Is Sam Hyde based? Yay or nay?

Is Sam Hyde based? Yay or nay?

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This is the girl in the OP btw

he's pewdiepie for kids who think they're mature cause they've grown out of death grips and evangelion

I realized recently that his comedy is just watered down South Park with edgy blackpills peppered in to appease the schizos. His "content" is not worth 5 bucks a month.

>after Sam's WP show got aborted Charls pitched his own show idea to AS, and instead of supporting his friend in this, Sam had his employees sign a contract to never work with Charls and he fucked Charls out of merch/book profit sharing
what a great guy, totally not the kike he makes fun of in his comedy

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>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?

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Go back to /pol/ faggot.

>not watching true blacklisted kino mrbtfo/britbong streams

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she have nudes?

>Marky was later found out to have had relations with Sam Hyde
>who found a turd in her ass during sex


Where the fuck does he even exist still also why did the shoah this manlet?

i pay $5 a month for sam’s gumroad content. ama

how does it feel to enable a pedo like that

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alright but where's the lie here?

The only thing Sam is really good for anymore is putting me onto good twitter accounts.

this board is littered with retards who larp as pedophiles. nice try though

yay and he’d be more based if he wasn’t blacklisted and forced to do monologues in empty parking lots


>gets show terminated by AS
>"friend" pitches new show idea to AS right after termination
>burns bridge with "friend"
Yeah, totally a good friend, not like AS is being run by a bunch of lefty fags and Charles trying to cash in on easy money from a bunch of creative starved retards


Being blacklisted was the best thing that could have happened to him (he obviously couldn't cut it in the mainstream if he stayed clean). Now he's a professional victim, scamming idiot poltards for sympathy bucks.

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Imagine how shitty that pitch was

Literally AS will take any script you make no matter how shitty it is, as long as your a female i.e. Rick and Morty season 2-3

Ugly, unfunny cunt.

supposedly it was this vid:
would have been pretty cool
it's become obvious that all the talent in MDE didn't come from Sam at all, he was just the personality/face of it that took all the credit.

Yeah Sam said that almost word-for-word on the porsalin interview so it must be true
I’m sure you’re well acquainted with the inner workings of adult swim yourself

Especially if you look at the dumpster fire that is Sam's paywall/gumroad shit. It's painfully obvious the guy was never really that funny in the first place and took/stole ideas from the ppl around him. He shouldn't have burned his bridges like he did.

Every other member seems incapable of actually formulating a joke without Sam. You got some cool visuals, but Sam is the only one who isn’t comedically innept.

Thanks Computer >>>>>>> Hyde

anyone that fuck teens is based on my eyes

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Have you seen Sam's standup? the guy is garbage at being funny going solo
he relies entirely on pushing the pol dog whistling to get edgy right wingers to relate to him and ignore the fact that he can't put together a clever joke to save his life
if pic related was a coin Sam would be on the other side

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boston paul is fucking hilarious, his standup is better than Jerry Seinfeld