>sex is basically fucking
i know bill is considered "fringe" among the scientific community but was he actually on to something here?
>sex is basically fucking
i know bill is considered "fringe" among the scientific community but was he actually on to something here?
Other urls found in this thread:
His personality is as ugly as his face. A film to watch with him would be Freaks.
This guy is such a dirty sellout cocksucker that he should be ashamed of himself.
What's the sellout?
since when is an electrical engineer somehow now the next stephen hawking?
fuck this semite
He used to just be a guy with a little show like 20-25 years ago but now he hopped on the liberalism train hard to cash in.
That's a very vague point you bring out, could you be a bit more specific?
there is no way in hell that sex could be considered fucking.
fuck this piece of shit pseudointellectual.
not original user but it’s fairly well-known that bill just holds an engineering degree and isn’t a “scientist” really, he also wanted to be in acting and comedy so that should tell you oh where his aspirations lie
>fuck this semite
For once, wrong. He's not a semite, he's merely Bill Nye the nice goy
100% he is a pedo
honorary kike with that shnoze and attitude
He wasn't born when freaks came out user
Imagine a world without the irish
He's not "fringe" among the scientific community, he is literally not even part of it.
And no, he has never been onto anything except grandpa's cough syrup.
Engineers are scientists for starters.
Secondly he calls himself a science guy.
Science is basically always liberal. It's you who has changed since then. You became an incel.
That's some fine autism you got there.
You tell em, "girl"!
He was onto grandpa's cough syrup? Huh?
sex is basically fucking though. i hate to admit it but it's the truth. cant believe we were blind to this for so long. thats what makes bill great is that he really expands your mind and makes you think
>Science is basically always liberal.
WEW. Imagine believing this.
Not sure why trannys occupy your every waking hour friend, but that's a sign of a mental illness
his personality his very dry very different from his tv persona
Speaking of gender, my school’s biology professor was reprimanded last semester because he dared to say gender is determined by your chromosomes. The term “sex chromosome” is now banned, as is “autosome” because it implies the existence of sex chromosomes. This was at a publicly funded American college btw.
His personality is repellent. I live not far from his former stomping grounds, and his assholery is legendary. Even his old cast mates hate him. He treats people like shit and thinks he's hot enough shit to get away with it.
>not understanding that DNA/Chromosome-denialism is anti-scientific
What’s the difference between transsexual and tranz
>male lesbian
So science hasn't always been liberal because you're mad at trannys? Good one.
what's this movement meant to convey?
How long until leftists are burning people at the stake for saying the Earth revolves around the Sun because it's offensive to Geocentrigenders?
>"Mhhwaahh, the French !"
As someone who regularly listens to Star Talk, I still find Bill Nye to be less annoying and dumb than Neil Tyson.
But did he really say “sex is just fucking”?
If he’s going to continue with le edgy swearing for attention then I can’t respect him anymore
You're confusing sex and gender friend. Gender is the expression. Glad I could clear up how words have been used for decades for you.
No, Science hasn't "always been liberal" because that's a retarded statement that means nothing and you've provided zero evidence of to the contrary.
The fact that trannies are mentally ill is merely coincidental with the Leftist hatred of science.
>have a quirky show where you introduce some basic scientific concepts to children to get them interested in learning
>gets played in literally every elementary/middle school class in america for over two decades so everyone in the 20s-30s recognizes you and has fond memories of you
>jump on the WOKE train to get back in the limelight and instantly have the trust of many of those same 20-30 year olds that learned about the states of matter, the scientific method, dinosaurs, forces, weather, etc from you
>except now you're telling them that there are an infinite number of genders, race is a social construct
honestly those kinds of things are still something of outliers that are sprinkled in on the episodes but the topics he's bringing up are still mostly unscientific and the show is the equivalent of some tonight at 11 "news" segment
Enough of this gay /pol/ shit, someone post heeb tits.
If it means nothing how can you refute it?
Most scientists are liberal friend. Sorry this fact makes you angry.
He's a science salesman trying to appeal to fedoras and basement atheists
I can't take seriously a climate change advocate who doesn't push forced sterilization. It's literally the way this ends, lets just start now. Nothing personally done is nearly as harmful as reproducing
>You're confusing sex and gender friend.
Looks like you fell for Newspeak, retard.
Daily reminder that "sex" and "gender" were literally synonyms up until this LAST decade (nice attempt at historical revisionism), and the person that first forwarded the idea that the two were separate and different was literally a Mengele-esque pedophile who sexually mutilated children and drove them to suicide.
