Was she still posessed at the end?
Voice From The Stone
god i wish that were me
Someone's got their panties in a bunch.
Yes, the mother's spirit completely took over her body. You can tell it happens exactly when the boy starts speaking again, a pact he made with his mother before she died.
emilia's pusy
Say no more bro, i got you
Holy shit, so Verena is dead?
Hold pussy.
If not dead, dormant and not in control.
She cute
Still the best scene in the movie.
are there any video interviews of her about this besides that one minute clip
Whoever made this, absolute kino. Should have used some footage of the Violet Grey photoshoot too
her entire acting range in one webm! NICE!
besides her sex scene obviously
Based Chris Isaak
>not the first post itt
*slaps you in the face*
What would you do?
where are you taking her on your first date?
>“I want someone who is super smart, can make me laugh, has like a dad bod,” Clarke added. “I don’t need no six-pack. Like, I ain’t kicking it out of bed for sure, but every character I’ve been with has been too perfect.” That's definitely true, but we aren't complaining.
>But somehow a solution will be found. "Yes, I want babies," she says. "I don't know about marriage. That's probably quite a painfully millennial thing to say. But I do want to find a human that you'd want to create a family with." In England, in the country, not dissimilar to the Oxfordshire countryside where she grew up.
>"I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream," she says. "We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."
>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
>Part of not letting anything pass her by, Clarke lives by one motto: "Take the meeting."
>"He asked you out? Take the meeting," she explains.
>After a couple of romances with famous men—first, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, then, reportedly, actor Jai Courtney, a brief souvenir from her Terminator Genisys shoot—Clarke swore off dating actors. In fact, she hasn’t been romantically linked in some time. When Solo premiered at Cannes, in May, she had hoped to walk the red carpet with her brother, and her goal in general is to keep her relationships out of the news. “The guys that I’ve met in my life that are dicks, I voluntarily walk the fuck away from them,” she says. “That’s just bad taste. People shouldn’t know about those choices.”
>Clarke usually appears in public with various non-famous “mates” from her drama-school days. Her “perma-plus-one” is Lola Frears, daughter of director Stephen Frears. “I ain’t got me no celebrity friends,” Clarke says. “My squad? They don’t let me get away with anything. There’s not a lot of actors I relate to.” Leslie, a rare exception to Emilia’s rule, confirms that Clarke’s longtime friends keep her in check: “There would be a ticking off or a bollocking if they felt she was no longer the lovely lady that they have always known.”
>Clarke's response to a recent AskMen survey that named her Most Desirable Woman of 2014? "I'm sure it was some member of my family clicking a thousand times," jokes Clarke. "Maybe one of those men could ask me out on a date."
Some pub we can dance and chat obviously
Any expensive vintage bar
Dinner and dancing, of course. Then back to her place for a marathon session of Gosling movies, including Drive and BR2049.
I drive an Acura RSX so the date would be me driving to a parking lot, us sitting in the back cracking some beers then bending her over in to the fully open trunk that normal car drivers will NEVER have or understand. Stay mad trunklets
wow she looks perfect head to toe. i never noticed how amazing her legs look.
Never gonna make it
>Acura RSX
posst trnk you saD faggeyt!!a
>i never noticed how amazing her legs look.
Bro, we literally discovered she's Venus yesterday
she's a fatty and she's hairy. She looked like shit for 90% of GoT, she can't act. You guys are just fags that's the only way you like this slag
I already made it bro. Also i have to impress her
t. 25k LINKlet 1000EOY
>implying i have a trunk
Welcome back, Sansafag.
She has more money than all of us combined. Taking her somewhere expensive isn't going to impress her.
Shes shaped like a God damn Venus statue. This body is attractive in the most primal of ways, if you dont want to slam into that ass at mach 3, then you are unironically gay.
Do you want to awake the dragon?
goddess of fertility... hhhm it all is starting to make since now
>ywn be Kit Harington
>Emilia will never love you like she does Kit
>you'll never be Emilia's one true love like Kit is
why even live bros
Cope more, manlet
>50% chance of turning you gay
Really makes you think
You're looking like a FtM tranny in that pic Kit
>that video
O-oh my
She belongs in a museum
Okay Indy.
