Did you enjoy The Beatles Belong to Pajeet Sanguptastreetshit...

>Did you enjoy The Beatles Belong to Pajeet Sanguptastreetshit ? Then you’ll SURELY enjoy Sandeep Singhramivagenebobs Misappropriates Bruce Springsteen!


Who the fuck is the audience for this? How do these get green lit? Do Westernized Indians love dadrock so much that the small minority of them will recoup this budget, or is nostalgia and white guilt so high that white boomers will pay to see this on a Saturday afternoon when Ashley and Daquan don’t stick them with the mulatto grandkids?

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White bois SEETH! Rock and roll belong to Indian, world power by 2022!!

The Beatles movie was stupid as fuck, but I kind of get it because they're a huge part of boomer life and stayed fairly relevant in pop culture up until about 10 years ago.

But fucking Bruce Springsteen? Dude had what, 3, 4, hit songs back in the mid-80s? And then what? Nobody gives a fuck about him since then. He's a literal nobody. Plus, his music is literal America-tier so how would a random Indian immigrant in Britain get "Born in the USA"? Literally this movie is going to flop. There is no audience for this.

When will /pol/ fuck off?

How did it get green lit?

It's like they saw that Bohemian Rhapsody (which was a fluke btw) made tons of cash and heard Danny Boyle was doing an Indian movie and then somebody was like "we want in on this pie".

>Dude had what, 3, 4, hit songs back in the mid-80s? And then what? Nobody gives a fuck about him since then.
you dont know shit. fuck off

Oh come on it's true man.
>Born in the USA
>Dancing in the Dark
>I'm On Fire

And maybe one more. What was that one? Philadelphia?

Are you saying Normie British Indians (the apparent market for this movie) know more than 3-4 Springsteen songs?

Was Springsteen even popular outside America?
I'm British and I vaguely know one of his songs, but never met a single fan.

Dumbfuck, the market for these kinds of movies are retired boomer couples and wine aunts who go to matinees at the local strip mall indie theater on weekdays

How underage do you have to be to think The Beatles stopped being relevant in pop culture 10 years ago?

OK, and how many hits did Springsteen have again? Like 4? Maybe 5 at the time. Most boomers don't give a fuck about him. He just has a cult, but extremely vocal, fanbase at best.

He wasn't MJ.

White American blue collar boomers who liked Springsteen don’t like Pajeets. I know brit boomers worship brown cock, but do they even know Springsteen? It doesn’t add up.


Most people who liked him at the time of "Born in the USA" stopped liking him right after because his music became shit and then even more ditched him when he became a Dem shill.

born to run came out in 1975 and had multiple hit songs. and he had multiple hits between that and the born in the usa album, and more after that

>t. never left their hometown

I had a literal Boomer woman rave about the movie because it was all the songs from her childhood.

>How underage do you have to be to think The Beatles stopped being relevant in pop culture 10 years ago?

Well, because the music scene/pop culture has changed dramatically since then. Throughout the 2000s, the "1" singles compilation was the highest selling album of the decade in the US and internationally, tons of their CD boxsets and reissues were eaten up by fans, there was the Beatles Cirque de Soleil, there were Beatles pastiches that became hits (Jet's "Look What You've Done" comes to mind), there was the whole "Across the Universe" film, the whole Beatles v. Apple and iTunes was a major news story, Beatles Rockband was a highly popular videogame etc.

Since then, rock/guitar music has totally left the mainstream, replaced by mumble rap and reggaeton. And while there were a few pop cultural nods to them in the first half of the decade (Paul featuring on a Kanye track, Rae Srremurd's "Black Beatles"), it's fairly slim pickings as of late. 80s Gen Xers are the new Boomers in pop culture, and that's what people are nostalgia for these days and what Gen Z is eating up in mass media, not the 60s.

>born to run came out in 1975 and had multiple hit songs. and he had multiple hits between that and the born in the usa album, and more after that

Such as.....????

