Huh really makes you think

Huh really makes you think

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Other urls found in this thread:

why is this in tv and film when that statement has never been said in the boondocks? It's not even a quote

"mental elevation" those fucking monkeys do their best to do anything but learn when in class

So THATS why 100% of black children in Baltimore read below grade level

What threat do they pose?

>Mcgruder misunderstands the nature of the ethnonationalist
>thinks we want to keep the nigger down instead of just kicking the damn niggers out

It's not a sin for someone to want their grandkids to look like them.

Reminder that niggers started the slave trade by capturing their neighbors, raping and murdering the children and women, then selling off the men while keeping some as sex slaves. They sold them to other tribes not to white men until many years later who treated them better than their fellow niggers despite still being cattle.

>colonialism has been over for more than 60 years and blacks pretty much lead and operate their own countries
>They're all fucking shitholes
Really makes you think

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yeah those white supremacists coaching those black kids in school to bully anyone who tries to better themselves by telling them they're acting too white by reading/learning

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>educated black man good
>education bad
I never understood this crap. If they just shut up, and paid attention in school, they'd be just as educated as the rest of us.

>muh muh muh muh muh muh muh

what's worse, is colonialism left them the tools, infrastructure and knowledge to basically pickup where whites left off, but instead of organizing and making progress, they just left it all to rot and become useless or stolen.

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I remember some subhuman piece of shit angry at Chris Rock nigger routine because he said drug dealing niggers would "tease" nerds but then give them money to buy books or some shit like that, it was funny shit.

>dey hate us cuz we'z smart n dey don't want us to succeed
>Every racist white since whites and blacks first interacted hates them because they're stupid and fail at the simplest tasks

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the bbc gene

is that why black people steal fancy shit

>and knowledge
That's where you fucked up. That's actually the one thing they didn't have.

>>dey hate us cuz we'z smart n dey don't want us to succeed

if it's any consolation user no black person anywhere feels that way about Yea Forumsmutts


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Too bad McGruder doesn't have the balls to end Huey's spiel with "...and that's why black people need to stop voting for Democrats."

>distinguish yourself by your skin color and how that makes you distinct from other races
>complain about how your place in society is different from other races

What threat?
>global system of white supremacy
LMAO I wish

Well no shit. They were centuries behind us in every way, how do you expect them to magically pick everything up? We should've left them be, but now they're going to overrun the west.


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>Ok Tyrone, how is 2+2 racist? Isn't math universal?
>Nigga FUCK yo white ass shit ass HONKEY nigga we be in WAKANDA rite now if it aint been fo YO pasty ass CRACKA
>Blasts low quality mumble rap from his phone speaker despite owning headphones
>Randomly blurts out IMA FUCK YO BITCH when he hears it in a song
>Skips school every other day
>Attacks/bullies other black students that actually try in class for "acting white"

SHIIEET MAN I GOT all the WISDOM I need frmo this hea GANJA GANJA 420 nigga SHIET OOGA BOOGA

That's only OK when we do it. That's our thing that we do.

>So Santa is real?
>Ruckus: As real as the Irish blood running through my veins
Did Boondocks predict the amerimutt meme

black kids hold each other back in school, they equate doing well academically with "acting white" and bully the shit out of those kids for not emulating violent gang culture

considering ruckus is the most Yea Forums character anywhere ever I'd say it sure as hell predicted something

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Anyone have that picture of Neil DeGrasse Tyson copypasting his cringe jokes on Twitter?
Yeah I don’t think the educated black man is a threat to anyone

What fascination? Besides music nobody gives a shit about nigger "culture"

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that'd certainly explain why so much pissing and whining about it occurs on Yea Forums
ohwait you guys *are* "nobody" lel

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Alright, so where are they?

Not to mention, outside of the US, there is no such thing as "African Culture," besides drums and tiki masks, that's it. Everything else is American Culture.

You could be, but niggers don't read now do they?

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You posted an example of Jewish(hollywood) culture.

>Besides music nobody gives a shit about nigger "culture"
This is wrong, there's tons of white guilt bitches who obsess over negro culture all on Twitter.

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>she made a typo
>what was I thinking, that incorrect spelling and grammar must be how "they" speak.

How is this bitch not considered racist?

Reminder that jazz is the most advanced form of art created by humanity

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>Period* but agreed.

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grrr let's get em bros time to make more pepes

>i don't get it so it must be high art
Nobody gets it, nigga. The faggot typing an angry reply to me doesn't get it, nobody does.

Why did you quote yourself?

You were too angry, as I predicted, to make a sensible reply. Why would I call this trash art?

