Any animal kino that doesnt try to appeal to sensitive sjw trannys?

Any animal kino that doesnt try to appeal to sensitive sjw trannys?

Attached: petrel_tears_penguin_a_new_asshole_2.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

Apparently he managed to escape.

Escaape this plane of existence.

He clearly went away.

Durr, animal suffering doesnt effect me I'm hardcore thats why I post about it for attention I just dont even care hurrr

Imagine being this disconnected from nature

Up the heaven and away.

Imagine thinking about trannies while watching a nature documentary

Dude Im like so in touch with reality. Live is suffering and there is a food chain I dont even "feel" anything about these brutal deaths its just the way of the world. Now, watch me post these videos and ask for more in the middle of the night on backwater forums for attention
instead of just looking it up myself.

Fuck off mutt

>literally eating his asshole


I bet your eyes arent even blue dont even have perfect vision.

>Live is suffering and there is a food chain I dont even "feel" anything about these brutal deaths
How this guy just went from accuser to perpetrator.

What the fuck are you talking about? Dont answer that it's rhetorical to draw attention to your nonsense talk I dont actually care what you think youre fucking retarded.


That whole post is superfluous, just tell him that what he said is nonsense.

Fuck you I will talk how I want to talk. If you cant help but spend time reading my entire post and replying that only speaks to my syntax. The whole thing was negative from the start just like this post.

>that only speaks to my syntax
It does, it speaks very poorly. Going out of your way to blow hot air isn't a virtue.

you one of them trannies op was talking about?

>It does, it speaks very poorly. Going out of your way to blow hot air isn't a virtue.'
Its like 20 words faggot, did your teacher just make you read your first Shakespeare this year or something? Probably the comedies because you're not in the advanced classes.

Time traveller

>t. seething brainlet



Attached: Cringe Flowchart.png (843x903, 56K)

what are the best animal documentaries ever (in general)???

Your mother's sex tape and the recording of your birth.

kill yourself nigger


I know you're not supposed to interact with the species but, fuck that. At that point the animal's clearing in extreme pain. Put it out of its fucking misery. Shoot it in the head. Photographers and videographers are the biggest faggots.


No u.

>t. sensitive tranny

make an effort

Africa Addio

Jesus Christ

Fuck you Yea Forums

Now I really hate this fucking place

Thanks for stopping by, hope you had fun during this week.

>I shitposted on Yea Forums in the middle of the night with a shockvalue webm!
>People remember i exist again!

Attached: 1562104733928.png (454x520, 13K)

>I shitposted under a shitpost on Yea Forums in the middle of the night with a shockvalue wojak!
>People remember i exist again!

Attached: 1563126242570.png (1159x665, 231K)


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Good job, OP, at least we can confirm that you ridded the board of at least 1 redditor

Attached: Penguins 3.webm (640x480, 2.31M)

nature is so beautiful :)

>Watching nature documentaries
That's impossible, the only thing they watch related to animals are cat videos.

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Nature is cruel. Stop being such a pussy

I hope you're being facetious. It's important the OP learns to let "sjw trannys" determine what he's allowed to like.

>t.fat faggot

>animal activists wants to conserve this

fuck them and especially fuck polar bears

But at what cost?

>y..youre fat

yeah polar bears are gay lol. i purposely litter like a nigger every chance i get

I hate documentaries these days where they tell you a story as if you were a fucking child and you can tell they spliced footage up it's fucking dishonest shit
I just want raw footage with minimal talking. Just get straight to the point

I've started telling everyone to dilate indiscriminately and it causes exponentially more asshurt than "have sex"

>I've started telling everyone to dilate indiscriminately

Sure you have, user. Sure you have.

>Like tears in the rain...

holy fuck those animals need to become vegan asap!

one of them literally ripped out a chunk of meat out of his asshole, I'm not sure he survived much longer after that


lmao you can find worse stuff at youtube

Animals have been suffering every day for billions of years. Horrible massive pain.

Attached: thats-sad.jpg (400x400, 79K)

the kinoest shot is the one he get up for couple of seconds with the high shutter speed

You probably eat meat too. Life entails suffering by default.

You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yea Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yea Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or Yea Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.

Checked and redpilled

And people sing how beautiful the world is because they saw a pretty flower and liked it
This world is hell and fight for survival

and then you masturbate to men in dresses

ah yes I remember when I was 14

you do?

that would be pretty gay

What a warrior...

Was this before or after the OP?

have sex

Savage Brazil on nat geo wild hd. Best docu on nat geo. It airs almost everyday.

Rest easy little warrior

Poor little dude :(

>Wanna know how I'm right? My feefees say so

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>There is only my timezone

Why don't the people who film these things help the animals?

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Because it's wildlife, they're not pets.

Y u mad, though?

shits dangerous yo