ITT: shit movies Yea Forums tricked you into watching
ITT: shit movies Yea Forums tricked you into watching
This movie make have SEX
Spider-Man 2
manchester by the sea
a dark song
blade runner 2049
Batman V Superman
Absolute shit movie
Ironically I liked this one and hated his other movie Gummo.
Should've used this chart
You can’t look yourself in the mirror, your mind recoils at the thought of being exposed. The film filters people on a primordial level, the indulgence in degradation and contempt, that’s who you are. Lusting for carefree life with the support of the opposite. This film is probably the most important film of this decade, but like the saying goes, people don’t like to hear the truth.
I want have sex with lesbian one
Blade runner
Not shit, but way overrated especially here.
son of the mask
venom. to anyone who recommended it: please punch yourself in the face fucking asshole
Lesbians don’t exist
All of them
>This film is probably the most important film of this decade
I would do unspeakable things to Hudgens.
Never. I've always gotten good recommendations on here. Yea Forums is more of an asshole in the way that they will dissuade you from watching good movies..
Perfect fuck, amazing hips
10/10 movie
10/10 figure
Alita battle angel
He makes a decent point.
Degeneracy has gotten out of hand. This movie is a redpill, and a suppository one for libbys.
movie is kino u are pleb OP
>tfw I have enjoyed every harmony korine movie I've seen but know I'll just get ridiculed here
That horrible dragon movie with Bale. There is nothing redeemable about it.
nice humblebrag
I really hope you haven't seen Mister Lonely. (you can skip it if you haven't)
Always down for goofy hipster shit but this movie was straight trash. James Franco is like a bargain bin bargain bin. He's fucking Harry Osborne for gods sake.
Just behind some narrow door in all your favorite bars, men, in red woolen shirts, are getting incredible kicks from things you'll never know
Bird Box. I cannot understand people who treated it seriously, but laughed at Shamalamadingdong's The Happening
>t. fag
prefect level of fat for a female
gays not welcome
Fuck you pleb nigger all those are good.
Such a hottie
>"sping break forever bitches"
>proceed to be a faggot pretentious director
>"sprang break forevrrrrrrrr"
>james franco get sniped in the face from afar
>the two girls standing right next to him proceed to kill 80 armed guards who have worse aim than stormtrooper just after they managed to snipe james franco
>have a scene that looks like the quality of a netflix tv show play out where they shoot gucci mayne 100 times in the face
>cut back to him later with one bullet hole in his head
>"spring break forever bitches!"
yeah thats gonna be a "hack director" from me dawg
Sprannggg break
Pic related is one of the worst movies I have ever had the displeasure of wasting my time on.
Unfortunately, it is extremely complicated and therefore it makes people feel smart to claim they think it's good. As a result, any sort of criticism is "refuted" by the claim that you didn't get it.
The acting is awful and the plot is complex for the sake of being complex. That said, it is impressive what they accomplished with such a slim budget. Would not recommend though.
Benson > Hudgens > Gomez > Korine
Now post that picture of her now where she's clearly anorexic.
Well thats just obvious
It cost like 6 bucks to make and was interesting. I don't even think it hits an hour and a half long, either. People that insult Primer use the same fucking remarks every time. Even if you hated every single aspect of it, you barely wasted any time on it. People don't think they're better than you because they like it and you don't. That's such a sign of insecurity, it's hilarious.
Upstream Color was better.
can't post something that doesn't exist
>People don't think they're better than you because they like it and you don't
I admit that I used a blanket statement that generalized too much, obviously not everyone feels that way.
But you have to admit that most discussion/criticism of Primer will draw in many that feel the need to disregard and hand wave any actual criticism as someone that isn't "smart enough to get it".
It's very frustrating.
>not black
You can't take that shit seriously anywhere on the internet. It's easy as fuck to post that without even thinking about just about anything, and everyone here is guilty of it at one point or another to rile someone up. Most people I know irl don't like it and they're not retarded, they just didn't care for the execution. I like indie films with fun ideas and no budget like The Battery though, so to me having a solid base with questionable everything else is just fine.
Shut the fuck up you idiot retards.
The movie is really simplistic to understand(Selena Gomez' character is literally named FAITH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!) This story has been told dozens of times, and every one is better than this garbage yet because it's by THE McDonald's Arthouse director you pretend it is more important than it is.
pick a lynch film
That's true, you are correct. Perhaps I was too hotheaded when I posted.
The concept is a good one, and I do appreciate the idea of the film, but I found the execution left much to be desired, especially in terms of performance and dialogue.
As this user said I think Upstream Color was a better film, so it isn't even Shane that I dislike.
Oh well, thanks for talking me down from my fit of autistic rage, user.
This but Korine up one
Sequel when?
Not soon enough.