Post people who needs a biopic

Post people who needs a biopic

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just make a Kennedy biotopic and you'll get two for one

Why is she so sad?

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First trailer for "Supreme" (2020)
>Disney logo fades in
>Directed by Joss Whedon, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck
>opening scene is Kavanaugh at the party, he's portrayed as a dick, takes a young girl up to an empty room and the door shuts
>next scene, the same girl, who is Revealed to be suffering a PTSD flashback, drops a knife in the kitchen as she breaks down in tears, her husband (a strong black man) runs in and comforts her
>"You can't go on like this"
>"He's getting nominated for the Supreme Court, he's already won"
>"No...people will know what he did"
>Next scene is writing the email
>Next scene, Kavanaugh is enjoying a beer in his house, he's lazing around and is obviously just awake from a night of drinking
>He hears a knock at the door
>It's his campaign manager
>"Kavanawww....There's a problem. They know"
>Kavanaugh drops his beer in slow motion as the camera pans in on his expression
>"Mah nominassion...I'm fucked"

I can almost see this happening. Would it be the first time filmmakers got sued for libel?

You can only sue for libel if what they say about you isn't true user.

>Literally every thing she said in relation to the assault has been proven untrue
>Libs still mad as fuck

Slamming drinks with PJ and Squee

Because her husband is being smeared as a rapist by some very evil people.

Imagine being this rectally ravaged.

they already made The Hunt


Kek leftitst honestly lost their fucking minds over this dude. What a bunch of fake bullshit

It was a major redpill moment. Mainstream conservatives who weren't so big on Trump became much more comfortable with calling the press the enemy of the people.

like trump's plastic-faced slut wife she's a gold digger but on a smaller scale. myself I'm not sympathetic, they deserve whatever they get stuck with

The left doesn't care who they have to destroy in order to gain power.

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kek those "leftitst" amirite kekbro

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Is Atticus Finch the worst villain in film history? Why didn't he believe the woman?

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What was done to this poor man is a real injustice. That lying cunt that accused him should be in jail for slander.

>kavanaugh family.jpg

Looking at that I'd say he's more likely to be caught at a gloryhole than raping women.

>t. leftist


What a Kino event this whole shitshow was.

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>people who needs a biopic
>people who needs

You're on the list for when the entropy comes, OP.

Why he doesn't have that much acting credits

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If I ever meet him I'm buying him a beer.

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>not [a] must be [b]

an adult made this post

a leftist made this post

He'd only snub you except in a situation where he needed to be seen and photographed with the most wretched available slob to suggest the "common touch".

Absolutely Based

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You're a fucking idiot.

Your orange dictator is putting little kids into changes all because they have beautiful brown skin and not your mayonnaise shit, laugh all you want but you nominated a violent alcoholic rapist to Supreme Court and everyone knows that you're on the wrong side of history
Viva America Viva

you're a leftist

Seething leftoid. He's on the supreme court for life btw, deal with it.

Needs an insufferable VICE style narrator so you can applaud when the fucker gets run over by a truck & dies


Fuck yeah Kav, fuck yeah.

God damn the day he was appointed was nearly as good as 2016.

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Can't he sue that woman for her false accusations?

It made me real happy. Their power is slipping, and they don't know what to do about it.

it really isn't though. America is going to be majority non-white soon. tumblr trannies will just become more influential as the visible minority voting bloc increases

That would make it look like he's attacking a poor defenseless woman. Worst possible move. He's not even that conservative, Trump really missed out not appointing Amy Barrett and letting the left attack her for being Christian

He'll get her in when RBG drops.

She's been dead for like a year.

The solution to these problems is succession. That's the only thing that can work. We have nothing in common anymore, and we actively hate each other. Just separate and leave each other alone.

Good post.

Even so, Latinos and Asians won't be the Dems pets forever, they're conservative and religious and the only reason the Dems get their votes is because the Dems push pro-latino and anti-white idpol. Once whites effectively become a minority push racial division by pitting whites vs non-whites won't be as effective.

I don't think he's interesting enough for a full movie but I gotta admit the maudlin rant he did where he whined about drinking beer in front of congress was pretty kino. Shame he got voted in tho

Secession, that is.

She didn't lie.

If RBG drops and Trump gets a second term there will ironically be a small Civil War

zoomers of all races are less conservative and religious than preceding generations. the longer they live in America the less religious and conservative they will become

>He went on an insane rant, yelling about how innocent he is, just like Trump. Sorry white boy, crying because you can't get what you want this time?

In the alternative timeline where he kept his cool and gave calm, rational answers:
>He was like a cold emotionless robot, completely uncaring about the brutal rape of this woman, just like Trump. This is white privileged personified.

The left is truly shameless.

I genuinely can't wait.

She absolutely did though

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Good and morally and legally correct post.

Bad post, the family is celebrating as well as it can, and should, given the unjust circumstances that they've been subjected to.

You meant "chains" or similar, you repeat lies, and are Mexican or somesuch which explains your lack, why do I bother.

Morally, he should, but the nature of winning the post itself and consideration for one's family control. Kavanaugh is the winner. He wins by fucking off into his rightfully-won post, for life. (no other justice ever applied more righteous personal effort toward the task). She really does deserve to be criminally punished in a manner that actually hurts, for the lie that she lied, but that won't happen because muh Women and the above.

