with RDR2

Me as Arthur, I'm as alpha as him dont @ me, soiboys

It'll be a nigger, sadly

Armie Hammer in five years (the foot thing will have blown over by then)

That little, bent-mandibled fuck isn't hot, or cool. Seriously.

Well, I mean there’s a pretty obvious graphical upgrade. (Even though the night skybox is substantially worse)

The humor in 3 is poop jokes

Odris Olbo

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Imagine being so wrong

>hating on gta 5
Yea Forumsedditor spotted

How has no one suggested Fassbender?

Use a spoiler next time, faggot.

Yes. Everything after Chapter 2 sucked and was clearly reworked in a hurry at the end of development.

Lurk more before posting

Fuck you, nerd.

Actually could work

John Marston dies

t. edgy zoomer


PLEASE lurk more before posting

>world 5>4
I want to argue with you but maybe you’re right.
Planes+Mountains>Comfy Living City

Hurrr lurK moar durrrrrr...

Idris Elba

Why do Yea Forumsedditors hate GTAV's story?
Michael is 10 times more interesting protagonist than "little bitch" CJ or "Not Al Pacino" Tommy

The guy from Stranger Things

Attached: rdr2.png (2498x1000, 3.92M)

Chuck Norris

Because the Houser brothers are terrible writers, all of the stories of GTA games (including RDR and other offshoots) are all trash, the GTA3 era was at least fun and self-aware that everything was just a general parody of pop culture. Only a drooling retard whose only exposure to fiction comes from video games would take their attempts at legitimate storytelling seriously.