Vikings Thread

Just started episode 1, what am I in for? Am I missing out by watching the the censored/Amazon versions? The only difference I can find is a tiny bit of gore and nudity per episode

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A good show that is slowly but ultimately destroyed by a bunch of liberal bullshit as usual

Without spoilers if possible what are we we talking about here? Is it just strong women everywhere?


Kinda but at the end most of the stronk womyn get their ass handed

The later seasons had a lot of unnecessary "Who fucked who" bullshit.
First two or three seasons are amazing though, you should watch those and then decide for yourself if you want to continue.

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stop watching when ragnar dies, and no this isn't spoilers. it's a fucking hundreds of years old story so go fuck yourself.

Had a quick Google. The main lady becomes a lesbian and creates an all female army or something? Does it last long?

Are the later seasons trash or watchable? I'm looking for kino Viking raiding with a small dose of politics. Not a Viking dating show

Stop watching it after Ragnar dies

>Are the later seasons trash or watchable?
Still lots of fun.

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Thanks user. Hopefully it'll be like Dexter post season 4. Pretty shit but still fun and not like The Walking Dead where every leader is female and it's the most multicultural apocalypse I've ever seen

Have fun mate. Also I can recommend drinking mead while watching it.

I stopped watching after the sacking of Paris. Should I get back to it?

I think so.
Some great arcs, some weak arcs. Just continue and decide for yourself.

Show sucks, go watch Vinland Saga on prime if you want Viking kino

>Vinland Saga
>more like Farm Boy Saga

Up until the farm it's kino.
nothing in the show has and will ever top this scene
fight me

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I thought the farm arc was pretty good, but if you don’t like it the anime won’t be there for a while.

Is this the point to switch over and start watching The Last Kingdom?

Attached: last kingdom skade2.webm (640x640, 1.6M)

>Had a quick Google. The main lady becomes a lesbian and creates an all female army or something? Does it last long?

One of the final seasons only for everything in the following season to crumble for her, lust for cock again lost the cock and finally withering into oblivion while someone else gets the throne

Last kangdom is shit. Couldn't make it past the first 30 minutes, the armours those cucks wear are atrocious. Kust fuxking give them linen tunics and chainmail , not outrageous leather curassies, with hundreds of straps and pockets.

Yes the great heathen army and Eggbert last "fuck you" are great.

Ragnar carries this show hard

>Last kangdom is shit.

Still better in every way compared to Vikings and its SJW crap.

Season 1 is okay, season 2 is absolute kino, sharp nose dive at season 3 and I stopped halfway through 4.

There's an actually good vikings show out right now and its called Vinland Saga. Go watch the first 4 episodes.

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I stopped reading when they left the farm. An Yea Forumsnon told me that after that they plan on going to Vinland but can't because they don't have the money so instead they think of this scam where they sell orca horns or whatever to the greeks saying that it's a unicorn's horn. Basically 60 chapters of bullshit and still no vinland. When I read this I really regretted having read through all that slave boy bullshit. Should have stopped when the based mentor mentored himself to save his people.

I loved the show in the beginning but it gets really bad really quick after the second season.
Every history show that gets popular with the mainstream gets fucking ruined.

Rome never even had the chance

Except the few strong characters unironically more historical accurate.

You're an asshole.

>he didn't know ragnars story before watching the series
lmaoing at you

Literally all the women in this show get btfo, Lagertha's little revolt bs only lasted half a season.

The liberal argument is always funny to see.

>The Last Kingdom

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Viking fucking shits.

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I think most people felt that the asian girl and her drugs arc was quite shit until that scene hit. Travis Fimmel probably will never get a role as good as Ragnar.