Young people are always like that. They become more conservative and religious as they grow older. And Zoomers are already more conservative on average than millenials, it's like all the clown world bullshit they see is repulsing them instinctively.

I can't wait for him to overturn Roe v Wade so the black population can sky rocket. Think of all the BBC!

I'm surprised Lifetime hasn't made a film about him already.

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Nice black PR attempt /leftypol/. He specifically said he wouldn't touch that so rest assured that your precious right to aborting a human bean is safe.

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NO. No more female SCOTUS justices ever.

Why are you people so hateful?

Why does the left hate straight white men so much?

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While the thread still isn't "deleted" on this particular website (mods and janitors are superfluous organs which carry out their roles for no reason which makes any sense, upon review, as every thread is archived...), a remark.

One of the sweetest parts of the entire process was how Mike Pence presided over the Senate during confirmation, each time calmly ordering restoration of order in the gallery. The process was annoying of course, and you could sense it in his voice, but at the same time you could also sense the righteous wielding of power. The validation.

A historical aberration, the dates of senate confirmation and actual Justice commission/swearing in (this is when the Justice actually becomes official, and it's usually a quiet afterthought, a legal formality) have usallly been days apart. Not so, this beautiful day when all the purple-haired faggots sat on the Court building. No, they wasted no time. He was officially sworn in the exact same day, and within six hours.

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How? Her inability to remember details about the location of the rape is consistent with research on memory recall of traumatic events. Things that made the event traumatic, victims can remember in excruciating detail while other things, they become muddled.

Who's going to play his rape victim?

No one, and for reasons that are obvious.

Nobody can confirm whether or not it ever happened because it was too ambiguous to begin with. It was a political stunt, a last ditch effort to prevent him from being nominated to the Supreme Court. The timing was literally perfect and everyone knows it.

proved his point

Proved who's point? That's your a racist kekistani nazi sympathizer? Fuck off incel.

Ah, you're one of those people.

>t. leftist

>no mention of her beach friends
close but could be better

>Mark Judge played by Jason Alexander in pissed off unlikable white guy mode

epic post bro! keep it up

you'd have to be psychotic to think they actually had power. unironically bought into what fox news mouthpieces are telling you

>t. leftist

>Latinos and Asians won't be the Dems pets forever, they're conservative and religious and the only reason the Dems get their votes is because the Dems push pro-latino and anti-white idpol.
Is that why Mexico has elected leftists since they’ve had elections? lul

>put words in somebody’s mouth
>omg, how could they say that bros? Truly they are soulless automatons

That Lindsey Graham speech was actual real life pure kino.
>"Boy, ya'll want power, God I hope you never get it.

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Based speech

This the guy that cried like a little bitch during his job interview?

Most job interviews don't involve defending yourself against a crime that didn't happen while the court of public opinion already decided you're guilty

was indelible in the hypocampus the most kino line?

Soon user, RBG doesn't have long

>Get accused of gangrape with absolutely no evidence except a dirty joke in your high school yearbook and beer pong, 20+ years after the supposed attack
>Have a flawless judicial record
>It doesn't matter because Democrats know your nomination will tip the balance of the SCOTUS
>They immediately open the hearings by praising your accuser like she's the second coming of Christ, while asking you all kinds of ridiculous leading questions to imply you were an alcoholic in college(again with no evidence)
>Your wife and kids have to sit there and watch as you are lambasted by these soulless cretins
>Then the media has the audacity to laugh at you being brought to tears by this, calling it things like "the infantile rage of the white man", because who would possibly be upset in such a situation?
I hope kav casts the deciding vote to repeal roe v. Wade out of pure spite

Based Punished Lindsey

>flawless record
Why do conservatives have such a hardon for corporate kike bootlicking?

>best friends with and defender of john McCain
>immediately shits all over him and becomes trumps sycophant the moment he dies

>It's wrong to vote in line with the constitution

dude beer

Even if having a conservative record was a problem, I was referring to not having anything that would render him ineligible. For contrast, Obama nominated a former member of La Raza, and she was confirmed.


You will all know this man soon.

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>file name

kek, nice digits too

Republican-appointed judges have never met a corporation they didn't like or vote in favor for. Kavanaugh is a Bush-tier conservative pushed to Trump by Bush era leftover party members. Like the traitor Roberts, he was a wasted appointment. Samuel Alito was unironically the only good thing that came out of the Bush administration if you're a conservative.

Why do I have a feeling you've never read or studied any of his opinions and are just assuming that out of pro-Trump tribalism?

He has judged like a 90's liberal anyway, what a waste of time accusing him of being a rapist, Trump could nominate an actual rapist & NO ONE will believe it again

>it's just a job interview
>that the whole western world was watching

Even UFC was fucking talking about it, it's wasn't a small deal

So if he had an “okay” judicial record it would be ok to slander his name with baseless accusations just to maintain political power for your disgustingly powerful 4th estate tier entity?

Two party system is the worst thing about America, and Demshits party is pretty much designed to allow the fat cats on top to do whatever they want. Superdelegates anyone?

>worshiping a coward who changes sides the moment it becomes beneficial for him
He'd throw Trump right under the bus if it suited him. Trump should start draining the swamp with him.