>There aren't jazz musicians and fans in the world

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One of my family friends is a teacher. He told me smartphones are the worst things for blacks in school. They are all on their phones in class all day, they don't even try to participate out of boredom anymore.

This song isn't even that hard to play you pussy

you realize every huey image posted in this thread appears to be from some tumbler page that just assigns random black power quote to an image of huey freeman?

>We should've let them be
Honestly this is where white people fucked up, imagine a world where nobody bothered to cross continents and just let each civilization develop individually. Maybe blacks could've actually evolved some day, and they wouldn't have to blame their problems on wypipo when they try to help, they would have to own their failures and learn eventually. Liberals keep saying that nature has no borders so we should all be together but I think that's bullshit, the sea was meant to separate humanity, the ocean is nature's wall. Different races were never meant to interact with each other to this degree.

I don't know how you managed to reach this point, either. Fans are pretending because they've heard people tell them it's art. Jazz musicians hit every note they can because people call them artists when they do.

Three completely illiterate, belligerent replies. I called it.

>The Ancient Greeks, the architects of western civilization, would regularly indulge in sexual activities with children. Were they perverts? In Puritan America, the forefathers of this great land would take wives who were 12 or 13 years old, much younger than the alleged victim. Were they sickos? In Tokyo, you can buy teenage girls' panties in vending machines. Do we call them disgusting? Of course not.
Was he based

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I'm a teacher and this applies to all zoomers, their brains have bee completely destroyed by phones

That's the kinda shit Huey says a lot in the series tho.

>Too bad McGruder doesn't have the balls to end Huey's spiel with "...and that's why black people need to stop voting for Democrats."

Huey supported Ralph Nader in 2000, you know.

What grade do you teach?

Bebop and free jazz and everything that came after Charlie Parker is noise

Do blacks actually believe white people want them to be dumb? Isn't it the opposite?

>what is geography
You can get to anywhere on asia, europe and africa just by walking. And you USED to be able to walk from europe to america.

Do you play an instrument?

College freshmen

Good point.

>if I didn't want to get pee'd on I'd just move out the way.

If Whites thought you were a threat and had that much power, you'd be dead you stupid geek.
best ep incoming

it’s because white people thinking mean thoughts makes them dumber!!

Jazz sounds nice to people buddy idk what to tell you. Hooking up with your girlfriend to Chet Baker is pretty comfy

White people have telepathy?
Also, 1 off. Sorry buddy.

s4 was terrible

Wait but I thought The Boondocks was for based and redpilled Trump supporters like me I'm confused right now

Based Barkley. I knew I liked him for a reason.

In response to the idiot in The Wire thread:

“No, Trump specifically changed Obama era policies and created the current humanitarian crisis at the border. Obama only separated parents from their kids if they were drug dealers, or there were domestic violence issues, etc. Trump was separating everyone, no exceptions, including asylum seekers. And didn't keep records of who was taken and where they were sent, losing thousands into the system as a deliberate choice, which caused more chaos. To claim Obama abd Trump are completely the same in this issue is pure whataboutism and dishonest lying and skewing the issue because you can't actually defend Trump without being a racist asshole.”

Take note that this is the kind of retarded faggot who feels like he knows what he’s talking about regarding politics. Ever since 2016 everyone here knew that immigration was the core fucking issue, and that is the main reason why the memes for Trump poured in along with a guaranteed 35% of citizens voting for him. The Border Crisis we’re seeing now is the result of nothing but incompetence on the Dems part because nobody believed that there was actually a border crisis when trump told them there was. Then when it was proven there was in fact a huge crisis at the border “a national emergency”, democrats immediately passed a bill to fund detention centers identical to the bill during the government shutdown. Every news agency was quick to point out how retarded they were but what was infuriating was that this crisis was blamed on Trump by pretty much evey late night propaganda comedy show and by every democrat. It’s pretty disgusting how they took advantage of the situation they swore wasn’t happening and somehow thought they were the good guys. So yeah, guy from the wire thread kill yourself, castrate yourself, dilate, sit on a dildo, drink bleach, and goodnight.

A lot of the shit Huey says is done to intentionally make fun of that type of pretentious pseudo-intellectual person. The comedy stems from Huey throwing these ideas at white people who think it's adorable that a black kid is talking like that, white people who bend over backwards to accommodate his thoughts/beliefs, black people who don't give a shit about anything he says, and a world that laughably distorts itself around whatever the Freemans are going on about that episode.
You can't into what McGruder is trying to say by just looking at Huey just as much as you can't do it but looking at Grandad, Riley, Ruckus, Tom or any other individual character

The only controversial/interesting opinion in this thread

no they wouldn’t
it’s hard to get educated with 75 IQ, even if you’re trying

Myself and every other white person I know thinks that it's a tragedy that black people underperform in literally every avenue of society and that it would be a tremendous boon if they would take the initiative to improve themselves and their situations.

