And here's why!
Women RISE UP against Culture of Misogyny
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Sex have.
marvelcucks will swallow it
>a bloo bloo bloo
ok this is based
Women look so funny with weapons
Wow. So they are just going to throw away all their profits?
If I click on link and buy things at think geek I'm changing the world desu.
Yea Forums fears the Portman Penis
It's a comically large weapon. Real war hammers looked like pic related.
>going to war with a tack hammer
Please tell me europoors didn't seriously do this.
why netalee looks uncomfortable
That is one of the few things that could go through a full plate, indio.
best thing against armour till rifles came around
*caves in your breastplate*
U wot m8?
would smash chloe
>Multinational corporation STANDS UP and #RESISTS disgruntled fans
>*bashes your armor*
>Psst nothin' personel, sire
Pretty brazen display. Unapologetic and doubling down on their goal to subvert what is already subversion propaganda. This will just lead to dwindling slaves, but they don't care. The people in charge want to force a narrative, even at a loss. At this point, they will spend tens of millions just to demoralise their gentile ethnic competitor. You'll notice that they tend to be emasculating men of all types and erode even black collectivism outside of being an individualist victim who only pipes up to either attack 'whitness' or defending otherness. Even Black Panther attacked ideas of Black Power and pushed an MLK individualism coupled with feminism.
Also, women that go to comicon who like to cosplay are basically just whores. Anyone that goes to comiccon deserves this desu. You immersed yourselves in a corrupted semetic narrative and you're now shocked that they're stabbing you in the back for being loyal? LOL.
The best thing about this is that it alienates young whites. It gives them anxiety and they recognise themselves more and more as part of a racial group rather than just being individuals. Progs are creating a white brotherhood. This is good.
Yea Forums fears what it does not understand
Yea Forums fears the day it is locked in a room with Portman as she thrusts into it's grotesque anus
You are retarded.
>This will just lead to dwindling slaves, but they don't care
dwindling slaves? what the fuck are you talking about?
>The people in charge want to force a narrative, even at a loss.
Don't you get it, no-one is in charge.
>Also, women that go to comicon who like to cosplay are basically just whores.
The facts don't match up with that statement.
>It gives them anxiety and they recognise themselves more and more as part of a racial group rather than just being individuals.
What retard is getting anxious from this? It literally doesn't affect you at all.
She did say she had hammer envy
Fuck off tranny this wasnt aimed at you.
>The best thing about this is that it alienates young whites. It gives them anxiety and they recognise themselves more and more as part of a racial group rather than just being individuals. Progs are creating a white brotherhood. This is good.
>comic book movies lead to Hitler
Yeah that's going to be cringe from me dawg
this just made me realize that medieval movies really fail to capture the weight and intensity of sword swings
this guy fucks
hopefully this "phase" kills MCU
just fuck off already capeshitters.
>Yeah that's going to be cringe from me dawg
he can't feel the winds rising
I can because I just let out a big fart
She really does look embarrassed. I hope she realizes how shameful it is. She’ll now be known by a generation as “girl-Thor who fights with the big hammer” instead of you know, a serious actor
I stopped reading the comics when they did this shit. I'm happy to stop watching the movies now.
>click video
>down vote
>exit page
I'm such a rebel!
nice insane ramblings bro
Tick tock, times running out, males. This century is for females. No longer will we live jn the shadow of your boot.
But slaves works too, lol.
>Don't you get it, no-one is in charge.
The majority of corporations are under an umbrella owned by a few select companies with CEOs and major shareholders. Only a moron would think power isn't in the hands of a few.
>The facts don't match up with that statement.
So the women showing cleavage and wearing tight lycra around thirsty beta's aren't whores seeking attention and status and betabux?
>What retard is getting anxious from this? It literally doesn't affect you at all.
The near constant messaging across every institution repeatedly bragging at whites that they will be replaced and punished for 'what they did'. How can you as some neo liberal faggot tell us that 'white anxiety' isn't real? The very term itself is part of progressive rhetoric. You people are never consistent.
just as many stupid men as women
its ignorant not to acknowledge this
until the light bulb need changes and just everything fall apart and basedboy they dated no longer able to provide them.
Notice how they'd rather hold a toy than address the issue of hardcore porn and drugs in our society.
If you seriously take issue with cartoon characters being dressed up less sexy: have a wank and the issue will be resolved.
Public trannies, books on celebrating gays, prostitution and economic catastrophe brought Hitler. Culture war is a product of growing economic inequality. The progressive haves being degenerate and bragging toward the socially conservative have nots. Anxiety plays a huge role on group dynamics and spread rapidly. The economic catalyst is required for this dynamic to become a real force. The moment we hit 10% unemployment, you'll see Hitler, m8, and he will be far more brutal than the last. German rage built up over 15 years of lies from the Versailles. How do you think whitey will react after 80 years of holocaust propaganda and white guilt? All that anxiety and build up. Whoo boy... good luck schlomo.
Rising up against society is something that gamers already do. Can't you cringy ass sluts come up with your own original gimmick?
nah i think she's cringing at the soibois' (including waititi) reaction
>women being in capeshit ruined my life
why are you faggots like the s?
shes always nervous
>we're going to vote Hitler into power this year says increasingly virgin fatty for the 80th year in a row
The more women and minorities involved, the better of a shot these movies have at ending the capeshit cancer. Based women and minorities.
Hershlag looks incredible tbf.
it's going to be a hell of a new decade, right Yea Forums. Thank god I don't watch movies anymore. Sneed
I'd almost say I felt bad for Hershlag if I didn't know she took the fucking money
you can literally see her soul die as the corporate cock gets slid up her ass