>imagine coming into a thread you dont like just to complain
Found the tranny
Bill Nye acting like a fucking weirdo, and Disney remakes, are because millenials won't grow the fuck up, and so their childhood tv grew up with them, but it is also just as cynical.
>Most scientists are liberal friend.
[citation needed]
Most firms that employ scientists are liberal, and not toeing the line ends your career.
The fact that you unrionically think Science, of all things, is intrinsically tied to Leftism, makes it clear you are a faggot Redditor.
fucking lol
You've seriously misrepresented money because you hate trannys. How sad dude.
So you will admit you're wrong if I find a single example of gender being used to define expression older than 10 years? Just to be clear.
I'm not a fan of his blatant manipulation of Reddit manchildren, and this sensationalism around climate change is only going to lead to more climate deniers. We need to be honest and put money in the right places preferably nuking china and talking about the temperature raising maybe 1-3 degrees in the next 50-100 years, not fearmonger people into thinking the world will end tomorrow if we don't ban plastic straws and grocery bags
based tucker carlson destroyed this faggot
>Science is basically always liberal
>anything to do with science
I fucking hate you amerishitstains so much.
>can't even post correctly
Holy SHIT. Reddit/Tumblr isn't even TRYING to hide their transplant status any more.
Bullshit that doesn't work. He is a kike like Bush and Colbert
You're confusing that Dr money's theory is correct, it's not, and his prime exibhit ended up fucking killing xerself because of Money's wicked experiment. Hitler had a stronger case that Jews weren't people than Dr money's case of sex and gender being different
European leftcucks are typically the ones that promote this attitude, /pol/stain.
You're predictaby easy to trigger.
So to be clear you're now saying Money was right?
So, engineers are not scientifically literate?
>except now you're telling them that there are an infinite number of genders, race is a social construct
How is this unscientific? This is literally what the scientific community says about this stuff, this is not controversial.
Might as well be a Jew
Plastic pollution is unrelated to climate change and is, in fact, an actual issue, unlike climate change.
>Mechanical engineering is the same as rocket scientist or a geologist.
How is vid related not rape?
>boy in a skirt
>friend of Dorothy
>teh gay
>the gay
Because their community has clearly been infiltrated to push this retarded agenda
No, I'm saying you're confused, money was wrong. Gender and sex aren't different. When your cited examples are resounding failures you don't have a case. This gender theory shit is wholly unscientific as it doesn't even follow the scientific method.
>leftcucks y-y-you're /pol/ hurrrrr!
Science is not politics you obese retard, now go shart your pants in Walmart.
>grow up in Washington
>every single science teacher I had talked about how much of a prick Bill Nye is.
This was way before his return to TV
>no argument
I've come to accept what he is trying to do.
He is trying to be a beacon, drawing people in.
Is he going to replace a university degree in a stem-field? no.
I believe that what he is trying to do, is just to let people know about this stem stuff, and that they themselves will figure out of this is what they want to do.
Bill Nye is the reason I got into STEM. I don't watch his shows instead of my lessons, in fact i don't watch anything he does anymore, but he did what i believe he set out to do.
>get BTFO
>start with adhoms
every time
>This is literally what the scientific community says about this stuff
It literally isn't.
"Gender Studies" isn't a science and Sociologists aren't Scientists.
And the "scientific community" does not consider race, or DNA for that matter, to be a "social construct".
You seem to be real fucking misinformed.
Stop getting your information about "science" from Reddit.
>what is eugenics
Get fucked you lying cunt,eugenics is what allowed us to tame other animals and exterminate super predators,without it we would still be writing on papyrus
>how words have been used for decades
For most people, gender has always been used as a synonym for sex
>mommy's boi
I've finally found my gender
Jesus Christ that lady.
Again, my question is, are engineers not scientifically literate? i don't believe that he has ever claimed to know anything about this stuff.
The only thing's i've seen of him is him refeering to other people who have done research in this area, rocket scientists and geologists. The only thing his engineering degree enables him to do, in this regard, is to be able to read what the reasearches concluded.
>Because their community has clearly been infiltrated to push this retarded agenda
Where is evidence of this? because you don't "like" the conclusion?
As a famous jew once said, "fact's don't care about your feelings".
>people are mutts for not being white enough
>raging hatred for Israel
>not /pol/
Please go back to your homoerotic circle-jerks, queer.