Unfortunately black people are incapable of accepting responsibility for themselves and instead choose to believe in the conspiracy theory peddled to them by their Democrat masters that their problems are caused by wypipo when really their Democrat masters are intentionally destroying their communities to keep them on leashes.

White people are literally jumping up and down to improve their cities, their schools, provide them with jobs and they turn their shoulders on it because they've been lied to and told the people who want to help them are racists.

The education system doesn't want to keep blacks down, and neither does any other institution. Even in the days of actual institutional racism, it wasn't about keeping them down; it was segregation and simple hatred. To say that The Man wanted to keep the black man down would imply that there was and still is a singular group more interested in control than the reality of the situation wherein you have a lot of different groups thinking only of their self-interests rather than a broader goal. Belief in the former is conspiracy theory and no different at its core from the fools who believe Freemasons, Jews, devil worshipers, or whatever bogeyman is controlling things from behind the scenes.

>A lot of the shit Huey says is done to intentionally make fun of that type of pretentious pseudo-intellectual person
I don't think so, because most of the time he's the voice of reason and his ranting is never the butt of the joke aside from people oblivious to it.

It's not an opinion

I know and agree with your post, but wackos on twitter use this shit to actually push retarded theories.

Yes but Huey is always shown to implicitly be right and all the people who doubt him because of his age are shown to be foolish. It's clear that Huey is a stand in for McGruder's viewpoints and the attempt anyone saying otherwise likely had cognitive dissonance from liking something black

It's still more musical than all of rock music, especially shit like black metal

>Fans are pretending because they've heard people tell them it's art.
>They're all pseuds who pretends to like something
Buddy, I don't even like Jazz but you're an insecure brainlet.

>It's still more musical than all of rock music
Embarrassingly wrong

huey is proven wrong a number of times tho

>What is Trout Mask Replica
>What is Joe's Garage

A single group interested in power you say?

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>ask a rock musician to play jazz and he can't do it. Ask a jazz musician to play rock and he can probably do it in ten minutes. The reason is that rock is a very direct and elementary form of what is happening, and it's very measured. You know, it's an eight-to-the-bar thing, it's very much on the beat and a very, very measured thing.

It's not that difficult to feel and to do, I don't think, for a musician that can handle it - and what I always do is learn to feel it and start to handle it. The jazz thing, my opinion is it's a little more liquid, and maybe a little more sophisticated craft-wise, and even feeling-wise. - Based Bill Evans

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African Americans do a good enough job of annihilating their educational prospects themselves without the governments help.

>Trout Mask Replica is musical

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Well yeah, Huey has a lot of Charlie Brown moments that are clearly McGruder stand ins, but he is also introduced as a radical conspiracy theorist that is often put in check by Grandad, though as the show goes on this lessens for the sake of tempo. It isn't like Huey is always right and a lot of what his says is turned on him for the sake of comedy as well. Once again you have to take the whole show for context, the R. Kelly speech was clearly McGruder talking, anything about blacks being held back by government conspiracies is probably hit or miss.


Well, to be fair, the 25th Dynasty of Egypt were black.

That album is interesting but more from an avante garde art sort of sense, I'm not sure about the exact musical proficiency involved but from what I understand he basically wrote nonsense on a keyboard and made other musicians play it. It sounds difficult to make but not really in the same sense as what's involved in virtuosic jazz and classical music performance

It's always one scapegoat or another.
>the devil
>the knights templar
>the vatican
>the jews
>the masons
>the illuminati
Take your pick. It's easier to blame one group or person than try and understand all the political, economic, historical, and cultural minutiae that make up the world and its problems.

Dunno about that, Huey is very closely aligned with MLK in the episode where he comes back, and McGruder's framing seemed that if MLK were alive in 2008, he would have seen things the same as Huey. If McGruder is mocking Huey at all, it's only in his earnestness, not his Afrocentrism or his radical politics.

Fucking hell I hate niggers but I love Chris Rock standup.

Actually it's the bourgeoisie and Marxism is right

>actually advocating for communism

This is what Aaron Mcgruder does

switch white with jewish

Explain the Hispanic countries that have had this infrastructure for more than a century yet are barely better than these African countries.

it's always the jews
and if it's not the jews, the jews are behind whoever is responsible

Does he, or is that just Huey's character? I haven't read the comics, so I'm not sure. But in the show, Huey spends half the time as the voice of reason and the other half as a black panther larper, played off as a joke.


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Switch white supremacy with Jew supremacy and you have it correct.

