What would the simpsons be like if it was still going?

what would the simpsons be like if it was still going?

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It’d fuck and suck

what would chuck's be like if it was still going?

They’d do the “harlem shake” but it’s actually the “homer shake”.

Lisa would be president and bisexual

Lisa and Bossy Riot would help migrants cross the border.

Sneed would be president and Chucksexual

I still can't believe they ended the show with E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)

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They’d do the “harlem shake” but it’s actually the “sneed shake”.

you know I was originally annoyed they ended with the movie, but looking back on it now I'm kind of glad we didn't get much HD simpsons. the movie already felt kind of soulless, imagine more content like that.

It would be Formerly not still going

Yeah I thought it would've lasted 7-8 seasons max

The animation would be done by a Calarts grad

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Those insanity peppers were made in Guatemala.

That Eternal Sunshine parody the following Christmas was an odd way to close out the show itself, but I guess there’d be dumber ways of ending it.

What would they look like if anime artist made them?

farmer 1 get ipad







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