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o hai lindsey

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>Demshits party is pretty much designed to allow the fat cats on top to do whatever they want. Superdelegates anyone?
Both parties leadership is corporatist, sure, but only one party has a pro regulatory, pro labor, pro consumer wing

Lip service at best, control of unions to strong arm corporations that won’t play ball at worst. Fuck Dems. I might not vote Republican, but you bet your ass I won’t vote Democrat

>pro regulatory
glass steagal
>pro labor
democrats love immigration

>Get accused of gangrape with absolutely no evidence except a dirty joke in your high school yearbook and beer pong, 20+ years after the supposed attack
There was testimony. Whether or not it's true is another matter, but it existed.

>poster has a house with two doors

Women are disgusting liars.

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Men often endure more without being reduced to tears.

Seth Rich

Graham is such a fucking cuck. Anti-Trump as fuck until suddenly Trump wins and he jumps to his defense, imagine being such a spineless loser

That isn’t evidence

I still don't know what the fuck a devil's triangle is

It's not a job interview to be a fucking janitor, you shold be able to keep your cool no matter what gets thrown at you if you're interviewing for a high pressure job. Worked out in the end, but Trump could have easily appeased the left and gotten his way if he'd just nominated somebody else

More like suddenly McCain dies

Drinking game

nice bait

What's high pressure about sitting down writing opinions all day, and continuing doing the job you've already been doing for years? In the end it didnt matter, I think now that there's no chance of him being removed we can stop pretending the allegations were anything but bullshit.

Is this the highest level of kino?

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This is a sponsored post


Liking one kino moment doesn't mean you worship the character or person

>He's not even that conservative

Yeah, he just loves sucking corporate dick with his decisions and was lying to Congress when he was part of the W. administration.

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Being part of the supreme court isn't like applying to the cash register of Target. It ideally requires you to be the type of person who keeps a cool head, instead of ranting about being a victim of Clinton clan concocted conspiracy in your official senate hearing statement.

>The Yearbook
>Directed by Mell Gibson
> Vince Vaughn as Brett Kavanaugh
>Tia Fey as Doctor Ford
>James Woods as Lindsey Gram
>Ryan Rennalds as Creepy Porn Lawyer

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You could have just declined the nomination, if you cared about your family so much that you didn't want the media circus. It would have blown over because it was a he said she said situation. But Kavanaugh clearly felt he was entitled the appointment and wouldn't budge. And now every time someone talks about Kavanaugh, people will remember him as the guy who might have drunkenly tried to rape a woman.

el goblinos

>get smeared in front of the entire world for weeks by people who are trying to ruin your life, career and family
>finally break down when you're being interrogated
>"little bitch"
you're a disgusting worm with no regard for justice

>The senator from Tel Aviv

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Delusional leftists will, in any case. They would think the same about whoever was appointed though, as they would have made up allegations against them anyway.

>reading comprehension
only one post actually called him based, the two others just praised his speech
you're an embarrassment

So how come Gorsuch didn't get attacked? How come all the other lower court appointments haven't had similar accusations?

His speech wasn't even good. If you payed attention to politics at all you would know this guy is a 100% fraud

that's irrelevant, you're still retarded for not being able to read
I don't give a fuck about mutt politics because it's embarrassing as fuck, I just enjoyed the speech

The Democrats hate Israel and are AntiSemetic. Sure, Lindsey was against Donald Trump before he became President, but now they know how good Israel is for the world and that we should protect the Jewish ethnostate. #maga

Fuck that, burn the cities and salt the ashes. There's no room for these people.

Who is going to pay farmers billions of dollars to not sell onions beans to China?


He clearly raped her, though. He's a degenerate Drunk. Thankfully for Trump, he didn't resign like pretty much everyone else who was in his cabinet.

We'll make new people and new cities, don't worry. After the civil war, we're going to do nothing but fuck.

With type 2 diabetes?

There will be a ban on corn and corn accessories so the diabeetus will be a thing of the past.

Then how will you fund your new cities without the existing cities subsidizing your farming?

not to mention it reestablished some sanity from the #MeToo movement
you actually need FACTS to ruin someone's life, not just accusation

I don't actually know how any of this works just that it will. No more questions.

Anyone got the Zimmerman one with Jayden smith?

Indelible in the hippocampus

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Muh boy, Yuri Bezmenov.

Shin Sang-ok and Choi Eun-hee as a Death of Stalin black comedy about making low budget movie rip-off in North Korea.

Buffalo Bill being just the coolest guy

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>And now every time someone talks about Kavanaugh, people will remember him as the guy who might have drunkenly tried to rape a woman
or they'll remember him as someone an entire political party tried to railroad out of a position he earned by falsely accusing him of a terrible crime

>kids in to changes
You mean like changing from boys to girls?

>Rbg dead
>Amy is I'm
>Clarence Thomas steps down halfway through
>Supreme Court is now corporate (but red) cocksucker's for fifty years
>Democrats forced to try and pack the court, again

pic is the current mental state of women on the left

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>every time someone talks about Kavanaugh, people will remember him as the guy who might have drunkenly tried to rape a woman.

OR they will remember him as a target of usual leftshit politburreau kommissariat smear campaign and next time some 3/10 white whore crawls out of the gutter to make money, they'll dismiss her ' struggles and oppression' out of hand.

Remember, leftshits don't want justice, they want social(ist) justice.

Ford was a drug addled whore

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They already made a movie about his college days.