Jews are just whites. The Israel-Palestine conflict is just white Europeans colonizing and displacing the native brown population. Only whites care about drawing a distinctction between Jews and other whites

The comics were just a mouthpiece for his political views

>what is the arab expansion?

I see niggers posting this cartoon kid all the time, is he from some "woke" black tv show?

Yeah, go read some richard lynn or something.

It wasnt

>not knowing that human rights are privileges.

I dunno, crazy hypothesis here but, maybe the reason you fucking suck is because you're fucking dumb and have shitty narcissistic personalities that retard any possibility of self improvement?

It wasn't really "woke" because it didn't ignore the shitty aspects of black culture like everything made today.

Everyone knows niggas that read books don't have a bbc

What is it called?

Are you addressing Huey, whoever made the gif, or the entire black race?

Eh it depends on how you define "native". Today's natives were yesterday's colonists. People mostly draw the line based on their own agendas.
Jews go back to Biblical times.
Arabs go back 70 years.
Both groups have their agendas and leave out pertinent information.

Sometimes I imagine I might give teaching a try, but then I think of how much has changed since I was in school. It would infuriate me to no end to see a bunch of little shits staring at their phones and gossiping about social media nonsense all goddamn day while I'm trying to teach. I'm legitimately worried about this. Kids are going to coast through their early education without learning anything. Meanwhile, technology is getting smarter, physical jobs are inevitably going to be automated, population keeps rising, and wealth keeps concentrating in sectors that create (not mindlessly consume) technology. I'm soooo very worried for today's children. When they finally grow up and find themselves with no skills, no education, and more than a few bastard children from all those thots they met on tinder and snapchat, what choice will they have but to become literal fucking slaves for Amazoogleapple? God help us.

Its called "You're a fucking zoomer. Kill yourself"

If I was a teacher my response would be,
>If I catch you kids doing anything with your phone I confiscate it.

True that, we played god and now we've slaves to global banking monarchies. feelsbadman.

It consists of
>5% of white(a.k.a. Hispanic) girls who get cornrows
That's it. That's what they mean.

Not wrong just replace white with Jew.


why is hue so cute tho?

I know right, was feeling quite bored today so I took my dog for a quick walk to japan and back.
Ever heard about these things called borders and long distances?

Not a solution. You'd spend all fucking day collecting cell phones and dealing with the inevitable friction that comes from that. They like their phones more than they like their teachers. They're not going to give the phones up without a fight. Next, go ahead and multiply that conflict by two or three when you have to deal with the shit for brains adults who sent their child to school with a $1,000 plaything. Then, imagine the one on one talks with your supervisor who is tired of you stirring up shit and expects you to "just do your job" which you WOULD gladly do if it wasn't for the constant distraction of these devices. Any remarks on the irony of the situation would be frowned upon, of course and you'd probably be given an ultimatum: get over it or find a new job.

And? The ocean was not a border between cultures.
So tell the parent not to send their kid to school with a phone.

You're saying it's a normal thing for milions of illegal immigrants to flood in europe in such a small amount of time and changing the local demographic majorly especially in smaller european countries?


oh and sneed lmaaao

>So tell the parent not to send their kid to school with a phone.
By what means exactly? Spend the the day at your desk sending emails to parents while your pupils are texting and taking selfies? Better yet, sacrifice personal time calling parents after hours to talk about it? Only about 20 kids in each of your 5-7 classes so you could probably get it done in under 8 hours!


Absolutely not.
I'm just saying there is no physical barrier.

Black people havent been making good music since the 90s

Good contemporary black artists

Tv on the radio
Death grips

Fuckkn no one

the final redpill is that there will be almost no black people anywhere on earth in the future. as tech advances stupid people will be obseleted and 9/10 blacks are just fucking stupid. the chinese will use them as indentured servants in africa until robots replace them, then theyll pay their women to get hysterectomies or just gun them down and that will be the end of the black subspecies. a hundred years later people will look back and ask why we took so long to do what was necessary

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How would they do it if they weren't backed by international european law?

>the final redpill is that there will be almost no black people anywhere on earth in the future. as tech advances stupid people will be obseleted and 9/10 blacks are just fucking stupid. the chinese will use them as indentured servants in africa until robots replace them, then theyll pay their women to get hysterectomies or just gun them down and that will be the end of the black subspecies. a hundred years later people will look back and ask why we took so long to do what was necessary
So many things wrong with this, user. Bless your heart.


3 different retards in one tweet, that's impressive

By walking? Africa is connected to Europe by land.

This is exactly what /pol/ says the Jews do to whites

/pol/ is right.

>Africa is connected to Europe by land
Based retard