Why do white women in Hollywood support themselves being replaced?

Why do white women in Hollywood support themselves being replaced?

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you realize lots of movies still have white women in them, right?


have sex

for now, hehe

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Its better to not seem like a racist or a bad person than getting a paycheck.


You do realize that white women push this diversity shit more than anyone. The biggest sjws are all white women ffs

Your cumbrain takes this problem with a pol prism and most importantly, it's not a problem. White actresses vastly dominate the entertainment business and it's never gonna change.

they think the browns are on their side

like what?

but they are white, don't they understand what is going to happen to them...

Well, he was younger than her when the first movie came out

Oh it shows Kelly, it shows

should have joined scientology and gotten rid of all those negative thetans

you clearly have no idea how female brains work. they rejoice in fucking over white men and can't fathom that they're next in line

I mean, it's not white women being replaced, it's ashkenazi jewish women who are overrepresented in hollywood.

White men aren't being fucked over, they just have Zendaya instead of Kirsten Dunst as their love interest

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a “white women are oppressed by the Jewish patriarchy” thread

best post so far

>White actresses vastly dominate the entertainment business and it's never gonna change.
It is changing actually, black women and latinas get a huge amount of leading roles now, if it continues white women will be pushed out

>black Valkyrie
It should be illegal for Americans to make profit off European mythology desu

It's going to happen whether they approve or not, but being seen as racist will kill their career. Scraps or starve.

But the Jews will still get roles due to nepotism, it's the goy whites that will get replaced.

european mythology is nothing but incest and beastiality, mostly because europeans are fucking disgusting inbreds.

None of the younger girls are jews, they're all old hags like Hershlag and Johansson

>european mythology is nothing but incest and beastiality
Are we counting Greece? Because they tip the fucking scales on this shit. Second place isn't even close to them.

>Hitler's prophetic propaganda pt1

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loki turns into a horse and fucks his own mom in norse mythology you retard

Because women, regardless of race, are barely even human and don't deserve rights or respect

Pt2 fags

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I don't know what you think a retard is if this is what you're bringing. Zeus turns into a bull and rapes women all the time. Oedipus fucked his own mother. I've already got twice as many examples as you without doing any research.

yeah, all of european mythology is disgusting beastial incest. Europeans are degenerate inbred retards who fuck their own families and any animal that happens to stroll along.

What did they mean by this?

maybe we should all just be racist toward the irish again. movies for that feel?

Women only have hindsight not foresight

>t. mystery meat mutt addicted to tranny cuckporn
You're not really in the position to call anyone disgusting.

haha i'm a 6'4 bodybuilder billionaire you fucking european mutant. Why dont you go back to fucking dogs and lusting after your own mother, fucking degenerate freak.

Probably because there are plenty of other roles for them to play and their families taught them the value of sharing when they were growing up?

Some part self loathing (which itself is part taught and part innate), some part short-sighted attempt to mess with white men because of some extent of familiarity breeds contempt, some part of being complete retards that think that their protected class status isn't incredibly precarious and will eventually go up in flames along with asians and well to do white gay men

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>you're being replaced!
I've never had a role in a movie and never will. Why should I give a fuck who Hollywood hires?

white women aren't really protected at all, minorities hate them even more than white women

even more than white men*

maybe, but institutionally they still get a lot of shit that only protected classes get

i dont think it will last

Because the idea that they have real agency in the industry is an illusion. The mental gymnastics are astounding, and the idea that they think they'll get their way by just asking nicely is preposterous.

man ages so he could impregnates another fertile females.

Americans are not white.

White women are unironically the most privileged group in western society. They’re constantly put on a pedestal

No they aren't, nature already showed that it likes when humans die in their 30s.

We should learn from American culture who have gods such as the mighty Disney, Paramount, Microsoft and heroes like Beyonce.

>Europeans are degenerate inbred retards
No, it's just that Americans consider anyone who doesn't racemix and pop Ogros de las Americas to be inbred.

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Because they know you can't actually replace them
They're by far the most beautiful women and beauty ultimately is what sells

she's so fucking ugly and stupid

Not for much longer. Minority women hate white women and covert that pedestal for themselves.