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Have sex

>Openly weeps while being politely questioned by his peers because people were mean to him on Twitter
The man made a fool of himself. Supreme Court Justices should be made of sterner stuff.

Is he going to get a real one, or a live action version of the homer one from the episode where he was accused of grabbing the babysitter's ass?

I can’t even remember the name of that woman anymore desu

you're willing to attack and harass anyone as long as they don't agree with your politics while also lying about it

>spends his entire life doing everything right just to have half of the politicians he's worked for his whole life throw him under the bus for power

>rich prep school proto fratboy douchebag
>freely admits to drinking to excess in high school
>dude I was always in complete control of my behavior when drunk lmao!

I can't get over how he said he and those other boys listed themselves as "alumni" of that one girl because they'd all shared chaste kisses with her, being the virtuous Catholic schoolboys they were!

But fuck women amirite /tvpol/?

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> because they'd all shared chaste kisses with her
Except that wasn't why the wrote that in there at all. Source for that claim?

So if he drinks in high school that means he's a rapist?

>being a drunk fratboy is enough to ruin your life
proof of the rape?

He was never accused of rape. He was accused of being a pussy grabber.

>people still think he was in the wrong

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have you been living under a rock or are you just retarded? he was literally accused of rape

>Except that wasn't why the wrote that in there at all.

Yeah duh, the real reason was they'd all fucked her and wanted to brag about it.

>throw him under the bus
>elect him to the Supreme Court
what did they mean by this?

He was accused of multiple gang rapes, in what was an obvious lie, but the media put that cunt's face all over the TV anyway. Anything to keep abortion legal.

Do you also believe Avenatti's 5-F's? lol

I'm willing to call out little bitches who don't deserve to serve on the highest court in land. He'll be remembered as a two-bit charlatan, if he's remembered at all.

Except he never had sex with his victim so no, he actually wasn't accused of rape. He was accused of sexual assault.

>elect him to the supreme court
>where he would have been elected to anyway
>now we'll just throw in a little bit of doubt about him being a rapist and a gang rapist
Imagine being as retarded as you

Please point out to where in his accuser's testimony she or anyone else accused him of rape, let alone "multiple gang rapes".


Politics aside, what he did is pure kino

>Guarantees vote to proceee in committee
>Allegations come out, hearings happen, etc.
>Gets yelled at in an elevator
>Goes to vote
>This is it, Kavanaugh's got it in the bag
>Actually, Mr. Chairman, I'll only vote to proceed if there's an FBI nomination

Fuck me, last yeat was so kino.

>the left is pretending Julie Swetnick never happened

Sorry pal, we remember.

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>man that serves his entire life as a judge cries when he witnesses the kind of justice that leftist swines want to impose on entire western world

Ftfy comrade.

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Ummmmmm....There were like gang rape parties and like I saw him. I went to all of the rape parties but I was horrified lol

There has never been a more pathetic display put on.

she accused him of attempted rape and that's how the media ran it, "RAPE" was all over
whatever you say, little bitch. he won

Oh what am I saying, none of you ever watched that or read anything about the alleged sexual assault as described by the actual accuser.

Great, so he was only brought out in front of the entire nation to be accused by Democrats of sexual assault and not rape. This is after they held on to the documents and did not seek the information to be investigated until the deadline was too late and they had to go public.

Then there's the part where Ford was never told that she could have been interviewed in her own home, the DNC dragged her out in front of the entire country as well. They're scum and you're scum for serving them

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Well that's not true.

You can sue for libel if you can prove the other person thought the thing they were saying was true was not really true AND that they did not present it in such a way that they can possibly suggest under any circumstances they were giving an opinion.

It's part of why it is popular for journos to say they're "just asking questions" about when you stopped beating your wife.

Was she taken seriously enough by "the left" to be brought before congress? I'm talking about his actual accuser here, who never said he raped her or anyone else.

He probably did it, but he was a dumb kid and it didn't matter. I believe it was true, because if the Democrats were going to make something up they could've used something much more convincing than "he choked me 40 years ago when we were drunk."

I mean, planting CP or a mistress or a briefcase full of money would've been much much better, and easier to fabricate, than what actually ended up in court. I'm a leftarded liberal and even I didn't give enough of a fuck to disqualify him. I'm like "...that's it?
That's all you can dig up with possibly the most thorough scrutinizing of a candidate in possibly the history of the world?" Then he have led a decent life. Instead we got
>he choked me 40 years ago
>he got drunk a lot in college
Should've just let him go through and fought the next battle, instead of doing what amounted to pettiness.

Do you think politicians are the only piece of they have? They work directly with the media

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>cries about ineffectual leftist social media shaming that in no way prevents him from being elected to the Supreme Court or materially harms him in any way
Are we sure he's not a secret tranny?

> that's how the media ran it, "RAPE" was all over

Except no, it wasn't.

>he won
I thought the scary SJWs hurt him too badly. Guess it wasn't that big of a deal after all.

>pretending that the Democratic Party and the corporate press aren't one and the same

Her NBC interview was a dress rehearsal.

>source: wikileaks

Gee what further proof is needed. Such specific citations.

They were able to get a SCOTUS nominee put on a mock trial over various women's baseless accusations of misconduct from when he was a kid.

