Wait, Tommy lee jones looked like THAT?

wait, Tommy lee jones looked like THAT?

Attached: Jackson County 4.jpg (853x480, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:



What a fucking slayer

looks like he has some negroid/injun blood

Incredible. What happen?

>have massive beefcake neck
>still an armlet

Attached: FootballA_003.jpg (761x1000, 173K)

>tfw the chad is mogged by the ultra Chad

Attached: arnold swa.jpg (362x490, 27K)

looks like a typical mexican from texas

>grotesque neanderthal hereditary physical attributes
imagine thinking thats a good look

Attached: 1564237590373.jpg (345x336, 214K)

Damn Gary Oldman looked like THAT?

Attached: gary oldman.jpg (960x1200, 393K)

>greatest body builder of all time
>Dude he looks gross
kill yourself zoomer

Attached: dat arnold hulk.jpg (598x743, 73K)

Arnold is proto Chad, he is not there to mog, he is there to show you the way

FUCK he is fucking BEAUTIFUL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Fucking zoomers. Arnold was THE CHAD in the 80s and early 90s.

Attached: 5ab0754f1036cc3f29e0d8ff9d3485e7.jpg (337x425, 30K)

Tommy Lee Jones was a fucking chad.

Attached: 32312321.png (1024x1510, 1.14M)

he looks like a faggot i woukd have robbed for lunch money, fucking nerd

He's partially Native-American.

Now THAT is some bafoonery I can sanction!

Who's laughing now, you big bully lmao.

Attached: Sir Gary Oldman.jpg (2361x3000, 1.63M)

Dude, go back long enough and you'll see that the reason why any actor got a job was because he was goodlooking as fuck.
This goes for actors, not comedians turned actor/actress, nepotism and the kike-cartel.

Everyone goes on about Daniel Day Lewis and Marlon Brando being great. Yeah, they are, but there probably were a 1000's ugly guys better than them that were ignored. This is like a 10000x when it comes to girls/women. Though a pretty actress who sucks jew dicks is going farther than a pretty actress who does not.

>Boomers still think he didn't roid

Attached: 1445726977168.png (551x550, 334K)


That explains the great jawline and black hair. White men don’t have black hair

He literally admitted to roiding in Pumping Iron 2

What the fuck are you talking about

British actors aren't all 10/10s

Looks like Michael cera

Nobody thinks that, retard. He has admitted it in several interviews.

That is wrong.
Like literally super amazingly wrong. Men liked Arnold, women liked JCVD.

Yeah, they didnt fucking miss by much when they had Brolin play him in MiB. Jesus they could have been twins!

Attached: dat arnold gym.jpg (545x422, 54K)

Willem Defoe

Attached: fmn5txy2dts11.jpg (334x465, 14K)

People didn't train to have big goofball balloon arms back then, and still got plenty laid.

Damn Christian Bale looked like this cheeky cunt.

Attached: Christian Bale smug.jpg (1280x1626, 555K)

>zoomers being retarded

He was a C-lister and he's more of a 90d guy anyway. Women were in love with Mel Gibson. But that's irrelevant. Arnold slept around as we all know. He even fucked Brigitte Nielsen while dating Maria.

it's called paleo-atlantid

Attached: Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro.jpg (3277x2195, 2.16M)

That's honestly what I wanna look like

Arnold is a cringe gymcel, I bet he didn't lose his virginity before he was like 25.

>Arnold is a cringe gymcel, I bet he didn't lose his virginity before he was like 25.
Spoken like a true incel zoomer virgin


wtf he's ted bundy

Attached: TLJ.jpg (480x360, 17K)

He looks like a more chad version of Josh Hartnett here

Have you never seen an Irishman or Scotsman?

Attached: dalecooper.jpg (594x591, 103K)

Arnold was a millionaire at 22, you fucking retard. He would be drowninig in pussy even if he didn't lift.


Attached: my-generation-e1508814421956[1].jpg_w=812&h=563&crop=1.jpg (812x563, 58K)

>White men don’t have black hair
u wot?

Attached: MJ0818_FT_Cavill_01.jpg (1200x1200, 453K)

Lou Ferrigno makes Arnie look like a bitch.

he just looks like a caveman josh hartnett

He has dark brown hair, it just looks black because he's wearing brylcreem.

Attached: kyle-maclachlan-521927.jpg (540x720, 123K)

Oh to be young again.

