Christopher Nolan or Tarantino?

Christopher Nolan or Tarantino?

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Tarantino has his own issues, but the dialog in Nolan's movies always bothered the shit out of me and I can't understand why. Interstellar was the worst about it

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Tarantino has a memeable nature to his films. A certain style that is easy to identify and to some extent parody.
I like Nolan's films, but I can never tell exactly what his creator signature is.

movies are gay

I don't have to decide, theres only about 30 hours of film combined. Why people feel the need to have a favourite is beyond me.

They are of course both hacks. Nolan is more consistent. You know his films will be filled with technical incompetence and pseud stories, but overall watchable.

Tarantino has produced kino of a high order (kill bill, pulp fiction), but also absolute trash (hatefull 8, django, basterds).

He creates kino's about driven men with dead wives/girlfriends.

Big Guy?

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um you dont get to bring friends


there isn’t a bad tarantino movie. shut the fuck up you dumbass poser.

Nolan atleast uses the large film stock format turboautism by actually using the technology and showcasing it through great large format sequences, while Tarantino jerks off to the same technology with 99% of his flicks being just characters talking in a room.

they should collaborate, like they could even each other out as they are opposites

what's going on here?

If I want to be entertained. Nolan.
If I need to catch up on sleep. Tarantino.

Tarantino. Nolan is the poor man's Fincher.

Inglorious Basterds is good, you pretentious twat

For you

Tarantino is like a comfortable pair of shoes, Nolan is like a fine wine. Their dialogue is overrated in both cases but I think Nolan might have a slight edge in terms of economy.

Both are irredeemable hacks and enemies of cinema.

Chris Nolan, not even a contest. Kill Bill Vol 1 is literally the only fucking half decent movie that foot sucking faggot has made

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I have not enjoyed a single Nolan movie. They're all terribly acted, terribly edited, cringe dialogue, horrible pacing, they're bad. Very bad. Horrible films.

There's so much to hate about both of them, I really can't decide which one is worse. I guess Tarantino for being a cuck and forcing his fetish into all his movies.

maybe I should've said Pabst Blue Ribbon.

The fact that Tarantino even exists is a reminder of what an average world this is.

The fact that Nolan even exists is a reminder of what an average world this is.