They did and still have a lot of power, largely because the media helps prop them up due to how they support authoritarian corporate interests.

lol yes it fucking was. Ford literally said that she thought he was going to rape her
they tried to and he fought. must be hard being sub 90iq like you

Seething. I can't wait until Ginsburg croaks. Oh it will be more fun than Kavanaugh's win. Watching you moan and wail and kvetch

>It's okay when Fox does it.

The email exchanges between these journalists and the Clinton campaign are on record for you to read right now. But lying is all you do so what's the point in speaking about it

>oh no someone didn't do all the work for me
Good that you can't deny my point though that the media is who did the messaging in this case and they were given the opportunity to by the DNC.

Kavanaugh wanted a hearing as soon as possible, the DNC didn't give it to him because they wanted a week for the media to do its job setting up the narrative for retards like you

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>tfw both Breyer and Ginsburg might croak before 2024

The life and times of Shirley Hemphill

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>Ford literally said that she thought he was going to rape her

Which still makes it alleged sexual assault and not rape you mongoloid, as it was described in the press.

>I can't wait until Ginsburg croaks.

But /pol/ told me she's been dead for months now?

>cried and whined on national television
What a brave man.

I think it's hilarious when lefties act like Fox is the only network with an agenda.

Notice also that the argument is always, "make your own platform," but now that the right has a cable news platform, the left is constantly trying to make them lose advertisers and fire contributors.

Fox is kiked as well

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Kek, you should take up writing full time. I could imagine the scenes.

So post them.

I'm not the one making the claim, faggot. Burden of proof.

go back to resetera

See my post They were obviously grasping. I think most liberals were pissed that they got jewed out of a justice (due to Senate, due to gerrymandering in part). Only boomers and feminazis actually bought the whole "HES A RAPIST" tripe
The funny thing is, if he actually did try to rape her, but didn't do anything in the 40 years since, he clearly turned his life around and changed his lowdown ways.
Liberals like me are usually the ones clamoring for leniency for criminals who have truly reformed, so why give a fuck about what a 17yo did 40 years ago lol?

>I'm not the one making the claim, faggot. Burden of proof.
Too bad nigger there's no proof I can provide that you won't be able to carry the goalposts away from at an equal speed.

Sorry, you got btfo and you're a useful idiot

>Watching you moan and wail and kvetch
Ya mean like Brett did after all those mean tweets?

>It's a /pol/ doesn't know the difference between an opinion piece and an editorial episode.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

but the fucking media ran it as rape you illiterate faggot
yup. keep seething, he won

Me on the left.

Post scenes from their Biopic.

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>He probably did it,
Given liberals like you are usually the types to actually commit rape I don't doubt you'd be projecting that on to Kavanaugh here. It's in your nature to think everyone else is like you
>It's a useful idiot doesn't realize the pattern of editorials and opinion pieces that make it through
Literal npc

i agree it is horrible we are putting the invaders into camps. we should be mowing them down with guns at the border.

>Too bad nigger there's no proof

Oh wow you sure showed me!

>but the fucking media ran it as rape you illiterate faggot

Except they didn't and saying that over and over won't make it true.

but they did

>it's a leftist has to cut off 7/8ths of a sentence to fit their narrative episode
>just like every other episode
O i am laffin

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What were the kind of things Avenatti was getting TV time for during the Kavanaugh episode again?

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He's trying to rewrite history and pretend none of this ever happened.

Prove it.

Yeah but you guys did it first and your lies reach far more people than MSNBC

>inb4 CNN
CNN is the best friend Trump ever had. They try to seem impartial by inviting Trump surrogates but in actuality they end up letting them frame the debate and talk the most. During the campaign Shillary surrogates were onscreen a fraction of Trump surrogates.
CNN is such shit they probably tried to help Hillary and ended up hurting her campaign because they're fucking bad

I half think he's an actual drone who's fallen for all this messaging. Some people have to be the perfect stooges, someone has to still be watching CNN and this user is the type

>Given liberals like you are usually the types to actually commit rape
Lol what?

It's really depressing when people treat the SCOTUS like a political football match and completely ignore how the court is now packed with right wing pro-corporate ideologues who think corporations have human rights but none of the responsibilities or duties that come with being a legal person and thus they're allowed to fuck you, Joe the Plumber, over any way they want because them making money is more important than your rights. It's gotten to the point where you can't even file a class-action lawsuit against your employer anymore if they fuck with your pay or discriminate, instead you're forced into arbitration that is completely biased process that overwhelmingly decides in favor of corporations.

But that's okay because it makes the libs cry, I suppose.

>CNN is the best friend Trump ever had.
>liberals actually believe that CNN is PRO-TRUMP

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>CNN is such shit they probably tried to help Hillary and ended up hurting her campaign because they're fucking bad
Because they're strategy to push Trump as the 'pied piper' candidate backfired terribly. Trump wound up getting the most free press which was designed to hurt him and turned it around in to toppling every major political dynasty our country had.

Sure Trump made CNN work for him, but to claim that CNN was Trump's best friend is completely misinterpreting reality. Whether that's your objective or you actually live in this alternative world they've created wherein Trump is Hitler and the economy is crashing is to be determined
Liberals and democrats are statistically far more likely to commit rape than right-wing people.

>The National
>The Guardian

>But that's okay because it makes the libs cry, I suppose.
It makes libs cry and it keeps libs out of the courts, where as much as you want to complain about the corporations(man!), the libs would make it so this country doesn't have any at all along with food

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>n-no those don't count
wew lad

see >Trump wound up getting the most free press which was designed to hurt him and turned it around in to toppling every major political dynasty our country had.