Wrapped up like a douche in the middle of the night

Yesterday was made because of the amount of pajeets here and the boomers who are genuinely colourblind. This is just a ripoff. Don't overthink it

is there an underlying message about finding validation from authority?

>are you even Asian?
Reminder this is a sign that whitey is on the way out faster than most realize. Poos joking about how common it is to be a poo in England that it’s weird not to be a poo in England!
White people are a joke and deserve extinction
Why do Indians love musical dance numbers so much

Jesus you are dumb. Get out of the zoomer mindset.

>hungry heart
>my hometown
>im goin down
>glory days
>brilliant disguise
>tunnel of love
>cover me

etc etc

The Beatles are pop music, old man. Boomers are so embarrassing. At least gen x and millennials recognize nostalgia doesn’t mean something is a sacred cultural icon.
The Beatles are one direction for boomers.

How is what any of what I said false? What indicators are there this decade that the Beatles are still just as relevant as they were 10-20 years ago?

>ethnic immigrant loses himself in the shallow consumerist culture of a jew singer pretending to be a blue collar worker as his niche.

Welcome to neo-liberalism. Leave your culture at the door and adopt our disgusting top-down world pop culture or you'll be in trouble


>1980s Indian family

Attached: i.jpg (720x1080, 158K)

Glory days is shit. Immediate pleb filter

>Since then, rock/guitar music has totally left the mainstream, replaced by mumble rap and reggaeton. And while there were a few pop cultural nods to them in the first half of the decade (Paul featuring on a Kanye track, Rae Srremurd's "Black Beatles"), it's fairly slim pickings as of late. 80s Gen Xers are the new Boomers in pop culture, and that's what people are nostalgia for these days and what Gen Z is eating up in mass media, not the 60s.

this is a total lie

The Beatles are a glorified boy band and their popularity is sustained through advertising and nostalgia pandering. In the 60s it was only young women and teenaged girls who listened to The Beatles.

Every generation has said the same tired old shit since the sixties.

I can't prove a negative, you have yet to prove a positive.

>comparing the most relevant band in pop culture that had a career that lasted decades and a legacy that still goes on til today to a stupid band that lasted a couple of years.

BIG yikes.

Guess what dummy. I took the bait and youtubed all of these...

>hungry heart
sounds kind of familiar? or maybe i'm getting confused with another song like billy joel or something
>my hometown
never heard this
>im goin down
never heard this
>glory days
oh this song... yuck
>brilliant disguise
never heard this
>tunnel of love
never heard this
>cover me
never heard this
never heard this. but it's a live cover of that old 60s song? lame.

So yeah, some "hits" he had.

Yep only young women.

Attached: 2E4NSDMNET5U6DXUPXPF6OEPHA.jpg (800x600, 130K)

>this is a total lie
You either have to be totally out of touch with current culture or totally deluded to think this is a lie.

Legacy only because they got there first, and boomers are literal cattle.

Maybe you are out of touch with current culture?

Those are mostly production staff up front. Look up in the audience, all women.

The Beatles are still the most popular band

They're the number 1 most streamed artist on spotify, are #1 on the charts, and everybody knows all of their albums.

Also dude rock music is literally as strong as it's ever been. Nobody listens to rap.

Boomers and guitar playing frat guys seethe if you insult their precious British boy band

there were other bands before the beatles though, your argument isn't very strong

You are blind.

>nobody listens to rap
Make friends

>Nobody listens to rap.

Attached: 1366150361785.gif (250x150, 498K)

>Maybe you are out of touch with current culture?

If anybody it's

Not bands that rode mass media advertisement to stardom, then rode the nostalgia from boomers for the next 50 years.
>but there were other bands
Is a straw man and I hope you are being purposely obtuse

What fucking fantasy world are you living in?

Rap IS the #1 genre these days. Rock music is done for in the Top 40 world.