>you're a fag for liking a woman
What did he mean by this?
Emilia's ass is more squared while the statue is more rounded
Extremely cute!
Dubs confirm
She was so happy she could share such an amazing experience with him
Anymore webms? I like the waterfall scene. Stay a thousand years :(.
Just realized though. George could easily have Dany and Jon run away in the end. Jon can pretend to kill Dany, Drogon flies away. Jon lies about the death to protect Dany while dishonoring himself. Retarded election still happens, Jon goes to the Wall and leaves to join the Wildlings, Dany is already further North waiting for him.
There's no difference from Westeros' pov and it's even better for Bran because Jon's kids will have his and Ned's lessons to keep Drogon under control and not a threat. Could be like Viserys I who barely ever rode Balerio. And people who don't follow hereditary rule and are away from the kingdoms means the kids never need no about the throne and won't have support to grab it and pressure to
So it is written
>tfw I hated the dragon riding scene at the time cause I thought it was cheesy and waste of time distracting from the plot but it's probably one of the best scenes of the season now
Here’s your George ending bro
>Just realized though. George could easily have Dany and Jon run away in the end. Jon can pretend to kill Dany, Drogon flies away. Jon lies about the death to protect Dany while dishonoring himself. Retarded election still happens, Jon goes to the Wall and leaves to join the Wildlings, Dany is already further North waiting for him.
The only one allowed have a happy romance is Sam though
But George will write the same ending even after the show got trashed?
God only knows what i would do to have this woman
Probably yes, he said in a recent interview he isn't changing his ending
may be some one can change his mind
He's not finishing the books anyway unless he did a harder character 180 than Daenerys did and started writing his off
Even Elio and Linda are against the ending, can't imagine George's other assistants think it makes sense either. But George is stubborn
>20 years later
*ass off
does anyone know what his wife thought of the ending, because she is probably the only one that has some say other than jrrm
That bitter fat incel wont change the ending. Jon will still kill Dany because he got turned down by some blonde girl probably and Bran will still be king because big brother good
Well Arya is alive, free to do as she wants and is doing exactly what she wants so the wife is probably happy since that's her favorite character
I think both of the women who dumped George were redheads actually
She better win that shit
Nice dubs
Can't risk it
I want she to win, but i'm not confident. She lost that MTV shit, do you think that she will win the Emmy?
Could you post the previous one? Trannies deleted the last thread before I could save it.
MTV shit was public vote
I'm not the webmbro, sorry
Nah, that would be a decent ending, but the Fat Man wants a Shakespearean tragedy for Jon and Dany. Of course, his self-insert doesn't have to have a tragic romance, but I'm sure that's just coincidence.
Without Jon and Dany's relationship, there would be next to nothing to talk about in regards to the last two seasons. Littlefinger's bullshit death and the Army of the Dead come to mind. Everything else was shit, and D&D even ruined Jon to destroy his relationship with Dany.
True, only good thing in s5-s6 was Jon parts and S7 was Jonerys
The picture? Is a shop, unfortunately
Hah, you think if she really became aware of /ecg/ we wouldn't ever shut the fuck up about it.
Either that, or she'd file a cease and desist order.
Oh, alright. Got me good for a sec there
Cutest Hitler!
I don’t even know how you make that ending even work without it coming off as retarded and out of character. Like how is Jon supposed to fall in love so quickly with her if she’s already like gonna go nuts in the same book they meet most likely. It’s so dumb.
That heart attack is coming soon, so we don't have to worry about it.
I would take hey to a diner. I would order only a coffee, black.
She would become increasingly restless, when she comes the the realization that I'm not speaking a single word.
She tries to break the ice, multiple times, only to be met with a blank stare and a sip of my mug.
She finally pretends to get a phone call, and tells me that she has to go.
Her final words to me are these "You ruined your chance. I gave you a shot and you ruined it. All you had to was talk."
I glance up at her as she prepares to leave, let out a sigh and whisper; "I drive".
