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What did he mean by this?
what the fuck is anti-ados?
im having a hard time understanding this
I don't know what any of this means but I do know that actual Africans who become American citizens hate african americans with a passion. They're just not liked at all world wide.
ADOS = American Descendant of Slavery.
These people feud with Africans sometimes.
I know, Nigerian/Somali twitter is fucking wild with this shit
Sounds like she is a reasonable person that doesn't blame everything on the white man.
This nigga cracks me up
>The new Buck Breaking tactic is where white supremacists use thier negro flunkies to shame Black men into having sex with trannies
Lmao what level are we on
Is it true that his dick is a WMD?
What the fuck is a foundational African American
Do they live in the basement or something
Based African Kween
You just KNOW this nigga is on the downlow and fantasizes about getting buckbroke
Zoe zaldana as harriet tubman or angelina jolie
What's a negro flunky?
Think hes dustingushing between WeWuzKangs and WeWuzSlaves. He doesnt want the nigerian to play the roll of a slave in a movie because she doesnt have any slave lineage. Its like the nog version of stolen valor.
i noticed this too. I tried getting some perspective out of it, but all i got out of it was Actual Africans consider African Americans mutts.
>(((white supremacists)))
Why am I not surprised a positive movie about a black female Republican would trigger leftoids?
Friendly reminder, the Republican was founded on the idea of abolition. The Republican party is the party of Lincoln, emancipation, black suffrage, and the civil rights movement. The Democrat party is the party of the confederacy, the KKK, and Jim Crow. To quote Malcolm X, any black who votes for a Democrat is a race traitor.
sounds like Samuel L Jackson when he was trashing that one black for Get Out.
It's more to do with the fact that they have all the opportunity in the world but have done nothing with it, while still claiming to be african even though they're ignorant on the history and people.
Anytime I see someone say this there's always a response that says the parties switched platforms so none of this matters. Is that true?
You tell me.
Honestly with him on this, she's going to have to be an excellent actress to pull this shit off. They should have found an afro-carribean actress or something if there were now AA's they could go with.
What is this guy's deal? Always seems way too serious. Often makes wild allegations, but does it as a question and then if challenged just says "I was only asking a question, why you getting os bent out of shape?".
so democrats are based?
Is it true Tariq's real name is Marcus Sanders and he was in jail for murdering another nigger?
They supposedly built the US
It’s hilarious. Black Americans are so devoid of culture and lost, where as actual Africans have some sort of Seoul.
I mean they literally fund the biggest killer of black children: Planned Parenthood.
that literally never happened
Can't talk for the whole of the continent, but I once spent a couple of months in Senegal and they're crazy racist in there to other Senegalese, even people two towns over. Let alone people from other countries.
Blacks have the most collectivist identity and see themselves all one as one community yet they can’t stop killing each other and always draw weird boundaries over what makes someone a "true" black.
Tariq Nacnuck
>Its like the nog version of stolen valor.
black men hate black women who slurp on white cock just like white men hate white women who slurp on black cock
nothing new under the sun
black alex jones
>I mean they literally fund the biggest killer of black children: Planned Parenthood.
>don't have Planned Parenthood
>unprepared or just plain awful people shitting out their seed
>increase the rate of theft and homicide
What did the Republicans mean by this?
>We can't let them divide us!
>the left goes on to tear itself apart all on its own
Always funny.
>inb4 drumpf
Fuck the right too. Just two sides of the same shit caked coin.
In the end, they always turn on themselves.
>nog version of stolen valor
He's right, blacks from the Caribbeans and Africa coming into america taking away opportunities meant for #ADOS. And alot of the time, these immigrants think them self superior to #ADOS and like to talk down to them while exploiting #ADOS history to get into elite colleges, jobs, and now acting gigs. This can't stand, its an absolute travesty that an #ADOS hero like Harriet Tubman is being played by a Nigerian, especially one that speaks negative of #ADOS.
based black man
idk why so many blacks think every black in the world is african american
Autism is what it is. Nigs trying to overcompensate for being garbage.
is this bait
Because Americans have a lot of confidence but zero talent.
Yes, it's called the southern strategy. Google it.
