Say This Isn't So?

Attached: once-upon-a-time-in-hollywood-us-box-office-brad-pitt-leonardo-dicaprios-film-has-the-perfect-first- (750x750, 108K)

pitt is a very bad representative for /fit/ because he doesnt spill his spaghetti around women and calmly turned down a thot instead of having a breakdown about receiving female validation

isnt /fit/ full of faggots that like to grease each other up and butt fuck?

Brad Pitt is gay?


Is there alot of sex? I dont like sex in movies.

Mostly mentally ill spergs

/fit/ is just /r9k/ for people that lift.

A bunch of insecure salty incels

no. use the parents guide on imdb for future reference.


No I will keep on asking Yea Forums for any movie related question. Fuck you imdb shill


>this is what fit wants to believe

Pitt is far too capable, self-confident and well realized to be /fit/; He isn't an antisocial spaz trying to fill the hole in his life with an autistic lifestyle focused on protein, training and steroids

Which board is he?

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no one in this movie could represent a single board.

Pitt is /pol/

Yea Forumseeee

>/fit/ is a skinny old guy
>Yea Forums is a chad
uh yeah sure

Dunno but I'm kinda BORED of him if you catch my drift, familia

/fit/ is literally a bunch of seething bald manlets

/fit/ here,
this is accurate

Is /fit/ just made up of fat people?

No just people that used to be fat, but now people you see at the gym by themselves at 2 am powerlifting to soundgarden

Zero sex and zero nudity.
Someone asked for a blowjob.
And Pitt took off his shirt once.
That's it.

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