A Serious Man

Opinions on this film? What did it all mean?

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>What did it all mean?
Jews are a funny, little people.

dunno lol

haha yeah that must be why they’ve been kicked out of 109 countries haha

>What did it all mean?
Fuck you

It's a film about "jewish neurosis". They are a paranoid, existentially troubled lot.

Its about how the jewish religion is used to control lesser jews like sheep

It's basically a movie about nothing. A bunch of stuff happens and everything goes back to normal.

Kind of made me wish I was Jewish. All that tradition and social connections is pretty cool even when it can't answer all the questions about life you have.

Take chances or else you will live miserably. Also something about Jewish curses

It shows you how the mind of a jew who hates life works

The main character has a terminal illness and his son is about to be killed by a tornado. What is normal?

accept the mistery

The events that make up a majority of the movie are basically solved by themselves is what I mean. The stuff that happens at the end is just showing that life goes on with its strange new adventures.

Jewish torture porn. The protagonist decides to change the student's grade so God curses him with more misfortune at the end.

>a jewish man

This Jewish thing seems only big in the us

t. Adam Eget

made me convert to jewishism

This, the real shitstorm starts at the very end.
Also, checked.

This and No Country are the only Coen bros movies I liked. The rest of their work is trash.

It’s alright but like I said in the Ebert thread I don’t really see it’s connections to Job. Superior Jewish kino is Wojciech Has’ Polish masterpiece ‘The Hourglass Sanatorium’ literally a masterwork of mystery and esoterica. It was the most expensive film ever made in Poland at the time and immediately censored by the government upon release.


It's all about uncertainty. The whole beginning sequence with the jewish ghost, Schrodinger's paradox, the mc questioning why everything is happening to him (or if god is trying to send him a message), the goys teeth, even the very ending of the movie. The whole message of the movie is to accept that life throws random shit at you, and you should be a good person regardless.

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Not really. It's a parrallel of the story of Job. He's basically tested through a series of events that turn his life to shit, when he stays resolute he makes it through and it seems like his life is going to be good. Then he changes that grade.

The point is that he was always going to be punished no matter what decision he made regarding the student's grade. So you see him change the grade and you think, oh yeah God's obviously punishing him for being greedy. But that interpretation is only arrived at because it helps you make sense of the circumstances, which has been shown throughout the film to be completely random and indecipherable to human rationalization. It also ties in to the opening of the film where the visitor is attacked by the man's wife. The visitor's identity is uncertain, the man is hesitant to make a sound judgment about the visitor; just like Larry changes the grade from an F to a C to a C minus before receiving the phone call.

My favorite part about this movie is that he tries weed and hooks up with a hot stranger but nothing comes from it. It's something that in fiction is supposed to be a huge game changer but it's actually just an isolated experience that doesn't change the baseline at all, just like in real life

>I don’t really see it’s connections to Job.
It's not a direct adaptation but both are about questioning why bad things happen and who is to blame

I thought it was Larry breaking the commandment of coveting thy neighbor's wife

I think it was an epilogue to The Merchant of Venice. The thing at the end was God.

I can see that, but a point the movie makes is that a bunch of shit happens to him, he turns to his faith for answers, but finds nothing, then things kind of work themselves out on their own. I didn't see his illness and the tornado as continued testing more than life is just weird and random. He needed the money from changing the grade to pay his lawyer bill too so it's not even necessarily a "wrong" thing to do.

>I didn't see his illness and the tornado as continued testing
It's not, it's punishment.

Look at the parking lot, user.

Accept the mystery.

I saw it as a parable on temptation. Throughout the entire film you see this bribe dangled before him, and no matter how hard things got he wasn't really inclined to take it. But when times got good, and life became better, he gave in. Suffering brings us closer to God, and his wrath is both punishment and blessing.

But he never did anything wrong. He only changed the grade because he needed money from something else that wasn't his fault.

Unless the entire theme of the movie is that God is just a huge jerk.

Unironically kino. So many brilliant scenes in this. The opening, Larry and the Asian kid, Larry and the Asian kid's father, Larry and the rabbi, every single Sy scene

The action is still wrong, not only for himself but for perpetuating, in the Asian kid's mind, that this sort of thing is acceptable

This line made me laugh more than anything in any marvel movie I can remember

I liked the dybbuk scene best. I would really enjoy the Cohens doing a Jewish folklore anthology in the same vein as Buster Scruggs

haha i think its because they always betray their host nation haha

I think it all boils down to the goy's teeth. It's essentially an angry parody of the way modern Jewish communities use platitudes, tradition, and nationalism to fill in for their want of actual pastoring through life's vicissitudes. You could broaden the scope of that story to include American non-Jewish society as well, in that upper class and middle class intellectual circles have a tendency to psychologize and suck the meaning out of everything.
The story, like the story of the goy's teeth, has no ending. Because no one (but the main character) was asking the important questions. So like the goy's teeth, we never find the meaning of the story. It's supposed to be unsatisfying, because the Coens want you to feel the insufficiency of this journey-not-the-destination approach.
I might begrudge the movie for being anger-filled and "bad on purpose," but I give it a pass because I so heartily agree with its point.

Love this movie, but Jews really are a disgusting slimy people. Big lip Su Ableman and his passive aggressive Jewish alpha male shtick is the peak of it, but they’re all disgusting weasels. But art imitates life, so it’s based.

Can confirm about the weed. I haven't hooked up with a stranger yet tho, Grindr is full of uggos where I live

You are looking at it from a relativist point of view while the other user is looking at it from a moralistic point of view. Morally changing the grade is wrong because it is unearned. You might argue that given Larry's situation it makes sense to change the grade. However the main thing to understand in the movie is that it is silly to link Larry's action of changing the grade with the unconnected event that occurs next, namely his illness. You can argue that Larry is either right or wrong in changing the grade, but to consider what follows - his doctor telling him something serious and news about his son trapped in a tornado - as some kind of cosmic punishment is a foolish way to approach life because guess what, sometimes strange things do happen for no reason.

all work of Coen bros is shit, unless you are low iq like murifats

Anyone have a good link to download this movie? I'm not fucking finding it.

Everything's on rarbg

Just find it on piratebay