Traditionally White men wouldn't allow it but they are so fed up with white women talking shit about feminism and metoo I think they don't care anymore, just give their positions to negresses and latinas instead

You do realize white women are literally the only women that vote right-wing, right?

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What makes Yea Forums think that what happens on the internet and Yea Forums itself reflects the world?
This is why the Internet must be wiped out, it allows "people" to build their own worldviews based on cherrypicks from the Internet too.

The internet is a cancer on humanity, it's a parasite that has brought no good.
The internet should have remained a comuncation network exclusively for the government.
The internet is nothing but what happens when you give civilians absolute freedom, and it's a shitshow.

if you hate the internet so much, why don't you stop using it?

how many of these "right wing" white women remained virgins until marriage, I wonder

Very few, but then again, pretty much no one gets to marriage virgin.
And I honestly don't care about it.
Getting laid back when I was 13 is still one of my most fun memories.

>And I honestly don't care about it.
lol, cope

Cope with what?
I'm not going to ask my partner something that not even I did.
Not that I have any partners right now, I'm not too interested in stable relationships so soon.

Protip: Women are fucking stupid. They will do things that completely go against their own personal self interest if it means being accepted by a certain group.

Because even if I stop using it, everyone else would still do it, and it's cancerous influence would still spread.
The Internet is a shithole that allows humans to get away with being as low-life scum as they can, it makes people think they can behave like animals with no consequences.
That's why the internet being fully regulated and controlled by the government is desirable, it will eventually end up with people being jailed for acting like scum, it will punish indicency.
Although, as I said, it would be preferable if the internet was simply shut down, or at least, it's usage was kept exclusive to the government.

We don’t, it makes me sick. Although I wouldn’t mind if we were replaced with qt twinks because that’s fucking hot.

>Cope with what?
Cope with the fact that every girl you date is a nasty ass whore who is incapable of pair bonding with you because she gave her gift of virginity to Chad.
>I'm not going to ask my partner something that not even I did.
That's a logical fallacy, men and women are different so it is absurd to hold them to the same standards.
>Not that I have any partners right now, I'm not too interested in stable relationships so soon.

So what? Globally lots of films have brown ones in them without any white women at all. The OP was asking why people support race erasure and colour washing, which is racist and vastly different from casting people for their natural ability for a role, so why do you?

I voted for Brexit and I hate International Socialism with a fury.

>Cope with the fact that every girl you date is a nasty ass whore who is incapable of pair bonding with you because she gave her gift of virginity to Chad.
Actually the girl I lost my virginity with was also a virgin.
I fucked a couple, but it's not a fun experience, what with the bleeding, the lack of experience, they are nervous wrecks.
Virgin girls are just not fun.

>men and women are different so it is absurd to hold them to the same standards
I will, and if she doesn't get on my standards I will obviously reject her.
I expect my partner to keep up with me in every way.

I'm 20, why the hell would I tie myself to a relationship so soon?

Stop larping

>Because even if I stop using it, everyone else would still do it, and it's cancerous influence would still spread.
Nonsense. How influential something becomes is irrelevant, you always have the free will to make your own decision.

Just admit you're a hypocrite who can't follow his own advice.

It is a problem, don’t speak for us you subversive rat. Funny how erasing people from their roles isn’t racist if it’s happening to white people, the absolute fucking state of you.

Valkyrie would be Disney's answer to Wonder Woman and the Amazons
Mainly by Warne's miscast with Gadot
So everyone expected a tall, muscular THICC actress to show her legs and arms.
And Kevin Feige bring this
MCU seems to say fuck the fans

sweetie, find a nice man and get married

>Valkyrie would be Disney's answer to Wonder Woman and the Amazons
that's Brie Larson

But what I want is not to not see the internet, it's that it stops being used worldwide.
My problem with it is that it brings the worst from people.
If I cut myself off the internet i'm not changing anything.

>Just admit you're a hypocrite who can't follow his own advice.
Do you know any way to actually shut down the internet for good?
Or to convince the government that letting civilians use it is completely retarded?

Well, it’s not Jewish women the media always pair with black men despite that being one of the least realistic couplings. We could argue it’s fetishisation and using your power to force it into film + tv makes you the oppressor.

nobody cares what you want, if you don't like the internet, don't use it

didnt she famously hated tom cruise and working with him on set?