Attached: interview with the vampire.jpg (1200x865, 201K)

Funny, because Lou was the bitch in Pumping Iron.

+ big dick

No, its hard to maintain 10/10 for very long, though some guys do get amazing with age, like Mel Gibson and Timothy Dalton. I'd argue that they're got better looking past 50 than they ever were prior.

But whatever, my point was if you go back in history to most (i understand there are outliers) actors, they started out as 10/10s. BUT, you have to take into account the dates, attraction has inflated. Now most anyone can pay to look good. A few decades ago that wasnt the case, so what lookism.com or whatever would rate as a 4/10 today, would be a hunk 30 years ago.

I think the only reason Josh Hartnett became big name in Hollywood is because they needed new Tommy Lee Jones

I'm pure white and I've got nearly jet black hair

Attached: 1_2_D5D_rqUu_7dkVWb21YFg[1].png (1280x694, 526K)

You can see in the very image you posted that he has brown hair. Actual black hair is virtually unheard of in fully european-descended persons, it's almost always a case of having dark brown hair coupled with product that makes it look wet.

Attached: GTY-sean-connery-james-bond-goldfinger-jt-170116.jpg (2042x2592, 437K)

>I'm pure white
No you're not

Michael Caine is one of those actors who has always looked old.

Attached: Michael Caine Get Carter.jpg (800x1189, 267K)

that is a toupee

everyone knows he roided because he admitted to it, and hes still 70+ and in great shape so the roids were probably done responsibly and itelligently

Well hello sailor.

Attached: sean connery.jpg (605x781, 117K)

Banderas gettnig mogged pretty hard there

Based retard

Attached: images (72).jpg (480x480, 29K)

John "chad" wayne

Attached: the-big-trail-7.jpg (983x2587, 214K)


Attached: 1558914326593.jpg (605x580, 74K)

All of my ancestry comes from the British Isles, I'm as white as can be

>tfw im the exact opposite

Attached: 1493860380541.png (645x772, 148K)

i have black hair....what are you trying to say user...

Attached: 1467657091603.jpg (240x232, 7K)

His nickname at school was Fat Cavill, which seems weird as he was chubby at the most. Everyone else must have been skinny as fuck.

Attached: fatty.jpg (301x436, 49K)

Can anyone tell me if Tommy Lee Jones was named after Tommy Lee (drummer for Motley Crue) or was Tommy Lee Jones born first?

Fucking idiot or jidf?

Obvious hairgel.
Point still stands, it's not like the toupee would be a different colour from his actual hair.

Attached: GettyImages-997244120.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Cavill in actuality has light to medium brown hair. Pitch black hair only exists among middle easterners, indios, and Asians

Attached: dd7f6ba42dce98541427b8f71655c366.jpg (500x645, 42K)

this is tv's /chad/? yikes

Cavill's got brown hair you coping mutts

Attached: FirstHairyBuckeyebutterfly-size_restricted.gif (373x251, 2.62M)

Tommy Lee Jones doesn't have black hair either by the way, his hair is pretty obviously wet in the OP image.

Attached: 440daac04f98906366a4b79624a744ee--tommy-lee-jones-young-mars.jpg (462x418, 23K)

No, but it does explain his scraggly patchy facial hair. Injuns can't grow facial hair until they get old as hell and then it comes in all fine and pencil thin like asians.

He looks kind of like me


Time is cruel

Attached: kirsten-dunst.jpg (2036x2700, 680K)

expand your vocabulary, pleb

Young Tommy Lee Jones would have been a great Solid Snake

he's like a chad alain delon

Attached: 920x920.jpg (760x920, 50K)

>He even fucked Brigitte Nielsen

>implying the British Isles didn't fall to globalist Jewish forces during the Civil War, thus creating the first global financial empire of the modern era

wait, rational thinker looked like THAT?

