Do you rewatch movies? How many rewatches is too much?

Do you rewatch movies? How many rewatches is too much?

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Nerve seen a film in the cinema more than once.

1 is too much for endgame

To be clear, is this dude suggesting he's seen End Game 200 times?

Yes, how many dollaridoos is a ticket in murrica?

Endgame was the first movie I saw 3 times in theaters
2 at the same theater, 1 at a drive-in

did disney send subliminal messages in endgame to go back and see it again? a ticket is about $20, dude spend $4k seeing it in theaters

I’ve rewatched some movies I own over a dozen times, but I don’t think I’ve seen one movie in a theater more than twice

you just KNOW

imagine wasting 100 hours doing the same shit and being proud of it.

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Why would you watch it more then once? It was meh.

poor dude :/

fuck the money, he wasted precious time

Only if I am to watch it with a friend who has not seen it before.
Three times max. Then it gets very boring.
Of course I don't pay for them again. Any rewatch is a pirate copy.

300 hours

Imagine being an incel

not in cinemas no, although I have no reason to go there on the first time either
I don't think there is a limit for rewatches in general but I would try and let a few months pass at least.

The only movie I've ever re-watched is Bloodsport

>200 viewings
>600 hours, equivalent to 3.5 weeks
>3.5 weeks of his life completely wasted on a shitty movie

And here I thought Harry Potter fans were the most retarded fandom, but the Marvelcucks taught me how wrong I was.

Seeing that shit 200 times is pathetic in and of itself but this overgrown child's servile attempt to elicit a pat on the head from someone, actually anyone, even remotely involved with this purile garbage is so disgusting that I'm starting to think that getting hit with an extinction inducing asteroid would be better for everyone.

Not even for free.

Why do trannies always wear wigs.

He only did it because he wants the movie to beat Avatar. And to my surprise he succeeded.

This guy wanted so desperately to end up on Ellen Degeneres

where I live, $11, but that's somewhat on the low end depending on where you live
and I'm sure if he's seen it 200 times, at least a few of those were in IMAX, which is $20 a ticket where I live
dude has spent thousands on this

He did it for his 15 minutes

I've seen each MCU movie 4-6 times at home and watched BR2049 in theaters like a dozen times. Rewatching gets old eventually. I don't really watch MCU movies ever anymore, I think I got it out of my system. But I'll never get tired of Goodfellas.

>going 200 times instead of using it to take out that fine ticket girl
white people baka

What sort of shit tier cuckhokes do you faggots live in. Tickets should never be more than $6, $10 for imax. You virgins need to be rounded up and gassed for being this retarded

>tagging every actor that plays in it
Why? It's not like anyone will respond to or even like or retweet it.

>3 months since release
>90 days
>2160 hours
>Minus 720 hours of sleep
>1440 waking hours
>200 x 3 hours
>600 hours of Endgame
>This nigga spent almost half of his waking time watching the same movie

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It's more likely one of them screencaps it and they all laugh at him in the Avengers Snapchat group.

>Seeing the same movie twice a day for 3 months, sometimes 3 times a day.

Based autist

>$6 tickets
you living in 2008 user?

I saw Fury Road 4 times in theatres but that was the only time I’ve seen one more than once. When I saw the first Transformers movie there was some boomer hamplanet woman who said she’d seen it 12 times already.

Is there a name for this type of mental illness?

Yeah, a lot actually. Some films 20+ times easy. Stallone's Cobra for example (keep in mind it's like lifetime count, not like OP hero).

I saw BR2049 three times. Twice in regular and once in the super IMAX at our science museum.

Was worth every penny

Are you talking about the moustache?

>I saw Fury Road 4 times in theatres

But Fury Road is a good movie. This guy spent time watching the fucking Avirgins.

I saw TPM seven (7) times in the theater
twice was just to find this scene
I regret nothing

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I've seen Fury Road 4 times in theater, though one time was for a special viewing way after the release. I would go back again if I get the chance, it's one of those movie that are just another experience in theater.

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How did Disney manage to mindfuck these "people" that hard?

Corporate marxism.

popculture is their religion and wasting money on stupid shit is their version of having a family

Prolly some yvan eht nioj shit

BR 2049 three times.
Managed to catch original BR two times at special screenings too.

I saw midsommar twice. I needed to see it again with more weed in my system