That's why Republicans now want things like poll taxes (what they did in Florida now that people voted that felons could have the right to vote again, and this would mean a large amount of black people being eligible voters again) and purge voter rolls based on just names, because non-white population that tends to vote democratic have way more people with the same names, so it's a super convenient way to "accidentally" purge people from voter rolls and diminish voter turnout, like we saw in the last cycle in Georgia.
Wouldn’t a Nigerian be closer to an actual slave than a current African American, do to current African Americans having a much higher percentage of European dna, than slaves would have had when they were first shipped to the Americas?
What did he mean by this?
>That's why Republicans now want things like poll taxes
No we don't. Stop believing whoever told you that.
He was merely talking about his gay fantasies
Got to keep bodies in their private prisons to make money.
>mfw chatting with my African immigrant driver while in the USA
>starts to telling me how black Americans seethe at him because "muh his ancestor sold our ancestors"
It's pretty sad.
>"She's not black enough to play her"
Fucking what?
wtf I love harriet now
No, no, he's right. I mean, I'm straight as fuck, but even I've been brainwashed by the Joos to fap to the occasional trap.
It's disgusting, really.
A black person who doesn't rob a liquor store before he's 18 and graduate into a full nigger.
How is it not a poll tax when Florida republicans don't want to give felons their voting rights back without first paying past fines? You literally are required to pay huge sum of money in order to be allowed to vote. Despite the majority of Florida voters already deciding that they simply wanted former felons to get their voting rights back, without any strings attached. Republicans just made up a new bullshit rule to curb the will of the people.
More like Tariq Nasneed.
>the nog version of stolen valor
writer of 118773517 here
fuck i should have read the previous comments, totally misunderstood what I was replying to
>mfw trying to understand that tweet
He's one of the most dangerous people on Twitter because his audience are fucking retarded and will believe anything you tell them. Put a black man as your profile picture and you're the pied fucking piper.
>"undeground railroad"
>I don't see any tunnels in the trailer
So what's going on ?
You basically just said third world blacks can make it further and be more successful than 1st world blacks.
Now we have to call into question the actual superiority of non-American Blacks compared to our own as far down as the 1800's
>How is it not a poll tax when Florida republicans don't want to give felons their voting rights back without first paying past fines?
1. Felons don't have voting rights at all in most states.
2. In the ones that do, completion of punishment is necessary to have duly-processed away rights restored.
3. Fines are part of the punishment.
In other words; if you want to vote, don't be a criminal scumbag. That simple.
Don't like it? Tough, don't care, not a tax. Don't say it is.
>You basically just said third world blacks can make it further and be more successful than 1st world blacks.
That's actually kind of true.
I can’t read this. None of this makes any sense to me.
Think it’s time I hope off for good. This ain’t no place for old men like me.
he wants the dick.
Florida voted for an amendment that restored voting rights to all felons (with couple of exceptions) AUTOMATICALLY after they complete all the terms of their sentences, including parole or probation.
Republicans then decided that you also gotta pay past fines, and added that as a new rule, after the fact. That is clearly a poll tax motivated by republican politicians being afraid the black vote would take away their power in the future.
What the fuck does this mean
This. So much this. My mother used to be a teacher in a mostly black school. At one point a Kenyan whose parents had recently immigrated joined the class, and none of the black kids would have anything to do with him. They talked behind his back, sneered at him, and it was all under this unfounded belief that he thought that he was superior to them. Seems more like group projection.
I have a friend in Cape Town as well who says they despise the term "African American" and think black Americans have victim complexes.
But every human being on earth has slave lineage if you go far back enough.
I know an older african guy that calls himself a Rhodesian, and fucking HATES the blacks where he lives. they got banned from the church their wives made them go to, for throwing a hymn book at the pastor for saying they were from zimbabwe. knocked him the fuck out too.
he went absolutely apeshit on this hipster faggot communist for saying mugabe dindu nuffin, and how horrible of a nazi ethnostate Rhodesia was, in Durham NC.
muh ppl mayne, we wuz slaves n shiet
The same niggers who shoot and stab innocent farmers think African Americoon's have a victim complex? That's rich.
