>Could you take your shoes off? We kind of do the Japanese thing.
Is taking your shoes off indoors really that fucking exotic for Americans?
>Could you take your shoes off? We kind of do the Japanese thing.
Is taking your shoes off indoors really that fucking exotic for Americans?
No, we actually have these things called sidewalks and paved roads, so we don't have to walk through piles of human excrement while going from one place to another.
As a result our shoes are perfectly clean, and we can wear them in the house without any repercussions whatsoever
do euro royals take their shoes off when they're indoors?
>sidewalks and paved roads are clean
Not enough human excrement
Be autistic,
Walk hunched over with head pointed downward,
Look at sidewalk as I go places,
Avoid stepping in dogshit, human shit, piss, and spilled food.
Have clean shoe soles.
Walk in house in outdoor shoes without tracking shit into house,
Point out Mother were not to step,
She ridicules me and tells me I’m offensive.
It hurts.
Why would you not take off your shoes indoors? They exist to protect your feet from the outside world and the only reason I can think off to not take them is that your too lazy to do so.
>perfectly clean
being this retarded
I'll let you in on a secret here, the outside world is not clean. the pavement is constantly hit with weather, and no one cleans it except for those sweepers that come in once every month or so. Try not mopping and vacuuming your floor for a few weeks and see how that looks.
A larger thing is that America generally has carpet everywhere, and wearing shoes on carpet is horrible, since sometimes the dirt can’t cone out with a quick vacuuming
Also, it’s much more comfy to take shoes off inside
>tfw dad wears his boots around his house and gets mud everywhere
Americans sleep and shower in shoes.
Their houses and floors aren't filthy. They like to ensure they remain that way.
ah, there's your problem
holy fuck you're delusional
its a house by house thing
only really anal people who "im trying to look after the carpet" get you to take off shoes
>tfw /int/ education is all from shitty cartoons
Why am I not surprised?
Does he say that he bought his house with his own hard earned money and does as he damn well pleases, while your mother just looks at him and sighs?
>Americans sleep and shower in shoes.
My mother will call him out but he'll just keep doing it anyways and forgets about it a minute later
What the fuck is that remote?
>Their houses and floors aren't filthy. They like to ensure they remain that way.
i've next seen queen elizabeth not wearing shoes indoors
go fucking rub your hand on your floor it shouldn't be dusty or gritty
How often does she have you over for tea?
When is the last time you dropped your food on the sidewalk and ate it right here out of the street, you animal?
>when a breitbart burger who has never traveled tries to meme
There's no way people actually believe this.
Are you an npc or do you just know so little about hygiene?
fpbp, look at all the foreign seething
I like how this is a meme in america after ww2
she doesn't come around for tea, you don't buy tea in the uk you get a months worth of tea bags in the post complements of the queen
people wait at home for them, If someone asks you to do something and the post is due you say "I can't queen liz is coming for tea"
it’s actually muslims who consider bare feet rude you shitskin fuck
It's impolite
For fuck's sake, you want to smell someone else's sweaty socks or feet when you have them over? If they are family, or if you live there it's fine. But it's rude for a guest to just plop his/her shoes off when they're over
>nonamericans cant afford house shoes and new carpet every year
I think it's more rude to sniff the feet of your guests, user. What is wrong with you?
Americans are cultureless, genderless, raceless, soulless subhumans. They are what happens when racemixing goes too far.
I'm sorry negro, but I don't want a stranger or even a friend to come over and just get their sweaty feet on my shit
I wish Judge Dredd was real.
Heh heh, aaaaalright.
I don't even wear socks inhouse.
holy fuck this got europoos seething. based.
>nonamericans don’t have roombas
Fucking lel
Do they really?
Ahahahahaha what a fat bastards
The only people I've ever known who gave a fuck about this have carpeting.
Hello hehe I make all americans who visit me take off their shoes and then I secretly sniff them hehhehhehehehe
Exciting smell!
Here's a tip. Your feet smell so terrible because you're wearing shoes all day.
That's why in this hypothetical he shot up the building because YOU SEX CRAZED ATHEIST FOOT LOVERS NEED SHARIA
americans being dirty slops is no surprise
Americans will literally walk around your home with their shoes on unless you explicitly tell them to take their shoes off when they first come in.
>never take off shoes
Knowing Americans, I'm guessing they get a little offended when told to take off their shoes
And I'm still not taking them off. Kick me out of your dingy shack. See if I give a shit. I'll just take a stroll in my sneakers.
I know you fellas are just having fun, but in all seriousness, it's Cubans that literally and unironically wear shoes everywhere indoors.
My gf is Cuban and every time we go down to Miami and stay with her grandparents, they insist that I wear shoes in all parts of the house at all times.
Fat people smell more, it's no surprise they try to hide their shame.
I don't take my shoes off in doors because it makes you look weak. I remember when I was a kid, hell, even up to being an adult, at my grandpa and grandmas house, some aunt or friend of the family would come over and say "here, let's go outside, I have something to show you". Every time, without fail, they would interject with their little remark. "oh hurry up". "Oh it's taking you a while isn't it". Meanwhile, these fuckers were speedy gonzales, because they were so used to this whole charade that they had slip-on shoes. Assholes would have taken just as long if not longer if they had to tie their fucking shoes.I remember seeing a guest over my house, all bent over and fussing around with his shoes. I saw him, and said that man would never be me again. I will never take off my shoes indoors again my entire life. It's nothing more than an elaborate game of brinkmanship, a game that's rigged if you have slip ons. Even if someone asked me to take my shoes off, I would politely but forcefully decline. This is no different from a caveman beating the shit out of another cavemen. It's the same game being played. Except by weak people thinking their shoe speed makes them better than you.
Is this pasta?
Do americans not have slippers or something similar?
Based and sneakerpilled.
It's a true story that I've posted for the first time.