The Dark Knight is one of the best movies ever made and is the best capekino ever made
The Dark Knight is one of the best movies ever made and is the best capekino ever made
It's not even Nolan's best
>The Dark Knight is one of the best movies ever made
The fact that people actually believe this is a reflection of how stupid and tasteless plebs are today.
It gets a little bit worse every time I watch it. Though that seems to be common with Nolan.
The best is Watchmen
I think it was during last christmas, some tv station broadcasted the dark knight, the kids were watching it and when I was looking at the television, all I could see was Christian Bale disguised as a big edgy bat. I wondered why I enjoyed this movie in the theater.
Epic bait my friend have an upvote.
Watch more movies (or preferably films, or even kinos)
Batman Returns is the superior batflick.
I wouldn't say one of the best movies ever made, but definatly the best capeshit. This and raimi spiderman trilogy are kino in their own way
well you did go see a superhero movie in the theater so you're probably challenged
if you had friends you'll probably understand why, sometimes, it's good to go to the theater with people you like to share a moment together, even if this moment includes capeshit
capeshit a la hack nolan, sorry kiddo maybe when you grow up you'll learn to appreciate real kino
It's not even the best Batman film
even challenged people have friends user, you're not special
All I could see was Bane
Not even top 1000.
Yea Forums has some shit taste. yikes