What's his secret?

What's his secret?

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he likes cunny

growing a beard

Yeah it’s a real mystery
I’m pretty sure that she’s just a short Asian woman
Don’t project your own degeneracy onto others

>he doesn’t know

>Gets a role as an omega chad barbarian
>Women get to live out their fantasy of being ravaged by a huge Islander through Danny
>Tall, handsome and exotic looking

Literally roaste bait

oh nonononono
this nigga doesn't know....

he fucks his kids, dude

Post the webm, it's time the world saw

Being 6'4


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Don’t keep me hanging bros if I’m wrong I want to know how wrong

post the gif

he's still pretty good looking
if you worked with him all the girls would obsess over him

Big, handsome, intelligent, kind, muscular, tanned skinned, millionaire.

While the average Yea Forums poster is a skinny, pasty, ugly, paedophile.

hmmm, I wonder why the girlfriends of tv-fans drool all over him when they meet him irl? The photos are great, you can just see the despair and inferiority of he guy as his gf is biting her lip and flirting with him. Amazing!

Lmao he looks like a generic mafia hitman

The Beard

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who mogs who?

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Being attractive.


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oh no no no
man look like a frog

He looks like a middle aged blue collar worker without the beard. It really does halo his entire appearance.

cavill is more handsome but mamoa has more presence. damn there's no winner there

shaved cavil > bearded momoa > le mustache man > shaved momoa

do white girls like him this much too?

neither mogs the other, they're both mega chads who would double team your girlfriend while she screams and moans in a pleasure she's never experienced with you.

Look at this fucking warner shill lmao
go back to Yea Forums you degenerate

and I fap to my gfs mom
we're kind of even

This board is so fucking gay when it comes to discussing male actors

shes asian bro

>while she screams and moans in a pleasure she's never experienced
you fantasize about this a lot, don't you

Oh yeah,

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>he thinks actors bring anything but appearance

no, its just the female population of Yea Forums posting here

I would let them fuck my girlfriend if I could watch.

The unstoppable object meets the immovable force

lmao calm down roastie you'll get your seat wet

haha yeah I'm female too bro

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momoa has nct with a lazy eye, of course henry

You sound like a massive cuck. The guy has rapist tendencies, I do not say the other qualities you point aren't true though.

But you sound like a cuck, like someone that enjoys him fucking other women.

He is a cunny poster

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lmao WTF why

>the fucking gif

thats a bad pic, jason looks pretty good beardless here

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>having a gf in 2019
When will cucks learn?

one eye on the cunny
one eye on the money

how did he not get in trouble for this?
like career-ending trouble.

LMAO he's literally THE DEEP.

Hes 6'4.

Women love this, I am not talking about the girl, I am talking about women taht post here, they love rapists and torturers in general. Emotionally neglected women that populate this board love that kind of man. That's why he's more popular here by women than Cavill or other chads.

he just wants to take your girlfriend for a ride in his lambo dude? why are you being so controlling, she wants to have a ride in his big car lighten up!

Imagine if an incel actor like kit did this

didn't mamoa call the guy out that edited this on twitter and he deleted it like instantly

Because he's a shitskin and his shitskins fans all started to push the "it's an edited video" narrative

that's his daughter faggots. if you don't know the context better don't talk shit

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how do i get that scar eyebrow thing that he has?

even fucking worse desu

cut yourself and tell everyone you fell

>whatr did you fall on glass?
>and you only got cut there?
>uh mmhmm
awkward kino

He's tall and good looking.

He puts in effort.

Yeah. There's a jump cut between the rubbing and when the daughter moves his hand. People in this thread are memeing or never had contact from a loving parent before.