I didn't say they were pro-Trump, please use your reading comprehension skills. I said they were his best friend because they try to hurt him and instead end up giving him a stage

Get back to me when you have an actual source.

>he clearly turned his life around and changed his lowdown ways.

If he did it but publicly called it a conspiracy against him, then he's a liar and hasn't truly reformed now has he? Kavanaugh has been a partisan political hackjob for decades, so even in that regard he hasn't "changed his lowdown ways". For fucks sake Kavanaugh was the guy in Ken Star's team that pushed for asking Bill Clinton sexually explicit questions when they were trying to crucify him in the 90s after the whitewater side ended up being a dud. The guy literally should be the last guy whining about dirty political plays.

Okay, but they try to hurt him, meaning they have an anti-Trump agenda, along with MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, but the fact that there's one cable news network that is largely pro-Trump is absolutely infuriating to the left.

they're not part of the media? what are you even saying anymore?

That would have allowed them to win, and it would have ensured that the same evil would be visited on other good people in the future. He did the right thing: don't give in to the bullies.

>Sure Trump made CNN work for him
What's the difference between an incompetent enemy that can be manipulated/relied upon to benefit you and a friend? In fact, with enemies like the shitshow that is CNN, who needs friends?

Dana Carvey in drag

You can only sue for libel if the judge agrees with you politically

If you and your best friend conspire to rob someone and wind up giving him all your money that doesn't mean the guy you were robbing is your best friend. It means you and your best friend (Media and DNC) are retards

It's always funny seeing shit like this and then having to read /pol/ shit about how there's a secret jewish/democrat/commie NWO conspiracy theory trying to get rid of Trump.
Apart from your secret pedo conspiracy not losing the election to Trump in the first place (apparently despite the millions of supposed "illegal voters", no-one bothered to ensure Hillary clearly won all of the deciding/swing states), stopping him putting judges on the supreme court would be the next biggest way to influence American politics to your side.
And all they had up their sleeves was "he was gonna rape me a thousand years ago".

Because you're only doing it as a way to change the topic from how intertwined the DNC/Deep State and MSM is in the country.

CNN is pro money.
Just look at how they treat Biden vs how they treat Bernie.


>t. bootlicker
As long as you keep up your "black-or-white" mentality you'll always be a good goy and a good corporate bootlicker.

>a-a-at least its not libtardism
can be used to justify literally any overreach or injustice. Please stop being a good slave and realize that its ok to be skeptical of two things.

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>apparently despite the millions of supposed "illegal voters", no-one bothered to ensure Hillary clearly won all of the deciding/swing states
>what is Broward County
>what is Florida going Trump a big deal
>what is the margin for Trump being so big that they knew they couldn't hide the amount of fraud it would take to swing it
So your argument is that just because they were not successful in their rigging, that the rigging did not occur?
>Oh wait, it's impossible to rig our elections! Stop whining and get more votes Drumpf

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Bernie "$15 an hour minimum wage" Sanders
Bernie "I pay my staffers a competitive wage" Sanders
Bernie "We'll start paying my staffers $15 an hour, but we're going to have to reduce hours and let some people go" Sanders

Like I said, I think it was true because it was so fucking feeble. Might as well have been
>he puts recyclables in the trash
at that point
And remember, they were looking everywhere HARD for something, anything to disqualify him. And that's literally all they found.

Oh boi it's a nihilistic fencesitter, you types are always the most fun. Yea yea I have my guns and ammo too kiddo




Bernie "If you want to get rich just write a bestselling book" Sanders
Bernie "Now it's about the top 1/10th of the 1%" Sanders

Hmm why was it not the lower courts when this was the Supreme Court the high meat rank of judge in the nation that decides federal law and if something is constitutional geee I wonder why they fought that.

Wasn't Kavanaugh replacing the justice who retired earlier than the left thought, Kennedy? They attacked Kavanaugh so bad because they thought they had more time, Gorsuch was a known addition.

They completely refused to address the discovery that he lied in previous senate confirmation hearings about his involvement in coaching W.'s SCOTUS picks by giving them in advance questions stolen from democrat computers. He claimed under oath that he didn't know anything about it but leaked emails have since proven that to be a lie.

Bernie "The rich don't pay their fair share" Sanders
Bernie "Hey there Mr. Tax Lawyer, figure out how I can pay the very minimum amount of taxes" Sanders

Bernie "Why does what I pay matter, it's what you pay" Sanders
Bernie "I paid the taxes I owe" Sanders
>he doesn't realize Trump pays more in taxes by percentage

Trump has been pushing through record number of judicial appointments, and stacking the vacant benches with complete hacks, like there's been literally some people that have been nominated have had zero hours of actual courtroom experience. He's been giving such people lifetime appointments that will decide cases that will shape all American lives. Why wouldn't they pull that shit with then, when only a minuscule amount of cases ever reach the supreme court?

>Why wouldn't they pull that shit with then, when only a minuscule amount of cases ever reach the supreme court?
They already held out the nominations as long as possible, sorry they can't falsely accuse every single Republican of rape.

What corporate bootlicking?

But Russia (and USSR) have literally been doing this shit for almost exactly 100 years.

