A communist Russian base underneath an American consumerist mega complex

A communist Russian base underneath an American consumerist mega complex.

What did they mean by this?

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Nothing, that's the set they had and they went with it

>An elected official working with the Russians
What did they mean by this?

imagine watching season 3 of fucking stranger things

God this guy was very rude and misogynistic.

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What a waste of a great actor, what was even the point? They could have just had anybody in that role and it wouldn't have mattered

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>What did they mean by this?
basically what this dude says
at least that's what I think

Trump is a Russian puppet.

you tend to get popular actors doing small roles in very popular shows.

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Fuck off Nancy.

stranger things is fucked..

every season will now have a villain of the week, where kids gather at random place, to try magic to close a hole..

nothing new, everything seen 1000 times.. it is done

>The marxists created hedonism!

>is shit at her job
Go eat a sandwich Nancy

considering his role was to demean and bully a skinny upper middle class white girl, I'd say they picked him because he's tall and blonde. who else could believably treat nancy like shit in the work place?

The Mall is Trump and The Soviets have the base underneath, using it as cover. That's the message. Simple as.

I think they made it pretty clear that the next season will be going in a different direction this time. The Mindflayer that they've been building up since season 1 is dead now.

Subtle brainwashing

Brain watching to believe what sir?

> who else could believably treat nancy like shit in the work place?
Other women

why shoulld it be dead, didnĀ“t see it dying, since it is some random mist, how can it be killed, there is no difference since season 2, it can still be around... since it is all made up nonsense it the first place, they can come up with whatever they want.

this is probably true, I don't even like anyone but the nerd herd anymore

lol, believing the kikes

Like everything in Stranger Things it's not deep enough to really have any meaning. Ironic for a show that spends so much time underground.

it was a parody of the movie red dawn from the 80s. cause this show is all about the 80s. in the movie red dawn, the mayor of the town also works for the russians.

oooh, i see what you meant, orange man bad, he hurts feelers on twitter

based virtue signaling user


This. The post credits scene was unbelievably bad, just the same monster we've seen a million times.

I had hoped they were going somewhere with the mindflayer but no, he was just a brainless large version of the monsters previously.


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Nope, the next season will establish the Demogorgon's brother as a bigger, badder threat. Also a clone of Bennett from Commando and the Xenomorph from Alien will be villains cause lol 80s.

This whole season was a fucking joke, the russians were retarded in every aspect, every hop and joyce part is skippable with 0 impact to the plot, way too many ha ha funny mouments and more tonal shift than a black church choir

Okay but will be there a russian kid with superpowers in season 4?

Have sex

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This show went from bretty gud to total shit faster than any other in the history of tv. Should have been an anthology.

>you let me in
>so I'll kill you
>and your friends
>and every human
Why? What is the motivation? Also notice it's always mentioned as "he".

>great actor

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haha blompf


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>"it's not rigged!"
>gets shot

how topical and profound

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>all those project monarch and panda references etc. at the set/background
They just can't stop doing it can they

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Because it eats worlds. Its a massive hivemind bent on accumulating biomass and eliminating competition. The upside down is just an alternate reality, probably where that thing was created as a bioweapon that got loose and devoured everything.

>think he looks like gary busey
>look him up

Stranger Things is based on cheesy 80's novels. It's not even a 'dude turn your brain off' thing, it's incompetence is a way to make it more authentic.

The jewish favorite Hollywood trope, blonde blue eyed men are evil, same with the mayor this season.

>A communist Russian base underneath an American consumerist mega complex.
>What did they mean by this?

It means that America thought we buried the Soviet Union during the Cold War, but they have metastasized beneath our feet while we were distracted with mindless consumerism and materialism.

season 1
>comfy 80s childhood setting in smalltown america
>hommage to 80s contemporary popular culture
>hommage to movies of and shows of that era

season 2
>more of the same
>producers demand more femals
>have them engage in an interracial love interest story arc that has nothing to do with the plot and just feels out of place
>"we need some evil white heavy metal chad now that steve is joining the nerd crew"

season 3
>more of the same
>interracial love story continues despite both of them are never seen as a couple and had not the slightest chemistry between them
>"muh, independent womyn"
>unbelievable teenage lovestory between L and and weird boy
>milfs lusting over teenage evil white heavy metal chad (totally normal)
>shoehorning erica into the story who feels more like a cartoon character with her nigress behaviour
>"muh, we need a lesbian"
>"muh, we need evil russians in phantasy uniforms"
>rest of the show is a fucking consumer nostalgia fuckfest sponsored by burger king and cooperate america
please cancel this shit already.

Who hurt you?

netflix. i'm tired to get a nice season of a show and then watch it becoming a vehicle for contemporary political and social messages.

when they paid off the original creator they stole it from they should have asked him for more ideas

Don't you fucking talk like that about the emperor.

>The Mindflayer that they've been building up since season 1 is dead now.
What? No it's not, it's just stuck in upside down like it's always been. The big monster in our dimension was just a meat puppet.

Personally I just dropped season 2 because it was boring, and strayed from anything I cared about so quickly that I watched all but the finale. Season 3 seems like it adds more nonsense that I don't give a shit about. I'm glad I stuck with Dark though, every minute or every episode feels good.


no way balding jew, mde never dies

but this isn't Sneed

>you tend to get popular actors doing small roles in very popular shows.
But he isn't popular

The only good thing they did with him is they made him play low-key for this role. He is really annoying person irl

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Too much of a parody. A secret Russian base at the site of a major American science experiment, and a very dangerous one at that, going completely unnoticed / being unguarded in the first place was too much for my suspension of disbelief. And was Hopper so much of a doofus in the first 2 seasons?
The monster stuff was fine, some good body horror there, but the conspiracy was dumb.