Rolling Stones

I'm at least thankful that my parents realized they were very nasally sounding and middle of the road at playing their instruments so I never had to hear them growing up. A lot of people suck their cocks simply because they learned how to play the sitar.

Beatles beat them by a year in England and a couple years in USA

Sadly, everyone listens to rap. The influence of zog is powerful.

>saying I'm strawmanning when I'm not
>literally strawman me and move goalposts

BIGGER yikes.

you can only ride nostalgia for so long, you don't last 50 years on it, especially not when half of that time you were making new music

People like them because they were memed hard as some sacred cultural icon

Stupidity runs through the generations.

I didn’t straw man or move the goalposts you pathetic retard
Your entire post said:
>there were other bands before the beatles though, your argument isn't very strong

>Throughout the 2000s, the "1" singles compilation was the highest selling album of the decade in the US and internationally, tons of their CD boxsets and reissues were eaten up by fans, there was the Beatles Cirque de Soleil, there were Beatles pastiches that became hits (Jet's "Look What You've Done" comes to mind), there was the whole "Across the Universe" film, the whole Beatles v. Apple and iTunes was a major news story, Beatles Rockband was a highly popular videogame etc.

Yes, the Beatles were literally the biggest band of the 2000s. Everyone I knew listened to the Beatles. More than Coldplay or rap or Green Day or U2 or anybody. Nobody else came even close to the Beatles. They were played everywhere you went.

>Since then, rock/guitar music has totally left the mainstream, replaced by mumble rap and reggaeton. And while there were a few pop cultural nods to them in the first half of the decade (Paul featuring on a Kanye track, Rae Srremurd's "Black Beatles"), it's fairly slim pickings as of late. 80s Gen Xers are the new Boomers in pop culture, and that's what people are nostalgia for these days and what Gen Z is eating up in mass media, not the 60s.

You're fucking wrong, bro. The Beatles are just as popular actually. All my friends love the Beatles. I don't know a single person who likes Rae Striper or whoever. Also 80s are in right now, but I'd argue 60s are even bigger. If you turn on the radio, you don't hear Kanye West, but you do hear the Beatles.

When was the last time Post Malone or Billie Eilash got a movie about them? Oh that's right. So who's relevant now.

Give some proof.

u mad?

>insulting someone’s family because they don’t like your favorite boy band
Actually chuckled at this. I pity you

thanks for the recap.

Are you kidding?

Attached: this nigga.gif (500x264, 1.65M)

Stop using terms you don’t understand, and people will stop avoiding you in real life

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Beatles fanboys are the worst.

I actually like them but if you genuinely think they're incredibly relevant artists right now, you're fucking stupid as hell.

Now let's get back to the topic at hand....

Not an insult if it is true. Pity yourself because I don't need yours.

>let’s get back to the topic at hand
>posts nothing related to topic
Poo movie will stink but make 500mil in India and inspire a new wave of Indian immigrants to the Anglo sphere

No, should be quite clear right? Unless you are dodging the question.

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Also how do people keep finding more sminem pictures, does his boomer mom keep uploading?

If you think the Beatles have gained their fame for simply being so skilled, you are an 80iq retail worker

Remember where you are or go back.

Only feminists and men with severe insecurity about their own masculinity consistently have to dunk on others for shit like height/dick size they can't even control to feel good

I prefer to dunk on people for doing stupid things. Such as shitting in the street. What the fuck is up with that

Are you seriously pretending that the whole music streaming thing hasn't completely upended CD Sales?

Tons of people still listen to Beatles. 84 Million views for "A Day In The Life" youtube.com/watch?v=usNsCeOV4GM

I’m a big fan of his (i’m from NY) and he’s actually always had a strong European following, especially after 1999 when he actually started touring Europe.