Is this the latest epic buzzword that millennials have obsessed over?
Already tired of "oof" and "yikes"?

Attached: average millennial.png (523x372, 217K)

Europeans are the most beautiful people in existence, no wonder you insult our culture, you feel alienated by us because you don’t meet our standards.

We will only have a Valkyrie like the comics when Feige leaves MCU

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A billionaire on Rupees isn’t really impressive...

And do you realize that all those "right wing" women are boomers who are on the verge of dying. Pretty much every white female 14-40 is a batshit insane feminist that hates white men. They talk shit about them the most on social media. The average white girl you meet on the streets acts like your stereotypical sjw

Are you a normie?
Valkyries is the Marvel version of the Amazons

I don't like the influence it has.
On paper the Internet is a useful tool.
In real life it's cancer that is destroying society.
Anyone who wants to keep the internet as it is wants to destroy society too.

Hopefully, governments will wise up and heavily restrict it.
If social media are shut down, or regulated to the point of being borderline unusable, even better.

Give birth

What are you talking about?

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Not in Europe, our own governments, police, welfare agencies and media have covered up Muslim and African rape gangs and are going to import millions more.

they don't hate white men, they just want to be accepted by the minorities as a protected class (and it isn't working)

As the days pass, i'm more and more glad that I don't live in the US, everytime you talk about it it sounds like a shithole full of legitimately horrible people.
Hope China nukes it.

yeah, it's literally all old boomer white women, look at the ones under 30

Because theyre not getting replaced by good looking women. If a white woman was replaced by a cute asian girl the amount of seething on twitter would be unbelievable and of course, in the end white men will be blamed for everything

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39% seems far more than "pretty much all of them".

Because asians are not believable in most settings.
Asians all look like you could break them just by blowing air at them, even the men.
That's why there's no asian superheroes.

How is that relevant? You got btfo by the info so now you’re doing that effete leftard thing of trying to discredit the voters on some wild unrelated angle. Slimy and emasculated.

Um no sweetie

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Asian women are not good looking without makeup and plastic surgery

You're probably just brainwashed by nigger propaganda. Asians can look scary af

Stop coping

white women have not yet realized that they’re going to get the same treatment as all the white people that they’ve denounced for being white. they are under the delusion that they’ll be given a pass for throwing their own under the bus, but they are sadly mistaken.

Okay lauren

I am, then I’ll raise an army to kick the shit out of effete retards like you sweetie, meanwhile your kids will be in a dumpster behind PP

>plastic armor
>plastic weapon
>cardboard background
Imagine the movies we could actually have nowadays

No they can't.
Besides, asian history is that of barbarism and getting destroyed.
Nobody wants them, we already have enough with the fucking niggers to start putting the gooks too.

>raped by niggers
Well, appears we dodged a bullet here guys.

the current 18 - 29 year olds will age and become as conservative as current boomers.

Not necessarily, for example during the Haiti massacre white women were left alive if they agreed to breed with black men

He's right though.
Non-whites are disgusting.
The world would improve if every single part of this world would be nuked except Europe.
Oh, and Sweden too.
And maybe the UK, I really hate the English.

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they won't, most of them won't even get married or have kids

women only become conservative through strong family values, with a husband and kids, will almost always be a hardcore liberal

Yeah i wouldnt wants more non whites in our movies either but if i had to choose between nigs and asians i would pick asians

it's sort of like they're being held hostage by the nigger agenda
it won't matter what they say, if they're not 100% behind doubling down on affirmative action they're branded nazis and blacklisted

Nah white dude and former sexpat here, I've dated all races and Asians are the worse. Guys who champion them are full cope mode because they were rejected by white women.

White women:
Also white women:
>We need to shut up and listen to POCs

>x thing
>also x thing
People who use Reddit memes need to be permanently banned.
The amount of newfag scum straight out of social media is disgusting.
Always spamming twitter memes and the Americans bringing in their nigger-speak like "thot" and "ho" and "bruh" because Americans, even the right-wing ones, are all a bunch of nigger worshippers.

>Why do white women in Hollywood support themselves being replaced?
Same reason poor republicans
>Is this the latest epic buzzword that millennials have obsessed over?
>Already tired of "oof" and "yikes"?
nta but "cumbrain" is a male who prefers to see attractive females over unattractive females.