>the nog version of stolen valor.
>Now we have to call into question the actual superiority of non-American Blacks compared to our own as far down as the 1800's
That's hardly news. Where do you thing the slave traders bought their slaves from? They bought them from the various African kingdoms on the west African coast. They were enslaved by other blacks first and then sold on. Modern nogs are the descendants of the literal dregs of Africa.
But for some reason people seem to think that wypipo were running around Africa with massive watermelon-and-net traps
What the fuck is a Foundational Black American? Is this some nation of islam shit?
Its all so dumb, but its also sad and frustrating seeing all the crabs keep pulling each other back into the bucket
What is it with Africans ruining every bit of civilization thrown at them? It's not just Rhodesia and anti-white sentiments. Look at Biafra. They tried to get away from the chimps in Nigeria and build something, but the apes and their British friends wouldn't have any of it.
Is Harriet Tubman the bus one?
Holy shit why can't porn be like this?
>SLAVEOWNER: Mandingo you get the fuck in that thar shed over thar and fuck Baily Jay and Natalie Mars fucking raw dog till you cum buckets son, ya hear me boy? Or you'll get the lash nigger. Now get in thar and fuck them sexy traps buck.
Would legit pay to see this.
Divide et impera nigga. Can't have the darkies setting up a functional civilisation on one of the most resource-rich continents on earth. They might actually become a geopolitical player a century or two down line! Thankfully the Chinks are continuing the yuros good work and ensuring that Africa will remain a dependent shithole.
I think it means your ancestors were slaves or somtehing
>But for some reason people seem to think that wypipo were running around Africa with massive watermelon-and-net traps
That movie Roots is largely responsible for this misconception.
I thought she was the pancake lady
>they got banned from the church their wives made them go to, for throwing a hymn book at the pastor for saying they were from zimbabwe. knocked him the fuck out too.
Any black person who believes affirmative action is patronizing
idle hands are the devils workshop, and there are no hands more idle than a niggers.
they had thousands of years to accomplish that. they didn't.
Is there video footage of this guy? I always assumed he was a troll and not real
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
A cat that doesn't live at home like a wild non domesticated cat
Federation of British Aquatic Societies
What is the name of that site that is basically African Yea Forums? From the screencaps I saw they constantly shit on American blacks whenever they get brought up.
It is as clear as democrats giving criminal degenerates voting rights solely because they vote democrat.
Pretty fucking sad when even Africans call you on your nigger shit. Jews kept pushing nigger "culture" to the world but not everyone swallows that shit.
Racist crackers on Yea Forums lying as usual
>t. angry leftypol redditard
>Amendment is voted through with something like 65% saying yes
Yes, I'm sure that's it, and people not wanting to give people a way to reintegrate into society after serving their by allowing them to vote again.
Is it really that hard to believe that Africans look down on Basketball Americans? I mean, everyone else does.
He didn't say anything about Trump, he opened up because he was from somewhere like Senegal so we could ease into French.
He just said that it's not as easy as you'd think stealthing as an African-American because some African-American hold "grudges" againsy African immigrants.
thats all partisan political bullshit. wjat actually happened is they came over when fdr and all the new deal gibs shit. thats it.
another thing that never is mentioned is that actually fewer white people voted for the orange retard than the previous republican candidates who lost. what happened with that is niggers didnt come out to vote for hillary because she isnt black. if they would have come in in identical numbers to obama she would have won. trump was literally foisted upon us by lazy blacks
>implying nogs need to be managed at all
If the age of colonialism never happened, then most of the continent would still be chucking spears at each other. In places they're literally still split down tribal lines which predate colonialism. It's like the Balkans but even more primitive.
If heritage was genetic you'd be right
but it isn't, so you're an idiot
I'm pretty fucking sure like eighty percent of black men are gay as fuck. Trust me if you're a blond dude around a nigger the nigger will most definitely try to fuck you. Niggers don't NEED to be convinced to fuck trannies they'll do it easily.
Hope Jamal sees this, user
its closer to 90%, on the lower end.
