Why aren't people able to make a movie or a show without insulting Christians and depict them as obsessed anti-gay...

Why aren't people able to make a movie or a show without insulting Christians and depict them as obsessed anti-gay pedophiles?

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Writers can't help but draw inspiration from reality.

you know why, its them user, it always was

i've made a lot of "trad" Christians and at least 80% of them have been homosexuals, either closeted or actively going on dates with other boys/posting nude images of themselves online and other shit.
I used to think the gay religious thing was made up until I just kept meeting them over and over again, they think they can get away with it by confessing and skirting the line of homosexuality by avoiding anal sex or trying to be "one of the good ones"
Went on a date with a "trad catholic" white supremacist. He was honestly a cool person and we're still friends but hes gay as fuck, he paid for my dinner and held my hand on the walk home and kissed my cheek.

it'd help if they'd stop being the majority of obsessed anti-gay pedophiles.

It is as if a group that hate Christians and the idea of god are the ones that make most of the movies or something.

I see. Maybe the problem is that I'm not american, and to me Christians are just normal people doing stuff.

What a sick degenerate fantasy.

i'm australian


that's an even better explanation

Christians don't need television. It stands to reason there wouldn't be any in the industry, and they're all jealous of Christians.

>obsessed anti-gay pedophiles

Yeah, they should also portray some of the other qualities of Christians, like being closeted homos, racists, self-delusional hypocrites, and serial baby aborters.

you can believe whatever you want, but the catholic church has a problem with homosexuals in their ranks. Who the fuck else is going to take a vow of celibacy? In theory its not that big of an issue, even almost admirable that a homosexual raises about the circumstances and chooses to follow a moral code and abstain from sin,
in theory, only those at the highest levels can obtain that level of discipline, people i've meet (late teens, early to mid 20s, same age as me) lack the discipline or guidance to follow that moral code, and so they end up just making excuses for homosexual acts they commit.
In addition, the rates of pedophilia is much, much higher with gays, as a lot were molested as children, so its no shock that a lot of these priests also molest kids.

please excuse bad english, its my first language but I am retarded
ok wow?

Yeah, why would (((they))) try to besmirch Christianity and white males?

You do realize that if you are a fucking faggot you tend to meet more faggots, especially when you go out at night trying to find a men to stuff his penis in your ass you fucking faggot.

It's a pretty well documented issue in the church friend, but keep ignoring it. I'm sure it'll just go away on its own :)

Imagine being a faggot lmao.

This is good, though.
There's a clear distinction between races, not acknowledging it is delusional.

>he asks in a board full of Amerimutts
America is a leftist, anti-white nation of Disney worshippers controlled by jews, don't even bother with the "people" who populate this place.

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>i've made a lot of "trad" Christians
God is posting without a trip.

Southern Protestant Megachurches/Born Again Christians are silly and deserve to be mocked.

t. Went to Flamingo Road Church for like a decade when I was a kid. It was fucking ridiculous.

*Also, backing up what this guy said, my older cousin was the most enthusiastic church member I knew, as soon as he graduated HS he moved to San Francisco and came out as gay a year later.

The most annoying examples get all the attention, and the whole lot is cast together with them.

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>produced by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg

Godspell, nice movie good songs, made my a jew believe.

Do you know the word televangelist?

>a clear distinction between races
"Race" has meant different things over the decades and centuries it has been used to categorize people. Whichever parameters it used it had one goal, and that was to assign arbitrary grouping of people to make it easier to deal with them in large numbers. That's it. There's no magic "truth", or "insight" when "race" is used as a determinant noun.

This is nonsense, if anything Christians watch more tv than anyone else, because of football, televangelists, and Fox News, in that order.

because priests fuck children


based pedophile defenders

My Christfu is a bit weak, but isn't pedophilia a Catholic priests problem? I think they are the ones who believe faith alone is not enough to achieve heaven. How comes?

Pedophilia is an all religious leaders problem. It's just culturally safe to go after Catholics. Rabbis, Imams, and Protestant pastors are just as bad, but they all have highly prominent political groups explicitly defending their interests in Congress.

But most Protestant pastors are allowed to marry.


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Fucking SJWs always getting offended about nothing

There's nothing to say OP is offended, I think you're projecting.

It's less anti christian than the comic to be fair
Mother's Milk is a christian in the show and is portrayed as reasonable and even Hughie is annoyed with Butcher's fedora tipping

but whatever cry when your fairy tales are made fun of

Have you not watched the news in the last several years?

