I just watched The Truman Show for the first time ever. Anyone want to talk about it?

I just watched The Truman Show for the first time ever. Anyone want to talk about it?

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Living it. It sucks.
Movie is fine though. Carrey before the crazy.

Honestly I found it suprising how touching and emotional it was. The only Carrey stuff I’ve seen before was Ace Ventura, definitely interested in seeing more of him.

It was strange that his wife was an actor.. because he fucked her and stuff like that, and she would have to spend most of her time "on set". It would be absurd if she had a real life outside the TV-series.

Imagine what twisted world we live in where people sell +10 years of their life, on all levels, for stardom? to retire after 10 years?

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Great film. Very obvious allusions to religion which make it a joy to dissect while not being too deep.
And it's surprisingly touching, the final scene with that amazing score almost always makes me tear up because of just how much you start to root for Truman and seeing all the watchers invested too and then the joint catharsis when he escapes.

One of my favorite parts was Christoff, the villian. It’s not so much one of those “oh but he has a point” things, he’s obviously pretty terrible. I liked how you could see he actually cared for Truman, like an (extremely abusive) father. I almost felt bad for him, being rejected in the end. Almost.

He has a god complex. I think he truly believes he knows what's best for Truman and deludes himself into not thinking it's about his profits and megalomania.

That's why the line at the end of Truman "You never had a camera in my head" is so great. Christoff sweeps it aside, but it's the truth.

And also, the most obvious part of delusion is him wanting to keep the show going even though Truman now knows. That wouldn't work, it obviously wouldn't work. But he's gone all in on his delusion that he knows what's best for Truman and that that is what it's all about.

you haven't seen eternal sunshine?

No, not yet. Just getting started on his movies.

you're in for a ride then, watch synecdoche ny after that but don't get too attached to those movies, it can lead to bad things

the truman show is peak gnostic-core. the matrix came out a year later and just wishes it was half as good as the truman show

Liar Liar is a GOAT classic Carrey comedy. Eternal Sunshine is along with the Truman Show one of his absolute best more serious works. I also really like Man on the Moon, though that's a bit more divisive. I think it's a great half comedic half dramatic biopic though.

eternal sunshine is lovely, you’ll definitely get a kick out of such a nuanced carrey performance

Eternal Sunshine is the most soul-destroying movie ever if you have had a breakup
Carrey's best performance IMO

If I was paid what Robert Downey jr was paid I’d pretend to be married to someone for ten years

This entirely. Also the parts where he’d just stroke Truman’s hair through the camera as though to calm him down. He’s not only acting like a faux-god but like a manipulative, controlling father who can’t accept he’s been ruining his “son’s” life. Except that’s why it’s always through a screen - he was never a real god, or a real father figure and he never knew Truman as a real human being. Neither did the viewers, once the show was over they al just switch to a new one as if nothing happened.

I think that tiny detail that he’s such a gigantic recluse fits with it. He never did it for fame, or attention. It was, or at least became, deepy personal for Christoff.

Kauffman movies in general are soul destroying but yeah, shouldn't watch ESotSM if you just had a breakup.

May I recommend The Mask, funny flick
Although the sequel (for which Carrey did not return) is true kino

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Thanks guys, all on my to-do list. I’m really revising my opinions about Carrey now.

the final part where truman nearly dies on the boat really got to me for some reason maybe just seeing him struggle so goddamn hard or something. hell a lot of that movie really hit me and i don't know why
I did have this one thought do you think they ever did a Dream episode where they put truman in a coma to redo the entire set for some bullshit It's a wonderful life christmas special

Oh I’ve seen this too, same with Dumb and Dumber. Just never seen any of his non-comedy stuff before. Definitely caught me off guard.

100% agreed
Also I want to say thanks user because this is the first legit discussion about film I've had on this godforsaken board in like the past 3 years.

Some more interesting parallels:
-The first light that falls from the heaven and starts Truman's awakening is labeled Sirius 1, aka the brightest star in our night sky, could be seen as a metaphor for Lucifer falling from heaven and spreading doubt amongst humanity
-Christ-off the "Creator"
-That fucking speech at the end especially the shot straight from the sun shining right through the clouds is obvious as shit
-and so many more things like that that I can't remember explicitly right now

No way they could hypothetically do that, too many things that could go wrong.

