>this is literally what some people think about comedy
This is literally what some people think about comedy
>people are stupid
Where are these comedians?
you fucking nigger
you fucking nigger
How is it inaccurate?
Mere words don't produce pain.
Also there are barely any comedians like this in 2019.
i agres that swearing should be banned but watermarking this is really cringe
Where are all the comedians saying nigger?
pretty sure nannette is the biggest new comedian around atm and she doesn't say nigger at all
>it's another discord tranny psyop episode
>New Yorker gives negative review to Gadsby's new show
>her fans start screaming about straight white men being shitlords who can't appreciate her genius
>review was by a gay black man
can't wait for this cultural moment to be over, in 40 years or so.
b a s e d
is that Chris Rock?
they're not saying nigger, they're saying n-word
>My art is more important than your pain!
I know the faggot who made this thought that was going to be some hard hitting gotcha line but I unironically agree with it. Stand up as an art form is more important than your dumb feelings and freedom of speech was meant to protect unpopular speech i.e. the kind that hurt your dumb faggot feelings.
That's not a comedy
In what way these two panels contradict each other?
I'm ok with people saying n words so long as "they" don't mind me making period jokes (regardless of how unfunny they may be by comparison).
Who besides Nick Mullen is doing that?
Freedom doesn't exists in America and never has existed before. Deal with it amerimutt. You live in a bipartidist country with laws censoring drawn porn because it's considered "too inapropiate".
wtf this guy went into a girls bathroom and farted 30 years ago lets kill him
The Laugh Factory on November 17th 2006
all black comedians
>hate speech
what does this phrase mean?
It means speech that is hateful against certain kinds of people. Except straight white christian cis incel males, these are okay to hate.
It's a concept that Stalin attempted to push into international law after the WW2 with the support of islamic nation, but leaders back then correctly recognized it as an attempt to stiffle and muzzle the western liberal democracies and its freedom of press under the pretense of protection of marginalized groups and stood against the proposal.
Of course useless low IQ pieces of entitled cowardly shits known as millenials nowadays welcome it with thunderous applause.
>bawling fatass leftshit on a guilttrip
Gotta need more quotas for laughter, my australian comrade.
Louis CK obviously
Based Stalin
whoah.... this is good...
This, I need to watch their stuff
That's when I realized "she" wasn't a comedy... but a tragedy.
>b-but McCarthy was wrong and there was no communist subversion!
George Carlin was the last good comedian
sneeded and niggerpilled
What is a hate speech
nah he was a little faggot and so are you