She leaves me alone in a booth, in a diner, with a room full of people staring at me like a won the contest for worlds greatest loser.
When I finally get home, I put my feet up, crack a cold one, and rewatch BR2047.
I want to eat her cunny.
Yes, thankyou.
she really loves jason momoa doesnt she, how can i even compete
happy to help
Momoa is not a contender, he's married
I always said he’d need at least another book. That’s another two decades and after the backlash, does he have any real incentive to suddenly work his ass off to reach the same shitty ending nobody liked?
He's married, with kids. She loves him like a brother.
No. But she loves Kit i think
She sure does!
>1 minute apart
Kit pls
check her Instagram, no way anyone here can compete
Momoa is ugly though, have you seem him without a beard? Just hit the gym bro
as a little brother
Kit, you're even samefagging, stop it and get help. You missed your chance. You probably even hoped inviting Emilia to the wedding would compel her to reveal her nonexistent feelings for you, SAD
Just a coincidence, i'm not , you guys should stop coping
You just KNOW.
Only as a friend, though evidently not great friends since there aren't many pictures of them hanging out offseasons without Rose there. Emilia even met up with Rose in NY for her birthday. Even your wife is closer to Emilia Kit
I actually think Emilia would marry Kit if he wasn’t taken already. She seems to be more into him than she is with guys she dates desu.
He should just stop leading his fans on and admit he fucked up. He will never be Tolkein and his ending will never be more satisfying than LOTR's.
Maybe he's just tired
why kitpost when you can emiliapost?
It's Kit and Emilia posting.
>j-just a coffee, e-emilia
Well at least Rose is friends with Emilia, or this kinda shit would look really suspect.
They were taking a break from "filming," dude.
>almost same size as Emilia
>she's not even with the womanlet shoes
He's a small guy
>womenlet is master race
>manlet is untermensch
what did god mean by this
Doesn't matter lying down.
Sidenote: fuck D&D for giving us goblin rape instead of more of this.
t. small pecker
God I want to touch her. She looks so soft and warm.
So just started After You. I'm only 10 pages in and Lou is already crippled from falling off a roof. I don't know if I could see Emilia doing this on screen.
>I don't know if I could see Emilia doing this on screen.
Too silly?
More like I don't want to see her suffer again. And also I'm not sure how it would look, unless they cut to black as soon as she slips.
For everyone
Even lewd she's cute, how can this be
This doesn't even look like there's penetration
Maybe because, check this out: It's acting
Yeah but it's meant to be convincing and not just 2 naked people rolling around
Maybe because she's small
Kit looked like a virgin on that too, almost like he was uncomfortable and restrained
>grabs her forehead
So smol, yet commands so much presence. How does she do it?
Kit doesn't know how to dominate. I bet he lets Rose do everything.
Imagine spooning and cuddling with Emilia on a rainy and cold afternoon while watching some comfy documentaries about 80s Miami ganglords haha that would be weird lmao haha imagine if after a couple minutes she gets up to make some hot chocolate for you both haha now THAT would be funny lmfao
>not tea
Immersion ruined
She's a Brit it's what she drinks
Imagine her in labor for hours, sweating and in pain and you are there to comfort her and tell hers going to be ok. Hahah imagine how fuckin NUTS that would be
y-yeah haha, imagine
>wanting her to die in childbirth
C-section only, fren.
Thanks user, I was running late. I think you'll be a great godfather to my kid
Cute bangs
Cute everything desu
Nah, i'm okay of imaginating...
>thinking she won't die childless
Not if i have something to say about it and i donot if i have something to say about it
And i do
What the fuck gookmoot
>t. rapist
That's not what i meant faggot
>thinking she will
She will find a way
>tfw after a day of intense hiking with emilia she collapses in bed with you and is too tired to do anything but fall asleep with her head on your shoulders and her arm across your chest so you just lay there listening to and feeling her breathing
It's one of life's small pleasures to have a woman trust you enough to fall asleep in your arms.