Cool off shlomo
>I know, Nigerian/Somali twitter is fucking wild with this shit
imagine actually choosing to seek out what ngubus say to eachother in their spare time
the irony is that basketball americans are actually a little bit more humane than the pure bred african negros because they have on average 20% european admixture
You can fucking tell this nigger has mutt ancestry too he's fucking mixed, look at his beige skin tone, his exotic eyebrows and eyes. And yet he's the fucking expert on African American identity politics of course.
but a significant portion of Black Americans are descended from Africans who emigrated into the US after Slavery.
Based as fuck
>reintegrate into society
You can't possibly believe this.
And yet they couldn't even build boats to sail back to Africa.
Weren't all freed slaves offered free repatriation to Africa if they requested it?
t. non-Burger
This nikka ok bc he calling out bedwenching, so many sisters debasing themselves by fucking white boys.
this nigga begging to get buck broke
>put a black man as your profile picture
You mean black woman. Black men are the straight white people of black people.
The black people need to know the truth!!!
Nah it's just Tariq
>Tariq Nasheed
Is he Muslim?
the south was a mistake.
Oh no I agree. Because I remember someone saying that the blacks sold into slavery were considered "the dumbest" among them. This is something I was thinking about if the country at large knew about this. How would the left react to knowing american blacks are just the worst kind of black on the planet? Would there be a bigger division amongst them? Would it be like the Rwandan massacre all over again?
Despite what the media tries to tell you, most homos and trannies are blacks. Blacks are literally the most insecure about their sexuality. Even the most obvious/ironic gay jokes cause them to lash out and lead to freak reactions.
Because it's funny, "black brotherhood" my ass
Blacks take Arab names and larp as Muslims as a counter reaction to the white devil religion that is Christianity. It’s hilarious seeing black rappers calling themselves Muslim when they do not uphold any Islamic values whatsoever. They’re even bigger phonies than western Christians. Literally everything blacks do is spawned by their negative feelings torwards whites.
Why should people be allowed just not pay their fines?
Yes some of them went back to the country Liberia meaning Free Country. Now look up leftist Vice videos of Liberia and guess what? It's a shithole. By freed African American slaves. Look up videos of Black communities in Nova Scotia of freed Black slaves. Like a Canadian ghetto. How come niggers when given an opportunity and freedom are still niggers?
I guess because Africans don't give a fuck about slavery since they were almost always free if you ignore those few years of colonial occupation and Nazi Germany in World War II
it's even funnier because arabs regarded niggers as animals, took them as slaves, and castrated them or worked them to death
in english ngubu
Give him a top hat and he could play that villain in Princess and the frog
Hence why when athletes would meme "no homo" on Twitter most got heated that they meant it in a homophobic way when really they probably were meaning in a more homoerotic way actually.
someone needs to teach these niggers a history lesson about the arab slave trade. literally three times larger than the atlantic slave trade lmao
of course that's part of the hidden history because it doesn't fit into their narrative
Other way around
It sound like if Polish person not wanting American to play the Witcher. Kind of make sense.
ADOS is a group that wants reparations
Someone else stated what it stood for.
So was Malcolm X a good guy or bad guy racist? I feel like he was against the modern leftcuck view on pushing diversity but also sound like he really didn't a like a single white guy.
Schizophrenia along with other mental disorders are highly prevalent in the black community. Won't be long before he Etika's himself.
Because the fines can amount to like tens of thousands of dollars. There's no fucking way majority of people affected, i.e. the poor, are ever able to pay that. Do you know how goddamn hard it's to even find a job, let alone well paying one, once you're an ex-con? Most Americans with a proper job can't even afford 400 dollar emergency expenditure in their budget. How the fuck is an ex-con going to scrape together thousands of dollars just to have his right to vote back?
It's a deliberate way to stop people from voting arbitrarily blocking and disincentivizing them to not even bother.
You know blacks weren’t slaves for all of history user?
Fucking rayciss cracka that's Aunt Jemimah pancake syrup you thinking of. Her husband is Uncle Ben Rice and her nephew is Uncle Cream Wheaty. Harriet Tubman is the one who sewed the American flag obviously.
