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Yea Forums: the character
Bentley James
Justin Fisher
and the only good thing about the show.
Ethan Cox
After GG his career was dead
This role will reanimate it or put it to grave...
Colton Barnes
he's a whitewashed faggot
the original had much funnier look
James Nguyen
this one is more bangeble
Joseph Hall
nah, in the comic was a background character, his role here is more interesting, he will be a sick supervillain
Colton Sullivan
>cool strong nigga
>takes himself way too seriously but end up being the butt of every joke
Why did they replace him with that slimy faggot?
Cooper Lewis
pick one
Zachary Fisher
Look at this poor white basedboy crying, did mommy accidentally season your meatless tendies?
Jayden James
What do you call guys like this? I quite like them and I'm bi (formerly straight)
Andrew Lewis
The comic was shit and faggots who like it should be thrown into a wood chipper
Thomas Myers
SJW:the show
Leo Walker
I like the part where his gill get fingered by that girl, and the prt where he tries to save the gay dolphin, and the part where he tries to save the lobster.
Thomas Russell
Why are SJW silent?
Deep is whitewashed in the show? or it's ok because now he is a rapist?
Liam Anderson
Wyatt Cox
he isn't a rapist, a blowjob isn't rape and Starlight accepted it
Nathan Wood
DAMN, Nate Archibald looks like THAT?!
Hudson Russell
So why did they swamp races for 2 characters?
Blake Walker
in fairness they also blackwashed A-train, I'm 99% sure he was a white guy in the comics
Jaxson Ross
>butchered the lore
>butchered the characters
>feminist, matriarchy pandering
>the comic was perfect, easily adaptable into 8 episodes
what in the actual fuck were they thinking, everything is fucked, the character development, the pacing. They don't even inject the Compound V and kill the supes in this
Colton Garcia
well SOMEONE has to be black right
Nathan Price
the deep was already black
Noah Barnes
I dunno I watched 2 episodes so far and it's watchable, the thing I dislike the most is switching based Stillwell to Elizabeth Shue
Looks like a different character so far, especially the relation with Homelander
Landon Bell
>the comic was perfect
The comic was hints of something interesting mired in sophomoric "humor". The show is a huge upgrade.
Xavier Reed
pretty boys
Elijah Lopez
>tranny opinions
into the trash
Michael Rodriguez
I had a debate with Reyfags in the Disney thread about "theme vs amusement" parks and brought up Cedar Point yesterday.
>mfw they actually reassigned Aquaman to defend Cedar Point
Liam Gomez
wow that looks really bad.
Andrew Rodriguez
Chad twinks
Bentley Fisher
Whitewashing is fine if the character is a villain or despicable person. In fact, it is welcomed.
Ethan Myers
he looks like my bf
Asher Ward
this. I only got 20-30 chapters into it before i dropped it. The tv show was much more enjoyable. As usual, the only good thing ennis has ever done is Punisher MAX
Lincoln Myers
A couple episodes further in and the redone 9/11 scene is a huge step backwards for the show. Reconceptualizes the characters for the worse. Now there's no reason behind Maeve's alcoholism, and they've fucked up Homelander, too.
Leo Williams
Redpill me