I haven't had that feeling in a long time...
she thic tho
better quality
think of the horsepower
>storm clouds gathering
No frat boys this time nigga
>there's no spin off where Lou hunts them down taken style
imagine you trying to have sex with her after a day of shooting but she's too tired to do anything hahah how would you deal with it i would be angry
She can't very well hunt anybody down with a broken hip.
This is a toothpick, btw.
>getting angry with emilia
her primal need for sproglets will overcome all fatigue
assuming you can prove yourself worthy by staying together for a full year practicing abstinence
>implying the cuddling wouldn't be just as fulfilling
E-emilia, may I join you?
That's actually just a regular bowl
Silly girl, you can't take a bath in your clothes!
She's a nevernude outside of the GoT set
So what exactly is going on here, did she buy him a bathtub for his birthday?
Oh wait, shit, that's a new post
did they f#$@ in the bathtub?
emilia i thought you were pure...
KEK she actually bought him a bathtub
>An oversized bath tub of happiness for another year of you. #thenbrokecosispentallmymoneyonbubblebath
What does she mean by these retarded hashtags?
She has literal brain damage dude chill
He's married bro and Emilia isn't a homewrecker
She's a millennial and a woman with slight brain damage. It's cute, even if it doesn't make a lot of sense.
cutest stretch marks
Cute indeed
Hey, I recognize that dress.
Too hard to see there
Wait a second
Momoa is married to his own personal Emilia who he's waifued since he was a teenager, he's never gonna cheat. And Emilia would never go for a married man or any man with a significant other
>her stretch marks are hidden at most events because of her pale skin and the bright lights
>who he's waifued since he was a teenager
Wait, for real?
careful user, you'll send Kit back to rehab.
This kid probably posts in these threads
Yes, Lisa Bonet was his childhood crush. So there is a slight glimmer of hope after all... for one of us, at least.
Pablo's cousin
But none of us grew up with Emilia
But he didn't? It was his childhood crush like Emilia is probably this kid's crush
Imagine being the guy on the right. You are in a picture with one of the hottest stars on the planet, and you're covering half your face. Derp.
Yeah. He had a crush on her since seeing her on the Cosby Show. He took his shot and hit bullseye
This kid has probably been working out ever since these pics were taken and is now a superchad ready to sweep her off her feet (literally) if he ever meets her again.
Absolutely based Momoa
Whoops, not as a teenager, even younger
>He told James Corden, 'Ever since I was eight years old and I saw her on the TV and I was like, 'Mommy, I want that one.''
>'I was like "I'm going to stalk you for the rest of your life and I'm going to get you." I am a fully-fledged stalker. I didn't tell her that, until we had two babies. Because otherwise it would be creepy.'
>'I've always wanted to meet her and she's always a queen, always. We met at this jazz club, we happened to be at the right place and the right time, with mutual friends.'
>She drove him home because he was staying at a hotel and agreed to a nightcap (both drinking Guinness) and the rest, as they say, is history.
We need to be like Jason
>lock her in with two kids
>oh btw I wanted to marry you since I was 8 years old and stalked you to make sure it happened
absolutely based
this gives me a little hope
Guys, please don't stalk Emilia. k, thanks.
I'm not a albino dude relax
damn, that pussy catching a feel
Guess who also likes Guinness
*Forgot pic
He probably made her drink it when they were filming season 1
She's very friends with Mamoa. Maybe this helps her to understand our situation. I'm thinking i will make it
He only came back for his S2 cameo because D&D wanted to have a beer with him. He's a total bro.
I'll drink to those quads.
>'I was like "I'm going to stalk you for the rest of your life and I'm going to get you."
Ruined the visions though
What was she meant to see?
>brought him back to have a beer and cameo in a scene foreshadowing Dany's death
He probably feels betrayed and pissed at D&D
There's a video of him swearing at his TV when Dany died
He was seething when the manlet stabbed her
A beautiful, naked woman being ravished by four little men who resemble the dwarf servitor.
A feast of slaughtered corpses holding cups, spoons, and food, with a dead man with a wolf's head sitting on a throne wearing an iron crown, apparently foreshadowing the Red Wedding.
Daenerys' childhood home with the red door in Braavos.