The boat scene really hit me the hardest too. I think it’s how desperate he wants to just experience something real in his life. Something spontaneous, unscripted, unexpected. The kind of real life. you can’t replicate on set. Wanting it so badly he’d be fine dying to get it. Real sad coming from someone whose own parents were paid actors.

Should be noted, one user said Synecdoche, NY, but that isn't a Carrey movie. Great movie though, same screenwriter (who also directs it) as Eternal Sunshine. But no Carrey. Also very heavy and very deep. But it's the best movie of the 2000s. But it's very magical realism and full of ideas so it's pleb repellent.

Wow, I never caught that Sirius part. Thanks for the input, I love discussion too.I’ll include it anyway, seems worthwhile

In the Truman Show the light that falls from the sky is labeled "Sirius (9 canis major)". Sirius is a real star and the brightest in the night sky.

“Sirius rises late in the dark, liquid sky
On summer nights, star of stars,
Orion's Dog they call it, brightest
Of all, but an evil portent, bringing heat
And fevers to suffering humanity.”

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If that Lucifer thing means anything, maybe Truman is another iteration of the free will argument. Better to experience genuine life that may harm, upset or hurt you than to live a fake one where every last one of your actions is scripted by a giant director in the sky.

And sure that life may be nice, safe and carefree. You’re handed a succesful doctor wife, loyal best friends, a good job, a lovely home and friendly neighbors. But you don’t get to choose it, or experiment or act out of the ordinary.

Truman didn’t want that nice life, he wanted to be an explorer, talk to a girl who he was never even allowed to look at, discover something that noone’s ever seen. Maybe that would’ve hurt him, and maybe Christoff just wanted to spare him that pain, but that’s what real life is meant to be like, and that’s why you can’t fake it on a tv screen.

that sounds exactly like evangelion

Damn, thanks for the cap of the Sirius light, briliant little piece that was obviously intentional. This film is a masterpiece.
>that brisk, adventurous score

It's very lucky Truman didn't have that kid while in there dooming another innocent to some horrible scripted life. God was his actress wife really ok with giving birth to a tv slave? There was no way she would be alright with that after she freaked out at Truman being skeptical.

I think that’s a major point of the movie. None of the people outside, the people cheering for him, thought of him as a real person, he’s just an actor to them. We were only shown 1 woman, Sylvia, who cared how cruel everyone was to Truman. Of course Meryl wouldn’t care about the baby. They’re on tv after all, it’s not like they’re real people with real lives and real emotions.

Man, I just keep thinking about if somehow Truman never found out and had a kid in that world I could just imagine what it would spiral into they had a hard enough time trying to move the world around 1 person would they kill off Truman in a Poetic death at sea so they can make it easier on themselves changing the parents after seasons trying to find the best fit and fortifying the world so there would be less and less opportunities to ruin the show.

My favorite film.

Legit kino, manages to provide satire and commentary on several areas (reality TV, capitalism, state propaganda etc) yet never feels bloated or like its stretched itself too thin. My favourite Carey film by far.

That’s an even scarier thought. If Truman hadn’t dared to ask for more from life, him and all his future generations (humanity in Eden maybe?) would have been stuck there until the end of time with no hope of choice or escape.

>Truman Show 2: Son of Truman
>He marries Sylvia but then discovers the show is continuing
>The star is his son with maryl he conceived shortly before escaping
>He has to break him out

Would it be kino gents?

You and me both, user.

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That part where they bring his Dad back from the dead. Dem feels...

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Yes, that is obviously a huge theme of the movie

Obviously yeah, I just didn’t think of it in a Paradise Lost kind of way

>just thinks about exploring and loves sailing
>they "kill" his dad
>just glances at an extra
>they immediately isolate her to make sure she doesn't get the spotlight over the actress they had planned to be his wife
>Continuously try to influence him through fear and advertising

Legit inhumane conditions they subject him to just to keep control

A man of culture

Saw it in the movies when it came out. The movie was marketed terribly, so nearly everyone thought they were just getting another wacky Jim Carrey screwball comedy. No one had any clue that they were about to get a spiritual philosophical masterpiece and everyone walked out of the theatre dumbfounded. Still one of my 10 favorite movies to this day.


Nerdwriter is such a fucking pleb

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