So don't commit crimes
Malcolm X was a complex guy who did and said plenty of bad shit in his radicalized days before he mellowed the fuck out after going to the middle-east. He was also a criminal before converting to Islam. His message and civil rights struggles are the important thing, not whether or not he was perfect.
Nope. They actually owned the farms they lived on hence the Restoration period of the South.
>It's a deliberate way to stop criminals who don't pay the penalty for their crimes from voting
What is wrong with this
The fine is part of the punishment, if they haven't paid their fine they haven't completed their punishment
There's nothing wrong with blacks that hate whites as long as they do it away from white countries and never interact with them. Living separately would be amazing.
Oh gawd we can only hope. One less Twitter Warrior lost to the SJeWWar.
Was Idi Amin a good nog?
Until he started eating people
>waaaaah people should be forced to hire ex-convict niggers waaah life is so unfair
kys you nigger apologist
He was ironically a better man than Martin Luther King Jr. Also see Probably also why he was killed by the Black Nationalists by support from the CIA cause he was actually a thinking black man with a head on his shoulders.
The funniest thing about tariq’s Twitter is that he constantly calls brown Hispanics white when they’re committing crimes
He was against Israel what do you think? But yeah he was also a crazy nigger too.
No surprise there. American niggers don't like nigger spics and vice versa.
Malcolm X was based in the sense that he realised whites and blacks could never co-exist and live side by side, and that segregation is the only way forward forward 50 years and we find out that blacks are more likely to go to their doctor if he's black, that white and black kids perform better when their teacher is the same race as them. pretty much everything points towards racial segregation as the way to go, yet the leftard agenda of white genocide doesn't allow that so we're never going to get it
He also beat his wife
Dude lots of blacks agree with this sentiment. Let us be here you be there mentality. However of course the Jew World Order wants to heat shit up and push immigration etc.
Because you're putting a price tag on people's right to vote. That's a poll tax and that's illegal. It's not about justice, it's about politics and trying to curb a change in the voting block in Florida. Only partisan sycophants would defend this.
And loved orgies etc. Really wasn't much of a saint for a Christian minister.
buck breaking
I have a dream that one day all the races of men will join together and kill the Jews, then go off into their corner of the world after the deed is done and each group will experience peace with no outside influences subverting their land until the end of days.
>Oh no I agree. Because I remember someone saying that the blacks sold into slavery were considered "the dumbest" among them. This is something I was thinking about if the country at large knew about this. How would the left react to knowing american blacks are just the worst kind of black on the planet? Would there be a bigger division amongst them? Would it be like the Rwandan massacre all over again?
Well look at Australia. They're descendants of criminals. You can't really say cause your ancestors are crooks it affects your future. If we go down all or lineages we'll find most of our ancestors are raoists and murderers.
>Really wasn't much of a saint for a Christian minister
I'm Polish so i don't know shit about Malcolm X but from his interviews he sound based and red pilled
>t. democrat voter fraud quota poster
>Dude lots of blacks agree with this sentiment. Let us be here you be there mentality
Then why do 95% of blacks vote Dems? Why don't more blacks campaign for a move back to Africa
>Florida voted for an amendment that restored voting rights to all felons (with couple of exceptions) AUTOMATICALLY after they complete all the terms of their sentences, including parole or probation
Right, and part of the terms of their sentences is payment of fines. Until the fines are paid on full, your punishment is incomplete.
>we're the same party as we were 200 years ago
>we're not the same party we were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, etc. years ago though xddd
Regardless of any political shifts it still wouldn't make sense so why be so logically dishonest
Never going to get anyone on a fence to switch sides when you straight lie
>Until he started eating people
>Falling for Western propaganda
I suppose you believe Gaddafi was a drug addict too
fuck you faggot. reconstruction was jews, jewing it up with the rest of the damnyankees looting and being assholes to everyone, and white babies dying because of starvation.
there was no restoration. there are still standing ruins that were shot the fuck up during reconstruction, with the fucking same jew assholes who got us all in this mess coming on down from yankeeville with the damned dutch and the irish in blue as their muscle to take everything they could carry off.
he was too occupied with the orgies.
When you link it to your right to vote, that's a poll tax. Which is illegal. Try again.