A throne room with dragon skulls on the walls where a king resembling Aerys II Targaryen sits on a barbed throne and appears to give the order to burn the Red Keep during the Sack of King's Landing.
A room where a silver-haired man (presumably Rhaegar Targaryen) names his son Aegon, says the child is "the prince that was promised", then plays a harp.
A "splendor of wizards" who falsely claim to be the Undying of Qarth and offer to teach Daenerys the secret speech of dragonkind.
tl;dr the show made it look Drogo was her ultimate and true love when it's actually Jon
>ultimate true love can’t even keep his fathers secret for more than one day
>ultimate true love murders her
D&D fuckery, bookJon is a chad and wouldn't mind Dany killing some Lannister fucking shits
Post your cutest Emilias
Tough tho, one simply can't choose the cutest Emilia
I mean, the show is fucked and probably tame about it. Martin has his incel'esque mentality and probably Dany will be pregnant and her mind is probably lost, so Jon has to prevent the woman he loves from killing everyone else. I would hate to see it, but c'mon, Martin is a sicko and would love to see that shit. It's probably why Jon goes back to the NW, and where D&D got that idea from. And then Sam has a happy ending.
I'm samefagging and I don't give a fuck.
>the show made it look Drogo was her ultimate and true love
I think the books will do the same. She still loves Drogo, misses him, wears the lion pelt he got her, the taste of his seed was one of the prominent things she tasted when she had Shade of the Evening (George is really fucking perverted),and that's not gonna change in the time we have, especially since Jon kills her and will probably be shunning her before that
I personally don't like this Lou, weird hair
Every Lou is cute Lou. Only plebs say otherwise.
Was that the day she slept in and was in a hurry?
Just one?
That entire video is cutekino
She already moved on to Daario in the books. Will probably do the same once she meets Jon. Drogo was never meant to be true love, it's Jon, which is why Martin wants him to kill her because god forbid two attractive people find happiness under his watch. Same shit with Rhaegar and Lyanna, both dead.
>Lou breaks her hip in After You, requiring the use of a cane
>Emilia breaks her hip on the Terminator press tour, requiring the use of crutches
Their lives really are similar, or as she put it "alarmingly so."
She only broke her hip after falling off a roof?
Hopefully Emilia never got lost on a hedge maze
pigtails clark>ponytail clark>longhair clark
She's a spitfire, smol but tuff. She'd beat those frat boys senseless.
All of those are long hair Clark though
Long hair Clarke > Ponytail Clarke > Pigtails Clarke
Why did GRRM allowed D&D to distort Dany visions?
She didn't move on though. She still loves and misses Drogo while her love for Daario has doubts and thoughts of jealousy towards the women on the handles of his knives and knowing he really only loves the Dragon Queen and violence. She even stopped fucking him to stick with Hizdhar.
She's never doubted her love for Drogo, Drogo himself or Drogo's methods and love for her. Jon is gonna turn into a fuckboy before he kills her so George can later in complexity, heart at conflict and buildup
She fell two stories and an awning broke her fall, so it wasn't as bad, but still pretty damn bad.
I see what you did there.
This. She even dreams about Jon a shifting shadow lover. Melisandre saw a vision of Jon with the face of a shifting shadow.
Just because their relationship will turn sour, doesn't mean Jon wasn't her true love. It just means Martin is an asshole.
There's not enough room left in the books anyway, which is another reason they won't come out.
Imagine if she get lost in a hedge maze with ecg haha ir would be weird
Jeezum Crowe
Why did D&D distort Dany's vision? They didn't even know what was going to happen until after season 2 aired.
Get those lewd thoughts out of your head, fucker.
You’re all good lads but in that situation I’d fight tooth and nail to slaughter every last one of you to ensure her safety, if I die I die.
There's not may examples of the second two
>doesn't mean Jon wasn't her true love
It kinda does. Drogo and his memory and their kid stay golden and a could've, would've, should've and the thing that got away. When Dany was happiest and her life simpler with a man who loved and supported and defended her.