Attached: willy_d.jpg (1000x1023, 965K)

girls don't find that attractive, you know. there's a reason the only illegitimate kid arnie ever had was with a disgusting goblina

cope skinnyfat zoomer

Unlike you, he actually "cummed" inside a female. An uncountable amount of females actually.

that other user is a retard but cavill doesn't have black hair

The Roundheads were jews?

zoomer filth

looks a bit like a better looking micheal cera

He's not wrong though. Yes it is technically possible for a "white" man to have black hair, but it's so rare that it basically doesn't happen.

that's a great profile


pics of actors wearing leather jackets always remind me of my coworker who always wears one but looks comical cause he's borderline klinfelters

Not all of them, but a lot of the financial and religious backing was

he looks better with the facial hair

this is not a look you want to idolize, trust me

Attached: 789a783dd26b049e6fd59dcafa710700--arnold-schwarzenegger-biceps.jpg (706x960, 110K)

Why? why not the actual snake, kurt russel

he literally is wrong tho. the entire southern half of europe is nothing but white dudes with dark brown to black hair. and it's not that rare in places like the british isles either. See: young pierce brosnan

Cillian Murphy looks like THAT?

Attached: cillian murphy.jpg (850x470, 163K)


Attached: Tommy-Lee-Jones-Oscar-Baldness.jpg (1524x2048, 127K)

Did he at least ride a motorcycle?
Leather jackets are almost fedoras. Very few dudes can pull them off and the ones who insist on wearing them can't

>Southern Europe
Boy do I have something to tell you

Attached: F8B093C1-326E-4C6C-BA2D-50CBBEAD7F73.jpg (1800x2691, 1.69M)

All the beta cucks in this thread only got Redford's sloppy seconds.

Attached: 45890fd9f2f83f466042e472d814ea9d.jpg (236x306, 16K)

>southern half of europe
Not white

Bill Hader?

t. nordic femboys.

Attached: Tom Cruise.jpg (1600x1200, 359K)

Attached: 1535065210245.png (291x400, 131K)

she looks the worst of them all today

>Did he at least ride a motorcycle?
Nah, and yeah I agree only a few men can actually pull it off without looking like a tryhard.

Pierce Brosnan doesn't have black, but brown hair, even with a bit of a reddish tint. You're just used to seeing him with a lot of hair gel. Most Southern Europeans also have dark brown hair and not black. The best way for judging this is to look at the tint of their hair in natural light, dark brown gives a reddish or golden tint while truly black hair has a blue tint.

Attached: pierce-brosnan.jpg (379x360, 31K)

Attached: AAArP4T[1].jpg (624x412, 18K)

>southern euros share ancestry with North Africans and middle easterners
>southern euros have dark swarthy skin, setting them apart from other euros
>white skin, light eyes, and light hair is extremely rare
>the fucking conquistadors couldn’t tell themselves apart from the indios they conquered(that’s how brown they were)
They’re not white, there’s a reason why everyone wonders why they look like Arabs

youre so full of shit, fatty

I remember hearing how Paul Newman was jealous of Redford's attention from women. Like women would form mobs around him. I'm sure he go laid so much he whittled his dick down an inch.

cope chinlet

looks like a pedophile

>getting hard from lifting
classic Arnie

Jesus Banderas looks horrible there

most of them are dark-brown

He hasn't aged too badly considering he had a heart attack in recent years and moved to the English countryside.

Attached: antonio banderas english house.jpg (1240x712, 246K)

They should make a movie about him. Oh wait they did youtu.be/dCiZzMRE6Zk

Attached: image.jpg (736x634, 67K)

post the video where you can see his donger flopping about

Gary Youngman

You'll never guess who this actor is, although that's probably because they aren't the most famous.

Attached: guesswho.jpg (782x960, 75K)

Is that Rich Evans?

>not rare in places like the british isles either
You mean like the "black irish" who are literal descendants of shipwrecked Spaniards, who are also of mixed stock?

>Eat healthy every day
>Smoke cigarettes, drink cognacs and whiskey occasionally
>Lift and cardio
>Cold shower and hot shave

Lou was the rookie.

Lou also dwarfs Arnie in physical comparison.. Arnold was pretty big so he played Conan.

But Lou was so fucking big he played the Incredible Hulk.

Newman was much hotter though.

I wish my dad had pushed for me to play football in school. I'd still be a manlet but at least I wouldn't be built like a 12 year old vegan in my thirties.

isn't that the villain from Robocop 2?

Damn, I've only ever seen him as a fat old man. He looks great in this pic.

>Cold shower
doubt anyone can keep up this meme for more than a few days

Stop complaining and blaming others and hit the gym loser.

Did his hair cameo as the aircraft carrier?

