I haven't spoken to another human being in a month

I haven't spoken to another human being in a month.

Movies for this feel?

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that's impossible

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American Pie

how would that be impossible?

Blade Runner 2049

People like you should be investigated by the government 2bh.

It isn't impossible but it's not very probable either...

he is
as are you

Depends on what feel you're feeling exactly
I'd be happy

>tfw just want to do my thing but people keep talking to me

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you think this site runs on ads?

First Blood

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Since it sounds like this is your next step...

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have you somehow not interacted with anyone on this website either

how? don't you buy food and shit?

I've never had sex.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Original, obviously.

>a month
Lmao, I'm coming up on 1.5 years

now THIS is impossible

The Man who Sleeps.

I did that for six years. Just got a job in retail and now I'm struggling to act normal and have conversations.

i haven’t spoken to anyone aside from my mother since i learned to speak. i’m 48 now

I'd imagine that you can do everything online these days. So it's not that far fetched

I'm a NEET with no car who gets food delivered, it's not that hard. I'll talk to myself out loud so I don't forget how to speak though.

I speak so rarely to people, my throat, tongue and lips don't even listen to me anymore. I stutter and the words simply won't come out of my mouth.

Happened to me after 9 months of pure NEETdom as well. It got so bad I forgot the word for wheels. You gotta talk to people before you go retarded.


this movie sucks btw

that's why i read every post out loud

the only people I talk to are you guys

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>I'll talk to myself out loud so I don't forget how to speak though.

These are the people I share oxygen with.