Jon comes when she's waging war losing everything and everyone and the revelation just complicates it further. He's another could've, would've, should've but things were wrong on both their sides and reality would never let it be unlike Drogo where it involved a witch
The happiest time of Dany's life being her fucking her rapist slaver husband Drogo while pregnant with his child hurts me too, but it's the reality
We would help her get out of the maze and get into safety
There is some
Aye, you have my shotgun. Never thought I'd die next to a practical stranger.
Apparently she hated the fringe she had to wear for Solo:
>Clarke is shooting the Star Wars adventure now, complete with a fringe (that she can’t abide) which she grew for the movie.
She didn't really move on from Daario, her thoughts go back to him at the end of the book, though it's not true love or anything, unless you strictly take it from her POV. There's distrust issues and such in that relationship. There's also problems with Drogo as well, the problem is that there is always the strings attached with him that aren't there if she meets Jon. The reality is that she was a property of his in the books and the show, and he died before she really started pushing the buttons with him. With Jon, they're the same age, have gone on similar journeys, things the show never really got a chance to highlight. This isn't a coincidence. Martin is setting up another tragedy like Rhaegar and Lyanna of two lovers.
>Jon is gonna turn into a fuckboy before he kills her
You don't know this. This doesn't even seem to be in Jon's character, and likely a D&D invention just like how all he says is "MY QUEEN" in S8. There's a lot more conflict more Dany in the books and D&D had to come up with some of their own considering characters are missing in the show, so they turned Jon into a weak cuck overnight. You might not like it, but Dany may be much worse in the books, GRRM may make her lose her mind completely like Aerys, in which case Jon will have to make the hardest choice of his life.
That's a shame, it's really cute
What is she talking about at 0:07? Looks like she's mimicking gunplay.
That’s her secret, she’s always cute
she had close to a fringe for Sarah Connor
If you pause at the last frame at 29 seconds Lou appears.
cute and beautiful
>The reality is that she was a property of his in the books and the show, and he died before she really started pushing the buttons with him
But she never got to confront this reality and never will. So there were never any real problems for them. With Jon there'll be problems immediately and she'll come with a different attitude, fire and blood. The parallels are things for the viewer to know and discuss, I don't see them sitting down and talking this out plus they ultimately regard things differently which is why Jon kills her in the end. Jon is the good side of the coin, Dany is the bad.
Jon will 100% turn into a fuckboy because his choice to kill her has to be built up, so conflict, turmoil, fights, his inner thoughts, Dany feeling isolated and lost. A reverse of the original outline where Jon's feelings for Arya would torment him until they found out they're just cousins. Rhaegar and Lyanna being true love is romanticized gossip, Jon and Dany might be more Jaime and Cersei except Jon doesn't let himself fall into darkness and depravity out of love
Lou appears everywhere
I don't think the pursed lip think is a specifically a Lou thing. Emilia tends to do it a lot.
It’s a combination of the dimples eyes and lips, it’s very Lou. But as we know Lou is 90% Emilia
Here she is again.
For me it's this
>Paul has the same disapproving look for the entire video
Watch the interview where he's laughing at her pathetic wookiee impression:
I do not like the bully direction this thread is heading
This is what i think it is
Sounds like a dying wookiee
Its tobacco not weed
One thing I don't like about the fringe is that it tends to cover up her eyebrows, and makes them less pronounced.
Her eyebrows are her best feature so that's probably why she dislikes the fringe
>Her eyebrows are her best feature
Tell that to loli-teen Emilia wanting to pluck them because of bullies
There’s a reason she exiled all her old friends
She doesn't have to bluntly confront those realities about Drogo. The relationship with Jon should be able to let her feel the difference for herself. By that point in time, she could free as she's ever been in her life to love another, she's Daenerys the Conqeror, who woudl tell her no? There's no holding back with herself like with Daario, or anything. And of course they're gonna talk about things, how the hell are you gonna build a relationship without talking? That's what D&D did and it was complete garbage.
