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I crye errytyme

They were probably barbequeing up some Stormtroopers during the victory feast at the end, so they had that going for them.

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*whispers* yub nub

Well Yea Forums? Yub Nub or Victory Celebration?

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Yub Nub

Victory celebration was better desu. One of George's good changes.

How the fuck did those savages defeat imperial troops? It's like African bushmen defeating a US army armored brigade with spears and rocks

So are they like Chewbacca's kids or what?

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No one's ever really gone

Why post this? Seriously I was having a good day, but now I'm all upset and shit, thanks a bunch.

Retarded though considering its a load of warwick davises theyre fighting.
It should have been like Zulu except theyre btfoing midgets instead.

looks like it's fucking lol

>warwick davises

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>a legion of my finest troops awaits them on the moons surface
>defeated by rocks and logs.

Literally could have set fire to the forest

Yes, a trained guerrilla military with modern equipment backed by a rival superpower is the equivalent of fury midgets with rocks.

>having any sort of emotional attachment to fucking ewoks in the slightest
Go back forthwith

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>never lost a war
Sure, if you count turning tail and running away from a war as not losing.

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Yub Nub is clearly superior

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absolute bliss.

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you do realize that unless you want to conquer a country Gengis Khan style, you eventually have to "turn tail and run away", right? You like those retards who would claim the US lost the war in Iraq because they didn't wipe out every woman and child and pillaged all the cities.

still ran away lol

Shut up retreating cuck DOG, I've grown weary of your cope.


more soul than the entirety of disneywars

Return of The Jedi is the most underrated Star Wars, sure at times it was silly but it got even more kino than Empire at times (The whole sequence with Sheev, Vader and Luke, the final space battle, Jabba's palace, etc).

>Jedi over ANH
Fuck off