Work with a dublin fella, looks almost Italian until he talks

>and moved to the English countryside.
what the FUCK that is comfy! based as fuck

Attached: download (5).jpg (301x167, 7K)

To grow old is to lose your hair.

Attached: ralph fiennes english-patient-353.jpg (800x1148, 104K)

Bryan Cox??

Go eat a ton of chicken and lift a bunch of weights every other day.
It isn't that hard to get big, and once you do it you can kind of mellow out and get lazy and still maintain your build.

Attached: oliver reed-3.jpg (1280x770, 150K)


Holy shit, Voldemort was an absolute babe

dude was a total drama nerd and it shows in his stellar performances. go him.

Ralph Fiennes was very handsome.

Attached: ralph-fiennes-h.jpg (1167x843, 109K)

Shane Gillis?

Bodybuilding and smoking is something any natural animal world never do. Arnie does both and is a throw back to cro-magnon.

What the fuck he looks exactly like my uncle

why did i laugh


Attached: 1458913374144.jpg (586x429, 40K)

t. dumb zoomer

>tfw better looking than everyone posted in this thread so far
feels good man

He's kinda an ugly version of Josh Hartnett.

>tfw no nazi daddy to dominate you

Attached: 1539420170162.jpg (793x786, 54K)

He isn't fully bald, that must've been for a part.

He's a more masculine Josh Hartnett.

Attached: josh-hartnett--tamsin-egerton.jpg (610x542, 178K)

he looks like shit, his jaw saves him from looking like an incel

Attached: EMITEROM.jpg (600x837, 60K)

Attached: 1507708372860.png (676x672, 804K)

>t. lost to his raiding party in wow

State of you.


What the actual fuck. He looked like Channing Tatum.

Attached: sean no bean.jpg (2894x1717, 1M)

Pathetic kek.

Attached: cavill thicc.gif (268x400, 2.53M)

It takes a real man to look like that while in drag.

lee pace looked like THIS?

Attached: 61efea2a5b22b48ca9843bd250b8b17a.jpg (657x657, 50K)

you're just a faggot with a fetish lmao

Pretty cute desu

And you're an ugly coping manlet but here we are.

He's getting mogged by the other guy though

Karl Lagerfeld? (who said his mother taunted him over his dark mahogany-colored hair)

Attached: karllagerfeld.jpg (1000x984, 124K)

>Who? Who doesn't want to wear the rrrrribbon!?


>time is cruel
>gives her huge sexy milkers that any heterosexual man would want to suck on for hours

he has a kino beard now

Attached: antonio banderas.jpg (400x600, 51K)

The top of his head is obviously shaven. He even said he wasn't bald in his speech. It was for his role as Ty Cobb.


Dont forget Heath Ledger
Heartthrob deluxe

I didn't realize he was once not old.

He's been making action kino in recent years, similar to Liam Neeson.

Friendly reminder that he played football for Harvard and they went undefeated.

Scorsese looked like such a hipster numale.

what a tard

Attached: 1556584733.jpg (422x373, 18K)

Let me guess you probably don't consider Greeks and Turks white. Please grow up.

>Friendly reminder

No, that's just because he's Irish.

Masculine != Good-looking.

>Ethnicity: English, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish and Scottish, remote Dutch


Yeah, that's actual black, as you can see it has a silver to blue tint under light.

i played and now i have bad knees in my 20's. i'll trade ya.


Attached: 23-larry-david-4.w529.h352.2x.jpg (1058x704, 126K)

>ywn be an SS Chad

Attached: 013.png (655x509, 47K)

So, almost all English but broadly British.

A man's jaw absolutely will determine his fate.

I'd fug her brains out desu

dude probably had to ice his balls from all the fucking he was doing

Good jawlines run in his family. Henry just came out more perfect than everyone else.

Attached: Henry-Cavill-family-20.jpg (2600x1733, 432K)

Just coming into this thread to call you a fucking retard

>Scots-Irish/Northern Irish

You and I both


t. limpwristed manlet dweeb with kyphosis

Attached: liam neeson cosh.gif (480x200, 1.44M)

White me invented black hair.

Looks like this kid I knew who sucked another kid's dick when he was like 11 and then all the other kids in the neighborhood found out and beat him up then when he told his dad why the other kids beat him up his dad beat him too.


i.e. English/Scottish


do you think they took turns going at her or did they all go at once?