Malcolm X would absolutely be against making originally White characters as Black or turn Black character into other races.
he is trying to avoid words " house nigger"
You be trippin hard, nigga
So Segregation isn't the answer then.
What is the difference between house nigger and Uncle Tom?
Firstly, no it's not a poll tax. A poll tax is a tax on voting. Nobody is charging anyone anything to vote. The law is that a felon will get their rights returned in full when they have paid their debt to society. Until such a time, they will not enjoy their rights.
Second, it's the law, so by definition it isn't illegal.
Do American Blacks know who was in the wrong here?
>imagine trying to appeal to these people
It's by definition not unlawful. It is illegal
Shared cultural heritage being more important thsn "looking the same" is normal outside race obssesed US.
I keep seeing ads on YouTube for Prager U. Is it because I am on Yea Forums so much? Maybe 8 clicked on an Alex Jones video here.
>1. contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
A law cannot be illegal by virtue of it being a law. You can say it's immoral, but you are arguing semantics anyway and that's not really worth my effort. The fact of the matter is that felons will get their rights back the moment their debt to society is paid in full and not a second sooner. I also find it very funny that you seem to care so much about the civil rights of felons when it comes to voting, but what about giving them their right to own a firearm again? Why have I not heard the cries of injustice coming from that?
Kill yourself
If anything true africans are closer to the negroes who sold their brethren for malfunctioning guns.
>used to work at a gas station
>old Ethiopian lady coworker
>she fucking hated niggers
>older Filipino manager
>hated niggers even more
nicest old ladies too, but anytime someone shoplifted they'd say "were they black??"
You made it a poll tax when you arbitrarily linked it to the right to vote after the fact. People were going to have their voting rights back automatically after they were no longer on probation, that's what people voted for, but republicans added the gotta pay fines as a completely new criteria for it. After the amendment vote had already been overwhelmingly passed.
They don't even have a unified system in place to find out how much you owe. So you're creating an extra layer of bs bureaucracy to it
That's why people are now rallying to have judges to commute those fines to community service and other non-monetary things. Because you should not be made to pay for your right to vote. Otherwise, when you get a ticket, does that mean you can't vote until it's fully processed and paid?
Because voting rights are more important than the right to carry a gun.
Just don't commit a crime
Jesus those comments make me mental. I swear blacks have no idea that Jews even exist.
>Because you should not be made to pay for your right to vote.
You shouldn't be a fucking felon either.
>Otherwise, when you get a ticket, does that mean you can't vote until it's fully processed and paid?
If it were up to me, yes.
Ill be honest, I never had so much as an inkling of interest to see yet another black grievance/historical hero movie. I hope it bombs considering just how lazy it appears to be. Who doesn't have negro fatigue at this point? I mean even if you're a liberal faggot, it's gotten stale right?
Hey man I wasn't saying that Restoration was a good thing since it evidently wasn't but obviously those Dem Yankees sure conveniently forget about it like we go straight from the Civil War right to Civil Rights era bullshit. I'm on your side about the Jews fuck em. DIXIELAND FOREVER
>Some rights are more important than others
Incorrect. They are all equally immutable.
No the answer isn't Integration since why would you want to live around a person who can't even wipe their own asses?
>da juice are the real racists
>da muslamz are the real racists
Lols they were black 95 percent of the time too weren't they?
the way I remember learning it was the democrats pulled jim crow out their asses to punish the poor whites the most. hell jim crow was more about keeping hte poor whites down than anything else. the niggers just act like jews with that shit.
I don't understand the quote. Are there alot of republicans in sociology?
Malcolm surely wasn't a pussy nigga like leftist blacks
Okay, so in your head, what's stopping cops from giving tickets on election day over bs reasons and conveniently stopping people from voting?
So many people are racist that's not the point of my post. I'm angry at how they seem to have just enough knowledge to know that someone is out to get them and continues to undermine them or keep them from reaching something beneficial but not enough to know that it isn't just whites. That type of behavior you see posted on YouTube and all other social media just makes poor and middle class people of different races attack eachother and get angry for no reason.
Are criminal blacks that powerful of a voting block?
