Any films about Baltimore being Baltimore?
Scene is from Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears
Any films about Baltimore being Baltimore?
Scene is from Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears
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>mfw libshits start posting heavily gentrified areas they previously complained about to combat the idea that Baltimore is a shithole due to the black population
>black cities only become livable when all the blacks are run out
imagine my shock
>haha looks good to me :)))
oh sweetie
>mfw a southerner tries to convince me that they're not the ones living in backwards rat infested shitholes
those shitholes are still less violent than congoid infested cities
Is she saying they drove the black people out?
Its literally 1 street. Go look at twitter. They keep reposting the 1 fucking gentrified street because the other 99% of his district is crack and trap houses
Or they show the downtown area or a white neighborhood that trump isnt even talking about. Cumming's district is a straight up shithole and libs cant prove it isnt
>I hold no facts about a certain thing but I'll pull some feefees from my ass
the median income in this district is higher than the national average.
not just gentrification either, the black family median income is higher than the national average as well
>b-but black people are yucky and trump told me its stinky there!
there's more rats though
Probably because of this 1 fucking street retard. If everyone else in the district is jobless and this 1 fucking street isnt, then yeah the income will be higher.
Baltimore City is PART of Cummings's district, not the entire district, you absolute retard.
Baltimore's only been a "black city" for the past few decades
Stop saying that's "1 fucking street" Those aren't even the same buildings. Are you blind?
>actually defending Baltimore
even niggers who live there would tell you its shit.
John Waters is a thing.
That's not how median measurements work, retard
>being this retarded
It intersects it. It does not contain the full city
Why are liberal run cities always hell on Earth? Public defecation and drug use is encourages in San Fransisco for example.
His district is West Baltimore. Funny how its only racist when trump says it
Because telling people how to behave is fascism.
Made me want to play back red alert 2, generals and red alert 3
Because we take in all your small town Midwestern trash after you've been chewed up
Why does the Midwest and South leech off blue state tax dollars so much? And Cletus in Shittsvile, West Virginia is just as hooked on Oxy as anyone in SF these days.
holy gerrymandering batman
What do you mean?
>Stop saying that's "1 fucking street" Those aren't even the same buildings. Are you blind?
Oh wow, so the major city has two, maybe even THREE streets that don't look like shit?! Trump BTFO!!!
Seriously, shut your cock-holster already. You're not proving anything to anyone. You're just embarrassing yourself.
>Because we take in all your small town Midwestern trash after you've been chewed up
People are moving FROM liberal coastal cities TO the Midwest, not the other way around, shit-hammer.
Cope more, a small amount of technocratic elites that you worship drive up your state gdp and iq points. You don't see public heroin use and needle disposal applauded anywhere else.
>gets proven wrong
Do you think somewhere, some guy in Mogadishu swears that Mogadishu isn't a hellhole? That's the level of mental gymnastics we are seeing.
They raise taxes under the guise of improving public works but then the govt unions step in and steal it all with outrageous pension programs while nothing actually gets done
Then they have sanctuary city status that just leads to the creation of shit like ms-13. Their soft stance on homeless people just results in the homeless flocking there.
You didn't answer the question.
If southern and Midwestern cities are so shitty, why don't they have current plagues of public street-shitting, AIDS and fucking Boubonic Plague like your liberal "utopias" do?
They're moving to texas cities like Houston and voting for the same shit that ruined their original state. New Yorkers are doing the same shit in Florida. Both states are FUCKED
Anons, I wanted films.
>gets proven wrong
Whatever you have to tell yourself, queer.
Daily reminder that shilling for Baltimore won't alleviate your white privilege in the eyes of your peers. Your shilling is a waste of time.
Trump said that cumming's district was a rat-infested shithole and that cumming's hasnt done jackshit to fix it in his decades as their congressional representative.
Everyone called this racist.
Bernie said it was a third world country
Everyone called this woke
Liberals literally are the political equivalent of cancer.
It's bad enough that they exist, but they have to metastasize.
They do.
Now answer my question. Why do you faggots keep spending my tax dollars and pretending like you hate welfare? My state is actually profitable, whereas you assholes need subsidies to keep from going under.
And don't give me that, it's all the fault of the niggers bullshit. We spend more on social programs for the vulnerable than you do and still turn a profit. Why don't you stop accepting our money if you don't need it?
