What would Yea Forums be saying in this picture ?
What would Yea Forums be saying in this picture ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums listening to Dragonforce
>Yea Forums actually watching TV
>Yea Forums actually playing sports
This picture is inaccurate and cringe.
as if would be anything but sneed
bros, things used to be comfy af
/pol/ destroyed Yea Forums
Based zoomer child
clever image
>/pol/ destroyed Yea Forums
If that's true, blame the western culture that made /pol/ the way it is.
>Television saying "Not if you're planting gummy bears!"
>Yea Forums saying "Hehe, I love this episode"
>this image is 45 years old
God damnit bros
Snowflakes just like the nazis
>/fit/ hanging out with the gay boards
>/l/ reference
>/5/ reference
>/f/ "where the hood at" reference
>/x/ actually looking for paranormal shit and not just circljerking a few obvious schitzhophrenic posters
>/z/ bee dick reference
>Yea Forums watching Yea Forums and not engaged in a fury of memeshit
>Yea Forums mentioning cheese pizza
>no reference to /r9k/ being filled with bitter incels
Jesus, this is from a long time ago.
>mods sunbathing nude on the roof
I guess some things never change
i remember this pic was made right around when the first iteration of /r9k/ was released.
2008 was the first solidly disappointing year of Yea Forums.
2008 presidential elections had a lot to do with that, Yea Forums was pretty fun around then though with 18 - 1 happening.
I was thinking chanology mainly, but you're right too. Honestly though, it had been already around for a few years at that point and the initial fun and overall mood of early Yea Forums wasn't going to last forever.
>first came in 2007
>got almost a year of classic Yea Forums before it went to hell
granted I was 11 at the time so probably part of the problem. But I've been here too long. I'm not going anywhere. I can't leave. Even if I want to.
Probably "dilate"
i had suppressed chanology from the embarrassment so youre right it being at least partly from chanology
>society made me this way
You’re literally a leftist
I'm feeling disappointingly nostalgic now.
There's always a combination of nature and nurture in everything fag. The left happens to be overusing the idea of societal construction right now as justification for their gender and trans shit, but when it comes to characterizing their enemies, they sure like to say that they're inherently evil. The left uses both essentialism and non-essentialism when it's convenient to them.
/r9k/ should just be on his own.
god damn just shut up my man
if there was ever a place to fight some culture war and look at everything under a microscope to see influence from some "enemy" in said war this site is def not the place to do it
jesus who fucking cares
take me back lads
Why are comfyfags always the cringiest gayest posters on this board?
>This is kino.
I wish I could, mate. I wish I could just have fun on this board and know the world wasn't going to crumble.
Fucking crrrrriiiiiiinge.
where's pol
in those days it was /new/, formerly /n/
>gif and r
/ck/ one should really be sitting in an empty kitchen in the dark watching a laptop saying "omg how does he get out from all those eggs?"
woah.....deep and thought provoking.......so this is why we run memes into the ground and openly embrace redditors
*tips fedora*
to be fair that was probably 2017 only until ironically /pol/ made up for it by self destructing and letting the inmates run the prison instead. nowadays you just get the r/the_donald kiddie who accidentally strays from the pack and gets shred apart
Whatever you tried to say there, it more so evidenced what you were trying to argue against, and it definitely didn't sound smart.
pretending to be a pseudo-intellectual on a chinese cartoon board and taking everything seriously is gonna get you mocked. not everyone has to be stuck up their own ass like you.
Is the running bear the best meme ever made by 4channel?
it was a simpler time
FUCK this pic is old
I remember it in 2009 and it was out of date even then