>someone who prefers attractive people over ugly ones
Oh, so basically, all of humanity is cumbrains?
I see it's not a millennial buzzword, but a Tumblrina buzzword made by disgusting, fat hags mad at the fact that literally no one likes ugly people.

nobody is killing any white people in america. can you imagine a bunch of niggers going against a bunch of heavily armed rednecks? we’re just slowly being shunned and excluded from the society that we built, and white women are no exception, no matter what kind of dumb virtue signaling bullshit they pull.

White women are fucking retarded

That's literally what is says in the OP

They don't, because they're not White. They're Jewish.

That is simply not true. Only 4% of the country identify with radical progressivism. All of this is top down and opposed by the vast vast majority. Women are notoriously conformist and don't like causing a stir. Women are extreme eugenicists and prefer patriarchal systems.

Cumbrain is slang for porn addict

They don't, but women are much more prone to peer pressure, so they remain compliant.

Well, i'm not sure if it's millennial or tumblr, but it does sound like typical sanitized, Ned Flanders-tier "insult" that modern millennials would find acceptable since it does sound too offensive.

RIP Tumblr. Without the porn it's hambeasts lashing out at attractive ladies and woke hipsters weeping about their degrees in graphic design while calling to kill whitey.

it's just internet slang, and more of a zoomer word

And, of course, nu4chan will embrace it like every fucking buzzword and meme that social media comes with because this shithole is full of those people.
Yea Forums needs to die, it would be a mercy kill at this point, this place resembles nothing what it used to be 10 years ago.

It’s just odd how people are in denial about this.

Pathological altruism. Women are incapable of defending their tribe.

Uncomfortable truths can elicit the strongest emotional reactions from people.

We had a thing in the past where blacks would do the work and white people would just sit around and chill

to my recollection it worked pretty good

>Why do white women in Hollywood support themselves being replaced?
They have no choice. The audience prefers younger actresses and each generation prefers to have its own stars.

/misunderstanding your racist point on purpose

Supporting actors of other races is just supporting actors. Unlike the autists here, normal people don't look at cinema as real world politics. You're being stupid. Look at the stats, and understand them. Nobody is replacing white people, and nobody wants to replace them either.

>Well, he was younger than her when the first movie came out
And this has somehow changed?

if they were dumb enough to fall for feminism, they'll be dumb enough to fall for this

jews are not white

The masses don't think about it, but their subconcious does. People in charge care about real world politics. They socially engineer and manipulate for power and control.

>Nobody is replacing white people, and nobody wants to replace them either.

This is just a straight up lie. The Jews at SPLC have a graph on their walls marking the % of whites in every western country. It's like they are stock brokers counting their winnings. Every institutions brags about lower white population, and how good it is, and how whites will get what is coming to them.

You can fuck off schlomo. This isn't going back into Pandora's Box. You declared war on us. You don't get to undeclare it without surrendering and we don't see you waving a white flag.

Extreme Statists should be shot. I'm no Anarchist, but you guys are always the worst sort of people.

>Unlike the autists here, normal people don't look at cinema as real world politics.
Hollywood is obsessed with politics, they never shut up about it

Feminism isn't a trap, and you aren't smarter than these people.

1 out of 200 actors is black and you're having a fit. Do something better with your life, seriously.

Who pushes this replacement bs? Does BLM have executives in Hollywood?

>The masses don't think about it, but their subconcious does.
"Subconscious" is already a red flag. People who know their shit also know it's now called the unconscious; your verbiage is outdated.

>People in charge care about real world politics.
They care about money, not politics.

>They socially engineer and manipulate for power and control.
This is your delusion. No people has ever been controlled this way.

>The Jews at SPLC have a graph on their walls marking the % of whites in every western country.
The struggle is real. I wish you good luck with your mental illness; it can't be fun every day being this deeply disturbed.

Get better soon.

>1 out of 200 actors is black and you're having a fit.
Then why is every 1/5 people I see in a movie a nigger these days?

We live under Extremist Capitalism. I'd rather have a powerful state that cracks down on disorder than a weak anarcho tyranny that allows this degenerate infestation and is unwilling to act on it. The State is actually weaker now than it has ever been.

