Just got back from Barnes & Noble, r8 my haul
Just got back from Barnes & Noble, r8 my haul
\ 10
Post collection
why first two movies are not director approved?
Criterion haven't mastered clairvoyance yet
Where are the books?
>$40 for movies
>not buying books
i hope i'm not taking bait
they're both dead
Why are they so fucking expensive?
>buying movies
They were all 50% off, criterion has always been expensive
I wouldnt have gotten them if not for the sale
>$40 for a movie
and people wonder why there is still piracy
you can buy brand new movies at walmart for less than 10 bucks
don't pretend like the pricing for a niche market causes piracy
>you can buy all the trash for 10 while the actual good movies are 40 dollars and up
The price is what people will pay. Those movies need to occupy space. Fewer people buy them but they will buy them at a high price.
>buying media
lol retard
The only criterions I ever owned are in the top right corner
Why are numales so stupid? Not only are you a stupid sóyboy, but a pedophile weeb.
>tfw I’ve been watching films and collecting discs for so long, and am stuck in such a rut with my viewing habits and aesthetic prejudices, that there literally any Criterions I want to pick up in this sale anymore
>being a fag
>buying moobies
lol just stream or download like everyone else retard lmao
Barry Lyndon is purest kino
Jesus christ what a waste of fucking money.
Poorfag cope
>spending money on plastic
Those of us who aren’t unemployed bums sponging off the welfare system can afford to buy physical media to get a perfect 1080p high-bitrate image on our large televisions, instead of trying to watch cinema thru shitty streams on a computer monitor.
Although having said that, please keep up the bitter NEET incel shitposting. As a productive member of society it does amuse me when unemployed scum try lecturing decent people about how they ought to live (invariably in squalor, like they do).
>40 burgerbucks each
Holy shit, what a retard.
This is embarrassing on so many levels.
My only solace is this is probably just a shill thread and no actual user was this stupid.