>And the "scientific community" does not consider race, or DNA for that matter, to be a "social construct".
Are you saying that sex=gender? this is strange, and very exciting. Im sure you have lots of data to support this finding, could you perhaps direct me towards some scientific articles?
>get BTFO
By what? Your non-argument that wasn't even posted right?
Your MCU reaction-images is really convincing me that you're not from Reddit, by the way.
>are engineers not scientifically literate
No, they're not, unless you count their mathematical prowess, which still doesn't count. Being ok at math and putting things together is not really science, but it's getting there.
>use scientific papers to prove an argument about leftist semantics and Newspeak-words
Holy shit you're retarded.
Because the people who speak out against it get banned
So you finally show that you have no argument and all of this was about getting people angry,then you truly are a woman
i dunno, a lot of these apply to Yea Forums posters
that user said:
>So you will admit you're wrong if I find a single example of gender being used to define expression older than 10 years? Just to be clear.
then you realized you were fucked and instantly tried to deflect by spewing out your favourite buzzwords, it's transparent as fuck and hilarious that you're seething over being BTFO
one of my classmates was a EE and he's a bartender now
He is right if you live an vacuum or in some enclosed community like the amish do. Sure you hurt no one with your life choices and your kids have the right to choose. The problems with the liberal point of view is that they don't live in vacuum. They want to live with the rest of society and demand to be accepted and liked as if they are normal. Like it or not a well working society is like a wall made of bricks. You can get away with 1 or 2% of the bricks to be out of standard and not to be the desirable shape or size but if you change them with a fresh turds and quadruple their number the wall will collapse. So he is technically right but not in the context if what he is implying.
>Respect other people even when they're different
>Where is evidence of this?
The fact that wrongthinkers get blacklisted, shamed and banned.
The fact that people conducting research that does, or even may, find inconvenient conclusions get defunded and banned.
>As a famous jew once said, "fact's don't care about your feelings".
Not him but you're retarded. The world makes fun of you fat american mutts for your slave-like devotion to Israel - a foreign power that doesn't care about you. Our personal opinions are irrelevant and most of us do not care. But for you mutts it's "WORSHIP ISRAEL WITH US OR YOU'RE AN ANTISEMITE!!"
That's why the meme is formed.
I know this is hard stuff to comprehend, maybe just to back to your /pol/ safe space where you don't actually have to back up the bullshit you are spewing.
Could you help me understand what scientific literacy is to you?
You are literally describing a conspiracy theory, are you wearing your tinfoil hat already?
Btw i think Alex Jones is going to start streaming in a hour or so, better get ready with your Brainforce vitamins.
Do you have any proof of what you are saying, or are you going to stick to the conspiritard defence?
You're literally just talking to yourself at this point. You really just need to stop posting.
>This is just the way I am, I can't change
>Vanilla tries gay interracial sex and changes
What did they mean by this?
>friend of Dorothy
I thought this was just an old school term for a gay person
>You are literally describing a conspiracy theory
>Are you saying that sex=gender?
sex is not gender but the most common use of the word gender is based on relating the cultural, psychological, and behavioral aspects of a sex. if there are two sexes then there can only be two genders.
>Could you help me understand what scientific literacy is to you?
Damn, user. Ok, look I've invented things, but I'm not a scientist. Understand now? I don't use the scientific method all the time to reach my conclusions (just like Bill Nye).
Is /pol/ still seething about this guy?
>spout /pol/ shit
>"I-I-I'm not from /pol/! The WHOLE WORLD says this! E-E-Even though I can't back that up..."
Stop posting.
>pls stop posting I'm literally shaking rn
Is Reddit still seething that this guy's show crashed and burned and he's now a laughing-stock?
>"Yes, Michael?"
You have to go back
Israel deserves to be the number one recipient of foreign aid you antisemite
this one is my favorite, I think it applies to most trannies you see
>The fact that wrongthinkers get blacklisted, shamed and banned.
>The fact that people conducting research that does, or even may, find inconvenient conclusions get defunded and banned.
Neither of your links show either of these things, do you want to try again?
t. ourist
Gas yourself Shlomo
Based and americanpilled
This sounds like some he said she said bullshit, this is a puff piece if anything.
This article describes the pulling of a scientific article from a peer reviewed journal, after finding flaws in the metodology of which the research was done.
Did you actually read any of these articles or did you just skim the headline?
So is that a yes?
So you are saying that sex = gender?
I love uno reversal memes, they are so wacky.