>Hollywood is obsessed with politics, they never shut up about it
According to you delusional people, one cannot be against certain political ideas if you work in Hollywood.

Now struggle to explain: Stallone, Gibson, Eastwood, and all the other known Republicans who are doing just fine in Hollywood. Try.

>Then why is every 1/5 people I see in a movie a nigger these days?
No, this is why you are terrible at mathematics. And a racist little bitch. Face it: you're only racist because black people scare you.

feminism ruined a few institutions almost insantly after arriving. thousands of men died because of prohibition, since women voted for it the millisecond they got the right to vote, and then the government started poisoning bottles that men drank from.
marriage, well i'm sure you know how that was completely demolished by feminism, and the job market itself was ruined by women coming to work. twice as many people for the same amount of jobs means that wages have stagnated to the point that many families cannot survive on a single income.

feminism was a trap, without question. women don't have the mental clarity to use their power of voting for rational issues over their feelings.

They are useful idiots

>According to you delusional people, one cannot be against certain political ideas if you work in Hollywood.
You're the one who said that, not us

gonna try and move the goalposts more?

>muh racism
You have to go back, why do you fags even come here if you’re just gonna whine about Yea Forums

>white women 18-44 voted for Trump in a higher percentage than white "men" of the same age
>"It's all those fucking whores' fault!"
Literally have sex, incel. Then get your own cucked house in order. White women are officially more redpilled than you limpwristed numales.

redpilled people don't vote at all, trumptard

The State was significantly weaker 100 years ago, you lying liar.

>Extreme capitalism
Ah yes, that's why I can sell heroin to toddlers to pay my mercenary army to attack my fellow road barons. Shut the fuck up, user

>implying niggers find value in zoos.

>your verbiage is outdated

>They care about money, not politics.
Politics is money. It's the levers of the machine and adjustments can make or lose money.

>This is your delusion. No people has ever been controlled this way.
What are talking about? All systems are top-down engineered. Laws themselves are a form of social engineering to deter certain behaviors and incentivise others. We're not in a hyper-individualist fantasy land. We are collectives living under systems.

>The struggle is real. I wish you good luck with your mental illness; it can't be fun every day being this deeply disturbed.

Oh really, Schlomo? Here's the screencaps from a documentary filmed in the SPLC offices. This is on the wall of Mark Potok, head of the SPLC, tracking the percentage of whites across America and Europe like a fucking countdown.

Close ups:

Care to explain this shit?

Attached: potok.png (1164x546, 815K)

>Every institutions brags about lower white population, and how good it is, and how whites will get what is coming to them.
And what are you doing about it?
Here you are on a Sunday, growing more virgin every second.

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90% Corporate tax. Break up monopolies. Large unions. Massive subsidisation of industry.

In certain areas, the state has expanded like subsidising private healthcare, but in areas where it matters like finances and property? Gone. Big unions? Gone. Anti obscenity? Gone. Racial segregation? Gone. Anti-sodomy? Gone. State impact on social life and on economics has dwindled. Trump can't pass a damn thing, but Lincoln could shut down the entire press in a heartbeat.

Based and xenu pilled

I actively support accelerationist goals by aiding radical left groups. This in turn creates a natural counter surge of the radical right. Give support to radical right where it is needed.

Conservatism and capitalism are the prime philosophical enemies. Liberalism itself must be made illegitimate and a politics of despair must be brought to the forefront. Things are moving fairly well for a long term picture.

Women are weak willed and easily manipulated by (((them)))

>I stay a virgin keyboard warrior

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At its peak, corporate tax was around 55%. The related pdf (upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Federal,_State,_and_Local_income_tax_GDP.pdf) shows other forms of Federal income were far lower, because the government only had operational costs and nothing like social services or medicare. I know enough about the cattle and train industries to tell you that the government did not break up monopolies, at least in any timely fashion. You were as close to being ancapistan as any Libertarian could dream of

I know fuck all about its meddling with social matters and I don't care to hear it from you. You've already lied about the economical history and I don't trust what you have to say otherwise

What are you talking about user? This actress has played this character since it was introduced.

Ah, shit. I linked the wrong .pdf


I think what we all miss is just beautful women that don't try to take away the man role. If they did that more, none of us would have any complaints.