Did you know that Martin Luther explicitly wrote that his idea of Sola Fide (which had never been expressed that way before), arrived to him complete, and only after he came to the realization did he look for biblical support? In other words, the concept of Sola Fide, created by the man who developed the idea of Sola Scriptura, developed Sola Fide while ignoring his concept of Sola Scriptura. If the Catholic view of salvation were to be put into a simple phrase, it would be most encapsulated by Sola Gratia--we are saved by God's grace alone. He extends his grace to all, and it is through our faith that we receive his gratuitously offered grace, which none can ever deserve. We believe that it is by good works done well that we perfect our faith and allow ourselves to better receive what is freely given. We also believe that to do evil works, is an act against faith--that disobedience to God is inherently a rejection of his grace. What we take greatest issue with in the concept of Sola Fide is not the trust and reliance in faith, but in the dangers of saying only faith, because it is easy to arrive at the demonstrably false conclusion--as explicitly denounced in scripture--that someone could receive God's salvation while living a Godless life. One cannot act against God's will and then be saved only because you said his name. I encourage you, when you are told the position of the Catholic church by someone outside of it, at least respect yourself enough to see how the Catholics explain it to see if they have been represented honestly.

Non-Christians are literally mentally ill

imagine the type of person who thinks this

you mean like the best picture winner at the academy awards several years ago? and the Phillip Seymour Hoffman movie several years before it which was a much better story?


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Bad apples exist everywhere. Like I said, I have scarce contact with Christian doctrines. I only hear about them from the news, not being one myself, and Reformation something decades ago at school.

Atheists and Jews are generally awful people so they imagine "hey at least I don't rape kids" as if not doing the worst thing imaginable makes them a "good person"
and by extension of their low self esteem they imagine Christians as raping children as it makes them feel good about themselves. Of course the level of "pedophilia" is generally consistent across all groups in terms of percentage. (you're gonna always have around 3% of people are going to be sexual deviants)
i guess why are people obsessed with such a small number but Right Wingers think the same thing (but instead imagine hollywood running children rape parties)

Basically: It never happens and the only reason it ever ends up in the news is because its so astronomically rare. AND the fact that no matter how awful a person you are you can generally say "Hey at least I don't fuck kids" as if doing that is some great accomplishment.

and don't even @ me because you know I'm 100% right

Iiterally ever single youth pastor I have ever met turned out to be a faggot grooming other faggots

These threads are made by the same people who claim Aquaman is an attempt to destroy whiteness while ignoring Ras Al Ghul being an Arab played by a white dude.

Ennis is a salty Norn who hates christfags for ripping his country apart.
Next question?

This. The character of your religion is defined by what said religion despises.

All human institutions can be defined for what they hate.
Yea Forums hates everything... are we demons?

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they just know nothing about Christians.

Silence is antagonistic towards Christianity. This is a vast oversimplification, but it is essentially telling Christians to stop talking about it, stop trying to convert people, let people do whatever they want, keep quiet, and the pain you feel of denying your faith will make you like Jesus. Very insulting.

>Jews run Hollywood
>Jews hate Christianity
>Jews and the faggot left control the propaganda machines

It's not that hard to fucking figure out mate.

Speaking as someone who grew up a protestant christian, protestant culture is just funny as fuck.

Just think about it, Christian Rock where you had charts for "if you liked X band, you'll love this Y christian rock band" and christian cartoons and christian comedians. We had christian idols on your favorite christian radio channels. Stuff like Amy Grant possibly cheating on her husband and ditching him to marry him to marry a different christian country artist was massive news in the community. We went to christian bible camps where we had cringy ass testimonials and 13 year olds crying during their altar call.

How do you NOT make fun of this?

Fpbp, fuck christcucks

Both the protagonist and his superhero girlfriend say they are religious though. Hughie doesn't really mean it that much but Starlight, the only good superhero in the story, is deeply religious. Organised protestant events like these really are just cash cows in real life where people go to hear shit they agree with, you ever seen those mega churches with the black preachers straight up asking his church to give them money for private jets and stuff?

Silence tells the viewer that faith is a personal matter and the only way you can worship God truly is by doing it alone. Jesus died to take humanity's pain and suffering unto himself, not to make thousands of others try to copy him in martyrdom and willingly subject themselves to death and torture. That's why the Christians step on Jesus, he saves them even in death.

did any of you cunts grow up in a wholesome midwest town? I knew tons of great Christians who are far better than any fuckhead I've met on the coasts.

You could only say this and believe this if you didn't actually know anything about Christianity. Jesus explicitly tells his followers and to all they will teach that they will experience physical suffering, abuse, and even torturous death and that they are to die in his name. The very idea of the faith is that when we act in faith we are never alone, but are joined by God and all the faithful; it is only sin that we are alone, but even in our suffering God is with us.

"everyone who hates cockroachs want to fuck them, everyone who hates nazis is secretly a nazi"

but you know the answer - jews and faggy media upper class fagolas

Because Jews