Looks like ScarJo with a benis


*Marion Morrison

Attached: johnwaynehighschoolfootballpic.jpg (400x608, 113K)

Attached: barbara-kwiatkowska-i-roman-polanski-427370-GALLERY_BIG.jpg (820x460, 113K)


Honestly would pass as a woman in deprived parts of the UK. Some of the ladies here have had hard lives, and look like leather handbags in mascara.

Looks like he could be related to Charles Bronson.

Attached: charles-bronson-9227282-2-raw.jpg (1200x960, 218K)


Watching Tommy right now in Batman forever, he seems to have a permanently pissed off face but he loves zany roles, see Natural Born Killers too

What about Africans?

He didn't even like that role he did it for his kids.

Attached: 1464802013296.gif (170x150, 1.1M)

And manchildren like me

>Look like nebbish, young leading man type in the vein of matthew Broderick
>Have a british accent for extra pretty boy points
>Instead play a variety creeps, freaks, monsters, and other social misfits

Pretty based desu. I know he's pretty private in real life which I also respect. He strikes me as a workhorse actor where he treats it as a job and just happens to be good at it.

>supposedly huge dick
>it's just a standard dick

>goes up against Lynch, Scorsese, and Polanksi in Oscars

>the fucking conquistadors couldn’t tell themselves apart from the indios they conquered(that’s how brown they were)
This isn't true at all. De Alvarado had red-blonde hair and blue eyes, they worshiped him as a god before he carried out multiple genocides and died getting ready to invade China, he was like a foot taller than them all at least probably.

And Conan is 10 times better


Damn Tim Roth looked like THAT?

Attached: tim roth made in britain.jpg (1200x675, 89K)

Like Tim Roth?

My name's jacqueline mccafferty, I lost three year of my life oan heroin and another 5 year oan a methadone programme that was meant tae get us aff it

If you had a gut in elementary school you're gonna be the fat kid til you graduate High school, thats how its work. I've seen guys who grew up to play football in High school after puberty called fatass by their friends because to them he'll always bee the porky one in 2nd grade.

>Cold shower

Tom noonan

is that the crazy dude from watchmen?

Have you ever considered going to gym? Maybe the stupidity is genetic

Kek very accurate

How do I get this haircut without showing my barber (a nigger) this pic? Help please.

I had no hot water for a year and a few months in northern Ohio. Cold showers can be fucking painful but you feel pretty great afterwards. If you do cold showers for a bit then switch back to hot you'll notice how weird hot showers feel.

>Tommy lee jones
mic drop

Attached: i-dont-get-it-if-youre-saying-tommy-lee-you-dont-fit-the-image-of-the-east-494e5bc63efdf46c105659ea7 (800x405, 127K)

he got bummed by his grandaddy

Proof that an “ethno State” wouldn’t work
Lol, most “white” people on /pol/ are just self hating Mexicans larping to feel like their part of a greater movement or plan lmao

the two lads on the left slay the most pussy, guaranteed.

Don't. You'll look like shit.

it’s nobody

should i buy some brylcreem?
ive heard it name dropped in sopronos and coop is my favorite tv character
i even brought gravity boots that i used like once because of him

Attached: 1560216918136.gif (779x512, 50K)

is everyone in hollywood a manlet? why are there so many manlet actors? i really don't understand

You're probably right. I'd quit fixing it every morning after a week I bet. Thanks user I'll stick with my bald fade. Cheers lad

you coulda saved a lot of time and just said “looks like me as a kid”

>the two lads on the left slay the most pussy

I'm not entirely sure about that to be honest.

Attached: 2ladsondaleft.jpg (292x550, 26K)

It's just a grade 1 or 2 on the back and sides, with the top being longer so you can comb it over.

still looked like a psycho

The one on the left is a Royal Marine Commando so I imagine so.

Attached: Nick Cavill.jpg (771x1024, 188K)

>tfw Tommy Lee Jones is John Marsden

everyone loses respect when they read 5'7
They legitimately add at least 2 inches to every actors listed height

>Brad Pitt : 5'11
>Tom cruise : 5'7


>is everyone in hollywood a manlet?

If you're under 5'10 then you've got a chance of making it big as an actor. 6'1 is surely the limit, beyond that you're some kind of freak as far as Hollywood is concerned.