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When you pay a 90% tax rate, you don't actually pay 90% of your income. You pay in brackets.

So if the tax rates are 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% at up to 30k, 60k, 100k, and up, then someone making $300,000 a year would pay 30% of 30k, 40% of 30k, 50% of 40k, then 60% of 200k. This results in less than 60% of total income for said taxee

Its a whooping post. Minorities dog on white people, white women dog on white men, white men just take it. Its essentially just minorities and white women constantly excusing their own shortcomings and patting themselves on the back, and white guys still balling despite a world hostile to them.

>"cumbrain" is a male who prefers to see attractive females over unattractive females.
Your ugliness has no appropriate excuses

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We need to rise up

>you kang now
what did thor mean by this?

>"Subconscious" is already a red flag. People who know their shit also know it's now called the unconscious; your verbiage is outdated.

> Not wholly conscious; partially or imperfectly conscious.
>The part of the mind below the level of conscious perception. Often used with the.
Partially or feebly conscious; of or pertaining to sub-consciousness.

>adjective] having lost consciousness. not marked by conscious thought, sensation, or feeling. of or relating to the unconscious. not possessing mind or consciousness.

This fucking moron-user is allowed to work, vote, and given entitlements to replace white men.
And that's why the world is doomed

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>giving a shit about muh hwite wahmen princesses
they did this to themselves you fucking simp they'd throw your ass out for Chad of any race in a heartbeat women don't know loyalty like men do they only follow where the genes lead

no I never said that, I am just curious why white women cheer when a part that should be theirs is taken by a black women, it's absurd to me

>White men aren't being fucked over, they just have Zendaya instead of Kirsten Dunst as their love interest

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (474x355, 26K)

>I am just curious why white women cheer when a part that should be theirs is taken by a black women, it's absurd to me
They never really wanted to work in life, just socialize

because jewish men in hollywood have all the power and if they tell them to eat dog shit for no reason they will that's just how all bitches are why are you applying male rationality to their thoughts it doesn't work like that

>White men aren't being fucked over

Attached: Liberal Media Hypocrisy on White Demographics.jpg (1068x990, 113K)

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Tax rates for the wealthiest have been gradually getting smaller for decades. Huge corps can avoid tax altogether in tax havens. Economically, the state has reduced. Wall street is increasingly more deregulated.

And yes, social policy matters and I gave a list of major social issues where the state has reduced influence. You have no argument against this. The state is actually smaller in how it impacts society. Most power is private.


This is their doing though. White women are infected by feminism and just want to be trashy sluts. Most White men are betas and are cucks. White men allowed liberalism to become this prevalent. Also
>poor darkies all across the world manage to support families with 2-3 kids(sometimes on a single income) and manage to put their children through higher education.
>meanwhile whites don’t have kids because of bullshit values and muh expenses
Whites are the only group of people that view the family structure as evil

The State is weaker in both social and economic spheres. This is a fact.

Attached: tax-rate-history-us-chart.png (670x437, 114K)

women are dumb

On a side note: which will Yea Forums have:

Hollywood run by Kikes or a Hollywood taken over by Chinks? At least the latter's audience seems to be fond of white actors.

>haha i'm a 6'4 bodybuilder billionaire
Lmaooooo!! Nice cope Ahmed

If you're gonna black it up, at least cast a talented Nubian goddess like Lupita in the role. Tessa Thompson is the most disgusting creature ever put on the silver screen, literal diarrhea-tier

Yes goyim white women are oppressed

Leftist Revisionism


communism retard

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>Jewish patriarchy
Jews are so matriarchal that their heritage is passed on matrilineally.

Are we still pretending women don't earn roles by prostituting themselves, save for the handful who get them via nepotism? I was sure #MeToo shattered this illusion.

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Take your pic

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>Not realizing a lot of this diversity shit was either pushed or supported by the "right"
>Still stuck in this left right paradigm like a good goy

Their lives are by default too good to be paranoid faggots who bitch about muh white representation all day

Easy. Black women are replacing white women, but white women are replacing man. It's a profitable situation for everyone.

It's actually not Yea Forums anymore you retard, the part where you can larp as a nazi was split away with the porn boards. It's 4channel. Why don't you take your own advice and go back there?