ITT : films that men will never understand

ITT : films that men will never understand

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Tucker and Dale vs. Evil did a leftist spin on forbidden love better

>made by a man

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>anime poster calling others to dilate

Interracial propaganda

True. Tried to get into it. Bored as fuck. Gave up after 30 minutes.

have sex then

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Is it the new ebin excuse for a movie to be shit?


tigly wigly, i fuck your mom

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“films that women will never understand” was an excuse for people to act like middlebrow action flicks are great cinema so it’s not surprising people are doing the same retarded thing but inverted.


Actually i don't mind chick flicks, just like i don't mind action flicks. Men and women are different after all, and have different interests. But calling one or another more deep is laughable. Both are actually masturbatory power fantasies, just for different sexes.

>basically just sexy E.T.
I domt ged it :((

>Paedophile tellin other people to have sex

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>posting on Yea Forums
Look how low have you fallen.

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he's right though. It was made by a man.

Anime is the absolute worst form of media on the planet and anyone who unironically likes it needs to kill themselves

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

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yeah there's no monstergirl fetish. just face it, men understand everything.

best post

>Why do you like monster girls?
>Because the monster is on the outside.

>Why do you like monsters?
>They're exotic, dangerous, and remind me of my dog.