Where were you when Sneedposting Died?

Attached: violentcringe.png (992x587, 529K)

Other urls found in this thread:



follow sneedmemes NOW!!!! instagram.com/p/B0bicDiHTI7/?igshid=w841x5hyihu7 fuck maskfags

look ma! I'm on Yea Forums! instagram.com/p/B0bmB6nntB1/?igshid=1h8ornz36huqu

based sneed thread
this is the 40th attempt to kill it

I run the account, it's not an attempt to kill it. I like the Sneed meme, been posting it for about 8 months and I wanted to make a meme account of it like the ones I follow on Instagram. Also a source for newcomers to get their images from too.


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Attached: sneedtasia.png (640x480, 297K)

I've been trying to find this one, thanks.

Need an edit where the Janny is wearing the mask

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>He posted it

Doesn’t make any sense. Jannies and mods love sneedposting.
Unless you can explain why “soi” was filtered after a few months but two years of constant spamming and “sneed” still hasn’t?

sad even if you maken it famous i'll post sneed just saying and why lie so blantant if you look at your title op

They don’t love it, they’ve just given up pathetically.

this is sad, just, sad

They’ve given up on flicking a button and filtering the word sneed? That would take zero effort.

have sneed, city slicker

I didn't post this. I've been spamming the link in mask threads and maskfags have used it against us.

You can also see how long I've had it up. I didn't make it just today.

just stop

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>Yea Forums has reasonable amount of Simpsons threads
>autists invent “sneedposting” with their announced goal to “drive Simpsons threads back to Yea Forums where they belong”
>actually accomplish this goal, only Simpsons threads made unironically are made on Yea Forums, no unironic Simpsons threads left on Yea Forums
>sneedposters however, can’t let go
>first start sneedposting in literally every thread they can find, even if it has literally nothing to do with the Simpsons
>get shit for it because it proves their just autistic spammers who don’t care about “proper board discussion” and just want to be annoying
>sneedposters try to CTR by inventing Simpsons threads, almost always just a quote without context from the Simpsons
>use them to bait other sneedposters and to spam sneed themselves
>but its still not enough
>keep spamming all other threads but have to constantly make new fake Simpsons threads for sneedposting
>now there are more Simpsons threads on Yea Forums than there ever were before sneedposting was a thing
>Unironically migrate to instagram
That's gonna be a yikes from me man

Good argument janny, gonna ban me now for mocking your favourite meme?

Sneedfags make me miss Baneposting.

I've clarified it on my post fag. you're ignoring literally all the proof instagram.com/p/B0bmB6nntB1/?igshid=1cc4x0uxkqssk

This is the worst bait

>t. fake sneedfags
this was me idiot

Attached: Screenshot_20190727-141457.png (1440x2880, 479K)

Imagine how much free time they spend doing this shit. Makes me feel a lot better about the whole situation, and I just get off Yea Forums because nobody is forcing me to stay here. That being said, sneed should be filtered or a bannable offense. If only I had absolute power, because I would punish them via execution.

Nice photoshop, sneediot. Why do you want to be me so badly?

>sneedfags fighting a sneedfag mobile poster zoomer for wanting more sneedfags

stop dude

There are many ways to get around the word “sneed”. There’s a lot of terms and references associated. Sneedposters can be crafty even if they almost never put in any effort.


They achieved their goal, there is no more genuine Simpsons discussion here.


fuck you this shit is all I have left

Because soi legitimately fucks up your body and the goyim can't be allowed to discuss thay

>It's real

the post literally says that

Honestly? Kinda based