These are the Black people who would support MLK
>What is the difference between house nigger and Uncle Tom?
Uncle Tom is a house nigga
I for one look forward to seeing Cynthia
Have sex with trannies nigger.
House nigger is someone who likes being oppressed because it makes his life more comfortable. An uncle tom is one who actively shills for other blacks to join him in the white man's house
Tens of thousands of new voters potentially popping up to vote out of the blue on a single election? Yes. That was going to be a massive change.
Lol they should've casted Harriet Tubman with Christina Hendricks and watch the Twitter rage there.
They are too good at this. They have black americans resenting black africans.
We cant stop here, we have to go deeper
The fact that your everyday beat cop has better things to do than take part in conspiracies to marginally impact tiny voting districts. Not to mention that if traffic tickets go up 300% during elections it will be plainly obvious something is amiss. My question is why someone who obviously disregards the laws of the land he lives in should have any say in that lands government?
holy shit just stop lmao
Level of what
harmonic geometry
I didn't realize this until i worked in a real shitty area. go to a grocery store in the hood and you'll see more nasty black trannies than you could imagine. and they always steal shit too
Only taxpayers should be allowed to vote, welfare is self-destructive, and being able to vote for more welfare shouldn't be allowed.
Too bad bigot, the immigrants we imported to pick your avocados are going to be bussed into Dallas and Ft. Worth in 2020. Texas is going to be blue.
Trump is going to win in a landslide, nigga
>spend 4 years making the country less prosperous, less respected and less safe
>don't even start building the wall
He has zero chance as long as the Democrats pick the right candidate.
People are ready for a leader of the free world that respects basic human rights.
nigga for 4 years he was exposing Dems as crybaby cucks while at the same time ending a war with North Korea and Russia. He will win with a bigger difference than before and also win a popularity vote
>My question is why someone who obviously disregards the laws of the land he lives in should have any say in that lands government?
Because being able to participate in activities like voting makes you feel that you're part of your community, and that lessens the risk of people committing new offenses down the line. Studies show this to be true. The criminal justice system should be about rehabilitation back to society, instead of just dishing out punishment like the Old Testament and denying any right to participate it afterwards. Denying people their right to vote forever says you will never be allowed to be a proper citizen again if you fuck up. And in a country where there's a clear two-tier justice system where rich and poor, black and white, play by different rules, all you're doing is disfranchise the poor and deny their one tool to make a significant change, while simultaneously rich fucks can still just use their "free speech" by donating to campaigns.
He did go back on that opinion once he went to Mecca. He said the saw how Islam brought different people together and it was the way forward to peace and what not. That didn't really fit with what the Nation was preaching.
Funny meme but why do you have this saved frend
because somalis really do be like that
blacks get drunk and fuck trannies all the time because muh dik...then they realize its a tranny and savagely beat them to death in most cases
Fucking G Unit did a song about it lmao
He fucks trannies and had to come up with an explanation that it's actually the evil whites who made him gay.
That's what the buck breaker said.
>white supremacists are putting something in the water to make the black man gay!
>it's trump's fault that i want to fuck trannies!
Um no sweetie :)
Malcolm X jerked off old white guys for money
>white men would fuck black men to shame them
>despite this would prove to other men you are both a fag in an era when being gay wasnt something you could be open about and a nigger fucker in an era when blacks wre painted as animals so people could feel less guilty
Is this guy fucking retarded?
I wont even comment of the second part of this tweet, what the fuck.
So Integration isn't the answer, but neither is Segregation.
What now?
how often would you wager that Tariq masturbates to black women getting fucked by white cock?
daily, nightly and ever so rightly
>have to specifically make arranging gay meetings against the rules
lmao the absolute state of niggers.
Have an education.
Stop breaking the law, asshole.
The implication is that there are not enough. My mom teaches sociology. She was talking about multiple genders 25-30 years ago. Republicans and sociology don't mix at all so alI don't know why he's mad about it.
This is like something Sam Hyde would write.
Where can I get a Negro flunkie? Did I miss the line? Also can someone tell me how I am supposed the shame someone INTO fucking a tranny?
Some motherfuckers need to keep skating up hill, this is one of them.