Attached: tom hardy bronson.webm (1440x779, 2.57M)

Why are actors so short

Attached: farley.gif (220x163, 438K)

The key to your sons having strong jaws is the mother it seems

More so your father, and health and sunlight exposure during development. Also it's good if you can get plenty of vitamin k2.

Bobby from Twin Peaks

>he didn't lose his virginity before he was like 25.
whats wrong with that?

A lower centre of gravity means kino stunt shots.

Attached: 15487036534.webm (1100x456, 2.78M)

Whew lad

Whoa, Josh Brolin's looks like th- Hey! Wait a fuckin minute...

Attached: James Brolin.jpg (379x500, 46K)

Resembles Jason Patrick in The Lost Boys

Fucking Tom....

Dunst does FL trash right. Imagine her serving you a burger and then discreetly sliding her hand up your leg into your wet swimsuit at the picnic table.

Better on the skin and hair

Friendly reminder Men in Black 3 was a good film.

Attached: 1444126075195.webm (420x476, 1.58M)

Based Reedposter. Watch Sitting Target, 10/10

Brolin was a hunk in The Car. No homo. Maybe just a little.

Attached: 2119-2928.jpg (320x240, 57K)

Attached: 1413912146554.webm (600x325, 2.86M)

>ctrl f
>no buffoonery
for shame

Then there's this chiseled chad

Attached: Jake_Gyllenhaal_Cannes_2015.jpg (565x800, 48K)

can't unsee

Would have made a great Big Boss

he looks like an idiot

he broke his foot in that clip



like lee harvey oswald

Remember when sam elliot was a 70s sex symbol?

Attached: sam elliot.jpg (657x1000, 147K)

>neanderthal hereditary physical attributes
What's it like being a pure-blooded sub Saharan African?

before he become a perpetual old cowboy.

Attached: 30191226_so.jpg (1539x2157, 763K)

>yo Pete whas popping

His "wtf brah" look is gold for reaction pics. Someone make this a thing

>the other guy

Attached: 2A761EEE-9B22-406A-8710-5F35A25AF8CA.png (861x877, 186K)

>tfw he made a movie poking fun at his cowboy filmography

Attached: 055321.jpg (1012x1500, 362K)

Baby face Henry Cavill

Attached: 01ecacff69654e6d2c1249eec1c8f89e.jpg (501x663, 37K)

Attached: 1431985172712.jpg (1200x772, 218K)

Attached: tom cruise.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)

My man Larry David on the right. He looks much better now. Based as fuck

thats a big moon

Looks like Hunter S. Thompson.

Most British actors die of alcoholism. Oliver Reed for instance. With heavy drinking and of course Britney cuisine you start looking pretty bonged.

Still looked like Green Goblin at age 18 kek

What the fuck do you mean "What happen?" you fucking retard
Do you understand time?
Do you realize people age, and change in appearance?

Incredible cope, you even made me feel insecure

just turned gay

Yeah if it's one thing both whites and Arabs does well is grow beards. Blacks, Asians and Natives are BTFO with beards.

this is way too chad


dear god

Attached: 1549772353215.jpg (790x819, 254K)

I want to say Jared Harris but I doubt it's him

what an unlucky place to look bald

Attached: overeem.gif (400x206, 3.79M)

looks like the balding also runs in his family

why are you fucking losers so obsessed with height, no one in the real world gives a wet fuck

>no one in the real world gives a wet fuck
keep telling that to yourself, manlet

fuck off warwick

If you haven't killed someone with your jaw you truly haven't killed.

what if i have black hair with red-ish undertones?

Attached: ,,.jpg (225x224, 7K)

She looks like she's trying to be Amy Schumer but stopped half way

>still played Zach Galifianakis before Zach Galifianakis was born

>yesterday i woke up sucking a lemon

You're black. Sorry bro

i watched a cowboy film last week with quite a handsome lad as the lead, then found out later that said film is fucking ancient and he's old as balls now. i don't remember his name (i think it was terrence something) or if he's still alive. sucks.

Attached: 1527850063301.png (187x173, 67K)

>no kurt russel
come on now

Attached: 66c3e9f7a695dc4249c67eed1defdbf3--movie-characters-fictional-characters.jpg (658x800, 85K)

Close enough

Grotesque. Arnold is a boomer symbol of masculinity which is obsolete by now.

Skinnyfat is where it's at. It means you don't care, it means you are a punk, a rebel, an alpha male.

I disagree with you