Everyone who likes him knows that his best shows are in Barcelona on every tour, and Jersey are his worst shows. In Europe his concerts are mostly full of (younger) fans whereas on the East Coast it’s mostly boomers who just go to Giants Stadium shows because they live in NY or NJ and think that’s what they’re supposed to do.

He has a pretty dynamic set list and it’s definitely way better in Europe. There’s entire songs he doesn't even usually bother to do in the US like Because the Night. He definitely plays to his audience.

Never heard of him being popular in India tho and not sure why he would be.

You too

Nobody likes people like you because your annoying autism has no place outside of a court room. Do I have immediate proof that people treat the Beatles as a cultural icon, some kind of elevated band? Are you high? Go out in the world and start a conversation about the Beatles.
It’s like asking to prove things fall down because le earth is in space how do you know what’s down? You aren’t clever, or deep. Kill yourself

Dodging the question, proof?

>Tons of people still listen to Beatles. 84 Million views for "A Day In The Life"
And yet, the average pop song gets 500 million to a billion

Lots of people are streaming them, but there's a much wider gap between them and other popular music vs. when it was about downloads and CD sales

Once boomers die off only gen x will keep this boy band alive, this movie is the first desperate attempt of sony of keeping the pig fat and full

Tongue my anus, nigger, the Beatles suck

You're a moron. The Beatles will never die. Rap is just a fad.

Just here to remind you all that Bruce is GOAT.

Attached: bruce-sp.jpg (400x576, 42K)

it's not a strawman when you literally say
>they got there first
it's literally a counter argument because other bands existed before them and they all fell by the wayside. But throw your stupid buzzwords at me, I don't mind.

Bro I'm a fat fuck and because of that my pathetic average dick only comes out some 5 inches, whole layer of pathetic blobby fat covering a good inch. A Condom still fits on snug to me. If your condom is somehow falling off your erection then you got FUCKED hard in the genetic lottery.

This ain't "YOUR BENIS NEEDS TO BE 9 INCHES TO PLEASE A WOMAN" this is jesus fucking christ your cock is smaller than my thumb.

>blinded by the light /
>wrapped up like a douche/
>another boner in the night/

I’m sure thats the lyric.

And nobody likes you because you talk out of your ass. If state something as fact you should be easily to provide proof. Maybe you should do some self-reflection and realize that what you think is fact, might not be so. Comparing this to what is down is pure false equivalency.

>35 years
>just a fad
Not him but user, stop embarrassing yourself.

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It's not about lenght it's about width you dumb whale

Sometimes that's just how it is. There's nothing you can do to change it, so why put people down for it. Again, that's some feminist-tier bullshit to go "oh his dick his so small hahahaha". Your dick ain't your worth.

Imagine being such a limp wristed faggot that you can't appreciate the Boss. The movie looks like trash and I'm sure it will bomb but that has nothing to do with Springsteen.

White people abandoned rock. Now third worlders will takeover and save the genre

You moved goalposts. You went from sacred cultural icon to cultural icon, you autist. Can't even give one example. How about you go outside?

Why doesn't Hollywood make a movie on the real dating life of poojeets?

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>It's not about lenght it's about width you dumb whale
That's what I'm saying you illiterate fuck.
I'd honestly say consult penis surgery at that rate.

ITT: Yea Forumsfags have pretentious, contrarian debate over literal who boomer bait film

>I'd honestly say consult penis surgery at that rate.
If that's what makes you happy, go for it. But if you're doing it just because society says you're not worthy or for women's approval, that's sad.

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Enjoy your watered down neo-liberal pop rock.

this is depressing, I hope it was fake.

>But if you're doing it just because society says you're not worthy or for women's approval, that's sad.

K, enjoy being a virgin. When I get my dick implant, my girlfriend won't cheat on me anymore.

Nobody knows these you dumb boomer


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just because youve never heard them doesnt mean they didnt crack the billboard top 20 and are by definition "hit songs". it's no one's fault that you dont know shit about pop music but your own

Springsteen blows