>Jon will 100% turn into a fuckboy because his choice to kill her has to be built up
Again, no, this does NOT 100% need to be the case at all. If Jon is fighting alongside her, then there needs to be the tipping point at KL, which is likely why Martin threw in the Targaryen madness into his books. It's not something for Dany to overcome, it's the cruel fate that the circle is complete at the end of the story and she probably succumbs to it in a callback to Aerys. She's not just ruthless like her ancestors, she's likely lost her mind like Aerys because Martin is fucked up like that. If the choice for Jon is easy, then it takes the wind out of the entire thing, the choice for Jon will likely be excruciatingly difficult. That's the entire point of Love vs Duty. It's easy to do your duty when you've long made up your mind about something so easily.
>lonely queen
>Be in a London pub on a really cold winter night
>See these huge eyes staring at you from across the room.
>what do?
360 turn and walk away
>tfw this guy is gay
I'm not bullshitting look It up
Watch it.
She just wanted to fit in.
Was he gay before or after filming voice from the stone?
I'm in awe of how kino those nips are
Zero times. They got it right on the first try
>Jon, your coffee is getting cold.
What's his name
Probably intensificated by the Emilia effect
Marton Csokas
>The relationship with Jon should be able to let her feel the difference for herself
And that's an assumption that she will just magically be super into Jon unlike anything before whereas with Drogo it took a while, they were gonna have a kid, he defended and empowered her, promised to get the throne for her and all that vanished when it all seemed close and were already set up to be together by Illyrio. Death has venerated his memory. In the time we have and knowing the themes that's not gonna happen on that level with Jon and Dany.
>There's no holding back with herself like with Daario, or anything
Except there is, because by the time she gets to Westeros Dany will be fire and blood, trying to take down fAegon who may or may not be related to her from other people's points of view, and trying to get everyone including the Starks to bend the knee or she'll kill them. Jon may be into tough women and do some grey stuff himself but that's a whole other level seeing and hearing about it firsthand no matter how much he might've looked up to some Targaryens like Daeron the Young Dragon.
>If the choice for Jon is easy, then it takes the wind out of the entire thing
It's not that it'll be easy but we'll have already seen the cracks like with Jon and Ygritte and it'll start to tear them apart before the climax. where it might've worked but Jon would have to betray himself and a lot of people and things to make it work and when it comes down to it, like we'll see her act at King's Landing or perhaps somewhere else depending on the sequence of events, he can't and won't. And Dany would also have to change herself, but she can't and won't. And it also won't be easy because he'll have to kinslay and betray someone who loves him and trusts him which goes against Ned's honor shit.
Dany would need to be more insane than every other Targaryen except maybe Aegon when he chose to burn every place in Dorne except Sunspear for years because they wouldn't bend the knee.
reminder that book arya will kill sansa for dany
I didn't watched the entire movie but the scene in this picture is easily the most stupid thing that i've seen. He enters, show his accent and get killed
*Oh and as for talking about their pasts, that's gonna be largly offpage and there won't be any obvious oh I experienced something similar. Their parallel journeys, events and actions in detail are just for us to know as part of the Targ coin toss and how they each handled some of these situations that led them to ultimately oppose each other. Can you tell me much about Ygritte, Drogo, Daario and Val's childhoods? Or Gilly's?
cutest femcel sperg
kits... had a hard life
Drunk wedding Lou was one of my favorite Lous.
kit is perfect for this, needs to release all that hidden anger about fucking his character and choosing wrong
she's too pure for this world
She calls the wedding guests "fuckers" in the book, but a PG-13 rating changed it to "tossers."
She basically calls all the women thots too
Kit is doomed bro. I think he will retire or something like
based and redpilled author
>When struggling for ideas, I asked the online quad group what was the thing they would like to do most in all the world, the answer that nearly always came back was "Have sex."
Even with a bald cap, she still mogs
Hello Emilia
clarke does have a potty mouth too
>that reaction after the hiccup
She's too fucking cute to be real.
Sad Emilia is too much
Sad Emilia is too cute*
Goddamn that thing must have been uncomfortable to wear on long shooting days.
When she said she’ll never feel as pretty again without the wig:( why won’t anyone ask her out, she just wants love
Anyone gonna make a new thread? This one's dropping fast.