It's about intent. Trump wont do shit to fix it and is only using it as a political hockey puck.
Bernie actually has proposals that would help those communities.
Daily reminder that this is what Liberals want to turn your city into.
>They do.
But that is provably false though. Why do you keep lying? Is it because you have no real arguments but don't want to admit it out of some weird political or geographical allegiance?
>Bernie actually has proposals that would help those communities.
The South is poorer and more on welfare due to their black population.
>Why do you faggots keep spending my tax dollars and pretending like you hate welfare?
>Numerous West Coast cities have literally gone bankrupt over welfare programs.
I love how short the Liberal memory-span is.
I love pointing out to liberals who slam states like alabama, mississippi, and georgia how high their black populations are and then watch the backtracking start
No Bernie doesn't
More government spending doesn't help an address thrive economically, getting the government off their back does.
>It's about intent.
Do people really believe this? most of the city isn't like this, most of it is like the Wire
>It's about intent.
>It's about how I choose to interpret the statement, based solely on if I like who said it or not.
>Do people really believe this?
No, thankfully. Twitter shit-tards are not the general population. Anyone who has ever driven down their city's MLK street and the surrounding area knows Trump isnt making shit up
Imagine still being a Democrat in 2019 and refusing to admit that your site is just completely removed from reality
This. Faggots like even attempted preemptive damage-control and failed miserably.
They know they have to either admit that the states aren't really that bad, or they have to admit that they're saying something that they'd call "racist" if said by anyone else.
>muh blue states pay more taxes
this is a meme that comes from a picture that counts states Obama won as blue
Flordia isn't a fucking blue state anymore
What did Cummings say that made Trump so butthurt?
>Bernie actually has proposals that would help those communities.
Yeah like making it even less white
>why doesn't the president of the united states get directly involved in municipal level politics more?! GRRRRRR!
>bernie actually has proposals that would help those communities
Oh, I wonder what they are. Throwing money at them perhaps? That hasn't ever been tried before so it's sure to work.
Cummings is chairman of the House committee pushing impeachment
>Do people really believe this?
Democrats would unironically say, and believe, that the sky was paisley if Trump went on TV and said "the sky is blue".
They are 100% controlled by the concept of "resistance".
w-what's a trap house? Asking for a friend
I went to college in Baltimore, there are places that even the police and rescue squads refuse to go because every time they do they get attacked or their cars get smashed to pieces. It's not even one of those "get out before sundown and you'll probably be okay" type of cities, they'll mug you in broad daylight without a moments hesitation
>Bernie actually has proposals that would help those communities.
Are Bern-Victims the most delusional people on the fucking planet?
Cummings was crying like a little bitch over some illegal foreign spics getting mistreatment/detained at the border all the while the black people he represents in Baltimore literally live in a rat infested shithole. Trump called him out on it.
Because Cummings keeps calling for impeachment even though there is clearly no case at this point
Itt southern white trash
>Bernie actually has proposals that would help those communities.
Yeah, that's what the democrats said about Detroit for five decades.
unironically a better quality of life than baltimore
The corner(the episodes are on Youtube)
Lmao I bet all of us in here are spics besides the lefties
Country rats carry less diseases and parasites than city rats
I bet it’s great until you die of opioid overdose at 25
>trever noah once joked baltimore is so bad, that they made a show showing how bad it is
now hes gonna play the "i never said that" game
>I bet it’s great until you die of opioid overdose at 25
Thank God that NEVER happens in east coast cities.
Cities have always been overrun with poor people and shit, it's been that way for thousands of years.
Thank God no one has died in Atlantic cities from the drug trade.
That dude looks chill as fuck. 10/10 would drink beers in the woods with. Try again.
Why? Is that photo taken just outside of Baltimore?
ITT butthurt urbanite soiboys who got all their information on "the South" from Family Guy.
Why are you even posting right now? Shouldn't you be working two jobs to afford the rent on your shitty apartment?
Wow, he'll never recover from this
Ah yes, because as we all know: There are NO junkies, and NO drug-abuse, in the coastal libtopia cities.
>when almost 1/1000th of your cities population OD's in a single year
Why is everyone acting like Baltimore is a great place to live when these feral chimps went nuts a month ago?
>that pic
imagine the smell