10/10 post.
Please define "basic human rights" for the class, user.
>a tactic
Why are niggers so fragile?
Why are you constantly pretending that the right to vote is lost forever? As long as you complete your punishment you get it back. This should not be a difficult concept to anyone besides a nigger.
>black and white, play by different rules
Oh, so you're just retarded. Makes sense.
Wait... is this guy calling liberal elites white supremecists now?
>it’s not racism when we do it
>but a black Valkyrie is important, powerful “representation”
No do you understand how children are formed?
Tessa J is hot, who cares
This is how weak your bait is.
Always need new soldiers for the war economy
this is so based on so many levels. this is the future for LBGQT when they give this guy and his ilk all the power. Fuckin terrific. Pop goes feminism, trannie toilets, pride parade, etc.
>La Mutta
You would stick your dick in a wasp nest.
Why are americans so retarded?
Everybody knows Tareeq is the black Alex Jones
He acts retarded and extremist on purpose to troll everybody but he ended up having a cult following
>muh dick
He was on Tucker Carlson
>I made this picture to make people mad
>Now these people are mad
>How could this be happening?
>What is trolling
>playing Harriet Tubman
Excuse me that role should be for a white man.
>foundational black americans
>american descendants of slavery
>nigerians actress
niggers are getting their own progressive stack. this is the bonus round of Alinskyist action: once the main shouters have got their gobs for the group, the next in line has to figure out a way to try to get new gibs, until the line goes so far back that everyone has a different micro-cause. JBPeterson says the same about every individual suffers individually, but most go about their lives not asking for handouts. the niggers need handouts to prosper so they make these nano-transgression claims so they can try and climb above the rest of the blacks in the oppression pile.
me: it's called Chuck breaking
Mask: Good one!
God I wish she would kick me in the balls
He's saying that diversity of opinion is important, which sociology departments lack. He's calling them echochambers.
Based post of the day
For real though, the saggin pants was originally a prison thing for gays to signal they were sexually available. Niggas then associated it with doing hard time and incorporated it into gangster culture.
>the bus one
Fun fact about Rosa Parks. They literally planned the whole thing. In school they make it seem like she was a working class woman who got tired of injustice, but she was actually working as a full time (((activist))).
kek, how dumb can they be
Its because so many blacks were raised by single mothers.
i like his face
it's round like a cat's
bi as fuck
>mfw sock twitter accounts will stir up negro riots as a way to tie down govt security forces
prison culture is black culture in many ways
and prison culture is very, very gay
>caring what nigs think
>live around coins and Haitians
>yesterday watched two niggers pass each other from my porch going 40mph in a residential
>following one of the coons was a old Haitian guy driving
Swear to God this old Haitian dude threw his hands up and shouted "fucking niggers"
Because you're a buckbroke queer yourself
>to make people mad
This sounds like one of his gay fantasies.
I really hate niggers and their word games.
Not only that, African Africans do better at university
“According to a study produced by Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania, immigrants, who make up 13 percent of the nation’s college-age black population, account for more than a quarter of black students at Ivy League and other select universities.”
Its a clear indicator that what’s going on with them stems from their culture of acting like victims and glorifying crime
>inb4 lower iq
I’m aware of that but this clearly shows something else is going on in addition
>Because voting rights are more important than the right to carry a gun.
The point of the second amendment is to metaphorically hold a gun to the government's head so they won't infringe on the people's rights. One right to defend all the rest.
its because american blacks are instilled with the belief shit should just be given to them to make up for their ancestors being slaves, while africans actually have goals and know they have to work to get where they want to be
What's going on is obvious and nothing of note, africans that are able to legally immigrate to the us or go to school there are from the upper class top 1% of society in africa. The avg African american is still much better than the avg sub saharan african.
That he needs medical attention
Yeah, but we already know they're gonna roll with fucking Biden. Last election, they really hyped up Hillary as being the first woman president, but none of them want to vote for the old white man.
>mfw I realise the Atlantic slave trade was the Mariel boatlift x 1000000
Just from observation without having met them, African Americans seem to suffer from Slave Morality (The Nietzsche concept, not cause they're descendants of slaves).