No one's saying Russian meddling gave Trump the entire election although we'll never know exactly how much it did help. But they did try to help and it did have have an impact. Remember: Trump's margain of victory was just 80,000 votes in 5 swing states.

>mfw the Russians bought political ads on Facebook and PAID IN RUBLES
>mfw no programmer thought to add one fucking if-statement to check that the currency was dollars if the ad was political
>mfw /pol/tards think there's a Jewish cabal that literally never makes mistakes and runs everything, when (((they))) didn't even do something a high school student would probably have thought of

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>But Russia (and USSR) have literally been doing this shit for almost exactly 100 years.
Yet somehow it was Trump's fault that Russians paid for campaign ads while Obama was President? Really makes you hm
>No one's saying Russian meddling gave Trump the entire election
Russia spent less than a million dollars when the DNC spent over 1 billion. Russians didn't give any of the election to Trump.

Unless maybe the Russians interfered in a different arena, imagine how much Russia has benefited from the chaos pushed by the DNC the last 3 years with their Russia Hoax when the entire time the Russians were using DNC-partnered federal officials to push false information and convince our 'intelligence community' of committing the greatest illegal domestic spying operation our country has ever seen on political opponents (not just Trump).

Trump was never supposed to win and the origins of the investigation were never supposed to be looked at after Hillary got in. Here we are though, it's going to be a fun ride.

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I haven't heard about that, but it makes sense. At the end of the day though it's the Democrat's fault for being retardeded and giving us at least 4 years of this orange retard
>Obama warned repeatedly
>DNC warned repeatedly

and the most infuriating (as a liberal AND a developer):
>a liberal cybersec expert volunteer told the DNC about gaping holes in their network security
>"nah too expensive"
>cheaper option
>"oof, too much down time/inconvenience"
>finally offers to patch it FOR FREE
>"thanks but no thanks"
Fucking retarded goddam boomers, its the same everywhere. I'm madder at Hillary than Trump because she let this happen. user you or I could've won with "grab em by the pussy"
If you can't win with that then you're hopeless

All Liberals deserve death
God bless America

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Kavanaugh's judicial record is full of him defending polluters and corporations. He defended NSA spying of every US citizen by saying it was entirely consistent with the fourth amendment. He thought net neutrality is unlawful.




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>user you or I could've won with "grab em by the pussy"
>"And they let me do it"
>oh no sexy women consent to having their pussies grabbed by famous men
>this has literally never happened before!
This is one of the better doublethinks of the left. On one side the idea that women's bodies are their own and they are able to consent to whatever they want is outranked by their hatred of Trump meaning they have no agency to consent to Trump.

Also Seth Rich is the one who leaked the emails to Wikileaks. Hillary herself showed how much cybersecurity matters to them. Turns out the problem was the Democrats were revealed as such totalitarian globalists that a patriot died to help take them out of power.

And now republicans refuse to do anything about cyber security because Mitch McConnel is a corrupt asshole who, amongst other objectionable things, gets money from voting machine manufacturers.

>muh deep state
Yeah, that sinister organization that somehow controls everything yet gave their alleged enemy all THREE (3) branches of government.
Look, all pols are crooks but Trump is a con man.
>Trump steaks
>Trump champange
>Trump University
>Trump administration
He literally has spent his entire life conning rubes and here he is at the top of the government of the richest country on Earth. He already got a free renovation of the Trump Tower, courtesy of yours and my tax dollars, and he re-wrote the tax code to give (imagine my surprise!) real estate developers a break.
You can appreciate what hes done but never forget what his real motive is (himself, followed infinitesimally by his money)

Just remember when all this graft comes out years after he leaves office that I told you so.

He also said he doesn't even ask consent, he just starts kissing them, you moron. He's bragging how he gets away with sexually assaulting women because he's rich and famous and knows most people are too afraid to sue him due to that fact.

Lol, this is great. The opening scene would be Trump nominating Gorsuch and Kavanagh watching it on TV with a beer and shouting at his wife.

There's be a scene where he pushes Merrick Garland against a locker

with that underage rape scenes... it would be unfilmable.

>He also said he doesn't even ask consent, he just starts kissing them
you'd have to be as autistic as trump to listen to him saying that and thinking he's being literal holy shit

The Raimi comeback

Won't do you much good when your air is filthy, your water undrinkable and your food filled with whatever chemicals Dr. Shlomo Shekelstein can bribe the FDA into clearing as "safe".

>he thinks it has to be one or the other
Based easily manipulated retard

Jordi LaForge?

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I'm sorry you're not the type of woman who would be in a situation to kiss Trump, it must tear you apart
>and knows most people are too afraid to sue him due to that fact.
Nice injection there
>Yeah, that sinister organization that somehow controls everything yet gave their alleged enemy all THREE (3) branches of government.
What are you talking about? Do you think Trump hasn't been working both against globalist establishment Democrats and Republicans this entire time? He didn't have the votes even when he had a Republican majority in all three but things take time and momentum is building.
>lists 4 failures
>Trump Organization involved in over 500 businesses
wew, imagine falling for the narrative as hard as you. Next you'll be telling me about his TWO BANKRUPTCIES! MEIN GOT
>Just remember when all this graft comes out years after he leaves office that I told you so.
Remember, Trump will never be President

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>all caps
I'm not reading because it's obviously b8/not well thought-out but some friendly advice: capslock is cruise control for cool, but even with cruise control you have to steer

>the food and water stockpiled will have their ingredients changed after I've bought them
Will they inject my cans with chemicals? Is my $99 patriotbucket no longer good?

