
What did you think about this movie?

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Absolute kino of the highest order. Severely under appreciated because it doesn’t play to the likes of atheists or hardcore “Christians”.


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it was soulcrushing kino.
>tfw the japs thought “the son” was literally the sun the whole time

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catholic kino, definitely on the list of movies WASPs will NEVER understand

I didn't know what to think about the scene where Jesus actually spoke to him.

reverse pleb filter

this. a lot of people watch it looking for it to sway to their side or belief being ahtiest or chrisitan

jesus is a sun god though

Last Temptation is one of my favourite movies of all time, will I like this too?

i don’t think it was supposed to literally be jesus. it seemed to just be his mind’s a way for him to finally accept the fate he is given. remember the scene where he saw the reflection of jesus in the water while looking at himself

I don't think the Japanese did anything wrong, but I also really liked the priests.

double reverse pleb filter

I went back and forth on what you said and if it was real so many times. I'm still not sure but given the entire movie what you said would make the most sense.

Pleb filter

Actually might be one of Scorsese's best, and I think it'll be a lot more appreciated in the future than it is right now.

Sad the plebs just think of him as "le mob movie man" and surface level cinema fans only ever cite Taxi Driver beyond his gangster filmography.

Silence sits with The King of Comedy and The Aviator as underappreciated masterpieces.

great movie, wouldn't want to watch it in the theater though


Almost definitely.

Knew it was going to be 10/10 the second that title reveal happened.

I saw it 3 times in theaters. The first was the best and most emotional. Could hear people sobbing at certain points, gasps when that dude is beheaded. Belongs in Scorsese’s top tier work.

Actually incredible. Proof that Scorsese absolutely deserves to considered as one of the greatest american filmmakers of all time

it has been a while since i have seen it so correct me if i am wrong. but the main dude saw himself as another jesus. trying to bring salvation to another land and for him and his followers to suffer for a greater cause. the scene with his reflection in the water being the jesus painting is because of his self comparison to jesus’s moments of questioning faith and his pain. also remember that him stepping on the stone could be seen as “self sacrifice to bring others salvation” just like jesus did. except this time the salvation is for the jap christians to stop being tortured and executed

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All that sounds correct. Good post.

Extremely kino
not religious myself but I found it extremely moving

Scorsese's best and most personal film, but not perfect since it undervalues everyone but Rodriguez and Inoue. It feels over edited to be honest. It needed to be more literate.

Why did Jesus like being stepped on so much?

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It's also strange to see Garfield get himself caught so quickly and how he basically becomes a religious schizophrenic, hearing God's voice -- but *literally*. I wish Garfield's narration used less emotion and more directive thought, like 'Will this other person lead me to the Inquisitor?' for example. De Niro is allowed to consider these things in Goodfellas but not Garfield here? And Neeson making it all a-okay in the end... Excellent direction but edited to feel a bit too pat.

>>tfw the japs thought “the son” was literally the sun the whole time
This might've made some sense if they had quoted John's Gospel.

Every true Christian strives to be like Jesus

Worthless youtube level protelytism

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Scorsese still got it.

And he was ashamed to be comparing himself to Jesus wasn't he?

It was pointless. There was no real conflict.


>no real conflict
>the conflict between faith and doubt
>silence and speaking
>god and satan
>existence and non existence
>understanding and perversion
>No Real Conflict

Supreme kino, unironically.
The movie is long, but it feels much longer, and it's gripping from start to finish.
At the end you feel like you just went though an absolute ordeal in the best way possible (i.e. the abundant conflict is entirely within the narrative, instead of between you and the movie).

>no real conflict
Bro, the movie was brimming with conflict at every possible level.
Not just for the characters (e.g. "trample or nah"), but for the spectator as well (cultural preservation vs cultural invasion).

>I long for you padre, won't you give up your faith to marry me and have kino hapa children

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The scene where Jesus talks was pure cringe