What are some other boomercore kino?
What are some other boomercore kino?
Why are millennials so lazy
I thank Hashem every day he didn't make me American
Because they can be
Easy lives make for weak men.
Why did boomers fuck up the planet and kill the economy dooming future generations to debt slavery
>Mike Rowe advocates for more kids to get into blue-collar trades
>downplays the severe health complications associated with most blue collar jobs
>downplays the fact that plumbers/farmers/truckers/etc put their kids in college specifically because they don't want them to become tradesmen
On the one hand, I like Mike Rowe
on the other hand, Mike Rowe is an intellectually dishonest boomer asshole whom I can't stand
>I don't want a hard job, I want an easy job
>Waaaah why do boomers have more resources than me
Kill all tradcucks
Not everyone should go to college. That's why the price is inflated as is.
>Go to college and get a useless degree with useless knowledge (dont forget to attend all our marxist gen ed courses required for graduation) so you can work a shitty office job using none of the knowledge you learned but with all of the debt!
*economy implodes*
because it beats being a wagecuck that makes some boomers even richer and happier
nothing wrong with good work ethic
Boomers had some of the easiest jobs imaginable that paid 3x what a difficult job now pays. Running a press in a factory with 4 other people while you shoot the shit is not difficult work. The jobs people site are not the vast fucking majority, like coal miners and other crap.
Give me 1 (one) reason why I should work when I neither want to nor have to.
>Implying millennials aren't the wagecuck generation that'll be earning slightly above minimum wage their entire lives
I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm saying he's being dishonest
Are you a trust fund baby?
Capitalism isn't a zero sum game. You're thinking of socialism.
When do you go up on the morning, kiddo
10 am?
>Are you a trust fund baby?
No, I'm a welfare leech.
somebody has to do this shit and trade jobs still play well. it beats the hell out of poverty even if the end goal is having a desk job and shit posting on Yea Forums all day
Why do boomers and ESL speak the same way?