2016 US presidential election

We can all agree that it was kino right?

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>turned the internet into pravda vs shareblue
Yeah sure.

Yes, Summer 2016 (and winter to a lesser extent) was probably the happiest period of my life with Trump and Brexit.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

not even an american, but it was the most entertaining thing to come from that country in years

I love how other Americans think that our political process is anything other than panem et circenses. The deep state is not a meme.

Dilate. Daddy is /ourguy/ and protecting us from leftist corporate communism.

I've rewatched the republican & presidential debates so many times


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It's depressing that we'll never get a recreation of it. Everything from the early days with the republican debates to the actual election day itself was solid. Remember after Trump won and in the month or two the incumbent has to wait until he can get into the White House all those people who were angry tried to make it so his election was false?

We watched reality turn into art in real time.
It will never be topped.

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Your vote is meaningless, things will be back to the status quo within 10 years.

Nice cope hahaha

Remember those videos of angry hilldawgs protesting the electoral voters? "YOU JUST SOLD OUT OUR COUNTRY!!"

Remember the "NOT MY PRESIDENT" Riots?

Remember "He Will Not Divide Us"?

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But it was her turn.

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There were so many plot twists that if it happened in a movie, I would have called it unrealistic.

Clearly I'm the one coping.

the wrestlemania of elections, fucking pumped for the next one

I loved the side arcs of Christie vs Rubio. Sleepy Ben Carson. Ted Cruz picking a running mate so early even though he wasn't in the lead at all, and she fell off the stage. The entire storyline of Jeb Bush. All of this is only a small percent of everything too, there's so much material.

We might get some new kino if some deranged crazy tranny decides to run for Democrats primary.

I bet Yea Forums would support this crazy tranny just for the lulz and maybe even meme it into presidency. While trump was extremely funny the joke is outplayed and re-electing him won't be as funny as seeing the liberals buttblasted. It would be a lot more funny to have some mentally ill tranny as the president as that would trigger almost everyone. Just the sight of /pol/ going nuclear alone might be worth it.


fuck trump though

It's the gift that keeps on giving


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Rewatching election night coverage is fun. Absolutely kino seeing the anchor reactions as the results came in. Watching it along with /pol/ as it happened was magical.

Election itself was kino
Its effect on Yea Forums was much less kino

Go dilate


unironically a highlight of my life

Oh yeah, no doubt.

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Bwahahah yes I do thinketh that'd be rather epic! fellow Yea Forums user hoho!

This is a modern masterpiece of media.

Of course

I've never told anyone this but the one time in my life I ever had a therapist was during the election, unrelated reasons but she complained about trump in ever single one of my sessions. It was really off putting because I didn't think therapists are suppose to ever do stuff like that. As it went on it was like I was the one listening to her problems and helping her. She really hated him a lot and loved Hillary. I stopped going after 6 or 7 times and I never got to her reaction to the election which bothers me to no end.

Yeah, i think regardless of political affiliation we can all appreciate it as one of the most entertaining races of all time



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2020 won't reach kino level like 2016.
Look at the Rats. Not one of them has a chance against the orange man.

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the best part is seeing cenk obviously getting progressively more shitfaced as the night goes on


>Not gonna lie
>proceeds to lie
sad, honestly

>Back to
Trump is best goy

It's a fucking shame it will never get the adaptation it deserves.

>choosing between two flavors of shit

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It's a /pol/ meme, you dip.

You sent her an invoice right?

One of the most entertaining, based, and memorable elections during my lifetime for sure. Clinton and Obama's were lame, and nothing during W's stood out except people getting triggered over Florida back in 2000.

I had something similar with a professor who would complain about Trump almost every class. It was well worth going to class the next day hungover as fuck see the dumb look on his and everyone elses faces. The whole campus was as quiet as a graveyard

Nothing says “fuck you” to the establishment like billionaire tax cuts and invading Iran.

>calls me reddit
>he wasnt even here in 2016

ayy lmao

You think he actually cares about any of this? It was his ego that drove him to run in 2016, and thanks to Obama, the liberal media and social media they sent his power level to 9000 so he took the presidency out of spite.

The only good thing about all of this is it sent the Dems/Reps into a frenzy and they are tripping over themselves to try and take the seat now that Obama and Trump opened the door for unqualified candidates. Expect to see a few more clown president's before this is all over.

Trump never would have won if the dems didn't pick Hillary Clinton

eat a poop

something went wrong with the ending

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>thinks 2016 makes him le oldfag
>le praise kek trumpepe
Literal cancer.


>crash and burn
What has he done that failed? What was radical?


2016 election was fucking cringe and Trump is a retard with brain worms

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It's over Bernie, let it go

If you are gonna say Bernie then I'll make this easy for you, cope

If not, who else would of been able to beat Trump

I wish I got to experience what college was like during 2015-2016. That must have been so wild after he won, just for the novelty of it.

Rand Paul

You are completely correct. Trump won because of the rust belt, if he had got 1% less votes in 3 states he lost.

literally anyone, people despised Hillary more than they did Trump.

>underdog fights his way from 0% to victory by defeating his opposition one by one
Yeah it was kino. Remember when people thought Jeb was a shoo-in?

I can't believe this pasta still gets serious replies kek

Must suck to never experience MAGA of 2016 first hand. You missed on the kino and probably were (and still are) at the wrong side of history.

what was that on his lip?

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Are there really people who don't recognize this?

This is why Trump is afraid to attack Michael Moore and why the MSM ignores Bernie and the socdems in favor of neoliberal trash.

Man Yea Forums November 8th -9th was fucking hilarious. It should have been saved as a historical time capsule

It was great.

The butthurt of 2016 is still being felt.

I can't wait until Trump loses 2020. I am going to shitpost here and on /pol/ so hard. He will lose, don't @ me with muh Hillary polls shit.

the most hilarious period of real-world events inmy short life