And without reading you can't determine whether or not he did a good job steering

I'm not disputing the morality of pussy grabbing. The point is that it alienated half the voter base, gave Hillary a moral high ground, and she still lost.

>"And they let me do it"
Yeah, good thing Trump never lies or we'd have reason to doubt his recollection.

>gets money from voting machine manufacturers.
This country is so hopeless corrupt that its stupid. The CEO of Diebold or w/e the voting machine manufacturer is called was a diehard Republican who said at an event in 2003 or 2004 that he'd do everything in his power to get W re-elected. I mean W won in a landslide but that's not the point is it?

>The point is that it alienated half the voter base, gave Hillary a moral high ground, and she still lost.
Hillary didn't have the moral high ground, especially after her Basket of Deplorables comment. You cannot point out a comment to me where Trump insulted that many people.
>Half of Trump supporters (30 million people)
>can be put in a Basket of Deplorables
>Racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, you name it
Please find a comment that is more alienating than that from Trump, and you say half as if every single woman agrees with your stance?

>Trump university
>a failure

A weird way to spell a complete scam.

>end of the movie
>kavanaugh and his entourage of bros walking together into the white house for his swearing in
>dark overcast sky
>crowds of protesters being pushed away by fully armored swat officers
>camera pans over the darkened whitehouse to the dnc headquarters
>the clouds move and the headquarters are illuminated to show politicians talking to and hugging bruised women and emaciated, dark skinned children as inspirational music plays

True, but I wonder why only his university scam got attention
>The next time the media get all in a lather about Trump University, maybe they'll give equal coverage to the curious Clinton college caper. And if you believe that, we have an advanced online master's degree in gullibility to sell you.
I'm just putting things in to context

>lists 4 failures
Hardly. He got a shit ton of money and made off like a bandit when people started complaining.
The hotels are the best part, since every lobbyist/foreign dignitary who wants Trump's blessing just has to run up a bill at his hotel.
My favorite
>T Mobile needs regulatory approval to merge with Sprint
>spends almost a quarter mil at Trump's DC hotel
>deal gets approved after years of denial
Imagine my surprise!

But no, none of those things are failures (unless you're a consumer). Sadly the consumers now are the voters

>A Netflix exclusive

>Kavanaugh allowed himself a thought, is it MY time? But what if they found out? About that rape in the 80s, what if he had to go through that? Kav couldn't allow himself to go any further down into darkness, he had to be a good judge for his state and father for his family. Like he learned at Alcoholics Anonymous, one day at a time, keep on keeping on. It probably wouldn't happen anyway, Lord willing.

>The amount of money given to the foundation from "key" Skolkovo partners ranges from $6.5 to $23.5 million, according to Clinton Foundation data. The foundation only discloses donations in ranges, making it difficult to track the exact amount.
>John Chambers, the head of Cisco and member of the Skolkovo Foundation, for example, donated between $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the report. Intel Corporation–formerly headed by Craig Barrett, who served on the board of the Skolkovo Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative–has given between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton foundation.
Keep in mind the primary reason I voted Trump was to keep Clinton out of the white house. Either option would have been corrupt apparently, right?

My friend our political views may differ but I think we're both in agreement about this. Hillary was a terrible candidate. She made many severe missteps. But I'm telling you: if a woman can't galvanize women around her after "grab em by the pussy" then she shouldn't be in politics. That was a political gift not seen since Thomas Eagleton setting electroshock therapy in '72.
>mfw we would have won with Jim Webb in 2016
>mfw we can win with Steve Bullock in 2020 but he'll never even get into the top 10
Being a liberal is suffering. No matter how bad the Republicans fuck up, the Democrats will find a way to gift wrap their victory

Not bad. Donald Trump could be portrayed by Danny Devito or Joe Pesci.

I have no doubt that any other Democrat could have beaten Trump, but that should highlight how corrupt the process is that they were forced to push the one person that could lose to Trump because they relied on the corrupt money she brought in.

>Alienated half the voter base
You'd think so, but according to polls most Republican women forgave him very quickly.

Republican voting women also tend to think women have no place in politics.

Look at Trump keeping his hands to himself.
Had it been Pedo Biden he would have been knuckles deep in the youngest one.

You mean liberals tend to think that republican woman think women have no place in politics. Unless you’re implying all republican women are Amish.

All pols in this country get bribes, except they're called "campaign contributions." Because corporations are people apparently. Defense contractors and pharmaceuticals contribute to both, just to hedge their bets
You'd have to prove quid pro quo with Hillary, and with Hillary its complicated because her husband is an ex-President and private citizen, but she wasn't. Ideally, she'd recuse herself but of course she could just as easily pressure an impartial subordinate to make it look legit.
But where's the outrage for Trump's corruption? It seems to only be corruption when Democrats do it.

>this is the guy calling you a tranny on Yea Forums

It all makes sense now.






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Trump does it behind closed doors.

Based Joe would have had the cunny sitting in his lap at dinner

Trump was a big fat mistake

Quads of liberal butthurt




Liberals still seething about this dude?

No child, smart and moralistic people are still seething about cheeto in cheif

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